Saturday, 30 October 2021

Rishabh Gita notes/ forty verses

 From Rishabha Gita:

Intuitively every man is conscious of all philosophical truths.

Only the ascetic realizes and lives the truths.


One must cultivate intense zeal and love for God and be attracted to Him

as the Gopis of Brindavan.

The magician alone is real; his magic is illusory.

 This is discrimination.


(Sam- No Love, No release)


11. The means to be adopted by one who wants to break this knot of the heart are as follows:

Devotion to, and service of, an enlightened guru who is only Myself – the Supreme Divinity; 


equanimity in suffering and enjoyment; 

the constant remembrance that suffering is there in any attainment in this world or in the hereafter; 

intelligent reflection on the true nature of all experiences; 

abandonment of works for personal gains; austerity;

The reflection, with no object to know, stays in it's original nature.

This staying of rational consciousness in itself is the samadhi. This is the aim of yoga.

When this rational consciousness does not stay in itself, the knower in it identifies itself with the 

functions of the Reason and assumes its forms.

when this rational cosciousness does not stay in itself

The final samadhi is the staying of the Cosmic Person in Him, not even as the knower. This is the 

stage of final liberation while in body.

the final samadhi is the staying 

The earlier samadhi is only the beginning, the gateway to the final one. 
The most important preliminary is the purification of one’s Reason, which is the ‘I-am’. 

So long as the ‘I-am’ is activated by inner functions, it cannot be pure and stable. 

It can be made steady by practice and detachment. 

Practice is effort repeated. Detachment is equanimity and non-egoistic.

If, by the grace of the guru, one’s ego vanishes, then one is liberated.

For, once the ego-sense or self-centredness is shattered,
sadhana by conscious effort becomes 



A guru is in the nature of an inner being sent to the seeker (disciple) by the Divine at the appropriate

 stage of his sadhana (spiritual practice) to attain realization.

A guru is in the nature of an inner being sent to the  seeker

If the mind turns towards the Truth, it abandons its identification with the body and attains the

 supreme state.

Rishabha was so called on account of his constant consciousness of the inherent bliss of the Atman and, as a result, absolute indifference to everything else in the physical world.


27. Seeing that all things, moving and unmoving, are ensouled by Me, you must salute them every moment with sincere feeling.

This indeed is real worship to Me.

True worship of the Supreme Spirit is true knowledge of IT - jnana.

What is Dnyana ?

It is to know one’s own Self, dissolving the mind in it.

It is to know the pure Atman, which alone is our real nature.

Knowledge is discriminative understanding of 'what is'.

Advaita Darsanam Dnyanam – 

Knowledge is realization of Non-dualism.


One is to keep one’s mind aloof from the objects of sight, hearing, touch and other things of worldly nature.

Only then, does one realize the Brahman as one’s own innermost consciousness.


Pure love of a devotee has two characteristics.

1. So intense is one’s love of God that one becomes unconscious of outer things

One forgets the world.

2. The second is that one has no feeling of “my-ness” toward the body.


Conditioning’ and ‘mind’ are mere words with no corresponding truth; 

when the truth is investigated, they cease to be meaningful – this is clear perception.

 When this clear perception arises, there is liberation. 


Just as water remains water and flows down, and as fire does not abandon its nature of rising up, consciousness remains forever consciousness.

To the enlightened person, there is only one Infinite Consciousness – Pure Atman, indivisible and immutable.

In reality one is unborn and one does not die.

The notions that ‘I am’, ‘these are’, etc do not exist for the enlightened one.

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Forty verses on Reality:

27. The State of non-emergence of ‘I’ is the state of being THAT. 

Without questing for that State of the non-emergence of ‘I’ and attaining It, how can one accomplish one’s own extinction, from which the ‘I’ does not revive? 

Without that attainment how is it possible to abide in one’s true State, where one is THAT?

29. The only enquiry leading to Self-realization is seeking the Source of the ‘I’ with in-turned mind and without uttering the word ‘I’. 

Meditation on ‘I am not this; I am That’ may be an aid to the enquiry but it cannot be the enquiry.

31 For Him who is immersed in the bliss of the Self, arising from the extinction of the ego, what remains to be accomplished?

 He is not aware of anything as other than the Self. 

Who can apprehend his State?

To seek and abide in the Reality that is always attained, is the only Attainment. 

To seek and abide in the Reality that is always attained, is the only Attainment. 

39. Only so long as one considers oneself bound, do thoughts of bondage and Liberation continue. 

When one enquires who is bound, the Self is realized, eternally attained, and eternally free. 

When thought of bondage comes to an end, can thought of Liberation survive?


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