Thursday, 9 June 2022

From Upadesha Saram

 8. भेदभावनात् सोऽहमित्यसौ ।

  भावनाऽभिदा पावनी मता ॥ ८॥

bheda-bhāvanāt sō’hamityasau
   bhāvanā’bhidā pāvanī matā

Better than viewing Him as Other,
Indeed the noblest attitude of all,
Is to hold Him as the 'I' within,
The very 'I'.

9. भावशून्यसद्भावसुस्थितिः ।

  भावनाबलाद्भक्तिरुत्तमा ॥ ९॥

bhāva śūnyasad bhāva susthitiḥ
  bhāvanā-balād bhaktir-uttamā

Abidance in pure being
Transcending thought through love intense
Is the very essence
Of supreme devotion.

10. हृत्स्थले मनः स्वस्थता क्रिया ।
  भक्तियोगबोधाश्च निश्चितम् ॥ १०॥

hṛtsthale manaḥ svasthatā kriyā
  bhakti yoga bodhaśca niścitam

Absorption in the heart of being,
Whence we sprang,
Is the path of action, of devotion,
Of union and of knowledge.

15. नष्टमानसोत्कृष्टयोगिनः ।
  कृत्यमस्ति किं स्वस्थितिं यतः ॥ १५॥

naṣta-manasot-kṛṣṭa yoginaḥ
  kṛtyam asti kiṃ svasthitiṃ yataḥ

Mind extinct, the mighty seer
Returns to his own natural being
And has no action to perform.

16. दृश्यवारितं चित्तमात्मनः ।
  चित्त्वदर्शनं तत्त्वदर्शनम् ॥ १६॥

dr̥śyavāritaṁ cittamātmanaḥ
    cittvadarśanaṁ tattvadarśanam

It is true wisdom
For the mind to turn away
From outer objects and behold
Its own effulgent form.

17. मानसं तु किं मार्गणे कृते ।
  नैव मानसं मार्ग आर्जवात् ॥ १७॥

mānasaṃ tu kiṃ mārgaṇe kṛte
  naiva mānasaṃ mārge ārjavāt

When unceasingly the mind
Scans its own form
There is nothing of the kind.
For every one
This path direct is open.

18. वृत्तयस्त्वहं वृत्तिमाश्रिताः ।
  वृत्तयो मनो विद्ध्यहं मनः ॥ १८॥

vr̥ttayastvahaṁ vr̥ttimāśritāḥ .     vr̥ttayō manō viddhyahaṁ manaḥ

Thoughts alone make up the mind;
And of all thoughts the 'I' thought is the root.
What is called mind is but the notion 'I'.

19. अहमयं कुतो भवति चिन्वतः ।
  अयि पतत्यहं निजविचारणम् ॥ १९॥

ahamayaṃ kuto bhavati cinvataḥ
  ayi patatyahaṃ nijavicāraṇam

When one turns within and searches
Whence this 'I' thought arises,
The shamed 'I' vanishes –
And wisdom's quest begins.

20. अहमि नाशभाज्यहमहंतया ।
  स्फुरति हृत्स्वयं परमपूर्णसत् ॥ २०॥

ahami nāśabhā-jyaham-ahaṁtayā
    sphurati hr̥tsvayaṁ parama-pūrṇasat

Where this 'I' notion faded
Now there as I–I, arises
The One, the very Self,
The Infinite.

25. वेषहानतः स्वात्मदर्शनम् ।
  ईशदर्शनं स्वात्मरूपतः ॥ २५॥

veṣa-hānataḥ svātma-darśanam
  īśa-darśanaṃ svātma-rūpataḥ

Seeing oneself free of all attributes
Is to see the Lord,
For He shines ever as the pure Self.

26. आत्मसंस्थितिः स्वात्मदर्शनम् ।
  आत्मनिर्द्वयादात्मनिष्ठता ॥ २६॥

ātma-saṃsthitiḥ svātma-darśanam
  ātma-nirdvayād ātma-niṣṭhatā

To know the Self is but to be the Self,
For it is non-dual.
In such knowledge
One abides as that.

28. किं स्वरूपमित्यात्मदर्शने ।
  अव्ययाऽभवाऽऽपूर्णचित्सुखम् ॥ २८॥

kiṃ svarūpamit-yātma darśane
  avyayābhavā” pūrṇa-cit sukham

Having known one's nature one abides
As being with no beginning and no end
In unbroken conciousness and bliss.

29. बन्धमुक्त्यतीतं परं सुखम् ।
  विन्दतीह जीवस्तु दैविकः ॥ २९॥

bandha muktyatītaṃ paraṃ sukham
  vindatīhajī vastu daivikaḥ

Beyond bondage and release,
Is steadfastness
In service of the Lord.

30. अहमपेतकं निजविभानकम् ।
  महदिदंतपो रमनवागियम् ॥ ३०॥

aham-apetakaṃ nija-vibhānakam
  mahadidaṃ tapo ramaṇa vāgiyam

All ego gone,
Living as that alone
Is penance good for growth,
Sings Ramana, the Self.


6. उत्तमस्तवादुच्चमन्दतः ।
  चित्तजं जपध्यानमुत्तमम् ॥ ६॥

  cittajaṃ japa dhyānam uttamam

Better than hymns of praise
Is repetition of the Name;
Better low-voiced than loud,
But best of all
Is meditation in the mind.

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