9) The gracious look You set on me is the same with which I can look at self (You). Therefore, bestow Your final divine look on me, so that I shall see You deep within.
10) The "True Seeing" means one/s seeing oneself. "Seeing Other" - can it not be other than blindness? Therefore, see me so that I shall ever have that blissful gracious look Self-ward with great love11) O Arunachala Ramana, the foremost who shines as ‘Il am' without the rising not allowing the "ego I" by the rising of which all that is false seemingly raises; show me Your sweet face to me who is longing for It.12) I am not the one to slip away from You as You have brought me only to destroy my ignorance (worldly ignorance); will it be proper if You delay to put me in Your path of safety. Therefore, fix Your gracious look on me.13) My great desire is to obtain by prayer the sacred dust of the Feet of mighty Ramana which restores for me my natural state where I remain alone as mere "I am" being rid of all thoughts.14) O Bhagavan, there will be no one who will be as happy as I shall be, if You give me a small particle of sacred dust of Your Feet in chit-ananda which ever shines in the same manner without undergoing the change of being present once and absent in another time.15) By knowing that my own destruction is my real existence and by having unequal desire for my own destruction and through the glance let me attain my real existence by my own destruction. Bestow upon me thus, the experience of Your eternal presence.16) If You give me the unobstructed surging experience of knowing that Your presence is truly everywhere and that everything (in the world) is nothing but Your own form, that alone will be the kind divine gift Sat-Chit-Ananda lovingly to me.17) If I am, unforgettably aware of Your presence within me that You are witnessing every thought of mine, can any hurdles of maya's vices approach me (not at all)18) O, my dearest by Your Grace give me the fool, who is ever weeping unable to get out of the deep prison pit of ahankara -- the house of liberation by Your Grace and give the boon of Your presence not leaving that state19) Will You not make me to live among Your real golden devotees instead of wasting my life by living among worst people, O Lord Sonachala Ramana, will You not look at my state with Your compassionate eyes? 20) Help me so that I may sprinkle the dust on me of the divine Feet of Your disciples who attained Atma Siddhi by performing tapas at Your Feet discarding all delusions, the dream of waking and all anxietiestherein.21) Dissolve and retain me in the experience of Your devotees who melted away even their bones in You, who immersed in the Heart by the well ripened sweet love which has never been seen before.30) Make my eyes glow well with the true heroism even in the midst of poverty which is the sign of divinity. For is it not the real fortune for the mind to revel more and more in the reassurance of Grace (ratherthan having the worldly wealth?)33) Give me the strength not only to forgive those who do wrong to me but also to forget the wrong. Make me stand firm in that unequal state where I will merge in You and will have no existence of my own36) I have You, my Lord who provides me place to live, food to eat and clothes to wear and all other requirements in my life. Therefore, bless me so that the poverty in the form of desiring for the needs of my life go away from me.41) Take me to and fix me in the unshakeable state of sahaja46) This world dream will end one day, this body will die and vanish. The direct experience of Self knowledge through discrimination by Self-enquiry is alone the unending reality. Ah, why do I not understand this and attain?47) Let me be prey to Your Grace through the well settled discrimination that the experience of abiding as Heart is the real happiness and that all the sense pleasures are mere mirage. Shine as Heart destroying me.48) If You give me such courageous intellect by Your Grace to firmly determine that any activity except loving and abiding in the Heart is useless, I will not request You even a bit (atom) of anything else.50) Make me live in the clarity of Vairagya - not desiring for anything even a bit outside, and always to live in Your memory; "The Feet of my Guru Ramana alone is my protection".52) Unite with me so that the strength of my false mind be destroyed, which does not have love towards Self (Heart) even though it has heard the real and golden words of Your teachings. "Except from Your Feet, the heart, the souls do not get an iota of pleasure from anything else".54) Just as one who was eating a palm fruit throws it away as soon as he tastes the sugar candy, make me give up the innumerable sense pleasures by bestowing upon me the chance of first tasting the bliss of liberation55) The mean idea, that the seen - subtly the thoughts and in gross the body and the world etc. - are very tasteful things is the reason for the mind to wander more and more. Take the responsibility and destroy this mean idea from me.59) Bestow upon me such a grand vairagya that I shall be glad with whatever becomes available to me of its own accord instead of thinking about anything as "I need this one and that one"66) Bestow Your Grace upon me so that I shall not be caught into the deceitful anger, but to subside within with the mind well controlled by viveka (discrimination) that except for my prarabdha none other is in any way responsible for any misery that comes in my life.67) Give me Your slave who at all times falls at Your Feet and prays for the strength to live undisturbed by moving with unlimited patience (forbearance) even towards those whose nature is ever to create troubles.90) I am unable to abide firmly in Self-Attention due to the wild possession of the ghost "inadvertence" (pramada). Give me fast, the boon that the missile of Grace targets the ghost and makes it annihilated to the root.93) Oh, my lord be gracious to me a little, so that my mind which slips down and wanders away due to inadvertence, should have unceasing love, get fixed firmly at You become one with You and enjoy Your bliss.116) Bestow Your Grace upon me so that I shall drown deep in heart by vichara destroying the accumulated past vasanas which are so strong that they rise from chittam stealthily all of a sudden and rob off the strength of even a well balanced mind and spoil it.119) Will any vasanas survive without depending upon an 'I' the form of mind? If You, the Lord destroy today itself this 'I', the ego which one of the vasanas can remain anymore?120) Unless the vasanas which are continuously obstructing and spoiling all the efforts taken from my very early days when I took this body are not destroyed by Your Grace, Oh, Ramanesa, what can I do further?....make me merge in Your Feet, the True Jnana which does not know any otherness (bit of differentiation)This thinking mind is nothing but chittam, a tiny reflection of Self. Oh, the pure one, destroy the chittam and shine as self alone.123) Vasanas the impressions of the past karmas are the cause for the rising of the ego 'I'. But now I, Your slave, pray to You and call for Your help. Graciously protect me from vasanas (henceforth) and You (self) shine forth.124) Turn me into a purified lustrous gold (mind) by burning me in the fire of Jnana and may that fine of blissfully cold ocean shine excelling the brightness of even the millions of Suns....the deluded poor fellow who not knowing who I am takes due toe the darkness of ignorance, the adjunct, the fleshy body as 'I',133) By Your Gracious churn bring out all vasanas stored in me for ages and destroy them totally while churning by Your Grace when vasanas rise up, lift up my level so that I could bear whatever difficulties I may have to face.134) Here is this fellow, one 'I', because of his existence there appears millions of evil and miserable lives on earth. All these are nothing but the impure nature of this 'I'. Graciously purify and free him from all the impurities and reveal the reality that You alone exist.135) All Your devotees by being Your real slaves attained liberation in such a manner that they will never come back (into this world). But though 'I' the fool has no love for You. By Your Grace kindly remove all my mad delusion and let me go into Your home of liberation.138) Though I ask You thousands of boons other than the boon to turn Self-ward, be gracious not to give me those boons which will not help to pull back my mind within and to make me quiet; And do not give that will only be a hindrance (?)143) Give me in such a way that it will become easy for me to turn Self-ward without attending to other things (the world) that seemingly exists because of my slackness in Self-Attention.146) Remove my mental delusion in which I live mistaking this dream as my real life. Are You not my kind father who is capable of restoring me back to Self-Attention removing my world attention. Kindly do so by Your that the mind of Yourslave will turn inward and remain in peace without being deluded.151) Ido not have so much eagerness to turn inward as I have towards outward. What (tapas) shall I do to obtain greater love to turn inward (ie., towards self) than the love I have towards the deluding attention.152) Fix me in the grand Self-attention where I cannot have any liking even in the least to see anyone of the second/third person objects and where the 'I and mine' (matured) will never rise at all due to the very advanced Self-Attention which will grow there more and more.153) If You bestow upon me the intense desire to gain the happy state of being still and to have not even the least desire towards the external delusion an thus fix me in the Heart, then all my fear will vanish. Kindly, give me only this.157) The power (the rising I) which binds me with this body, the corpse is like a very poisonous snake and it is very difficult to destroy it. Give me the only boon that it should be destroyed by Your Grace158) I do want a boon from You but it is nothing against Your will. It is this:- In order to prove and establish as a perfect slave of You, I should not think as 'I' or ‘mine’.159) O my Lord, an 'I' to know other things should not at all rise but drown in You and die. This is the one and only boon I beg to get from Your sacred, dharmic, blissful gracious Feet.160) O my Lord, I the mighty demon, who in the past accumulated vasanas, now, today, pray to You for my own destruction. Only by Your Grace now I got this good decision. My only wish is my own destruction. Be gracious.161) What else if my desire than to have the complete annihilation of 'I' the ego?...163) I rise in the body as 'I' and go on functioning my whole life as if I am the body itself. Without knowing what is the reason for this rising. Subside this rising and shone as the true 'I'. Be gracious.164) The rebellious mind, the more it remains in this body, the more it is being trapped within the hands of Maya, gains taste towards the non-existent false appearance (of this world), thinking as if the world is the source of happiness, forgets You. Kill this wicked mind.165) Sooner, the mind rises (which is a reflection of the consciousness) a body will appear (as if I), then rises the world (through the five senses in the body), then rises (karmas) actions. O the destroyer of death, protect me destroying the first rising (the root of the mind) which is the source of all other things.166) The rising of the 'I', the ego is itself is a misery. Therefore, whatever happiness rises from this ego, will be nothing but a misery. Kindly destroy this egoistic rising - I, though for whatever reason it is rising, by bringing it under the sway of Your eternal bliss.170) By getting a life with full of wealth, power, position and glory among (many) people, the ego does not subside even a little. It waxes more and more taking more forms. Therefore destroy this ego by Your Grace.175) The foolish mind slipping away from abiding in Self, first knows a body as 'I' and then a world in front of me as real. Why does it rise so? This rising is highly improper for me. Therefore Gracefully destroy it.176) Destroy my ‘I am this body’ idea which is an obstacle to attain the priceless supreme divine life of self, the eternal knowledge where the delusion of the body awareness ceases to exist.177) You are the 'Being - I' where the rising ‘I' does not exist. Bestow Your Grace upon me, who, in all my days of worshipping You, is weeping before You and sincerely begging to You so that the rising 'I' should drown in You, the being 'I'181) Guru Ramana, instead of You, my Lord, I the slave should not rise and say ‘I will do this'. Let this rising be destroyed and annihilated by the power of Your Grace with Your cool heart.185) Hereafter bestow upon me that I do not feel any (beingness of body) conscious of the body separate from self. Is it not now essential for You to provide me the life of ever remaining at Your Feet attaining which one can never have movement of birth and death.193) Since even the skilful intellect which has learned the vedas and vedanta is destroyed when Self- knowledge dawns and thus since even the vedas become avedas (not at all the knowledge) - ignorance, kindly swallow all such ignorance as nivedhana (food offering to You).194) Is he (the 'I') not an unreal one who knows the non- existent (world) as existent? Where from this unreal one (I) gets power to see so except from You, the really existing one? O my Lord, kindly destroy him (me) so that I do not exist any more.199) O the one who glanced me in the form Sri Ramana Guru, and took me as Your own, why did I rise instead of remaining in You (self) who bestows bliss more and more when I remain in You. Help me again to subside in You without rising by showing me the secret.206) Since I who rose first, myself is a thought, I cannot hereafter remain without thinking. Therefore, to fall back and drown in You, is the state of thoughtlessness. Bestow this worthy boon on me.207) O my Lord, by Your Grace give me the well established state of Self-existence without rising to the first thought from (‘I'). Enough of miseries I had experienced by the rising of the mischievous delusive mind because of my not remaining quiet.209) Why did I rise? Why did I rise? Alas from now at least, give me the boon of not rising again (as 'I'). Destroy by Your Grace all multitude of vasanas accumulated in me because of my rising as body.215) Let my mind, speech and body function only if it is driven by Your Grace. Make them act along the line of Your Grace having no liberty of their own.217) O my Gurudeva, till this body lives on earth have me under Your strong grip of Grace so that my mind, speech and body cannot do anything against Your will.218) Now I understand very well that I am unfit to bear the wealth of Your Grace. But though my mind is very wicked. I do not know anyone else except You as my refuge. Therefore kindly You alone guide my mind.223) When will that day dawn in which You will make me abide in the state of self (as mere sat)? Make me remain in the state of mere being consciousness where I can know neither me as a separate entity nor any other thing apart from me.226) Instead of attaining the inexpressible state where there will be no other thing but You alone as the real existing thing, I am deludingly mistaking the rising of the false mind as the real 'I' and suffer. Hence, fix me in You as one without the second.230) “As the seer so is the seen", Hence graciously fix me as one, the Heart which has no thought and purna with the eye of self and be one in sahaja by Your Grace and retain me.232) Subside me in Heart as Heart where 'I' will drown in Self-Attention, the consciousness of bliss and where no world-attention will rise and thereby all my miseries will end.234) Not attending to objects which are seen let my attention with love be fixed on me, the seer, who see them now. This is the correct path of really loving You! Give me zeal, attract and pull me to this real path.240) Of all the pictures in the false world appearance, 'I' the seer is the first false one. The root cause of this appearance is the slackness in love towards the self; is it not? O my Satguru, since You are my real self, graciously pull me to You.........cont.......
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