Talk 570.
A visitor:Nirguna upasana is said to be difficult and risky. He quoted the verse from Sri Bhagavad Gita, avyaktahi etc. (the manifest, etc.)
M.: What is manifest is considered to be unmanifest and doubt is created. Can anything be more immediate and intimate than the Self? Can anything be more plain?
Talk 579.
Avarana (veiling) does not hide the jiva in entirety; he knows that he is; only he does not know who he is. He sees the world; but not that it is only Brahman. It is light in darkness (or knowledge in ignorance).
In a cinema show the room is first darkened, artificial light is introduced; only in this light are the pictures projected. For differentiation a reflected light is thus necessary. A sleeper dreams, he is not out of sleep: only in the darkness or ignorance of sleep can he see the unreal dream objects. Similarly the darkness of ignorance gives rise to the knowledge of the perceptions of the world.
..This veiling is a characteristic of ignorance; it is not of the Self: it cannot affect the Self in any manner; it can veil only the jiva.
The ego is insentient: united with the light from the Self, it is called jiva.
But the ego and the light cannot be seen distinct from each other; they are always united together.
The mixed product is the jiva, the root of all differentiation. All these are spoken of to satisfy the questioners
Jiva is not independent of Isvara; nor ignorance of maya. Only on waking up from sleep, the man perceives the body and the world, but not in sleep. On the strength of the present knowledge he understands that he remained in deep sleep also. Therefore in sleep jiva must be concluded to be in pure state in which the body and the world are not perceived.
D.: How to be rid of thoughts? Is it as said in the Atma-Vidya - the eye of the mental eye, etc.?
M.: There the mind stands for ether, Being (sat); and the eye for knowledge (chit); both sat and chit together form the universe.
D.: How to realise the same?
M.: As pointed out in the Atma Vidya “being the eye of the mental eye, the ether of the mental ether.....”, meaning, the Knowledge behind the relative knowledge, the Chit-Ether containing the mental ether, remains as the Only One always shining bright.
D.: Still I do not understand. How shall I realise it?
M.: It is also said, “Remain free from thoughts,” and
“It is realised only in the mind drawn within.”
Therefore, the mind made free from thoughts, and merged in the Heart. is Chit Itself
D.: How does the name help Realisation?
M.: The original name is always going on spontaneously without any effort on the part of the individual. That name is aham - ‘I’.
But when it becomes manifest it manifests as ahamkara - the ego.
The oral repetition of nama leads one to mental repetition which finally resolves itself into the eternal vibration.
Talk 594.
The Spanish lady, Madam Mercedes De Acorta, has written a letter to Mr. Hague, the American mining engineer who is here as a temporary resident for the last two months. She has raised a few questions there: “If the individual Self merges into the universal Self, how can one pray to God for the uplift of humanity?” The question seems to be common among the thinkers of the West.
Sri Bhagavan said: They pray to God and finish with “Thy Will be done!” If His Will be done why do they pray at all? It is true that the Divine Will prevails at all times and under all circumstances. The individuals cannot act of their own accord. Recognise the force of the Divine Will and keep quiet. Each one is looked after by God. He has created all. You are one among 2,000 millions. When He looks after so many will He omit you? Even common sense dictates that one should abide by His Will.
Again there is no need to let Him know your needs. He knows them Himself and will look after them.
Still more, why do you pray?
Because you are helpless yourself and you want the Higher Power to help you.
Well, does not your Creator and Protector know your weakness? Should you parade your weakness in order to make Him know it?
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