Thursday, 4 May 2023

may 5 2023

 A mind that craves experience is unfit for realisation.

'I Am'=Staying as the substratum. 

Under any circumstances. 

You find yourself in this sansar, this world ...which is nothing but a ball of fire.

Due to 'lack of attention '

Due to clinging to fruitless fantasies. 

Cure yourself. 

By Tapa.

The proper understanding is that God alone is Real.

And you are That.

Without a shred of doubt.

What is wisdom?

That obvious conclusion that 'anything besides your Real nature shall harm you.

In other words- 'just Hold on to the Self'.


If you have a proper conviction that you are not the body, you need not remind yourself 'you are not the body'.

And make attempts to eradicate that  consciousness.


 A novice is very eager to do sadhana.

The question should be asked 'who' wants to do sadhana and 'why'?

'For what?'

Then the need for sadhana disappears.


'I want You and You alone, God'-

is a Holy State. 


Let Infinite Intelligence dictate your life.

Not your petty Intelligence.


Reject all shapes and forms, entities..

As futile and the source of extreme trouble 


Way to Rudra, Shiva 

Is through Fire Alone.

The vasanas,  sanskaras won't get burnt otherwise. 

They have a tendency to cling like an udumbu otherwise 


Sati, hence is mandatory. 

Sita had to go Sati twice while alive.


The Source has to be found.

The thief has to be found. 

Janak. Namdev.

Mind's tendency is to externalise.

M introverted = The Best form if Tapa.

I disappears = The best form of tapa


Rising place of I = rising place of seeking...., events, ideas, thoughts etc.

..and the belief in them.


Ability to sink in its source. 

All, what is of the Ego is very 'Lowly' 


Substratum = Shiva = I-I


You are Not the Ego.

No 3 states. No Triputis 


You don't have to know too many things.

But the things you know, you have to know them very well.

Very, very, very well.


If the world doesn't exist- 

you have to know 

- how it doesn't exist 

- And then know it so well 

- That your attention is 'never ever' diverted 

To a world which does not exist.

.....Surrender.  Submit. 

Satya.   Shanti. Samarpan.


Since your idea of body consciousness is very strong

- you think you met someone.

You went there.

An 'event' happened


No. Nothing ever happened. You did not meet anyone.


It's all a bhrama, illusion. 


Let go ' body consciousness '

- And all events become nullified.

The seeking goes away. 

BC lies in C.

Hold C.

BC falls off.


Unceasingly Aham Aham. I I I I 


Hold on to the I consciousness 

And then let it dissolve.


Catch the thief. He will surrender. 

- And show you the way to the riches.


He is sitting on the pot of Gold.

Driving your attention,  here and there.


The I consciousness is itself blocking the real vision of God. 

I consciousness and God cannot exist together.


'This is' is utmost evil.

I am This = Self defeating.

Wake up  Cast it aside . It's evil.


I consciousness is the Evil.

Know that well.


Stay as the Self. 

Means Hold on tightly to the Substratum 


From dd notes:

V Imp:


There is no other way to succeed than to draw the mind back every time it turns outwards and fix it in the Self. 

There is no need for meditation or mantra or japa or dhyana or anything of the sort, because these are our real nature. 

All that is needed is to give up thinking of objects other than the Self

Meditation is not so much thinking of the Self as giving up thinking of the not-Self. 

When you give up thinking of outward objects and prevent your mind from going outwards and turn it inward and fix it in the Self, the Self alone will remain.

2 very imp sentences above

Bhagavan: Talking of the ‘witness’ should not lead to the idea that there is a witness and something else apart from him that he is witnessing. 


v imp as always:

Watch and find out where in the body the ‘I’ arises and fix your mind on that.



Concentrating one’s thoughts solely on the Self will lead to happiness or bliss. 

Drawing in the thoughts, restraining them and preventing them from going outwards is called vairagya.

 Fixing them in the Self is sadhana or abhyasa. 

Concentrating on the Heart is the same as concentrating on the Self.

 The Heart is another name for the Self.”


Bhagavan continued, 

“You concede ‘I’ is not the body but something within it. See then from whence the ‘I’ arises within the body. See whether it arises and disappears, or is always present. 

You will admit there is an ‘I’ which emerges as soon as you wake up, sees the body, the world and all else, and ceases to exist when you sleep; and that there is another ‘I’ which exists apart from the body, independently of it, and which alone is with you when the body and the world do not exist for you, as for instance in sleep. 

Then ask yourself if you are not the same ‘I’ during sleep and during the other states. Are there two ‘I’s?

 You are the same one person always. Now, which can be real, the ‘I’ which comes and goes, 

or the ‘I’ which always abides? 

Then you will know that you are the Self.

 This is called Self-realisation. 


Ramana shows us the way:

What way is there, except to draw in the mind as often as it strays or goes outward, and to fix it in the Self, as the Gita advises? 

Of course, it won’t be easy to do it. It will come only with practice or sadhana.” 


...........................dd6 ends............................

“abhyasakale sahajam sthitim prahurupasanam” (Ramana Gita). 

(What is sahaja state is known as upasana during practice). 


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