Tuesday 25 June 2024

Ramana sahasram-jun 2024-2


243) You exist as supreme Heart without thinking. But I
am a thinking mind which is my defect. Teach me
within through the inner sense to think of You as 'I
am' as it is - without thinking, by diving deep

246) Kindly rise as the Sphurana so that all my cheap
mindedness will cease and I shall remain with the
fine golden qualities of peace by making me fit to
be devoured by You through the sat-Bhakti yoga.

247) Graciously rise as 'I-I' so that the worthless ego will
not rise again by Your Grace by holding me who
pray to You, praising You, weeping and begging You
lamenting like a worm with agony. Bind me with Your Feet.

249) You kindly rise up so that the 'I' which rises and
knows good and bad will become non-existent. Give
me the state in which I shall remain as the one
without the wrong knowledge of seeing any multiplicity.

250) An 'I', the worst fellow (?) rises and dances a
meaningless ghostly dance as if he is a doer and
experiencer. He (the ego 'I') can be crushed to
pieces only when You, the divine dancer (Nataraja)
rise and dance as 'I-I', the sphurana.

253) All Your good devotees attained the state of Your
reality, but this child (of Yours) I alone is nearly
longing for it because of the delusive attachment (I
am the body) of my mind. Rise within me so that I
may drown in Your Grace and flourish.

254) Brahman the supreme space devoid of bondage and
liberation is nothing but the revelation of one's own
nature. Who else except You can reveal by Grace
that awareness of self shining in the heart.

259) You alone should prevent and stop the power
(maya) which jumpingly (?) rises up as if it is
something different from the existence -
consciousness binds itself with an attribute in the
form of 'I am this body’ and suffer.

263) When the body is sustained by prarabdha, thinking
of it day and night, like catching hold of a crocodile
as a raft why do I lose my path for salvation?
Separate me from this world and hold me.

267) Because I forgot the ever open entrance of siva
sayujya. I changed myself into a man and is bound
by the rope of virtues and sins. Severe my bondage
by Your gracious glance and again take me to You.

317) O my Lord, I do not have real love to Your Feet, my
mind is dense with wickedness. Therefore, the
responsibility of removing all my inner delusion and
of protecting me by fixing me in the supreme state
through proper means, is only Yours

318) Make my life as the one of (Nishtanubhava) the
experience of Self-abidance in which I shall forget
all other activities and love only Your Feet having
my hands raised and clapped on my head (?), the
mind melted and dissolved and the hairs on the
body stirred up.

320) Give me a rising of the true love so that I shall have
a firm determination that heart alone is the spring
of divine bliss and that I shall never give room to
the stealthy rising that 'I am the body' and wander out.

322) Why does it appear to be very difficult to withdraw
the outgoing mind and to fix it within? If the
unequal (?)true love floods up to Your Feet where
else will that mind fly fast (but to You)?

323) If I am carried away by the flood of true love, then
how can there be any breath or speech? I shall then
cease to exist and shall become limitless having
been drowned and lying at the rock-bottom (?) of
the ocean of bliss.

324) What kind of love If I obtain, the body and the mind
will be completely forgotten and my life in this
world will become a divine life devoid of pains and
pleasures. Give me such love.

329) Why does not a desire rise in me with great
enthusiasm to come into the shade of Your holy
Feet and to remain without any thought? Is it
because my head had not touched and worshipped
Your Feet?


330) O Arunachala Ramana, who has come to take me as
Your own, I am not able to do prolonged meditation
upon You. Therefore, sow in me the seed of true
love to sprout it up with Your water of Grace, reap
it and eat me as Your prey.

331) When the people in the world provide me with kind
heart all my needs is it not my duty to unceasingly
meditate upon You with sincere love? Hence bestow
upon me the true love for You.

332) You have made me understand that nothing can be done
without Guru's Grace and hence mad me meltingly pray to
You, my Guru's Feet for support. Protect at least this
melting love that it will not become hippocritical.

333) Will You not give me the true love in order to think
of You with such a melting heart in which the well-
waxed (?) notion of I am the body will be crushed to
powder, dissolved and destroyed?

334) Unless the pure love sprouts out in my heart, the
ghostly ego will not leave me and the accumulated
vasanas will also not die. O Ramana Guru, be
gracious towards me.


340) The perfect love towards self is liberation. It alone
is silence and Bhakti. Instead of scrutinising thus
and clinging to heart, how foolish I am in thinking
that the world and its pleasures are true. Remove
my foolishness so that I shall meditate upon self.

342) From where the first thought 'I am the body' rises
loving to think of the source is the correct love to
cling to You and that alone is "Who am I? " and
“Whence am I?" forms of enquiry. O my Jnana Guru,
give me this love (Bhakti).

344) O Annamalai Ramana, enter into my heart in the
form of the supreme Jnana and graciously bestow
upon me the great liking to dive deep within and to
see self, giving up all other useless thoughts

346) Graciously give me the love to see You within so
that by the strength of knowing the truth that
abiding in self is the best of all the best virtuous
endeavours my useless mind will give up attending
to false things which are alien.

348) If my mischievous mind obtains the supreme love
towards You, who shines in the Heart as the reality
'I-I' which cannot be expressed by the words or
mind, else the mind will die. Therefore give me that true

350) Bestow upon me the great one-pointed love (for
self) so that my mind cannot have love to any single
other thing except You, the gracious Ramana
seated in my heart Lotus only then the annihilation
of the sense, 'I am the body' will take place.

351) Without losing the love towards self due to
inadvertence (pramada). I must firmly abide in self.
If it not (?) only for this I was longing and
lamenting for a very long time. Graciously fulfil my

352) The firmness with which I merge and dissolve
without a second in You the reality is the supreme
Guru Bhakti. Instead, I push You out to worship as
a second or third person and thereby suffer. O I
cannot bear with this unkindness! Graciously unite
me with You within.

353) Truly worshipping You is to get dissolved in You
once for all by attending to self and by diving deep
within without giving room to the rising of an 'I'. Is
it not? This firm introversion is the best of all

354) O Lord Sri Ramana, are You not the non-dual dense
supreme silence who is the one supreme
consciousness? Instead, my worshipping You as an
other entity (as God) is nothing but the crime of
deceiving myself.

355) O Parama Acharya, You should bestow upon me this
kind of Ramana Bhakti, give me the life of Jnana
where I shall ever shine as Sat-chit-ananda devoid
of all thoughts.

356) Ican say that the true renunciation is attained only
when the extroversion is completely eliminated.
Make me know the self, remove all my other
knowledges and lift up my life as Yours.

358) When will You graciously give me the non-dual true
darshan of Your self within so that, as soon as I see,
I shall subside permanently and cease to exist or
else, I turn outside through the delusion of the
senses, happily seeing various names and forms.

359) Ah what a fun it is! I am always praying to You to
conquer the Maya, which is verily a non-existent in
Your clear look of Jnana, but thinking it as my
enemy I want You to win over it (Maya). Well what
 will be the meaning of my prayer but for a real
outlook to see the non-existent as the non-existent.

360) Can I be the one who has seen You unless I get the
auspicious life of a dead mind which cannot see any
other thing. O eternal Ramana who gave me the
darshan as a gracious Guru in human form now,
give me Your real darshan as above.

361) You who have already taken me as Your own should
make me know by Your Grace that the mere
knowledge of I am (self) alone is the complete
Jnana and should make me remain ever firm in it.


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