Thursday, 22 September 2022

Sep 2022 notes-1-AS

 Bhagavan once said, ‘The jnanis are the only pure people

Others are polluted by their egos. Getting the association of jnanis is very important for people who want to make spiritual progress.’

AS: Bhagavan told me me, ‘Hold onto the Self. If you can do that you need no other practice. This is the ultimate and final sadhana .’

The path of jnana is for those who only have a little karma left. 

Those who still have many karmas to undergo cannot follow the path of jnana successfully because they don’t have the capacity to be still and quiet. 

Only those who have learnt how to be still can abide in the Self.


AS: If you enquire into the origin of a thought as soon as it appears, your attention is diverted towards the Self. 

The Self is always alert. That is its nature.


AS: If you can focus your mind on this ‘I am’ you need not do anything else. 

You do not have to cultivate a particular attitude towards it. 

If you keep your attention on it, it will eventually reveal all its secrets to you.


As we start to move inwards we experience the peace and bliss of the Self in a very diluted form. The deeper we go, the stronger the experience becomes. 

Eventually a time will come when we don’t want to leave this experience at all. 

Instead, there is a continuous urge to go deeper and deeper into the Self. 

When you lose all desires and attachments, the pure gold of the Self will reveal itself to you.

...........part 4 ends 

part 3

AS: To experience the Self you have to dive deep into the consciousness ‘I am’.


When you cease to imagine that you are a body and a mind, reality shines of its own accord.

 If you stabilise in this state you can see that the mind didn’t go anywhere; you understand that it never really existed. 

‘Keeping the mind in its source’ is just another way of saying /understanding that it never existed’.


AS: We have identified with our false ideas for many previous lifetimes. The habit is very strong.

 But not so strong that it cannot be dissolved through constant meditation.


AS: Yes, forget them all. ‘I am the Self, I am all’. Hold onto this awareness. All other paths are roundabout.


Bhagavan said, ‘Keeping the mind in the Heart is self-enquiry’. 

AS: The meditation ‘I am not the body or the mind, I am the immanent Self is a great aid for as long as one is not able to do self-enquiry properly or constantly.


If you cannot do this by asking ‘Who am I?’ or by taking the T- thought back to its source, then meditation on the awareness ‘I am the all-pervasive Self is a great aid.


Go deeply into this feeling of T. 

Be aware of it so strongly and so intensely that no other thoughts have the energy to arise and distract you. 

If you hold this feeling of T long enough and strongly enough, the false T will vanish leaving only the unbroken awareness of the real, immanent T, consciousness itself.

..................part 3 ends

part 2

The Self is the awareness or the consciousness in which the seeing and the experiencing take place.


Don’t worry about whether you are making progress or not. 

Just keep your attention on the Self twenty-four hours a day. 

Meditation is not something that should be done in a particular position at a particular time. 

It is an awareness and an attitude that must persist throughout the day. 

To be effective, meditation must be continuous.


You will not be able to reach the Self and stay there without a prolonged, continuous effort. 

Each time you give up trying, or get distracted, some of your previous effort goes to waste.


Continuous inhalation and exhalation are necessary for the continuance of life. 


Continuous meditation is necessary for all those who want to stay in the Self.


 Get rid of all these ideas and replace them with the single thought 'I' am the Self. 

Hold on to that idea and don’t let go. 


Don’t give these I-am-the-body ideas any attention.

‘I must eat now’; ‘I will go to sleep now’; ‘I will have a bath now’: all thoughts like these are I-am-the-body thoughts. Learn to recognise them when they arise and learn to ignore them or deny them. 

Stay firmly in the Self  and don’t allow the mind to identify with anything that the body does.


Mind is only a collection of thoughts and the thinker who thinks them. 

The thinker is the 'I'-thought, the primal thought which rises from the Self before all others, which identifies with all other thoughts and says, ‘I am this body’. 

When you have eradicated all thoughts except for the thinker himself by ceaseless enquiry or by refusing to give them any attention, 

the 'I'-thought sinks into the Heart and surrenders, 

leaving behind it, 

only an awareness of consciousness. 

This surrender will only take place when the 'I'-thought has ceased to identify with rising thoughts.

While there are still stray thoughts which attract or evade your attention, the T-thought will always be directing its attention outwards rather than inwards. 

The purpose of self-enquiry is to make the 'I'-thought move inwards, towards the Self.

This will happen automatically as soon as you cease to be interested in any of your rising thoughts.


AS: The best mantra is 'I' am the Self. Everything is my Self. Everything is one’.

If you keep this in your mind all the time the Self will eventually reveal itself to you.

Don’t be satisfied with rituals and other kindergarten techniques

If you are serious, head directly for the Self

Hold onto it as tenaciously as you can. 

And don’t let anything or anyone loosen your grip.


AS: If there are breaks in his Self-awareness this means that he is not yet a dnyani

Before one becomes established in this state without any breaks, without changes, one has to contact and enjoy this state many times. 


By steady meditation it finally becomes permanent.

It is very difficult to attain Self-abidance, but once it is attained it is retained effortlessly and never lost.



Doing any form of sadhana without first understanding that the individual self is non-existent is self-indulgence. 

Sam: above is a golden sentence


It is a form of spiritual entertainment in which the illusory 'I' plays games with itself.


Saint Tayumanuvar once said, ‘Why all these maha yogas? All these yogas are maya

If you try to meditate without understanding that your real nature is Self, and Self alone, 

your meditation practice will only lead you to more mental bondage.


Bhagavan once said, ‘To keep the mind in the Self, all you have to do is to 'Remain Still’.


To realise the Self, you don’t actually have to do anything except be still. 

Just give up identifying with the mind and

 Hold onto the Self. 

That is enough. Be still and cultivate the awareness ‘I am the Self. The Self is all’.


The one who limits the Self by believing himself to be the body and the mind has killed his own Self.

 For killing the Self he has to be punished. 

The punishment is birth and death and continuous misery.


.....................................cont part 2 ..........................................................

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