Sunday, 11 April 2021

tirumandiram notes 4

 2829: Satya-Jnana-Bliss is Above the Three States

Unto the Blue Lily blossom that is blended
With Color, Purity, Beauty, Fragrance and Radiance,
It is,
When Jiva into Tat-Para blends;
Then is the State of Siva-Manifestness (Svarupa)
That is of the three States exalted,
And in Him arose Satya-Jnana-Ananda.

2830: Lord is in the Farthest Stretches of Thought
Think of Him as far as your thoughts stretch,
Adore Him in melting love,
Praise Him in songs melodious,
Well may you envelop Him in your heart;
Me too,
My Lord Nandi, His Grace extending,
Led to think of Him
To the farthest reaches of my thought.

2831: Sweetness of Satya-Jnana-Bliss
Milk, honey, juice of fruit
In ambrosial sweetness mixed;
Unto it is when the triple States of Turiya-is crossed,
And Jiva enters in Satya-Jnana-Ananda;
It is a sweetness that permeates
Every root of body's hair.

2834: Svarupa (Manifestness) is in the Fourth Turiya State
Jiva having become Siva
And the triple Malas extinguished,
Ascending into the Triple Voids
In Desire and Not-desire ceased
Pass into the holy state of
Satya-Jnana-Ananda Bliss;
There in that farthest Turiya of Jiva,
The Self-illuminating Manifestness (Svarupa) is.

He interminably extended in Space;
I know not how to limit Him
And thus adore Him.

2838: When Jnana Supreme is Attained
Knowing not the foot-prints of Faith's Way,
They the eight causal sins of greed, lust and others commit;
They are egoity possessed;
They who transcend these,
And Jnana attain,
Verily become Lord of Immortals in High Heavens.

2840: Unless Lord Himself Reveals as Guru, He is Beyond Reach
Form He has none,
Yet Form He assumes;
Birth He has none;
Yet is He the seed of all births;
Beyond Formlessness, too, He is,
The elusive Lord;
Unless Himself as Holy Guru reveals
None, Him reach.

2841: Meditation on God's Manifestness
They who meditate on His Svarupa,
See Him as the light within;
They who meditate on His Svarupa,
Will Timeless Eternity attain;
They who meditate on His Svarupa,
Will with Celestials be;
Yet who does seek His Svarupa true
In the world here below?

2842: Behold Transcendental Light (Param Jyoti)
As I clung to the Lord that is Transcendental Light,
The Transcendental Light in me entered and remained;
And as I sank and sank into the Transcendental Light,
I beheld the Transcendental Light,
Himself aloud proclaiming.

2845: He Stands Concealed in Kalas of Sakti
In the valleys within the cranium I stood,
Adoring Him in penance devout;
And there I discovered Him, the Thief,
With Sakti standing in Kalas concealed;
Discovering Him, I ended my birth's cycle.

2846: Knowledge of the Way of Becoming
I knew the Way of Becoming,
I knew the Way of Seeking the Rare One,
I knew the Way of Entrance to Him;
No more the egoity,
None other the locale
The Primal One I become,
He and I one will be.

2848: The Past is Inexorable-Seek the Fair Land
Nothing there is,
Except by your past deeds come;
The heavens cannot decree otherwise;
And so by Muladhara Way
I sought the Lord within the head;
And what I did afore
Took me to the Fair Land of Bliss.

2850: Seek Lord Always
What though the welkin thunders,
What though the seas rise and foam,
What though the fires spread and burn,
What though the tempests roar and blast,
Unconcerned I seek Lord
In devotion intense.

2851: Plough the Field of Jnana
What thought the elephant pursues,
What though the arrow pierces,
What though the wild tiger surrounds,
Deep I plough the field of Jnana
In the Other Land,
Lord has me allotted.

2853: Siva Reveals in Doubt-Free Thought
Those whose thoughts inseparable in Siva merge,
In their thoughts, Siva reveals;
Those who can vision their thoughts doubt-free,
In their thoughts, Siva is.

2859: He Blessed Me Saying, "You Know"
My thoughts woke up
In lightning flash within;
And as I woke up,
The self-illumined Lord, the peerless One,
Of Form golden-hued, Nandi of matted locks
Entered into me and said, "You know;"
And thus saying, in benignance
He cast His glance upon me.

2864: Progression of Soul's Journey to Five Muktis
Jiva reaches to (Jiva) Mukti first;
Then passes on to Param State;
And thence to Siva State;
In the Turiya practised therein,
Is the Primal Self-illumined Manifestness;
And having attained Svarupa,
Is reached the State of Nirvana.
(In Ariya Turiyatita State.)

2867: Holy Way is Strewn With Thorns
The Holy Way is by thorny bushes covered
They know not how to remove it;
They who know how to remove it
Are they for whom my heart yearns.

2868: Kundalini Yoga
Six are the streets
In their junction are juicy palm trees four;
With ladder difficult to climb,
I ascended the palm's heights;
And there I saw the seas seven

2870: Sahasrara Center of Liberation
With the seed of Lord
There is a field
Where the Jiva ripens
That field they know not;
If the Grace of Blue-throated Lord there is,
Easy to enter that field
In Truth it is.

2871: Turiya State
A deep field there is one;
Waste fields two are there;
Another alien field with them lay mingled;
Those that plough the field of heart
For them the field fed with water,
Lay ripe in harvest rich.

2872: Kundalini Yoga
In the Triangular Field,
Are the Ploughs Three;
Yoke the bulls tight with rope;
Drive the ploughshare deep
They who held not their tongue,
Ploughed not in the Center
Closing their legs together,
They plough the waste in vain.

2873: Control of Breath
Two the picottahs, seven the wells;
The elder draws out, the younger waters;
If into fields the water flows not,
And into waste flows,
Verily is it unto the fowl
That the harlot rears.

2878: Liberation only for Those who Strive

If on the fire* placed, they run;
Else they remain;
Of flesh-born,
How will they ever go?

2901: Sweet Ambrosia and Bitter Nux Vomica Within the Body
In the tank where bloomed Kotti and Lily
Are Neem and Nux Vomica, too;
They who eat not the Salad of Plantain sweet,
With candy and honey mixed,
Lo! hanker after the fruit of nux vomica.

2903: Jivas Graze in the Backwood of Worldly Desires
What to do with those cows
In the backwoods of desires graze?
Take them beyond,
And lead them to Feet of Lord;
Discipline them in ways superior;
Thus manage the herd;
Until then, their thoughts turn not
From the backwoods of worldly pleasures.

2905: Attaining Liberation in Sahasrathala
Six the Birds in the house of Five,
Hundred the birds at the top of Tree,
Having ascended the Seven Steps high,
You shall sure reach the Home.

2919: Freedom From Fetters
Unopened a Bud there is;
Freed from Fetters,
The bud soon blossoms, that you see
Give up desires, the Tattvas perish;
Unless they be from Fetters free,
They see not the Blossom.

2920: Uniqueness of Ambrosial Flow in Cranium
Green that Land, you no water flows,
None know it ever;
The Water that flows rain devoid
Stands not in Land untilled.

2921: Jiva Becomes Siva by Kundalini Yoga
When the Owl gets to the top of Kurunda tree
And realizes desire is the source of world
Then the Snake standing in the Center teaches (Jnana)
And Jiva, Siva becomes.

2932: Properly Guided Jiva Reaches the Finite State
The tribes of Indriyas to Jiva belong
Each at his gate with swords fight;
If constant guided,
Jiva takes the True Way to Frontier;
From that born none ever return;
From that very plane shall he transcend,
The Five-States-Beyond.

2937: Guru Alone Can Show the Way
He is beyond the Signs and Mudras
He is the Cause;
What avails describing Him in Books?
All those are unto excrescence growth on Sheep's neck;
-Unless the Guru himself leads you to Him.

2944: Divine Felicity Beyond Words
Thou fools who see with fleshly eyes
Know! To see with inner eye is bliss true;
How can mother tell the daughter
Of the felicity in the union with her husband?
In what terms will she that describe?

2945: Transcendental Union Beyond Word and Speech
As salt in water, in Lord I mixed,
Transcending Param and Paraparam states,
Beyond word and speech I in union merged;
"How was It?"-you ask
"It was It"-I say.

2946: Deceptive Ways of World
Lovely to look at is the fruit of nux-vomica,
Only those who eat know its taste (bitter)
When virgin matures and full woman becomes,
Only then will husband know her qualtities diverse.

2949: The Celestials Seek Him Not
His Holy Feet bedecked in unfading blooms
The Celestials seek not;
To the Holy Way they take not;
To the radiance of the lovely lotus within,
They penetrate not,
They seek not to drink of the Divine Ambrosia.

2952: Merging into Finite Reality
Darkness and Space I transcended,
As substance into Substance I merged,
To the Feet of Lord in Grace abounding,
Firm as rock immovable
My thoughts entire went.

2953: Transcendental Awareness
Meditating in oneness, I visioned Paraparam,
Meditating in oneness, I realized Siva-State
Meditating in oneness, I experienced Awareness Transcendental
Meditating in oneness, I witnessed aeons upon aeons.

2955: Thoughts Stand Still in the Beyond
You dumb ones!
They seek to speak,
Of the One beyond speech!
Can you ever reach the shores
Of the Shoreless Vast?
For them whose thoughts stand still,
Unto the waveless waters,
Unreserved He appears;
He of the matted locks.

2960: They are Inseparable in God
None can intimidate me hereafter,
The Lord came and entered my thoughts,
There will I sport and wander in joy;
No more will I with anyone else be.

If renouncing all,
Jiva There appears,
And empties its thoughts,
No more birth in carnal body will be.

2972: Meek and Intense Prayer Leads to Siva
Him I adored, the Param, the Primal Lord,
Determined I stood, nothing else I seek;
In my body I held Him in union, the First One;
Meek in prayer I stood and I saw my Siva's Being.

2978: Egoity Died and Siva Appeared
Into the thousand petalled lotus (in Sahasrathala),
The Kundalini fire shot up fierce;
And as with the fat of my heart's love, I made it blaze,
She the Sakti appeared,
She the Jewel of worlds all;
The one, he died, my Egoity
And the One, He appeared, my Siva.

2980: Intense Devotion
My heart melting, I moan and rave,
My bones melting, I adore day and night,
My gold, my Guru, my Lord, my God,
Him I eat, bite and chew.

2981: Mind Blossomed into Mukti
The mind blossomed and converged in tapas great;
The mind blossomed and converged in yoga breath;
The mind blossomed and converged for the Jiva;
When the mind blosso- beyond words to describe,
Then is Mukti Finale.

He appears not in the glasses of the fleshly eye;
He is in the Lotus of the Heart;

2987: Chant "Aum" Incessantly
Chant, the Lord's name, a thousand times,
A thousand blessings shall yours be;
They who chant the lovely "Aum" a thousand times,
Are rid of a thousand thousand passions, away.

2989: Practise Yoga
In ways diverse, do seek Nandi;
Penetrating the Lotus within and going beyond,
You shall reach the Celestial world,
Having drunk of the nectar there, you shall return;
Sweet, sweet exceeding indeed, it is.

2991: Still Your Thoughts and Be Purified
Unto muddied water these men's minds are,
Unclear in vision,
They see not and say, "This is Lord;"
From the heart's lake within,
Draw a pitcherful,
And keep it in stillness apart;
When you thus purify it,
You shall become Siva.

2992: Yearn For Him
He of the Penance Pure;
Transparent as amla fruit
On palm of those who yearn for Him;
He the Pure One,
Whom Celestials seek in ways righteous;
Him, my Lord, I sought;
And thus ever remained.

2993: The Bounteous One
Thus remaining,
Limitless Jnana I attained;
No more wavering there is;
And as I reach the Holy One,
In the Land where Kundalini Fire burns,
The Bounteous One,
His choicest blessings gives.

3002: He Confers Blessings According to Degree of Jnana Attainment

3027: Omniscience and Omnipresence in Siva-Jiva Union
There is no one place where I can seek
That Object I have known;
Taking to the astral way,
There as Perfection, will it appear;
Seeking within the body,
There a Living Light will it be;
You then becomes omniscient and omnipresent.

3030: Jiva Becomes a Flaming Light
Entangled in crusted Karma;
That with their birth came;
They in the end realized Him,
And golden became;
He is the Spark within the spark of light,
The Being Divine,
If you reach Him,
A flaming Light you shall be.

3035: He is Within the Flower's Fragrance
Sentience He is, Life He is
Union He is, Senses He is
Continuity beyond Thought He is,
Within the Fragrance of the Flower He is.


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