Dr Sergey Filnov : dry fasting
shelton's fasting
Taking up the study of Levanzin's fast for 31 days, undergone at Carnegie Institute, Morgulis says that this fast extended over the first two inanition periods. The first of these periods, lasting fifteen days saw a loss of ten per cent of Levanzin's weight and represents "the transition from the metabolism of the well nourished condition to that of the fasting condition."
By the end of his 31 days' fast, Levanzin lost about 20 per cent of his weight. "Assuming the maximum loss he could possibly have survived 40 per cent," says Morgulis, "it is clear that the fast could have extended another month before a fatal termination. In other words, the fast was broken at a relatively early stage." If we take into consideration the fact that the second 20 per cent of Levanzin's weight would not have been lost nearly so rapidly as the first 20 per cent, it is very certain that he could have fasted much more than another month before a fatal termination.
The rule that man or animal can sustain a loss of 40 per cent of his or its body weight before death results must not be taken too seriously in practice. Obviously an emaciated man or woman weighing only 90 or 100 pounds cannot afford to lose 40 per cent of his or her weight. On the other hand a man who ought to weigh about 150 pounds, but who actually weighs 350 pounds, can afford to lose much over 50 per cent of his weight. Exhibition fasters have survived a reduction of body weight of thirty per cent without anything like a total collapse of vital vigor.
Within recent years physiologists have tried to determine how long man can live without food by figuring on a basis of the period of time required for animals, particularly mammals, to starve to death.
Their experiments indicate that the period in which death from starvation ensues is proportionate to the cube root of the body weight.
A mouse weighing 18.0 grams dies after five or six days without food. The corresponding "starvation period" in man would be 15.6 times as long or 96.5 to 109 days. A dog weighing twenty kilograms dies in sixty days; the corresponding period for man is eighty-nine days. A cat weighing twenty-one kilograms can live eighteen days without food; the corresponding period for man would be fifty-five days. A rabbit weighing 24.22 kilograms dies after twenty-six days; the corresponding period in man would be seventy-nine days.
From these figures, Dr. A. Putter, a German physician, who has made a study of fasting, concludes that there is nothing in comparative physiology to show that man cannot live from ninety to a hundred days without food, if he were kept under proper conditions of warmth, rest, fresh air, water and emotional poise.
Sylvester Graham denied that the fat man lives longer on prolonged abstinence from food than does a thin one. He says, "If the it be designed for the nourishment of the body during protracted fasts, etc., then if a very fat man, in the enjoyment of what is ordinarily considered good health, and a lean man in good health, be shut up together, and condemned to die of starvation, the fat man ought to diminish in weight much more slowly, and to live considerably longer than the lean man; but directly the contrary to this is true. The lean man will lose in weight much more slowly, and live several days longer than the fat man, in spite of all the nourishment which the latter may derive from his adipose deposits." — Science of Human Life, pp. 193-194.
Trall took a similar view, as does Carrington, who says of Graham's statement: "I may say that this has been my own experience, precisely." The explanation offered is that, while the fat person has a large store of fat on his frame, he is deficient in other food requisites. Fatty tissue, these men think, is invariably diseased and deficient tissue. Trall said, "Feed a dog on butter, starch, or sugar alone, and you will save in him the consumption of fat, but the dog will die of starvation. He will be plump, round, embonpoint, and yet die of inanition." — Alcoholic Controversy, pp. 148-149. This seems to be what they thought will take place in the fasting fat man.
A fast of a hundred days or more can be survived even under the most favorable conditions, only by the individual who possesses sufficient food reserves to sustain his vital organs and vital functions for this period of time. The smaller the amount of food stores one has in reserve, all things else being equal, the earlier is the starvation period reached.
It was conclusively demonstrated in the laboratory, by Lasarev, that the changes in the various organs of the body are definitely related to particular stages of fasting and starvation. Vital organs do not begin to break down as soon as the first meal is omitted. Fasting belongs to that period during which there are ample food reserves to maintain vital integrity. The fasting period is, therefore, determined by the amount of reserves the body has on hand. Starvation sets in after the reserve stores have been sufficiently exhausted that they are no longer adequate to maintain functional and structural integrity.
Only in a very special sense does the body "start eating itself" when one begins to fast. It never consumes its tissues indiscriminately, but, true to its rule of always favoring its most vital organs, it uses up the least useful tissues first. Selective action is exercised from the beginning and the most rigid economy is exercised in appropriating its food reserves in sustaining the heart, lungs, brain, nerves and other vital organs. Even the respiratory muscles are more carefully guarded than the other muscles of the skeleton.
he regarded as due to improved nutrition resulting from a cessation of overeating
In an otherwise normal individual, whose mental and physical activities are restricted, the blood as a whole is able to withstand the effects of complete abstinence from food for a period of at least 31 days (the length of Levanzin's fast), without displaying any essentially pathological change." Structural and morphological changes do not occur in normal blood cells during a fast.
Fasting for only one week will increase the number of red cells in an anemic person.
The decreased alkalinity due to prolonged fasting is often urged against it. It is contended that fasting produces acidosis. Fasting does not produce acidosis and the decreased alkalinity is never great enough, even in the most protracted fasts, to result in any deficiency "disease," unless the frequent cases of impotency are to be regarded as due to a loss of vitamins or mineral salts. The blood rapidly regains its normal alkalinity after feeding is resumed and no damage is done.
Mr. Macfadden says: "It has been said that an acid condition of the blood, fluids and tissues (acidosis) is sometimes brought about by fasting. I cannot concede that this is ever the case, in true fasting. As a matter of fact, all the evidence seems to prove that as Dr. Haig expressed it, 'fasting acts like a dose of alkali.' If there is acidity in the system, fasting will remove it and restore the chemical balance of the system. Therapeutic fasting never created acidity, but on the contrary, removes that state when existing. Of course protracted starvation may do so, but then, who ever advised starvation.
A classical example of the way in which fasting permits the stomach to rejuvenate itself is that of Dr. Tanner. He suffered for years with dyspepsia before his first fast. Indeed, it was this suffering that followed every meal that caused him to refrain from eating in order to miss the distress. So remarkably did his stomach repair itself during its period of rest that he was able, very foolishly, of course, to eat "sufficient food in the first twenty-four hours after breaking the fast to gain nine pounds, and thirty-six pounds in eight days, all that I had lost." Although this was a rash procedure, the doctor suffered no apparent ill consequences from it. We cannot approve of such eating following a fast, but cite his example to show what a formerly weakened and dyspeptic stomach can do after a period of fasting.A stomach rejuvenated through rest returns spontaneously to the normal performance of its function. A weak and dyspeptic stomach resumes normal function after a fast. This alone is sufficient to prove the strengthening results of a rest for the stomach. Both its muscles and its glands are rejuvenated by a period of rest.
It is often objected that fasting permits the stomach to collapse and that it so weakens the stomach that it will no longer be able to digest food. Most stomachs are so weakened by the overwork that results from our national habit of over-eating that the rest that fasting affords it is just what the stomach needs most.
Fasting provides a rest for the stomach, thus giving it an opportunity to repair itself. Morbid sensibilities are overcome, digestion is improved, a distended and prolapsed stomach shrinks and tends to resume its normal size, ulcers heal, inflammation subsides, gastric catarrh is eliminated and the appetite tends to become normal.
The chemical changes which occur in the fasting body are as remarkable as anything that we have described previously. It is quite natural that the fasting body loses some of its substances, but it does not lose all of its elements at the same rate and, what is most remarkable, there occurs a redistribution of some of these, due to the urgent need for preserving the integrity of the vital organs.The fasting body does not lose its inorganic constituents — minerals — as rapidly as it loses the organic constituents — fats, carbohydrates and proteins. It hangs on to these precious minerals while throwing away its excess of acid-forming elements. The more valuable the material the less of it is lost.
The muscles and blood lose relatively much of their mineral constituents, especially is there a decrease in the percentage of sodium, while considerable mineral substances accumulate in the brain, spleen and liver. There is, then a mere shifting of mineral substances from one part of the body to another. While sulphur and phosphorus diminish in the fasting muscles about as rapidly as do the proteins, there is an increase in the amount of calcium in these organs. There occurs an increase in the percentage of potassium in the soft parts of the body taken as a whole, during the fast. These facts show that potassium salts and calcium salts are not lost as rapidly as some of the other of the body's elements. The excess of iron that may be contained in the diet is taken to the cells of the liver and stored by these. It is probable that the iron set free by the breaking down of the red cells is also stored in the liver and spleen, at least it is not excreted in any great amount. The body's iron reserve, in the form of hematogen, is relatively large.
That the body possesses considerable iron reserve, even in pernicious anemia, is shown by the great and rapid blood regeneration and great increase in hemoglobin and red cells during a fast in these cases. During the fast, the iron liberated by the breaking down of tissue is retained in the body and is not thrown away. Considerable iron and proportionately other necessary elements are consumed during the fast, although the body stores much of its iron in the spleen, liver, marrow cells and in the increased number of red blood cells. The fact that enforced fasting in non-hibernating animals produces the same variable results as those produced by abstinence during hibernation, shows that there is no more danger to the non-hibernating animal than to the hibernating kind. The chief difference is that the non-hibernating animal is likely to be more active while fasting but seldom as active as the Alaskan fur-seal bull during the mating season. The hibernating animal is also likely to possess a greater store of reserve food at the outset.
I have seen many diseased hearts that were supposed to be "incurable" fully recover during an extended fast. A few years ago a business executive came to me for care. Repeatedly during the preceding two years he had been refused life insurance because his heart was diseased. One month after a forty days' fast he bought ten thousand dollars of life insurance.
The ductless glands, the respiratory system, the nervous system, in fact, the whole organism rests during a fast. The exception is the excretory system. This system does more work, at least through a large part of the fast, in freeing the body of its accumulated toxins. This inner rest, that is, this rest of the internal organs which fasting affords, is what is meant by physiological rest.
Metabolism is lowered from one-fourth to two-fifths during the fast.This falls quite rapidly during the first part of the fast until the true physiological minimum for metabolism is reached. From this point on, until the return of hunger, metabolism is maintained at a fairly uniform level. If food is not consumed when hunger returns there follows, soon, a rapid dropping of metabolism to new low, but pathological levels.
During the first fifteen days of Levanzin's fast there was an appreciable decrease in oxygen consumption and in carbon-dioxide production. During the first seven days of the fast he consumed 352.6 liters of oxygen and produced 260.4 liters of carbon-dioxide. During the second half of the first fifteen day period he consumed 303.2 liters of oxygen and produced 219.5 liters of carbon-dioxide. During the first half of the second fifteen day period he consumed 272.3 liters of oxygen and produced 193.7 liters of carbon-dioxide. During the last half of the second period he consumed 270.3 liters of oxygen and produced 192.9 liters of carbon-dioxide.
Dr. Kunde quotes Dr. Carlson who suggests that "the higher metabolism after prolonged fasts may be due to temporary excess activity of such glands as the thyroid and the gonads that seem to have direct effects on the metabolic rate.
That this explanation is incorrect is evident from the following considerations:
(1) Fasting does not cause atrophy of the glands. Atrophy takes place in starvation.
(2) There is no reason to believe that atrophied glands will function excessively. They would be more likely to function deficiently.
(3) The increased metabolic rate begins immediately upon the resumption of eating, before the "atrophied" glands have had time to recuperate.
As the fast progresses, the blood and lymph (lymph makes up from 25 per cent to 35 per cent of the body weight; blood only amounts to about 5 per cent of body weight) becomes purified; pent-up excretions are expelled from the body; the nervous system and all the vital organs rest. As the nervous system secures relief, body and mind become rested and the bodily irritations that have caused the mental irritations and the mental bad conduct cease; indeed, the individual is "made over." Ridding the cells and fluids of accumulated toxins accounts for most of the benefits derived from fasting. The benefits last until the toxins reaccumulate and in most cases, this takes place quite rapidly due to subsequent return to a toxogenic mode of living.
One great source of toxins is decomposing food in the digestive tract. Fasting soon eliminates this completely. The alimentary canal becomes practically free of bacteria. Only a week of fasting is required to result in the complete disappearance of all germs from the stomach. The small intestine becomes sterile. The hibernating bear and other hibernating animals lose all their colon bacilli during hibernation. Typhoid cases that fast through their illness are free of "typhoid bacilli" at the end of the acute stage and are not "dangerous" as "carriers."
The vital cells are not injured unless the fast is prolonged beyond the point where all the body's nutritive reserves are consumed and no fasting advocate believes in or practices such a thing.
Emaciation frees the body of excess inert materials in its tissues and proves thereby to be a great boon. One of the first things that nature does in an acute "disease" is to cast off a lot of her surplus weight. She dispenses with the unnecessary burden. The lowering of weight is a natural method of defense. It represents a reduction of the body's nutritive labors, so that these may be fulfilled without exhausting the visceral organs.
(1) Fasting does not cause atrophy of the glands. Atrophy takes place in starvation.
(2) There is no reason to believe that atrophied glands will function excessively. They would be more likely to function deficiently.
(3) The increased metabolic rate begins immediately upon the resumption of eating, before the "atrophied" glands have had time to recuperate.
As the fast progresses, the blood and lymph (lymph makes up from 25 per cent to 35 per cent of the body weight; blood only amounts to about 5 per cent of body weight) becomes purified; pent-up excretions are expelled from the body; the nervous system and all the vital organs rest. As the nervous system secures relief, body and mind become rested and the bodily irritations that have caused the mental irritations and the mental bad conduct cease; indeed, the individual is "made over." Ridding the cells and fluids of accumulated toxins accounts for most of the benefits derived from fasting. The benefits last until the toxins reaccumulate and in most cases, this takes place quite rapidly due to subsequent return to a toxogenic mode of living.
One great source of toxins is decomposing food in the digestive tract. Fasting soon eliminates this completely. The alimentary canal becomes practically free of bacteria. Only a week of fasting is required to result in the complete disappearance of all germs from the stomach. The small intestine becomes sterile. The hibernating bear and other hibernating animals lose all their colon bacilli during hibernation. Typhoid cases that fast through their illness are free of "typhoid bacilli" at the end of the acute stage and are not "dangerous" as "carriers."
The vital cells are not injured unless the fast is prolonged beyond the point where all the body's nutritive reserves are consumed and no fasting advocate believes in or practices such a thing.
Emaciation frees the body of excess inert materials in its tissues and proves thereby to be a great boon. One of the first things that nature does in an acute "disease" is to cast off a lot of her surplus weight. She dispenses with the unnecessary burden. The lowering of weight is a natural method of defense. It represents a reduction of the body's nutritive labors, so that these may be fulfilled without exhausting the visceral organs.
please note contents on last pg 332
Hey! i see you have experience! great! In my experience dry fasting is much more intense than water fasting in all levels, you enter in a deeper state and is mentally also very hard, you loose more weight, and your body start drying, your skin looks pale, your lips are dry, your voice changes etc... but for me is the kind of fast I prefer to do, you need nothing, your mind becomes really clear as days pass and gives you a sense of inner strength, of meaning, of self value. Now your sugar levels are going to be irregular during dry fasting, with tendency to low, but It will all depends of your previous state. I will say since you have fasted many times it will be pretty safe to do three days dry, more than that start to become really hard, your body temperature rises, and you will really disconnect yourself from the world, please observe yourself continuously if you decide to do more than that, also breaking dry fast is really delicate, specially when you do more than 3 days, your transition from water-to dry-to water it has to be very very gentle... Let me know if I can be of any help!! I hope your fasting is bringing you light and inner vision!!!! Big hugs!!!
During a dry fast, the body survives on so-called endogenous or metabolic water, produced internally as a result of metabolizing fat tissue. Unlike any exogenous water, this metabolic water is of superb quality, produced by the hard work of our own cells. It literally erases any negative information imprint which the body had before the fast, allowing cells to experience a kind of a rebirth. taking in any available water from the air and supplying it to healthy cells. Besides water, the body during a dry fast absorbs atmospheric carbon dioxide and nitrogen to manufacture its own amino acids. Since there is no water to flush out the endogenous toxins, these are eliminated by means of a unique mechanism, dormant during less rigorous modes of fasting: Each cell, in effect, becomes the furnace that burns up its own waste.
Inflammation cannot exist without water. Microorganisms need water to survive.
Dry fasting a highly effective tool to address acute health issues and degenerative conditions. Such a fast stimulates the immune system, activates the body’s anti-inflammatory mechanisms, purifies the blood and clears the blood vessels, as well as cleanses the GI tract and renews its mucosal lining.Dry fasting also eliminates parasites and promotes regeneration of healthy tissues. And this isn’t even a complete list of benefits. Every cell of the body literally cleans house. Only the strongest and healthiest of cells survive in such extreme conditions, while cysts and benign tumors dissolve as a result of autolysis, a process by which the body sacrifices its sickest cells for its own survival
Under dry fasting conditions, even the skin changes its function, from being an organ of elimination to serving as an organ of absorption, taking in any available water from the air and supplying it to healthy cells.
Such a fast stimulates the immune system, activates the body’s anti-inflammatory mechanisms, purifies the blood and clears the blood vessels, as well as cleanses the GI tract and renews its mucosal lining.
Absolute dry fast more powerful than mild dry fast...no shower, brushing teeth..no contact with water
As we speak today the record that stands on dry fasting in Guinness book of records is 18 days.
Benefits of dry fasting over water fasting
- It’s so obvious that dry fasting helps to clear any inflammation in the body faster than water fasting. Inflammation cannot thrive in dry conditions and that’s why dry fasting is effective when dealing with inflammation.
- The fastest way to lose weight is through dry fasting. Our bodies start utilizing fat reserves by getting water from such fats when dry fasting hence reducing the amount of fats in the body.
- Dry fasting is the easiest way to reduce the amount of toxins in body tissues to promote regeneration of tissues.
- Dry fasting is the best option to go for if clearing the digestive tract is the priority.
№1. An intense release of stem cells into the blood, which activates regeneration and rejuvenation processes. The body is able to self-regenerate and self-rejuvenate. These processes are launched under the influence of stem cells. But while a newborn baby has one stem cell per 10,000 cells, that ratio in a 50-year old drops to 500 000:1. The number of stem cells decreases with age along with the regenerating capabilities of the body. But it is possible to increase the release of stem cells into the blood!
During fasting, a process of intense body cleansing is initiated as the body rids itself of sick and old cells, creating space in tissues for stem cells. Stem cells are released into the blood in higher volume, occupying this vacated “space” and launching regeneration and rejuvenation processes.
During dry fasting, even more stem cells are released into the blood, a fact that has been proven scientifically. An experiment was conducted at the “Cryocenter” headed by Y. Romanov, a Doctor of Biology. Yuri Guscho fasted a week (after one week of preparation, with a recovery period of three weeks). The number of stem cells had dropped by the end of the 7th fasting day, but during recovery it soared. This experiment proved that after fasting, the body triples its production and release of stem cells, an effect that lasts for several months.
It turns out that the regular practice of fasting can extend life and youth by 15 – 25 years.
During fasting, a process of intense body cleansing is initiated as the body rids itself of sick and old cells, creating space in tissues for stem cells. Stem cells are released into the blood in higher volume, occupying this vacated “space” and launching regeneration and rejuvenation processes.
During dry fasting, even more stem cells are released into the blood, a fact that has been proven scientifically. An experiment was conducted at the “Cryocenter” headed by Y. Romanov, a Doctor of Biology. Yuri Guscho fasted a week (after one week of preparation, with a recovery period of three weeks). The number of stem cells had dropped by the end of the 7th fasting day, but during recovery it soared. This experiment proved that after fasting, the body triples its production and release of stem cells, an effect that lasts for several months.
It turns out that the regular practice of fasting can extend life and youth by 15 – 25 years.
№2. Removal of edemas, tumors and inflammation. Dry fasting forces the body to obtain water from the cells. That is why the body’s “superfluous” tissues (fat deposits, edemas, tumors) are eliminated faster than in the case of water fasting.
This mechanism is well-studied by science. During fasting, the metabolism is reformed fundamentally in three stages:
1. Psychological hunger. During fasting, hunger disappears after about three days. If a person practices medical dry fasting, psychological hunger passes in one day. (Most people who practice dry fasting note that it is easier to endure than water fasting, as hunger passes more quickly).
2. On the third day of dry fasting, a ketoacidosic crisis takes place, much sooner than in the case of abstinence from food only. The body’s metabolism enters a ketoacidosic state.
3. In traditional fasting, the second ketoacidosic crisis starts between the 9th and 11th day. Its therapeutic effect is even higher. In dry fasting, a body goes into a state of autolysis faster than in the case of water fasting.
What does that mean? In autolysis a body looks for energy reserves inside itself. Where does it take them from and what tissues are used as “fuel”?
The body knows just what to do: it starts by burning everything that is superfluous and harmful in the body: fat, tumors, ganglions and inflamed tissues. During dry fasting, cells split faster as the body needs not only nutrients, but also water.
The longer the fast is prolonged after the second crisis, the longer it remains in a state of autolysis and the more effective the process of splitting unnecessary tissues is. That is why it is important to reach an acidotic crisis as quickly as possible, which is possible thanks to dry fasting.
№3. Informational purification of the body with endogenic “water of life”. During dry fasting, a process of intense cleansing begins as toxins are eliminated. But purification takes place not due to exogenic (external) water, but via the cleaner, high-quality metabolic water synthesized by the body. Under the extreme conditions of dry fasting, the body must activate production of its own endogenic water and only healthy cells are able to do that. Weak and sick cells are unable to produce the “water of life”; that is why they die and are rejected by the body.
However, this is not the most important part of the process in replacing exogenic with endogenic water. Endogenic water synthesized by the body is free from external content. Basically, “dead” water is replaced with “living” water. All the negative information that enters the body via exogenic water is eliminated.
Without external exogenic water, blood and lymph are purified intensively through a sort of internal filtration process. Renewal of lymph and blood during dry fasting takes place only thanks to endogenic “water of life”. As a result, by the end of dry fasting, two of the body’s most important fluids become almost completely pure. Correspondingly, all the body’s tissues through which blood and lymph circulate are purified of external content.
This phenomenon of purification is one of the main advantages of dry fasting.
This effect cannot be achieved by abstinence from food only. This unique mechanism eliminates all the negative content that enters the body via “external” water and cannot be achieved through any other kind of medical fasting.
№4. Improvement of immunity, anti-inflammatory effect.During dry fasting, a body has a more powerful immune response and fights inflammations more actively. All inflammations are fed by water, which is clearly demonstrated by the edemas containing pus and lymph that form near wounds on the body. When the body is deprived of an inflow of exogenic water, it uses endogenic water very carefully: only for feeding healthy cells. Damaged cells, as well as various bacteria, viruses and parasites suffer from a lack of water and die.
During dry fasting, people often have a fever. The increase in body temperature that takes place during medical dry fasting leads to the creation of a strong immunologic response. The concentration of biologically active substances in bodily fluids also increases. These include immunoglobulins and immunocompetent cells. As a result:
- the production of interferon rises;
- antitumor and antiviral activity increases;
- T-cells proliferate;
- the bactericidal capacity and phagocytic activity of neutrophils increases;
- the cytotoxic effect of lymphocytes grows;
- the growth of microorganisms and their virulence decreases.
Fever during dry fasting is very good, as it indicates that the body is fighting infections. Each cell in the body is turned into a kind of small furnace or reactor and the toxins inside it are destroyed. If a cell is too damaged, it is eliminated completely.
№5. Thorough cleansing without supplemental treatment. There is no need to combine dry fasting with enemas, saunas and other hydrotherapeutic procedures as is the case with traditional fasting. In fact, the use of these supplemental treatments is not recommended Although they are typically used to enhance the cleansing effect, during dry fasting toxins are effectively removed from the body thanks to “live” endogenic water.
Many people appreciate that dry fasting does not require the use of enemas or hydrocolonotherapy, which are unpleasant. The body eliminates toxins on its own, without additional water. We have already mentioned that body temperature rises during dry fasting. This mechanism not only increases the body’s immune response, but also turns each cell into a tiny nuclear fusion reactor, which destroys everything that is superfluous, harmful or foreign.
№6. Intensive weight loss, mostly at the expense of fats....not muscle The metabolism changes in the course of dry fasting, which facilitates effective weight loss and long-term weight stabilization.
Fat deposits are burnt three times faster during dry fasting than during water fasting.
Another advantage of dry fasting is that the fat tissue does not fully regenerate after the fast is broken, in contrast to water fasting.
The third important advantage is that during traditional fasting, both fat and muscle tissue are lost in almost equal proportions. Dry fasting burns mostly fat due to the transformation of metabolic processes. Since 90% of fat cells are water, they disintegrate 3 – 4 times faster than muscle cells during dry fasting.
As a result, weight loss and toning takes place. The body becomes slimmer and suppler.
Finally, dry fasting is less expensive. There is no need for special foods, meals or medicines. Moreover, as we have mentioned, dry fasting does not result in the significant loss of muscle mass and is therefore the best way to treat obesity.
№7. Rejuvenation.
Dry fasting has an incredible rejuvenating effect since it forces the body to eliminate weak and damaged cells that cannot withstand the extreme conditions. Cells become stronger and, correspondingly, result in “healthy offspring” once they divide. The skin, hair and nails glow with health and youth.
Submitting the body to extreme conditions by dry fasting launches the mechanism of natural selection, an internal fight between the body’s weak and strong cells. In that competition for the scarce resources produced as a result of autolysis and synthesis of endogenic water, cells that are undamaged, strong, healthy and well-functioning win. They also pass on this strength by producing new generations of healthy cells.
Weak parasite cells are incapable of passing such a stringent test in the absence of resources. Without dry fasting, these cells are free to produce new damaged cells, increasing the amount of “junk” in the body. But dry fasting eliminates cells that are unable to perform their natural functions. They are replaced by a new generation of healthy cells, leaving the body regenerated and rejuvenated.
Dry fasting has an incredible rejuvenating effect since it forces the body to eliminate weak and damaged cells that cannot withstand the extreme conditions. Cells become stronger and, correspondingly, result in “healthy offspring” once they divide. The skin, hair and nails glow with health and youth.
Submitting the body to extreme conditions by dry fasting launches the mechanism of natural selection, an internal fight between the body’s weak and strong cells. In that competition for the scarce resources produced as a result of autolysis and synthesis of endogenic water, cells that are undamaged, strong, healthy and well-functioning win. They also pass on this strength by producing new generations of healthy cells.
Weak parasite cells are incapable of passing such a stringent test in the absence of resources. Without dry fasting, these cells are free to produce new damaged cells, increasing the amount of “junk” in the body. But dry fasting eliminates cells that are unable to perform their natural functions. They are replaced by a new generation of healthy cells, leaving the body regenerated and rejuvenated.
№8. Prophylactic protection from radiation and other harmful environmental factors.
Dry fasting is a natural prophylactic mechanism that protects the body from harmful environmental influences, including radiation.
Dry fasting is a natural prophylactic mechanism that protects the body from harmful environmental influences, including radiation.
Radionuclides are eliminated in 2 weeks of traditional fasting and in 5 – 7 days of dry fasting.
The practice of medical fasting was used to treat those exposed to radiation and suffering from radiation sickness as a result of the accident in Chernobyl. Strong antibiotic treatment and bone marrow transplantation in such cases is ineffective. Scientist and hematologist A.I. Vorobjov was the first to use fasting in his medical practice. The results he obtained astonished the medical community: regeneration, an improvement in overall general health, a progressive decrease in the number of radionuclides in the body. Dry fasting delivered great results, where American and Japanese treatment methods failed.
№9. Effective prevention of oncological diseases.
Experimental research has shown that dry fasting is an effective means of disease prevention, including oncological disease.
The experiments of Professor Y.S. Nikolayev on white rats demonstrated that animals subjected to dry fasting after exposure to radiation are far less likely to develop blood cancer than the other rats. The experiment was conducted at Stavropol Medical Institute, where 120 white rats were divided into 4 groups. All of them were inoculated with sarcoma. The first group – before fasting, the second group – during fasting, the third – after breaking the fast. The control group was not subjected to fasting at all.
As a result of the experiment, all the animals from the control group died. In the first group, 50% of the rats survived; in the second group, two thirds survived. In the third group, where inoculation took place after breaking the fast, all the animals survived.
A similar experiment was conducted in the USA. Rats were exposed to radioactive irradiation, which caused blood cancer in all animals within the control group. In the experimental group, where rats fasted, the percentage of sick animals was 70% lower.
It might seem that after fasting the body would be weak and defenseless against illnesses, but in fact the opposite is true: having eliminated weak cells during fasting, the body is even more effective in fighting illness.
Experimental research has shown that dry fasting is an effective means of disease prevention, including oncological disease.
The experiments of Professor Y.S. Nikolayev on white rats demonstrated that animals subjected to dry fasting after exposure to radiation are far less likely to develop blood cancer than the other rats. The experiment was conducted at Stavropol Medical Institute, where 120 white rats were divided into 4 groups. All of them were inoculated with sarcoma. The first group – before fasting, the second group – during fasting, the third – after breaking the fast. The control group was not subjected to fasting at all.
As a result of the experiment, all the animals from the control group died. In the first group, 50% of the rats survived; in the second group, two thirds survived. In the third group, where inoculation took place after breaking the fast, all the animals survived.
A similar experiment was conducted in the USA. Rats were exposed to radioactive irradiation, which caused blood cancer in all animals within the control group. In the experimental group, where rats fasted, the percentage of sick animals was 70% lower.
It might seem that after fasting the body would be weak and defenseless against illnesses, but in fact the opposite is true: having eliminated weak cells during fasting, the body is even more effective in fighting illness.
№10. Regeneration of energy, purification of energy channels. In the course of dry fasting, the body’s energy is renewed. Brain activity increases, creative abilities emerge and the soul achieves a state of harmony. Will power strengthens. Dry fasting involves spiritual work and provides spiritual results that are equally astonishing: negative information is removed, negative energy is eliminated, energy channels are cleansed and chakras are opened.
The fever experienced by a person in the course of dry fasting affects not only damaged physical tissue, but also negative energy. Some of this material is burned; some leaves the body, unable to withstand the extreme conditions of dry fasting.
Areas filled with “hard”, “dead” water – pathological parts of the body where negative energy is concentrated – are resorbed. These areas appear long before the symptoms of an illness manifest. As a result of dry fasting, “hard” water disappears, replaced by the “live” endogenic water synthesized by the body. Pathology disappears along with the underlying causes of various diseases and psychological problems.
The fever experienced by a person in the course of dry fasting affects not only damaged physical tissue, but also negative energy. Some of this material is burned; some leaves the body, unable to withstand the extreme conditions of dry fasting.
Areas filled with “hard”, “dead” water – pathological parts of the body where negative energy is concentrated – are resorbed. These areas appear long before the symptoms of an illness manifest. As a result of dry fasting, “hard” water disappears, replaced by the “live” endogenic water synthesized by the body. Pathology disappears along with the underlying causes of various diseases and psychological problems.
№11. A rush of energy, increased energy reserves.
Participants emerge from the dry fasting process with new reserves of energy. They need less sleep and function more effectively. This seems counterintuitive: it would seem that a person who doesn’t drink or eat would lose energy instead of gaining it. But this is no paradox.
Firstly, during fasting, the body draws energy from its surroundings. The intensity of this process during dry fasting is even higher.
Secondly, after breaking a dry fast, the body begins a process of super-regeneration, accumulating energy and creating energy reserves.
Thirdly, the purification of energy channels, or chakras, during dry fasting allows a person to receive energy from the environment freely. The body itself, cleansed and renewed, is able to accumulate more energy than before the fast.
As a result, after the dry fast is broken the body is overflowing with energy: 4-5 hours of sleep are enough, a person becomes highly productive and feels alive, optimistic and energized.
Participants emerge from the dry fasting process with new reserves of energy. They need less sleep and function more effectively. This seems counterintuitive: it would seem that a person who doesn’t drink or eat would lose energy instead of gaining it. But this is no paradox.
Firstly, during fasting, the body draws energy from its surroundings. The intensity of this process during dry fasting is even higher.
Secondly, after breaking a dry fast, the body begins a process of super-regeneration, accumulating energy and creating energy reserves.
Thirdly, the purification of energy channels, or chakras, during dry fasting allows a person to receive energy from the environment freely. The body itself, cleansed and renewed, is able to accumulate more energy than before the fast.
As a result, after the dry fast is broken the body is overflowing with energy: 4-5 hours of sleep are enough, a person becomes highly productive and feels alive, optimistic and energized.
I have not had any Candida attacks for years, and lost a total of 18 pounds in those three days
No, I am not. I can tell you what my experience was, but you - in your own mind - must determine whether this practice may be for you. This is the type of topic where I haste to give you any type of instructions because absolute fasting can be such a precarioius undertaking.
If you have decided that you want to do this type of fast, do a SOFT one and take it very slow and easy. A rigid absolute fast should be reserved as the very last recourse.
Candace Turner ·
Works at State of Oklahoma
All the absolute fasts I've done have been easier than a water fast.
This article will describe my first experience of a 2.5-day dry fast. For more information about dry fasts in general click here, and for my experience with shorter 36-hour dry fasts click here.Dehydration as detox: the phrase came to mind soon after finishing the fast earlier this week. More than just an intellectual construct, dehydration as detox was something I experienced, felt and understood for the first time on a very bodily level. My first two 36-hour dry fasts provided a taster of this, but it’s only with the second full day of fasting that the process begins to work on a deeper level.
In his book Dry Medical Fasting: myths and reality, Dr. Sergei Filonov describes how the body contains areas in which bodily fluid in the intercellular space is never fully washed out under normal circumstances. Like swamps in the external world, these internal ‘marshes’ provide an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, viruses and microbes – just as stagnant water invites mosquitos. In addition, toxins which find their way into these internal reservoirs tend not to flush out, just as chemical waste in the external environment is unlikely to dissipate from water without a current flowing through it. Such toxins include a molecular variant of water itself: deuterium or ‘heavy water’, in which the hydrogen atom contains a neutron as well as the usual proton. Most of us are familiar with this particular isotope because of its use in nuclear power plants as a so-called moderator, but it also occurs completely naturally in every drop of water we drink. Although found in the environment in relatively low concentrations (.02%), the higher mass and comparative ‘sluggishness’ of this molecule means that it’s even less likely to wash clean from such reservoirs inside the body. And so, gradually, over the course of a lifetime, the proportion of deuterium steadily rises, eventually increasing the likelihood of serious disease, including cancer.
Everyone is familiar with the idea of drinking large quantities of fluid to flush out toxins. Water fasts and juice diets, for instance, are founded upon this principle. As much as they do work in removing toxins from much of the body, the deepest, darkest inner ‘swamps’ remain beyond reach. Just think about it: if the volume of water flowing through a river increases, the current accelerates mainly in the centre, while side branches and especially back waters are less affected, if at all.
With dry fasting, you effectively squeeze the water out from everywhere inside. Similarly, swamps dry up during a drought… And so we return to that phrase again: dehydration as detox. Throughout the second day of my fast, the image of wringing out a wet towel continually recurred. More than just an intellectual construct, this was something experienced, felt and understood on a very bodily level… My body was the towel… Each individual cell was the towel…
In his book Dry Medical Fasting: myths and reality, Dr. Sergei Filonov describes how the body contains areas in which bodily fluid in the intercellular space is never fully washed out under normal circumstances. Like swamps in the external world, these internal ‘marshes’ provide an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, viruses and microbes – just as stagnant water invites mosquitos. In addition, toxins which find their way into these internal reservoirs tend not to flush out, just as chemical waste in the external environment is unlikely to dissipate from water without a current flowing through it. Such toxins include a molecular variant of water itself: deuterium or ‘heavy water’, in which the hydrogen atom contains a neutron as well as the usual proton. Most of us are familiar with this particular isotope because of its use in nuclear power plants as a so-called moderator, but it also occurs completely naturally in every drop of water we drink. Although found in the environment in relatively low concentrations (.02%), the higher mass and comparative ‘sluggishness’ of this molecule means that it’s even less likely to wash clean from such reservoirs inside the body. And so, gradually, over the course of a lifetime, the proportion of deuterium steadily rises, eventually increasing the likelihood of serious disease, including cancer.
Everyone is familiar with the idea of drinking large quantities of fluid to flush out toxins. Water fasts and juice diets, for instance, are founded upon this principle. As much as they do work in removing toxins from much of the body, the deepest, darkest inner ‘swamps’ remain beyond reach. Just think about it: if the volume of water flowing through a river increases, the current accelerates mainly in the centre, while side branches and especially back waters are less affected, if at all.
With dry fasting, you effectively squeeze the water out from everywhere inside. Similarly, swamps dry up during a drought… And so we return to that phrase again: dehydration as detox. Throughout the second day of my fast, the image of wringing out a wet towel continually recurred. More than just an intellectual construct, this was something experienced, felt and understood on a very bodily level… My body was the towel… Each individual cell was the towel…
Interestingly, throughout the last 24 hours, my wife commented on the odour exuding from my body and breath, saying that I smelled like ‘mud’: a deep stench of rotting mud. Not very flattering, perhaps, but was it any coincidence that specifically ‘mud’ was the word she found to express herself? Swamps… Mud… It was so overpowering that she refused to sleep in the same room as me! One thing is for certain. I’ve never smelled like that before – not on any water fast, regardless of its length, whether a week or longer.Otherwise, the experience of this fast went surprisingly smoothly. Eating and drinking nothing from Monday evening until Thursday morning, as well as refraining from baths and showers (to prevent water absorption through the skin), the first 36 hours felt similar to my previous two shorter dry fasts, and by Wednesday morning the remains of a slight cold had even disappeared. Over the course of the rest of the day I did feel weak, along with low blood pressure. The idea of having to teach a yoga class later in the day definitely did not appeal! Rather than draining me of energy, though, it turned out to be a turning point of sorts, and afterwards I began to feel stronger again. I can’t say whether this was a result of the yoga or as a natural consequence of the fast itself, since the second full day of a dry fast is generally considered the hardest. I’ll find out for sure next time :-). Also by Wednesday evening, the prolonged detox process which had continued through most of that day (as evidenced through my tongue) began to let up. This may well also have contributed to my feeling stronger.
During the entire fast I never suffered from headaches, nausea, dizziness or muscle aches. Even thirst wasn’t an issue, although in the last 12 hours my throat (but not my mouth) did begin to feel a little dry. Likewise, a slow but steady need to urinate continued throughout, just as in my previous 36-hour dry fasts: about 150-200ml every six hours or so. In other words, serious dehydration was not a problem. However, I have to jump in at this point with a big warning. Do NOT try dry fasting without previous experience in water fasting. I attribute the ease of my own fast here to years of water fasting (mainly 7-10 day fasts). Without this kind of prior experience, the level of toxicity in your body may well be too high to make dry fasting safe.
The only physical symptoms I felt were weakness (quite severe at times), some light-headedness, and from Wednesday evening a sense of tightness/soreness in the kidney area. I’m familiar with the ‘kidney thing’ from water fasting. I’m still not sure whether it’s caused by the kidneys working harder than usual to clean the blood, or whether it’s something resulting from an empty gut, which thereby causes the internal organs to hang differently, perhaps pulling differently on certain muscles or connective tissue. In any case, the remedy I favour most during water fasts – a nice, hot bath – was clearly out of the question. Instead, yoga stretches solved the problem. Early Thursday morning I woke up with more tightness again, which was uncomfortable enough to prevent me from falling asleep again. At this point I decided to begin drinking, since I’d reached my objective of 2.5 days.
An interesting development this time concerned my feelings about returning to food and drink. Whereas I definitely wanted to drink towards the end of my first two 36-hour dry fasts, whereas I wanted the juiciness of that first succulent orange, this time the feeling was different. Unlike my first dry fast, which instilled a lurking angst and nagging survival instinct, this time there was peace. Psychologically, I was comfortable with not eating or drinking. I knew it wasn’t going to kill me. There was no sense of need.
Although the idea of drinking was definitely becoming attractive by Wednesday evening, the actual process of rehydration on Thursday morning surprisingly felt a little forced. The first glass of water even felt strangely unnatural. As odd as it may sound, was it a subtle sense of disappointment? Was it the loss of freedom, after having let go of the addiction to eating and drinking for a few days? A loss of connection with deeper self and soul, which requires no physical sustenance? Or was it just the result of my stomach having shrunk? I really don’t know…
One final thought about dehydration as detox. If you’re still not convinced by the idea that dehydration can be good for you, that it stimulates detoxification, then just think about this. What are the symptoms of ‘everyday’ dehydration: the kind we’re warned to avoid? Headache. Dizziness. Fatigue. Low blood pressure. Nausea. Muscle tightness or cramps… Doesn’t this sound rather similar to the symptoms of detoxification – even when fluid is used as the catalyst? In fact, is there any difference at all? Hmm, something worth thinking about… The essential factor here, though, is that most forms of dehydration besides dry fasting – such as excess sweating, bleeding or diarrhea – occur along with the loss of essential minerals, salts and electrolytes, which of course disrupts and endangers the body’s metabolism. Dry fasting preserves the cleansing benefits of dehydration while minimising the risks associated with the loss of such minerals and salts.
I feel there’s still so much to learn from dry fasting. I’ll keep working with the current duration of 2.5 days (60 hours), until my body feels it’s time to try a slightly longer duration. Better to play it safe than sorry, but I can hardly wait to continue the adventure!
In fact, dry fasting was successfully used after the Chernobyl disaster to heal victims of radiation exposure when other therapies had failed.
Let there be no mistake: if your body carries a high degree of toxicity, a dry fast can certainly kill you – precisely because it releases the toxins so efficiently. Where do these poisons originate? In the toxic waste products of combustion engines and cheap consumer goods produced in the insatiable fire of consumer society. In the air, in the water, in the earth: everywhere we are poisoning ourselves. It’s the reason we die of cancer…
During the entire fast I never suffered from headaches, nausea, dizziness or muscle aches. Even thirst wasn’t an issue, although in the last 12 hours my throat (but not my mouth) did begin to feel a little dry. Likewise, a slow but steady need to urinate continued throughout, just as in my previous 36-hour dry fasts: about 150-200ml every six hours or so. In other words, serious dehydration was not a problem. However, I have to jump in at this point with a big warning. Do NOT try dry fasting without previous experience in water fasting. I attribute the ease of my own fast here to years of water fasting (mainly 7-10 day fasts). Without this kind of prior experience, the level of toxicity in your body may well be too high to make dry fasting safe.
The only physical symptoms I felt were weakness (quite severe at times), some light-headedness, and from Wednesday evening a sense of tightness/soreness in the kidney area. I’m familiar with the ‘kidney thing’ from water fasting. I’m still not sure whether it’s caused by the kidneys working harder than usual to clean the blood, or whether it’s something resulting from an empty gut, which thereby causes the internal organs to hang differently, perhaps pulling differently on certain muscles or connective tissue. In any case, the remedy I favour most during water fasts – a nice, hot bath – was clearly out of the question. Instead, yoga stretches solved the problem. Early Thursday morning I woke up with more tightness again, which was uncomfortable enough to prevent me from falling asleep again. At this point I decided to begin drinking, since I’d reached my objective of 2.5 days.
An interesting development this time concerned my feelings about returning to food and drink. Whereas I definitely wanted to drink towards the end of my first two 36-hour dry fasts, whereas I wanted the juiciness of that first succulent orange, this time the feeling was different. Unlike my first dry fast, which instilled a lurking angst and nagging survival instinct, this time there was peace. Psychologically, I was comfortable with not eating or drinking. I knew it wasn’t going to kill me. There was no sense of need.
Although the idea of drinking was definitely becoming attractive by Wednesday evening, the actual process of rehydration on Thursday morning surprisingly felt a little forced. The first glass of water even felt strangely unnatural. As odd as it may sound, was it a subtle sense of disappointment? Was it the loss of freedom, after having let go of the addiction to eating and drinking for a few days? A loss of connection with deeper self and soul, which requires no physical sustenance? Or was it just the result of my stomach having shrunk? I really don’t know…
One final thought about dehydration as detox. If you’re still not convinced by the idea that dehydration can be good for you, that it stimulates detoxification, then just think about this. What are the symptoms of ‘everyday’ dehydration: the kind we’re warned to avoid? Headache. Dizziness. Fatigue. Low blood pressure. Nausea. Muscle tightness or cramps… Doesn’t this sound rather similar to the symptoms of detoxification – even when fluid is used as the catalyst? In fact, is there any difference at all? Hmm, something worth thinking about… The essential factor here, though, is that most forms of dehydration besides dry fasting – such as excess sweating, bleeding or diarrhea – occur along with the loss of essential minerals, salts and electrolytes, which of course disrupts and endangers the body’s metabolism. Dry fasting preserves the cleansing benefits of dehydration while minimising the risks associated with the loss of such minerals and salts.
I feel there’s still so much to learn from dry fasting. I’ll keep working with the current duration of 2.5 days (60 hours), until my body feels it’s time to try a slightly longer duration. Better to play it safe than sorry, but I can hardly wait to continue the adventure!
In fact, dry fasting was successfully used after the Chernobyl disaster to heal victims of radiation exposure when other therapies had failed.
Let there be no mistake: if your body carries a high degree of toxicity, a dry fast can certainly kill you – precisely because it releases the toxins so efficiently. Where do these poisons originate? In the toxic waste products of combustion engines and cheap consumer goods produced in the insatiable fire of consumer society. In the air, in the water, in the earth: everywhere we are poisoning ourselves. It’s the reason we die of cancer…
Given the toxicity of today’s environment, given human laziness in popping pills instead of following a more natural course of healing, we have poisoned ourselves to the point that a dry fast really is more likely to kill the average person instead of heal them.
Once you have experience in water fasting, though, dry fasting provides an even more powerful healing experience. The mechanics of a dry fast work on several layers. First, denying yourself fluids doesn’t mean that you’ll immediately dehydrate. As your body breaks down and burns fat cells through the process of ketosis, free hydrogen molecules are released – which then go on to bond with oxygen molecules in the blood. Hey presto: water! Dr. Sergei Filonov, an expert in dry fasting, estimates that every day the body is able to produce over a litre of metabolised water this way. It is through this water that toxins are removed from the blood, and during any dry fast the need to urinate should continue – even if less frequently than usual.
Another reason that dry fasting provides such an effective detox is that the fluid which normally fills the intercellular space begins to dry up. Yes, without drinking you do dehydrate to a degree. As a result, the pressure inside each cell becomes greater than the pressure outside (in the intercellular space). Consequently, the fluid within each cell begins to leak out into the intercellular space, carrying with it toxins which would normally remain locked within the cell.
Through denying yourself water, you also deny any harmful bacteria and viruses of the water they need to thrive. Any inflammation in the body occurs through a build-up of water – and so inflammatory problems can be healed through dry fasting. In addition, Dr. Filonov explains how there are areas of, effectively, “stagnant” water in the body, which are hard to flush out using extra water. As we all know, stagnant water provides an ideal breeding ground for harmful organisms. Just think of mosquitos. Do they prefer fast-running streams or swamps? By drying up the “swamps” inside our body during a dry fast, we can rid ourselves of harmful bacteria and parasites. This is only the beginning…
According to dry-fasting pioneer Dr. Sergei Filonov, the maximum time recommended for any unsupervised dry fast is five days, which in many respects equates with the feel of a two-week water fast
When you go on a dry fast, the pours of your skin develop a greater capacity to absorb water through the skin and in a good clean environment will readily absorb moisture from the air. It is for this reason that Dr. Filonov highly recommends undertaking a long dry fast in the mountains where the air if fresh, moist, and pure. He encourages many of his patients to sleep outside next to a stream of running water during their long dry fasts.
While several of our Biblical forefathers fasted for 40 days, the longest dry fast on record in modern times is 18 days. However, most modern practitioners of dry fasting do not recommend dry fasting for longer than 12 days. Dr. Filonov always recommends doing several water fasts before ever attempting a dry fast. Then he recommends that a person start with very short dry fasts, 36-hours once a week. After doing this for a while, then a person can gradually do longer dry fasts of 2, 3, and 4 days.
Finally, to affect deep cleansing of the tissues and healing of serious chronic illnesses, he recommends a protocol known as a “fractionated” dry fast in which the person does a dry fast for 5-7 days, re-hydrates for 3 days, then does a second dry fast for 9-11 days. He has found this method to be extremely safe over time.
In order to achieve permanent healing results, a person must traverse two separate “acidotic” crises, the first between 3-5 days and the second between 9-11 days.
So, by breaking up the fast, the “fractionated” method allows the person to go through the first crisis during the first fast and the second crisis during the second fast, thus reducing the stress on the body from too many toxins needing to be eliminated at one time. It should be noted that Dr. Filonov never recommend doing a dry fast for longer than 5 days without supervision. The problem with this is that there is are no medical doctors with experience in dry fasting in the United States. So, we are pretty much on our own if we want to use this method of healing.
Another method of dry fasting that Dr. Filonov has found to be extremely safe and beneficial is a protocol he calls “cascade” dry fasting in which the person begins by fasting 1 day and eating 1 day alternately. Then, he has the person fast 2 days and eat 2 days alternately, then fast 3 day and eat 3 days alternately, then fast 4 days and eat 4 days alternately, then fast 5 days and eat 5 days alternately. With this protocol the person is literally fasting one half of every month. In his book, Dr. Filonov says he personally knows a medical doctor who cured himself of a blood cancer by doing 5/5 protocol for a full year.
In a dry fast, the body does not eliminate toxins in the same manner as it does during a water fast.
Instead of removing toxins through the normal channels of elimination, skin, liver, kidneys, urine, and bowels, it actually turns each cell into a tiny incinerator and burns the toxins up inside of the cell.
One thing I have noticed since I started dry fasting is that I have almost no body odor or bad breath during a dry fast, while I always experienced this during a water fast. Each day of a dry fast is said to be equivalent to 3 days of a water fast in terms of detoxification, so you accomplish much more in a shorter time. The good thing about this is that a person does not need to take a long absence from their normal life, so it costs less both for the fast itself (if you are going to a facility to be supervised) and for the time taken off from work. Also, you lose less muscle mass and more body fat with dry fasting, than you do with water fasting, and the recovery time is quicker. Returning to normal function after a 10 day dry fast is much faster than after a 30 day water fast.
Nevertheless, a person should plan for a re-building time of twice the length of the dry fast. So, for example,
if you do a 7 day dry fast, you should plan for a 2 week recovery period.
After my first 4 day dry fast, I had so much energy on day 2 of re-feeding that I decided to go dig up a garden bed I wanted to plant and ended up pulling a muscle in my forearm because I was not properly re-hydrated. It took a week to heal and I learned my lesson. Do not overestimate your capabilities after a dry fast and make sure you give your body sufficient time to recover before engaging in any strenuous physical activity.
Nevertheless, a person should plan for a re-building time of twice the length of the dry fast. So, for example, if you do a 7 day dry fast, you should plan for a 2 week recovery period. After my first 4 day dry fast, I had so much energy on day 2 of re-feeding that I decided to go dig up a garden bed I wanted to plant and ended up pulling a muscle in my forearm because I was not properly re-hydrated. It took a week to heal and I learned my lesson. Do not overestimate your capabilities after a dry fast and make sure you give your body sufficient time to recover before engaging in any strenuous physical activity.
How you exit a dry fast is extremely important. If you do it incorrectly, you can definitely harm yourself.
Dr. Filonov says to drink two liters of pure water very slowly, holding each sip in your mouth as long as possible, over a two hour period.
Then he says to continue drinking water for the next 12 hours a little bit at a time.
After that you can start to reintroduce other foods and liquids.
Dr. Filonov is not a practitioner of a Zero Carb diet, so he recommends making a fruit compote out of dried figs, prunes, apricots, and raisins (all unsulfured and organic) cooked in water to soften before eating, as well as vegetable soup, fish broth, and raw milk kefir
Dry fasting itself is not a “cure,” but it provides the right conditions to allow the body to activate all of its own, God-given, healing powers. Dr. Filonov has seen many illnesses heal through dry fasting; below is a list of the ones he mentions in his book:
ovarian cysts
uterine fibroids
hot flashes
yeast infection
parasite infection
viral infection
bacterial infection
benign tumors
rheumatoid arthritis
ankylosing spondylitis
chronic pneumonia
pulmonary sarcoidosis
herniated disk
brain injury
migraine headaches
stomach ulcer
duodenal ulcer
ulcerative colitis
irritable bowel syndrome
non-insulin dependent diabetes
atopic dermatitis
chronic urticaria
interstitial cystitis
chronic pyelonephritis
prostate adenoma
**Please note: There are a number of conditions for which dry fasting is contraindicated; namely, malignant tumors or blood conditions, tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism and other endocrine diseases, cirrhosis of the liver, heart arrhythmia, circulatory failure degrees II & III, underweight, pregnancy and lactation, being younger than 14 or older than 70 years of age. And, as always, is best to check with a qualified medical practioner before deciding to embark upon fast of any kind.
uterine fibroids
hot flashes
yeast infection
parasite infection
viral infection
bacterial infection
benign tumors
rheumatoid arthritis
ankylosing spondylitis
chronic pneumonia
pulmonary sarcoidosis
herniated disk
brain injury
migraine headaches
stomach ulcer
duodenal ulcer
ulcerative colitis
irritable bowel syndrome
non-insulin dependent diabetes
atopic dermatitis
chronic urticaria
interstitial cystitis
chronic pyelonephritis
prostate adenoma
**Please note: There are a number of conditions for which dry fasting is contraindicated; namely, malignant tumors or blood conditions, tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism and other endocrine diseases, cirrhosis of the liver, heart arrhythmia, circulatory failure degrees II & III, underweight, pregnancy and lactation, being younger than 14 or older than 70 years of age. And, as always, is best to check with a qualified medical practioner before deciding to embark upon fast of any kind.
opinion of a reader-
Similarly, fasting can improve the health of a diabetic, but it will not enable them to resume eating a high carbohydrate diet since they have lost their ability to metabolize carbohydrates through long term overconsumption.
reader 2
I use to be lactose intolerance but fasting healed that for me. I think if you continue fasting it will heal your sensitivity. Our bodies coevolved with plants and meat as a nutritional source. The main question is were you always intolerant to salicylates? As a kid could you eat plants without any side effects. If so, then your body has the potential to create enzymes to digest it, however it may just be the case of the RNA being damaged and unable to transcribe the enzyme. Maybe if you continue fasting long enough it will destroy the damaged protein and create a new functional protein. That’s how my lactose intolerance got reversed. However it did take a long time to heal.
reader 3
Always best to break it with water. Wait a while for the water to go into your stomach and gut so it’s hydrated and then eat. If you do fasts longer then 5 days then you need to break it with water for a day or two and then introduce light food etc
Please read the book Primal Body Primal Mind by Nora Gedgaudas. The number one cause of adrenal fatigue is too many carbohydrates in the diet.
No, I think that is fine. I have done it both ways. I recently did a 16 day fast that was >>> 5 water – 5 dry – 6 water <<< and I really liked doing it that way. But I have also gone directly into dry fasts from my last meal
It’s allright. Work your way up to longer fast. You will realise it gets easier and easier. I’ve done a 7 days dry fast and didn’t even feel thirsty for the first four days. People do 14 days dry fast without even feeling thirsty, or getting low energy or even dry mouth or lips, or weight loss (assuming they are lean).
Once you body is clean of junk, It can story water inside your cells instead of junk so you become extremely hydrated.
To reach this level of hydration can take a year or two of dry fasting.
Cells have vacuoles in them which store wastes and junk to prevent contamination of the rest of the body. However the vacuole has the capability of storing nutrients as well as water. But because of our contaminated bodies all our cells contain junk only.
When you dry fast all of this junk will pour out of the cell and slowly be replaced with water and nutrients.
There are people out there who can do 40 days dry fast (no food or water). However I do not recommend it unless your body is extremely clean.
Yes, stresscan cause a return of appetite before it might otherwise happen if you were able to truly rest with no worries or responsibilities. The longest dry fast I ever did was 10 days and Dr. Filonov says to go no longer than 11 days. Congratulations on you success so far!
Originally Posted by Dr. Filonov
Dehydration causes competition between healthy cells and pathological organisms for water. It is a real survival-of-the-fittest scenario. Inflammation cannot survive without water. A wet environment is ideal for the proliferation of pathological bacteria, viruses and worms – water shortage is as devastating as fire for them. All dead or dying tissues will be expelled from the body. A water fast does the same thing but takes much longer to accomplish the goal.
What is inflammation? Tissues are swollen with water where infection is having a party. Pathological bacteria and microbes love wet terrain. Dry fasting eliminates inflammation the same way a swamp gets rid of mosquitoes and other insects when it dries up. Microbes are annihilated immediately. The shortage of water is a cleansing drought that is disastrous to the body’s enemies. It is pernicious for pathological bacteria.
Note that there is an analogous practice that involves training the body in intervals to adapt to restricted oxygen intake known as Intermittent Hypoxic training forcing the body to adapt and to achieve many benefits:
Dehydrated cells act as furnaces burning the toxic matter". [These are the weaker cells diseased or otherwise that are losing in the competion for the limited water].
It has been shown that dry fasting is a reliable method of protection from radiation. T.A. Voistovish, a director of healing and fasting retreats has had some very interesting results treating victims of nuclear radiation who had been subjected to 400 to 600 Roentgens of radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disasters. All of those treated with fasting quickly recovered. They only fasted for about two weeks and all their bodily functions were restored as well as cells regenerated!
It is said that there are no other methods that are this effective against radiation, literally, in the world. No other therapies, period. Dry fasting beats them all. The saying goes, never give a sick man food, and people that have gone through nuclear radiation definitely are sick, and need the time for the body to regenerate.
Several Russian doctors were very successful in treating Chernobyl survivors with water and dry fasting. (See my book Quantum Eating for more on dry fasting.) One of these Russian doctors, Dr. Filonov, who conducted numerous supervised fasts, believes that to cleanse the body effectively after radioactive damage one must completely avoid consuming foods for an appropriate time. This method gave good results for victims of the Chernobyl disaster, even those who had suffered acute radiation sickness.
Dry fasting slows the rhythm of cell division, allowing the body to use more energy for repair and healing. The Chernobyl victims’ improved condition led researchers to believe that even heritable mutations can be reversed, with the restoration of the nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, taking place. Even damaged cells begin to divide normally.
Regular fasting also helps restore the protective functions of cells and organs against radiation damage. This is particularly important for those who live or work in settings where one is regularly subjected to radiation. The process of fasting improves the mechanisms for expelling toxic substances that interfere with the body’s proper functioning—radio-nuclides, nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals and other poisons.
Experiments on rats have tested the effects of fasting on the immune system. Filonov talked about an experiment he observed at one medical school: 120 white rats were divided into four groups of 30. All were injected with sarcoma (a cancer of the connective tissue). The control group ate regularly, while the other three groups were placed on a 3-day [Dry] fast at some point in the experiment. Of the group of 30 injected with sarcoma prior to the fast, half died. The second group, injected during the fast, had a 1/3 death rate. In the third group, injected immediately after the fast, all the rats survived. The rats in the control group, which did not fast, all died.
Only strong, viable cells survive a dry fast. So, as this experiment demonstrates, even short-term dry fasts serve as a powerful prophylactic against malignant tumors."
from: Raw Food Blog Blog Archive Radiation: What Can You Do?
excerpts from dr sergey filinov's book
How? The main way in which the body gets rid from toxic products - toxins, is to neutralize their in the liver and excretion by the kidneys. Water-soluble toxins are derived the kidneys, and fat-soluble bile (a substance bilirubin) in the intestine and then out with the feces. For other Substances mechanisms of excretion of the lung (CO2) and the important role played by the skin
When you starve vital energy performs cleaning work in your body. The organism is self-cleaning, samolechitsya and self-healing. When you stop eating, your organism there are wonderful things! If you want to support the body clean, you have to starve! Try to starve a few times - you feel that never before felt: internal cleansing, which leads you to health!
Fasting serves two functions. First - prevention: fasting for about three days the body goes powered by internal reserves (endogenous feeding). When This destroyed alien (bacteria and viruses), bad and abnormal structures at the cellular level. Second - medical: Fasting allows for deep cleansing of all organs, with the existing pathology (including embryos of tumors) during the endogenous nutrition destroyed. All organs lose in weight. Their recovery is in the process of the correct clinical nutrition in the recovery period, the duration which is approximately equal to the duration of fasting
Three days of difficult to endure without water. Here begin trials of the spirit. Already thirsty. See, observe Golden Rule out of starvation. Cleansing enemas do not necessary. If you're used correctly, the stomach clears itself. But if you drink water, the enema may be needed. When dry starvation does not require them.
4th day...Possible in this case, and constipation. This already a difficult period, will haunt ponds, wells, spring water. Can go to the skin from the lips and gums, mouth dry.
The fifth stage of the cascade of fasting. Last. Five days after five, etc. All the same manner as described above. Output from fasting same. This is the worst day. Impossible to sleep. Want fresh air. The body emits a foul odor. in the body flow all crystals. Open pores of the body, through them, then removed, that would never have thrown out the kidneys. It is difficult to speak, in the mouth dries up. There do not want to just drink. Remember the golden rule. Initially, the water and only 2 hours kefir. Only protein, light and liquid food. and only 2 hours after that we can cautiously little bit of everything is everything else.
After three four or five days of fasting is necessary to start little by little. Do not start with the fifth stage, the fourth or third, it inappropriate and even harmful. Learn basic beginning the first and second. If you pay such a fasting month, when any of these stages of obtaining an equal number of hungry days. for 30 days - five days after five - you can still gain 15 days of fasting, as if starving day after day.
Another important circumstance. During the hungry days, it is better not wash, do not wash, do not brush their teeth - in short no contact with water. This is necessary in order to prevent any water body parts and that the cells are in contact with water does not nourish it. Otherwise, these place will not be updated and maintained. It is difficult, of course, refrain from wet hands. Domestic mess, washing utensils, etc., but then your skin will not be updated, select one of two things.
At stage 5 days after 5 you can treat any disease. and there a disease that she was not treated in this way. and AIDS and cancer, and diabetes - all treated. Treated, and all infectious, sexually transmitted disease
But it must be done on the first or second month pregnancy. and if it started, then bring to a conclusion. and remember that fasting 5 days in 5 with water will not give the desired result. Only without the water. in ancient times, this method is widely used in South Asia, but then somehow forgotten
A clinical experiment in the mid-90 years on the basis of the Ivanovo Medical Academy, showed that absolute medical starvation (no food or water) has a serious perspective in terms of treatment of cancer and severe immunodeficiencies. In the dry fasting achieved higher concentrations biologically active substances, hormones, immune cells and immunoglobulins in body fluids
Nearly fifteen years of not eating meat and fish. in the Altai Mountains starved forty days, as Jesus Christ in the desert, and dry starvation lasted fifteen days. and now sure if people endure sixty days of fasting, he can live for years without food. in one travel along the Ural Nikitin met a woman who live without food for five years
Adherents of the "solar power "(those who do not eat at all, and insist that they take energy from the sunlight) - and there are several thousand - are going to their forums in Australia
Willpower Such things are not done. At the subtle level, was transformed lungs to supply the body with moisture from the air.
Inhaled oxygen enters the bloodstream and burn unnecessary substances, and their "little corpses" are removed by red blood calves produced by the spinal cord. If the organism was absolutely free of toxins, then, ideally, production of red cells completely ceased, and the blood of man was a only the lymph, which has a bluish color
Switching power supply through the skin should not happen abruptly but gradually.
In our case, a man on his own decides to refuse to take food through the stomach, it gently your body adapts to it. in the first week he does not eat only half days next week - day, then - 1,5 days. So gradually comes to what may be waived entirely from food, only occasionally feeding the water. Degradation of the digestive bodies took place over a long period, and physical body is transformed by the currently existing power system. Our task - to make the body think that it laid since ancient times. - As far as I understood you were not completely refuse to eat. within two years you'll still eat one every four days, although the diet and was only 100 grams of food ... Why? - The fact that passing is completely powered through the skin, person acquires unusual properties. He is not just worsening eyesight and hearing, he begins to hear the thoughts, fulfilled his desire, even involuntary. You must be a very well prepared for such opportunities, since, being among people can be a lot of mangled wood.
- How can we explain that sunlight brings all necessary for the active substance of human existence? - Sunlight and light of distant stars by itself is a system of pair of elementary particles (para-positronium and ortho). These particles can enter into resonance with the particles of the body's cells and form all the chemical elements necessary for nutrition rights. That is, 'factory' exists in man himself, in cells his skin.
Prana never impossible to overeat, it should not prepare and spend time on mastering and rumination. No need to go in the latrine at the end of assimilation of prana to evacuate its surplus. And, most importantly, by making such a meal has no side effects and can not overeat. Organism itself, without cluttering your consciousness of unnecessary detail, learns of this food so much, as he needs.
In the first phase (1-2 days), our body uses reserves rapid response. However, if the person continues to starve, his body can no longer sustain itself through temporary adjustment of metabolic processes, and the state cellular metabolism continues to deteriorate. The absence of glucose leads to the accumulation in the blood ketone bodies, which increased concentrations begin to play the role of endogenous toxins. So , the situation for the cells continued to deteriorate and there the prospect of their death.
In the first phase (1-2 days), our body uses reserves rapid response. However, if the person continues to starve, his body can no longer sustain itself through temporary adjustment of metabolic processes, and the state cellular metabolism continues to deteriorate. The absence of glucose leads to the accumulation in the blood ketone bodies, which increased concentrations begin to play the role of endogenous toxins. So , the situation for the cells continued to deteriorate and there the prospect of their death.
Our body is able to complete comfort and peace weakens and loses its adaptive force. But in a changing environment, to strong disincentives, awakened hitherto unknown ability, the mechanism of autoregulation
Scientists believe that in each memory cell of the water is already incorporated information. and only about the past, but also about the future. And if you remember that the person more than 70% of the water, we can easily come to a conclusion: we are all - Programmable. Any external factors, including and communicate with one another, change the structure and biochemical composition of body fluids at the cellular level. Without themselves Aware of every day we programmed ourselves and others. Scientists confirmed this. Fatigue, bad mood, wanton aggression, nervousness, and even many illnesses is the result of the negative impact of bioinformatics. It is therefore important to monitor your own words, to understand that they impact on everything around. Moreover, even his negative thinking person can poison everything that has at least one miserable water content.
It’s allright. Work your way up to longer fast. You will realise it gets easier and easier. I’ve done a 7 days dry fast and didn’t even feel thirsty for the first four days. People do 14 days dry fast without even feeling thirsty, or getting low energy or even dry mouth or lips, or weight loss (assuming they are lean).
Once you body is clean of junk, It can story water inside your cells instead of junk so you become extremely hydrated.
To reach this level of hydration can take a year or two of dry fasting.
Cells have vacuoles in them which store wastes and junk to prevent contamination of the rest of the body. However the vacuole has the capability of storing nutrients as well as water. But because of our contaminated bodies all our cells contain junk only.
When you dry fast all of this junk will pour out of the cell and slowly be replaced with water and nutrients.
There are people out there who can do 40 days dry fast (no food or water). However I do not recommend it unless your body is extremely clean.
Yes, stresscan cause a return of appetite before it might otherwise happen if you were able to truly rest with no worries or responsibilities. The longest dry fast I ever did was 10 days and Dr. Filonov says to go no longer than 11 days. Congratulations on you success so far!
Have you heard of urine therapy.
It could help your condition. I personally do urine therapy myself and it has really helped me accelerate the healing dry fasting gives me. Urine therapy is just as or almost as powerful as dry fasting in my opinion. You should do some research and try it
Read people’s testimonies. They have healed a lot of stuff from urine alone. Aged urine is even better to drink. The key to longevity is: Dry fasting + Urine Therapy + Calorie Restriction + Mostly Raw diet + Short Burst exercises + Organic wine. You might think urine is a waste product but if you do your research you will realise its not. The amount of toxins in urine is minuscule compared to the amount in your gut.
Urea strengthens the liver and thus helps in healing.
I always though urine was gross as well but after I tried it I was amazed at the results. I had a broken join and after drinking urine within 15 minutes the pain went down by 50%. Once I had a headache and after drinking urine within 5 seconds the headache went away fully. I had a swollen tonsil and after drinking urine within 40 minutes it was 90% healed. Animals in wild also drink their urine especially if they don’t have access to water. Try it. Try aged urine, its even better. It’s perfect for building the right gut micro biota and has antibiotics to kill viruses. Junk is filtered by the liver and not kidneys, thus your urine is sterile and mostly clean. The little junk it has will only stimulate your immune system to train it more and most of the junk won’t get absorbed. The point is urine has next to no junk in it.
Dallas says------Urine fast twice as powerful as a dry fast
I have done a urine fast and have done several dry fasts. In my experience urine fasts are stronger.
By urine fast I mean only drinking urine and no water. I would say urine fasts are atleast twice as strong as dry fasts and twice as easy as well and you can go longer on a urine fast as well.
I have done 7 day dry fast twice so I can compare. Urine fast open you up and cleans your digestive system. Not to mention that there are a lot of stem cells in urine that can be used by the body.
Scientists have made brain cells and teeth in labs using the stem cells in urine.
During fasting the stem cell production increases however a lot of the stem cells end up in urine because your body can’t manage that much stem cells at once. By drinking urine you are recycling ketones, growth hormone, stem cells and testosterone so you become a healing, fat burning, energised, growth machine all at the same time. What I have noticed is that during my dry fasts my facial hair doesn’t grow much. However during my urine fasts (no water), my facial hair grows a lot and my body heals more powerfully at the same time. I bet you can build muscles and heal at the same time during urine fast, but I haven’t tried that yet.
Originally Posted by Dr. Filonov
Dehydration causes competition between healthy cells and pathological organisms for water. It is a real survival-of-the-fittest scenario. Inflammation cannot survive without water. A wet environment is ideal for the proliferation of pathological bacteria, viruses and worms – water shortage is as devastating as fire for them. All dead or dying tissues will be expelled from the body. A water fast does the same thing but takes much longer to accomplish the goal.
What is inflammation? Tissues are swollen with water where infection is having a party. Pathological bacteria and microbes love wet terrain. Dry fasting eliminates inflammation the same way a swamp gets rid of mosquitoes and other insects when it dries up. Microbes are annihilated immediately. The shortage of water is a cleansing drought that is disastrous to the body’s enemies. It is pernicious for pathological bacteria.
Note that there is an analogous practice that involves training the body in intervals to adapt to restricted oxygen intake known as Intermittent Hypoxic training forcing the body to adapt and to achieve many benefits:
Dehydrated cells act as furnaces burning the toxic matter". [These are the weaker cells diseased or otherwise that are losing in the competion for the limited water].
It has been shown that dry fasting is a reliable method of protection from radiation. T.A. Voistovish, a director of healing and fasting retreats has had some very interesting results treating victims of nuclear radiation who had been subjected to 400 to 600 Roentgens of radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disasters. All of those treated with fasting quickly recovered. They only fasted for about two weeks and all their bodily functions were restored as well as cells regenerated!
It is said that there are no other methods that are this effective against radiation, literally, in the world. No other therapies, period. Dry fasting beats them all. The saying goes, never give a sick man food, and people that have gone through nuclear radiation definitely are sick, and need the time for the body to regenerate.
Several Russian doctors were very successful in treating Chernobyl survivors with water and dry fasting. (See my book Quantum Eating for more on dry fasting.) One of these Russian doctors, Dr. Filonov, who conducted numerous supervised fasts, believes that to cleanse the body effectively after radioactive damage one must completely avoid consuming foods for an appropriate time. This method gave good results for victims of the Chernobyl disaster, even those who had suffered acute radiation sickness.
Dry fasting slows the rhythm of cell division, allowing the body to use more energy for repair and healing. The Chernobyl victims’ improved condition led researchers to believe that even heritable mutations can be reversed, with the restoration of the nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, taking place. Even damaged cells begin to divide normally.
Regular fasting also helps restore the protective functions of cells and organs against radiation damage. This is particularly important for those who live or work in settings where one is regularly subjected to radiation. The process of fasting improves the mechanisms for expelling toxic substances that interfere with the body’s proper functioning—radio-nuclides, nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals and other poisons.
Experiments on rats have tested the effects of fasting on the immune system. Filonov talked about an experiment he observed at one medical school: 120 white rats were divided into four groups of 30. All were injected with sarcoma (a cancer of the connective tissue). The control group ate regularly, while the other three groups were placed on a 3-day [Dry] fast at some point in the experiment. Of the group of 30 injected with sarcoma prior to the fast, half died. The second group, injected during the fast, had a 1/3 death rate. In the third group, injected immediately after the fast, all the rats survived. The rats in the control group, which did not fast, all died.
Only strong, viable cells survive a dry fast. So, as this experiment demonstrates, even short-term dry fasts serve as a powerful prophylactic against malignant tumors."
from: Raw Food Blog Blog Archive Radiation: What Can You Do?
excerpts from dr sergey filinov's book
How? The main way in which the body gets rid from toxic products - toxins, is to neutralize their in the liver and excretion by the kidneys. Water-soluble toxins are derived the kidneys, and fat-soluble bile (a substance bilirubin) in the intestine and then out with the feces. For other Substances mechanisms of excretion of the lung (CO2) and the important role played by the skin
When you starve vital energy performs cleaning work in your body. The organism is self-cleaning, samolechitsya and self-healing. When you stop eating, your organism there are wonderful things! If you want to support the body clean, you have to starve! Try to starve a few times - you feel that never before felt: internal cleansing, which leads you to health!
Three days of difficult to endure without water. Here begin trials of the spirit. Already thirsty. See, observe Golden Rule out of starvation. Cleansing enemas do not necessary. If you're used correctly, the stomach clears itself. But if you drink water, the enema may be needed. When dry starvation does not require them.
4th day...Possible in this case, and constipation. This already a difficult period, will haunt ponds, wells, spring water. Can go to the skin from the lips and gums, mouth dry.
The fifth stage of the cascade of fasting. Last. Five days after five, etc. All the same manner as described above. Output from fasting same. This is the worst day. Impossible to sleep. Want fresh air. The body emits a foul odor. in the body flow all crystals. Open pores of the body, through them, then removed, that would never have thrown out the kidneys. It is difficult to speak, in the mouth dries up. There do not want to just drink. Remember the golden rule. Initially, the water and only 2 hours kefir. Only protein, light and liquid food. and only 2 hours after that we can cautiously little bit of everything is everything else.
After three four or five days of fasting is necessary to start little by little. Do not start with the fifth stage, the fourth or third, it inappropriate and even harmful. Learn basic beginning the first and second. If you pay such a fasting month, when any of these stages of obtaining an equal number of hungry days. for 30 days - five days after five - you can still gain 15 days of fasting, as if starving day after day.
Another important circumstance. During the hungry days, it is better not wash, do not wash, do not brush their teeth - in short no contact with water. This is necessary in order to prevent any water body parts and that the cells are in contact with water does not nourish it. Otherwise, these place will not be updated and maintained. It is difficult, of course, refrain from wet hands. Domestic mess, washing utensils, etc., but then your skin will not be updated, select one of two things.
At stage 5 days after 5 you can treat any disease. and there a disease that she was not treated in this way. and AIDS and cancer, and diabetes - all treated. Treated, and all infectious, sexually transmitted disease
But it must be done on the first or second month pregnancy. and if it started, then bring to a conclusion. and remember that fasting 5 days in 5 with water will not give the desired result. Only without the water. in ancient times, this method is widely used in South Asia, but then somehow forgotten
A clinical experiment in the mid-90 years on the basis of the Ivanovo Medical Academy, showed that absolute medical starvation (no food or water) has a serious perspective in terms of treatment of cancer and severe immunodeficiencies. In the dry fasting achieved higher concentrations biologically active substances, hormones, immune cells and immunoglobulins in body fluids
Nearly fifteen years of not eating meat and fish. in the Altai Mountains starved forty days, as Jesus Christ in the desert, and dry starvation lasted fifteen days. and now sure if people endure sixty days of fasting, he can live for years without food. in one travel along the Ural Nikitin met a woman who live without food for five years
Adherents of the "solar power "(those who do not eat at all, and insist that they take energy from the sunlight) - and there are several thousand - are going to their forums in Australia
Willpower Such things are not done. At the subtle level, was transformed lungs to supply the body with moisture from the air.
Inhaled oxygen enters the bloodstream and burn unnecessary substances, and their "little corpses" are removed by red blood calves produced by the spinal cord. If the organism was absolutely free of toxins, then, ideally, production of red cells completely ceased, and the blood of man was a only the lymph, which has a bluish color
Switching power supply through the skin should not happen abruptly but gradually.
In our case, a man on his own decides to refuse to take food through the stomach, it gently your body adapts to it. in the first week he does not eat only half days next week - day, then - 1,5 days. So gradually comes to what may be waived entirely from food, only occasionally feeding the water. Degradation of the digestive bodies took place over a long period, and physical body is transformed by the currently existing power system. Our task - to make the body think that it laid since ancient times. - As far as I understood you were not completely refuse to eat. within two years you'll still eat one every four days, although the diet and was only 100 grams of food ... Why? - The fact that passing is completely powered through the skin, person acquires unusual properties. He is not just worsening eyesight and hearing, he begins to hear the thoughts, fulfilled his desire, even involuntary. You must be a very well prepared for such opportunities, since, being among people can be a lot of mangled wood.
- How can we explain that sunlight brings all necessary for the active substance of human existence? - Sunlight and light of distant stars by itself is a system of pair of elementary particles (para-positronium and ortho). These particles can enter into resonance with the particles of the body's cells and form all the chemical elements necessary for nutrition rights. That is, 'factory' exists in man himself, in cells his skin.
Prana never impossible to overeat, it should not prepare and spend time on mastering and rumination. No need to go in the latrine at the end of assimilation of prana to evacuate its surplus. And, most importantly, by making such a meal has no side effects and can not overeat. Organism itself, without cluttering your consciousness of unnecessary detail, learns of this food so much, as he needs.
In the first phase (1-2 days), our body uses reserves rapid response. However, if the person continues to starve, his body can no longer sustain itself through temporary adjustment of metabolic processes, and the state cellular metabolism continues to deteriorate. The absence of glucose leads to the accumulation in the blood ketone bodies, which increased concentrations begin to play the role of endogenous toxins. So , the situation for the cells continued to deteriorate and there the prospect of their death.
In the first phase (1-2 days), our body uses reserves rapid response. However, if the person continues to starve, his body can no longer sustain itself through temporary adjustment of metabolic processes, and the state cellular metabolism continues to deteriorate. The absence of glucose leads to the accumulation in the blood ketone bodies, which increased concentrations begin to play the role of endogenous toxins. So , the situation for the cells continued to deteriorate and there the prospect of their death.
Our body is able to complete comfort and peace weakens and loses its adaptive force. But in a changing environment, to strong disincentives, awakened hitherto unknown ability, the mechanism of autoregulation
Scientists believe that in each memory cell of the water is already incorporated information. and only about the past, but also about the future. And if you remember that the person more than 70% of the water, we can easily come to a conclusion: we are all - Programmable. Any external factors, including and communicate with one another, change the structure and biochemical composition of body fluids at the cellular level. Without themselves Aware of every day we programmed ourselves and others. Scientists confirmed this. Fatigue, bad mood, wanton aggression, nervousness, and even many illnesses is the result of the negative impact of bioinformatics. It is therefore important to monitor your own words, to understand that they impact on everything around. Moreover, even his negative thinking person can poison everything that has at least one miserable water content.
But the most surprising - water respond even to the words printed on paper and pasted overnight on a glass dish with water.
All foods, especially fresh, contain a large percentage of water. Programming it is possible to improve digestion of a product. It is on this effect is based custom believers say prayers before eating and to sanctify their food. Vital energy in fresh food is like in a bound, locked position. Sanctification products before eating this energy unblocked. After this simple procedures for any food product can be for your body medicine.
This tradition has a deep meaning: water can wash away with the body is not only dirt, but also bad energy. But water can not only benefit, it can also harm man. It is known that water - one of the best energycarriers. This is achieved through a unique molecular water structure and variability of its cluster structure. Extreme cases the structural state of water are described, even in fairy tales - Is alive and dead water. But the human body is 70-80% just out of the water!
And during the dry fasting is burned toxins, we can say in his own firing - each cell in the absence of water, runs inside a thermonuclear reaction. Each cell at the time turns into a mini - furnace, mini - reactor. But the water is very necessary, and the cells are deprived of these concessions, especially the sick and change. survive in such conditions the strongest, most healthy cells and they are willy-nilly, to survive in such harsh, harsh conditions, it is necessary increase the production of its own - very high quality endogenous water. And that endogenous water should be several times higher quality than the exogenous water, again based on the law biological feasibility. After all, the cell expends energy a lot - hence the product which is obtained as a result, must conform to the quality of the effort. It's not the human mind, which may be mistaken. It is nature itself, predusmotrevshaya any scenario, and doing everything so life went on.
As we have seen during the dry fasting is incineration toxins, we can say in his own firing - each cell in the absence of water, runs inside a fusion reaction
It turns out a kind of extreme rapid method destruction within the cells of all unnecessary, difficult, painful. Each cell at the time turns into a mini-furnace mini-reactor. Is an increase in internal temperature of the body. This temperature can not register a thermometer, but it felt by people during the passage of dry fasting as internal heat, "fire" or chills. The most important point in this condition is that the temperature in itself - an important part of defensive reactions. From my own experience, we know that at destroyed all toxins, poisons, even cancer cells - and they fully suspending their livelihoods.
pg 108..This process speeds up the recovery. Responding to an increase body temperature, the organism causes a slowdown microorganisms. Immune system becomes easier to track down and kill all the alien and change. If the body does not come food and dead, heavy water, in fact, our blood is not receives many harmful substances, and the blood is constantly cleaned our bodies, that is actually one and the same blood composition repeatedly will be purified through the filter elements, ie blood will be almost perfectly clean. Blood in the SG is cleared of all unnecessary, and blood plasma becomes transparent as piece of glass, everything comes into harmony, including factors coagulation. Dry starvation in this respect cleans up blood more completely than by hemodialysis or hemosorption
"Something that may not be very well known is that when we fast our body creates water primarily as a byproduct of the fat we are burning. Hydrogen released from the metabolized fat combines with oxygen from air and creates h2o and according to Dr. Filonov, this water is exceedingly, exceedingly pure.
I believe i read in Filonov's book that we create about 1 or 1.2 liter of this "metabolic" water each day while fasting."
"Something that may not be very well known is that when we fast our body creates water primarily as a byproduct of the fat we are burning. Hydrogen released from the metabolized fat combines with oxygen from air and creates h2o and according to Dr. Filonov, this water is exceedingly, exceedingly pure.
I believe i read in Filonov's book that we create about 1 or 1.2 liter of this "metabolic" water each day while fasting."
Indeed Ezo, human fat is saturated fat. Saturated with Hydrogen. For every carbon in the fat chain there's about 2 hydrogen atoms. These combine with the oxygen you breathe to form water. I have actually observed one patient gain weight during a dry fast.. because he was dehydrated and produced water from the fat: 2 grams of Hydrogen plus 16 grams of Oxygen gives you 18 grams of water. Thus Filonov is right. Under some circumstances we can make a lot more water than 1.2 liters.. from fat and from carbohydrates.
But water is water. H2O. Whether you drank it or made it metabolically, it remains one oxygen and two protons (hydrogen ions). There's NO difference in the water you drank, ingested as part of your food, inhaled in moist air or made out of your metabolic activities. Sure there's some other things coming with the water if you drink or eat it, but once in your body all water molecules are identical.
Dry fasting can theoretically stimulate more fat breakdown as the body needs the water... which is why I dissuade novice fasters from dry fasting. Breaking down fat more than what you need for energy could release too many toxins for your system to cope with.
Zavasta praises dry fasting because it “stimulates the immune system, activates the body’s anti-inflammatory mechanisms, purifies the blood and clears the blood vessels, as well as cleanses the GI tract and renews its mucosal lining.”

So even when we dry fast, it is not quite as dry as people might imagine. A certain amount of water is indeed essential to us and the undertaking of lengthy dry fasts would not be possible without this metabolic water.
Water is made scarce enough to create a healthy competition among cells, which leaves the diseased or otherwise weakened cells to die off. In no way is water completely absent throughout this process.

Dehydration causes competition between healthy cells and pathological organisms for water. It is a real ‘survival-of-the-fittest scenario.’ Inflammation cannot survive without water. A wet environment
is ideal for the proliferation of pathological bacteria, viruses and worms and water shortage is as devastating as fire for them.

Let’s look at the
fire analogy for a moment. In eco systems, it burns away the old forest
and creates room for new growth. In many yogic philosophies ‘fire’ is called upon to create ‘RENergy’. There are many mediations and breathing techniques to do this for
‘diffeRENt’ purposes. One of my favorite Kundalini techniques
is appropriately called ‘Breath of Fire’. <<Check it out for some extra credit and karmic release!

Tied into these philosophies and
even though you are not eating, drinking or doing yoga per say;
dry fasting creates internal energy and cleansing simultaneously. This allows optimum health to prosper as a microcosmic -humanoid- ecosystem.
All dead or dying tissues can be expelled from the body. A water fast does the same thing but takes much longer
to accomplish the goal because it ‘puts the fire out ‘.

What is inflammation? Tissues are swollen with water where infection is having a party. 
Pathological bacteria and microbes love wet terrain. Dry fasting eliminates inflammation the same way a swamp gets rid of mosquitoes and other insects
when it dries up. Microbes are annihilated immediately. The shortage of water is a cleansing drought that is disastrous to the body’s enemies. It is pernicious for pathological bacteria.

from haelthline.com
On the other hand, the symptoms of ketoacidosis are:
- extreme thirst
- frequent urination
- dehydration
- nausea
- vomiting
- stomach pain
- tiredness
- breath that smells fruity
- shortness of breath
- feelings of confusion
back to sergey philonov
pg 113 114 stages of fasting imp acidosis..blood ph acidic but
but magnitude of acidosis does not go beyond physical norms.
(mine stayed 6.5 start of 5th day)
Acidosis during fasting is the first and most important physiological mechanism that causes the inclusion of the chain of other healing mechanisms that conventional food regime is in an inactive state.
Acidification of the body and increase phagocytic activity lead to the normalization of the microflora.
pg 114
Acidosis includes a mechanism for uptake by cells of the body carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air.
plants photosynthesis etc
pg 115
Typically, the maximum acidification observed on 2-3rd day of fasting
but magnitude of acidosis does not go beyond physical norms.
(mine stayed 6.5 start of 5th day)
Acidosis during fasting is the first and most important physiological mechanism that causes the inclusion of the chain of other healing mechanisms that conventional food regime is in an inactive state.
Acidification of the body and increase phagocytic activity lead to the normalization of the microflora.
pg 114
Acidosis includes a mechanism for uptake by cells of the body carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air.
plants photosynthesis etc
pg 115
Typically, the maximum acidification observed on 2-3rd day of fasting
And there it is. at the beginning of starvation, when the body has have stocks of animal sugar - glycogen, the body uses it. But once the glycogen stores run out (and it usually occurs the first day of fasting) in the blood begin to accumulate acid products of incomplete cleavage of fat (butyric acid, acetone) alkaline reserves of its decline, and this is reflected in the well-being: from hunger may appear headache, nausea, feeling weakness and malaise.
Growing white patches on the tongue, dry tongue and lips, mucus on teeth, the smell of acetone breath, dry and pale skin, hunger is much reduced, whereas thirst at this time of increases. Poor health - the result of accumulation in the blood harmful products.
At this time the man on the dry fasting may appear inner glow, this is the body begins to incorporate mechanisms disposal of hazardous substances. Here is a description of the mechanism of diary of the patient. "The fifth day dry hunger. There was a 5 th night. Somewhere in the 21 - 22 hours felt the heat of the night. and though it was cool (sitting in a sweater) stripped to his underpants, but the cooler was gone. To cool barefoot in his underpants went to a mountain river. Outside it was warm, and near the river is fresh and cool, but the fever increased. Stood until the feet were frozen. by the morning heat has passed, was weak, there was energy. Feelings were excellent: comfortable heat, vigor and vitality. "
However, once the recovery begins ketone bodies, their concentration ceases to increase and, as ketone bodies are high-energy components to them as fuel begins the synthesis of new amino acids, which can lead
to tissue regeneration. The process of regeneration can occur with severe pain, and this should be ready. In the initial phases of the SG acidotic crisis can occur at 3-5 - e day in the future - on the third, or even a 2-days after the beginning of the SG. Than before coming acidotic crisis, the faster it goes, the longer it remains to update the body. For example, if acidotic crisis comes on the 2-th day, then the regeneration will have more time.
First acidotic crisis and its importance in improving the organism. Gradual acidification of the internal environment to starvation leads to the exclusion of most chronic disease, which develops and progresses in the body rights.
The most severe acidification of the organism occurs during acidotic crisis, and therefore at this time exacerbated by chronic disease
By the degree of deterioration can be judged as successfully caught a famine or other disease and uprooting " it from the body. If the aggravation is pronounced, we should expect complete recovery.
If weak, it means that hunger decides other more important issues in the body. After some time Repeat fasting, and then it will take for the rest of the disease.
After the acidotic crisis "uprooted" from the body disease begins before the increase is spent on disease protective forces.
Thus, E. Schenck, and X. Mayer, who conducted the research reactions to various bacilli, indicate that the processes self-defense and improve defenses against microbes begin only after acidotic crisis. This manifested in the tendency to rapid healing of wounds, raising bactericidal action of the body, which explains the beneficial effects starvation for many diseases.
The conclusion: while the body starving man not passed the first acidotic crisis, we can not count on cure of chronic diseases and the sharp increase of protective forces of the body.
Third stage is called the stage of compensation or adaptation. The duration of this stage in each individual. average it starts with 5 days of dry fasting and ends on the 8 th day. at this stage can improve health, decrease weakness, will disappear all the unpleasant sensations
Pass it improvement may be wavy.
Hunger completely disappears thirst may increase.
Its duration depends on the stocks body fat.
This phase ends with the second acidotic crises, which runs from 8 th to 11 th day. since the passage of first acidotic crisis before the second body accumulates life force.
During the acidotic crisis some people aggravate their underlying disease, dramatically deteriorating state of health, there is a loss of forces, all is lost dream, can greatly increase the temperature. These symptoms indicate that the hunger began to "turn out" the disease. If the first two stages of starvation autolysis of tissues of the body was the only power source, then during the second acidotic crisis autolysis longer serves as a natural surgeon.
Therefore, for maximum therapeutic effect it is necessary to pass this crisis.
I had a patient with a benign tumor of the uterus, on the ninth day of the deteriorated state of health, there was a chill and a very strong internal heat. She wanted to get out of starvation. I calmly explained to her the message is that if it is now up end will not pass this crisis, it will not be able to fully recover. Morning symptoms she was not, was a good feeling. When I came home she did ultrasound, it showed a complete absence of tumor.
The most important thing for all kinds of fast pass second acidotic crisis, in which there is a stronger activation of host defenses, contributing to cures for many incurable diseases.
If you simply say to great importance to these crises, then if the first acidotic crisis resolves "stem disease, the second deletes the" root disease.
To understand how a starving body dissolve tumors and pathological structures, it is necessary to understand the process of autolysis, which, being very common in nature, nevertheless usually ignored by physiologists
with the appropriate enzyme proteins and fats are broken down into amino acids and fatty acids.
during the entire time digesting the young frog tail former tadpole does not eat. In fact, it stops there, as only her legs appear. Fasting may be necessary for the assimilation of the tail, at least it accelerates this process, because leads to the consumption of the tail of a frog as food, which to nourish the vital organs of starving frog.
Usually, the liver loses more weight than other body parts, especially in the initial period, due to loss glycogen and fat. Light almost nothing to lose, even less - the brain and the nervous system.
Vital organs fed by the accumulated reserves and less important tissues, so that abstinence from food could harm only after consuming the reserves.
The organism has the ability to move their chemical elements, so that fasting gives many wonderful examples.
The process of autolysis can be reversed the great practical advantage and make it serve us in get rid of tumors and other growths in the body
- Wen, tumors, abscesses, etc. - Decrease rapidly and often completely disappear as a result severe and prolonged abstinence from food and fasting. "
He only has to understand that the process of disintegration (autolysis) of the tumor occurs much faster than normal tissues.
Fever - is a healing process and really helps remove the cause of the tumor
But no other cases of spontaneous disappearance of tumors in Dr. Wood does not help to remove them reasons. But fasting is just really helps remove the cause.
A lot of people who practiced fasting, get rid of tumors by autolysis.
Physiological process and poses no threat. Operation suppresses the life force and thus enhances the distortion metabolism, which underlies the tumor. Starvation, with which is enhanced autolysis and normalizes nutrition and contributes removal of accumulated toxins, thus helping to eliminate cause of the tumor.
After surgery, tumors tend to to relapse. And after the disappearance of the tumor as a result of autolysis possibility of recurrence is small. Tumor after surgery operations are often re-appear in malignant form. Trend to degenerate into a malignant tumor removed starvation
Of course, the process of autolysis has its limits, and if the tumor is able to grow to considerable size, it only reduced in size and not all cells will be thus absorbed. It is desirable therefore go through the required fasting or starvation, while tumor or cyst is relatively small
When the cells live in a comfortable environment, they get used to the constant level and volume of incoming food and water. They lose the ability to effective-updated and restored.
Cells, as it were too lazy to run the mechanisms self-renewal of tissues
Once the flow stops food and water in the gastro-intestinal tract for the organism are fundamentally new conditions. Under these conditions "Dismantled" the old biomolecules, die and decompose cells are unstable (due to the lack of them filled energetic and plastic substances). But this synthesis ziruyutsya new cells that are capable to survive in the changed circumstances
negative energy/entities leave you in 7 -10 days since they cannot stand the positive energy emitted by you
Since after a minimum of 7-10 days negative energy essence, feeling his death in lack of food, start leaving you. Because they can not stand dry hunger and positive vibrations emitted by you
Being deprived of food organic, organism strongly begins to absorb the subtle energy of the cosmos and the Environment environment. with the same transition to normal food triggered effect sverhvosstanovleniya - the body more intensely than before starvation, gains energy, good for this there are all possibilities.
Indeed, thanks to starve to clean the chakras and energy channels of the which many abilities.
After exiting the fast sleep reduced to 4-5 hours, a man literally gaining strength, it bubbling overflowing its energy. This is a remarkable state permanently preserved, if one adheres to a healthy diet, doing exercises come on the air and sun.
Indeed, thanks to starve to clean the chakras and energy channels of the which many abilities.
After exiting the fast sleep reduced to 4-5 hours, a man literally gaining strength, it bubbling overflowing its energy. This is a remarkable state permanently preserved, if one adheres to a healthy diet, doing exercises come on the air and sun.
Very strong increases intuition, the man at the time of passage dry fasting as a cat begins to feel abnormal or, conversely, healing energy zone. Interestingly, the every person they own. - Sometimes the open telepathic abilities, people start understand each other without words.
Abstinence from food and water 24 hours makes a person stronger mentally and prepares to make an informed choice to do and then act with a firm determination.
- Fasting awakens (often lost) sense of what kind of amount of water and food is reasonably necessary to maintain life. During the fasting person feels some suffering. On the one hand, it is a natural way develop compassion for others who suffer from hunger and living hand to mouth
pg 140
Fasting I and their differences I -
Complete dry starvation (LA Shchennikova technique.) -
Dry Cascade Fasting (technique VP Lavorovna.) -
Dry fractional starvation (SI technique Filonov.) -
Semi-dry starvation -
Combined starvation
about complete dry starvation; (hard dry fast)
PSG technique allows its use in infectious diseases (acute viral hepatitis in the acute and long form chronic hepatitis), cancer (adenomas prostate and uterine cancer), severe somatic diseases (asthma, hereditary-degenerative nervous system diseases, coronary heart disease) inflammatory diseases (prostatitis, myocarditis, and many others).
Comment. The main advantage of this method is that the most therapeutic second acidotic crisis, we can pass immediately upon passage, lasted ten full dry starvation.
Accordingly, a very good therapeutic effect, but Fasting is to be held outdoors, in a clean locations and under the supervision of a physician, vladeyuschegom this technique
Disadvantage: modern humans body so full of toxins and wastes, that they may not perish from hunger and from the powerful intoxication. When a person begins to starve, all slag, "rassovannye" by nook body come in motion. They begin to act like an avalanche in the blood, changing its physiological constants. Only one thing that causes seizures malaise, lethargy, general soreness. Organs of excretion are not time to remove toxins and poisons from the bloodstream. Included all the organs of excretion: kidney, nasopharynx, gastrointestinal tract, skin. As a result, the urine is turbid, dirty, aching in the kidneys and bladder. Chair becomes fluid, stomach aches. Appear profuse discharge from the nose as a cold. Leather covered with a rash, acne, and even boils. This is a very
unpleasant, and in some cases even life threatening.
Arises blockade, the body can not adapt to starvation. Usually this occurs for 4-8 days. Stop starving to lose weight, increases weakness, nausea, headache, there is heart failure and arrhythmia.
These are the main symptoms blockade (severe intoxication). in such cases, we have interrupt the fasting, sit on the juice, vegetable diet, then again repeated fasting.
Therefore, go directly to a starvation diet, no exercise and good high-quality cleansing, very, very difficult.
dry cascade starvation;
Comment. The advantage of this technique - the ideal training and preparing the body to dry starvation. Such Fasting can be done independently at home There are practically no complications. Very good effect rejuvenate the body, great help for acute painful states in the initial stages of the disease.
Disadvantages. As I wrote to get a good medical effect from any form of starvation, especially in severe chronic diseases is necessary to pass certain stages of healing starvation. It is primarily the first and second acidotic crises. If figuratively to express very great importance of these crises, if first acidotic crisis resolves "stem disease, the seconddestroy the "root disease". During the dry cascade fasting for passage second acidotic crisis must hold a cascade five five approximately two months to a year. I know a doctor who cured his blood cancer, spending a cascade of five in five for a year. Not every modern man can find so much time, will and patience.
dry fractional starvation;
DRY FRACTIONAL Starvation (Method of SC and SI FILONOV VA)
Background of the method (SFG) Given the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques, stage fasting, we tried to take the best. Very much helped create the SFG technique of fractional fasting Dr. GA Voitovich. Under fractional fasting necessary understand a series of interrupted fasting, some of which have duration from first to second acidotic crisis, and the latter ends only upon the occurrence of hunger and purification of the language.
Fractional starvation ;
The author of the fractional method of fasting, GA Voitovich explains
the essence of this method. Physiological period of starvation Rights 40-50 days. In the first stage takes half of the period of physiological Hunger - 20 days. After that hunger should be restorative nutrition, which continues a half times longer - 30 days. If a person eats only plant foods, the effect of starvation continues during meals (not extinguished biosynthesis).
Therefore, the regenerative power fat cells to let the recruit its contents, but they are fewer so people do not withers. Fat cells begin to be destroyed only after acidotic crisis.
During his first hunger is the first acidotic crisis, a very good cleansing of the body, and the man understands what it is.
The second dry starvation (treatment) is the maximum, required to pass the most healing, the second acidotic crisis.
The second hunger tolerated a lot easier the first and physically, and psychologically. But sometimes, if there is a very serious illness makes the third dry hunger (final).
The most important thing here that each fasting is more rapid transition on endogenous nutrition and biosynthesis of very high quality. This pendular cycle of fasting allows each starvation, more and more to improve backup body's defenses. Due to which there is a strengthening effect in such a fractious starvation? An additional advantage this method is that after the first phase of the cleaning we gave opportunity to make a cage cleaning, restore the functionality and memory capacity, the energy potential of the cell, and then the second for a period of fasting, we give you the opportunity to accomplish the process - Clean, doshlifovat missed moments.
Fasting is one method of how to raft on the other, and healing effect is amplified. I really like this technique, it and healing, and rejuvenation effects are very pronounced, and transferred much easier, and most importantly, practically no complications.
That's the main difference from the dry fasting for LA Shchennikova, which meets once dry fasting with a maximum term 9-11 days.
Cascade fasting for VP Laurel - are held in the dry fasting period with the same hunger and output stages (one through one, two, two, five by five). This starvation is effectively, but to obtain a second medical acidotic crisis it must conduct a very long time, in our method, dry starvation has been increasing, the period of fasting increases with each cycle, so the second acidotic crisis occurs more quickly.
Everything I wrote this I shared their experiences and ideas, and who - it may take quite different. Everyone should seek their own system of healing. I deliberately did not indicate the time of fasting and out, all they are unique.
Comment. One of the drawbacks of SFG is that it takes much longer than for the full dry starvation, and the mandatory long-term high-quality training to this type of fasting.
SEMI-DRY Starvation ; (soft dry fast)
Semidry starvation. It is conducted as follows: a person does not eat anything and refused for a short time (it all depends on the individual constitution and the degree of fitness to hunger) by drinking liquid inside - do not drink. During semi-starvation wetted with water, skin and mouth rinses. Wetting skin can be produced in different ways: pour, take a shower, bath or sponging to do wet wraps sheets, some do an enema of salt water.
Comment. The advantages of this type of fasting - in addition activates a number of mechanisms to facilitate rapid and quality cleaning. Regular water treatments make at full capacity work on the absorption of the skin. This we achieve the opposite effect - instead of the usual current of the liquid from the bottom organism to the pores of the skin we are driven by the water of 96 million pores to the center of the body. as a result of change in the direction of the flow occurs clearing of the skin, and this leads to improved circulation in its protective energy, and better absorption of free electrons. The above mechanisms of the strongest fashion train the acupuncture system, clean it feeds through superconductivity and superfluidity, washed the whole body from the skin to the central part. as a result of this one the effect of helping others, summing up, produces a great job to improve the health of the body. So, as a result of increasing energy in the body, better flowing all the redox reaction, increases body temperature, all the unnecessary burns, right used again. The effect of superfluidity quickly and accurately removes the products of the oxidation process. as a result of the famine more pronounced and the subsequent rejuvenation. Such starvation can be done at home, it can easily be extended psychologically, a very good qualitative effect of purification, few complications.
During semi-starvation sprinkling skin, mouth rinse, douche, enemas with saline water, though, and help the body activate a number of mechanisms, but should pay for everything. During a total (wet) fasting the body is completely rebuilt on the endogenous food, and if it's time to start to drink juice, eat an apple, etc. g, then this unique mechanism is completely broken, the same thing happens with dry fasting. Cells in our body begin to produce its own high-quality water from their internal reserves. The organism is completely reconstructed on Anhydrous mode, it begins to take water from the air. Is makeup the best energy from nature, but in contact with water on the body or in the mouth, these mechanisms do not operate at full power. All my patients who have tried to rinse your mouth water and pour, they say that first becomes good, but then the dryness increases several times, and pass starvation becomes virtually impossible. As well as an enema of salt - The effect of clearing any, but the thirst is provoked. Bathe and pour cold water sometimes, but it's better to do at the end of fasting. If hunger is tolerable and uniformly, better with water does not come into contact.
So after douches and go swimming fully dry starvation and reach the second acidotic crisis is almost unlikely.
Combine Rowan Starvation ;
Usually we use a combined starvation: 2-3 days of dry, then give water.
Advantage. Combined fasting gives you more health benefits than the total starvation (water), since already on the third day of absolute starvation occurs ketoatsidotichesky crisis, after which the patient feels much better, and there is the greatest therapeutic effect for the organism.
Fasting with water crisis is only after 7-16 days. With this method within 1-3 days (according to the individual portability) patients are requested to refrain from taking food and water, cleansing enemas are not appointed.
Beginning with 2-4-day patients resume taking water, restricting it to 10-12 mg / kg of body weight per day during the entire discharge period, and continue to complete starvation by the usual technique of RDT.
Several researchers noted that the use of combined fasting achieves an earlier onset of acidotic peak greater than the reduction of fat body mass.
in the case of treatment of patients with hypertension normalization blood pressure occurs earlier, which reduces the time discharge period and, accordingly, the duration of the stationary treatment. Said technique is a method of choice for complications of underlying diseases of obesity and edema syndrome. In addition, the combination of dry and wet well of starvation tolerated, has a therapeutic effect in reducing total duration of RDT, optimizes the dates due to an earlier onset of acidotic crisis.
Does not occur excretion of the dead heavy water, anti-inflammatory effect is less pronounced than under dry starvation, also weaker effect of purification.
To obtain good quality therapeutic effect is necessary to pass long period of fasting, at least 30 days.
Fasting with water crisis is only after 7-16 days. With this method within 1-3 days (according to the individual portability) patients are requested to refrain from taking food and water, cleansing enemas are not appointed.
Beginning with 2-4-day patients resume taking water, restricting it to 10-12 mg / kg of body weight per day during the entire discharge period, and continue to complete starvation by the usual technique of RDT.
Several researchers noted that the use of combined fasting achieves an earlier onset of acidotic peak greater than the reduction of fat body mass.
in the case of treatment of patients with hypertension normalization blood pressure occurs earlier, which reduces the time discharge period and, accordingly, the duration of the stationary treatment. Said technique is a method of choice for complications of underlying diseases of obesity and edema syndrome. In addition, the combination of dry and wet well of starvation tolerated, has a therapeutic effect in reducing total duration of RDT, optimizes the dates due to an earlier onset of acidotic crisis.
Does not occur excretion of the dead heavy water, anti-inflammatory effect is less pronounced than under dry starvation, also weaker effect of purification.
To obtain good quality therapeutic effect is necessary to pass long period of fasting, at least 30 days.
pg 146 above..pg 147 below
The advantage of dry fasting on wet types of fasting -
In the dry fasting the body put in more stringent conditions, he has to move in such a way as to produce not only nutrients but also water.
Tissues of the body are split more more quickly, it happens in a short time.
Stages of healing starvation in the application of the method of treatment of dry fasting, such same as in the wet, but the terms are significantly reduced.
Thus, stage of alimentary excitation lasts less than a day, stage growing ketoacidosis - 1 to 3 days.
Already on the third day dry starvation occurs ketoatsidotichesky crisis.
Second, the Therapeutic acidotic crisis occurs at 9-11 days
The earlier acidotic crisis occurs, the faster it goes, the more time left to update and treatment of the body.
During the wet fasting organism enters the exogenous water that is, the water outside. and that it is the main cleansing factor. By law, the biological feasibility of a cell in this If spending at least its own energy - and so it goes OK: all toxins, poisons, toxins are dissolved and, figuratively speaking, is leaching toxins from the cells from the intercellular space. And during the dry fasting is burned toxins, we can say in his own firing - each cell in the absence of water, runs inside a thermonuclear reaction. Each cell at the time turns into a mini - furnace, mini - reactor. But the water is very necessary, and the cells are deprived of this freebie, especially patients and changed. under these conditions the strongest survive, most healthy cells, and they are willy-nilly, to survive in such harsh, harsh conditions, it is necessary to intensify production own - very high quality of the endogenous water. And this endogenous water should be several times higher quality than the exogenous water Again, from the law of the biological feasibility. Energy because the cell spends a lot - hence the product, which obtained as a result, the quality should match the expended efforts. This is not the human mind, which may be mistaken. It is nature itself, predusmotrevshaya any scenario and do everything that life went on. During dry fasting is replacing the old "dead Water for superkachestvennuyu "living water", synthesized by organism.
Many say that the dry fasting is transferred more easily fasting on water, primarily because of lack of hunger at the same time.
This in general is not surprising. The fact that the water outside the body water and assimilated - it's a big difference. Molecule entering water body processes, cleans unnecessary information structures and turns in "her" with the properties of the organism. To do this, he as well as for digestion, it is necessary spend a certain amount of time and energy. Therefore, absolute starvation more fully, as it provides full peace. If the body does not enter the food and "dead", heavy water, that our blood is not getting many harmful substances, and the blood is constantly to clean our bodies, in fact one and the same blood composition will be cleaned several times through the filter elements, ie blood will be almost perfectly clean. Blood on the SG is cleared of all unnecessary, and blood plasma becomes transparent as glass, everything comes into harmony, including clotting factors. Dry starvation in this regard, cleans the blood more completely, than by dialysis or hemosorption - Hardware blood purification. Consequently, all processes in the body associated with blood will be performed almost perfectly.
Anti-inflammatory effect of dry starvation in some times more powerful than when wet starvation.
The thing that inflammation can not exist without water. Any inflammation place swollen (swollen with water). Only enough water environment can breed microorganisms: bacteria and viruses. Deficit Water is extremely damaging to the inflammation. Due to dehydration the body begins to competition between the cells of the body and pathogens in water. Cells of the body in the position owner selected microorganisms in the water, but the organism can not only synthesize the endogenous water in the required number water in this period comes from the air by absorbing into the skin because the organism is in the process of SG does not work on the selection, and the suction. Healthy, strong cells receive additional energy and water, and the sick, the viruses and bacteria can not. Bacteria, viruses, worms without water perish instantly.
cont pg 148
In wet starvation to enhance detoxication effect The procedure applies: enema, colon hydrotherapy, bath, sauna, etc. The dry fasting the body for disposal poisons and toxins, including absolutely unique mechanisms that are neither at the mere sight of fasting. During dry fasting is the burning of toxins, we can say in their own furnace every cell in the absence of water runs inside a fusion reaction. It turns out a kind of extreme Express - method destruction within the cells of all unnecessary, difficult, painful. Each cell at the time turns into a mini - furnace, mini - reactor. Is an increase in internal temperature of the body.
This temperature can not register a thermometer, but it is felt people during the passage of dry fasting as an inner glow, "Fire" or chills.
The most important thing in this state is that the temperature in itself - an important part of defensive reactions. By my own experience, we know that at all destroyed slag poisons, even cancer cells, and then fully suspend its livelihoods. This process speeds up the recovery. Reacting increase in body temperature, the organism causes a slowdown microorganisms. Immune system becomes easier to track down and kill all the alien and change.
The effect of weight loss When the SG in the human body does not do any food or water, ie completely stop flow of energy from outside. Organism forced to produce energy and water endogenously, ie within themselves. Therefore, in the body begin to happen very different, unusual chemical reaction, ie altered metabolic processes.
Lost less muscle relative to fat.
During water fast loss of muscle and adipose tissue is almost equal proportions.
In the dry fasting person is like a camel, and First of all the body maintains its vitality through fat stores.
Adipose tissue is destroyed very efficiently and never does not recover its original volume, it is divided in 3-4 times faster than muscle, because fat tissue more than 90% consists of water and muscle tissue remained relatively intact.
Organism from the same water deficit does not suffer, and his needs of the water comes out of adipose tissue.
In the dry fasting adipose tissue burns in exactly 3 times faster than during fasting in the water.
At the same time full recovery of adipose tissue never happens, and this It favorably differs from starvation in the water.
Observed early onset and a more complete splitting deposited in fat than water fasting.
If, after normal fasting happening fast enough complete restoration of adipose tissue (under the former regime power), then dry it occurs to a lesser extent.
Unlike many of dry fasting for weight loss does not cost anything, and most importantly harmless.
Transferred more easily than many debilitating starvation diets that do not bring nothing but harm. Food own stocks perfectly balanced.
Organism takes from the reserves only that at the moment it is necessary, and not something that it artificially imposed from the outside.
The rejuvenating effect;
Why the dry fasting is more powerful rejuvenating organism than when wet starvation? Extreme conditions do not stand with diseased cells, degenerate, weak. They die and decompose. What remains? Those who have good organization, workable and wise genetic engineering. Those are not panicked, stood up and are sustainable. Therefore, fasting helps cull worthless, weak, sick and harmful. This cell parasites. They do not perform their functions, work responsibilities. and better if get rid of them time, do not let them die a natural death. Because In this case, they manage to create for itself a similar offspring - such as dead and a broken wreck. Multiplying, the cells divide. Offspring can not beat the quality. Apple from the tree near rolls. But still, after starvation cells were strong, they have something in division and will improve in quality. Their offspring will have properties of the parent cells.
1. Gynecological disorders: adnexitises; infertility (Arising on the basis of the transferred inflammatory diseases, adhesive processes), dizovarilnoe infertility ovarian cysts; mastopathy, myoma, uterine fibroids, uterine polyps, endometriosis; commissural, inflammation in the pelvis. 2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis deformans; ankylosing spondylitis; infectious polyarthritis, polyarthritis of the exchange-dystrophic character. 3. Bronchopulmonary diseases: bronchial asthma (receiving bronchial preparations to 5 years); obstructive bronchitis; pulmonary sarcoidosis stage I and II, chronic pneumonia; pollinosis. 4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension disease stage I or II; neurocirculatory dystonia of hypertensive type; atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. 5. Neurological diseases: osteochondrosis, protrusion and herniated disc spinal headache; consequences of head brain injury, neuralgia, lumbago, sciatica. 6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis, chronic enteritis and colitis; biliary dyskinesia; syndrome irritable colon, stomach ulcer and duodenal cancer in remission, alimentary obesity, diencephalic and constitutional genesis drug or food polialergiya; insulin-dependent diabetes diabetes. 7. Skin diseases: atopic dermatitis, chronic urticaria; eczema, psoriasis, trophic ulcers. 8. Urological diseases: chronic pyelonephritis; cystitis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma. Contraindications: Malignant tumors and hematological malignancies. Active tuberculosis of the lungs and other organs. Hyperthyroidism and other endocrine diseases. Cirrhosis of the liver. Pyo-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory and abdominal cavity. Circulatory failure II and III degrees. Persistent irregular heart rhythm and conduction. Pronounced underweight. Thrombophlebitis and thrombosis. During pregnancy and lactation. Early Childhood (14 years) and old (over 70) age. Failure to patient care of themselves independently.
1. Gynecological disorders: adnexitises; infertility (Arising on the basis of the transferred inflammatory diseases, adhesive processes), dizovarilnoe infertility ovarian cysts; mastopathy, myoma, uterine fibroids, uterine polyps, endometriosis; commissural, inflammation in the pelvis. 2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis deformans; ankylosing spondylitis; infectious polyarthritis, polyarthritis of the exchange-dystrophic character. 3. Bronchopulmonary diseases: bronchial asthma (receiving bronchial preparations to 5 years); obstructive bronchitis; pulmonary sarcoidosis stage I and II, chronic pneumonia; pollinosis. 4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension disease stage I or II; neurocirculatory dystonia of hypertensive type; atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. 5. Neurological diseases: osteochondrosis, protrusion and herniated disc spinal headache; consequences of head brain injury, neuralgia, lumbago, sciatica. 6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis, chronic enteritis and colitis; biliary dyskinesia; syndrome irritable colon, stomach ulcer and duodenal cancer in remission, alimentary obesity, diencephalic and constitutional genesis drug or food polialergiya; insulin-dependent diabetes diabetes. 7. Skin diseases: atopic dermatitis, chronic urticaria; eczema, psoriasis, trophic ulcers. 8. Urological diseases: chronic pyelonephritis; cystitis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma. Contraindications: Malignant tumors and hematological malignancies. Active tuberculosis of the lungs and other organs. Hyperthyroidism and other endocrine diseases. Cirrhosis of the liver. Pyo-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory and abdominal cavity. Circulatory failure II and III degrees. Persistent irregular heart rhythm and conduction. Pronounced underweight. Thrombophlebitis and thrombosis. During pregnancy and lactation. Early Childhood (14 years) and old (over 70) age. Failure to patient care of themselves independently.
The first myth.
Without water a person can live 2-3 days. After 30-40 hours after last sip begins a wild dehydration, and all life processes are inhibited, by 50-60 hours the body starts wither away. Dying without water a person suffering from hallucinations, loses consciousness and goes crazy with terrible headaches. Here is one the most common horror stories about dry fasting, I've found on the Internet. Let's see what happens when the so-called dry or absolute starvation, when we stop not only to eat, and drink. Water makes up about 70% of body mass, comes with a drink and food composition, but other than that about 400 ml per day formed in the oxidation of mainly fat.
The first myth.
Without water a person can live 2-3 days. After 30-40 hours after last sip begins a wild dehydration, and all life processes are inhibited, by 50-60 hours the body starts wither away. Dying without water a person suffering from hallucinations, loses consciousness and goes crazy with terrible headaches. Here is one the most common horror stories about dry fasting, I've found on the Internet. Let's see what happens when the so-called dry or absolute starvation, when we stop not only to eat, and drink. Water makes up about 70% of body mass, comes with a drink and food composition, but other than that about 400 ml per day formed in the oxidation of mainly fat.
In the dry fasting the number of metabolic water increases significantly and for some time satisfies needs of the body
He has also identified water stocks. in only one skin is deposited up to 2 liters of water.
There are deposits water in some of the cavities of the body (serous cavities), some internal organs. The human body is able to comfort conditions (in the mountains, near waterfalls, near the river) to sustain 12-day fasting.
from a physiological point of view of the body in complete starvation does not feel substantial deficit of the liquid, because for every kilogram of a split fat mass (or glycogen) is released per day up to 1 liter endogenous (metabolic) water.
Loss of body fluids (On the skin-lung perspiratsiyu and diuresis) during normal the temperature is low, ranging from 1.5 to 2 liters per day. Thus, the water deficit does not exceed 0,5-1 liters daily, which the decline in basic metabolism is quite physiologically acceptable.
Cells of adipose tissue, adipocytes, rich in fat and are living energy. during growth, with "well-fed life of their number increases. during fasting they become an internal power source, the adipocytes not only provide the body with energy and water they supply almost all the components necessary for life.
One kilogram adipose tissue is sufficient for 2-3 days of dry fasting
Dry fasting need to be spent only on nature?
Because our body during dry fasting works on suction, and moisture and the energy it needs to be taken only with environmentally friendly energy areas.
For example, is described the case when the 13th day after the earthquake (Mexico, 1985)
under the rubble found a boy who survived, despite the fact all that time spent without food and water. Yes, reserves life at all living is extremely high. A case with a dog that has fallen a blockage in an earthquake, she lived without food for one hundred and three days until it was released.
All deaths from dehydration, described in the literature, mainly related to panic people or very extreme conditions.
The second myth.
Many believe - since we're not doing special cleaning procedures: enema, colon hydrotherapy is not parimsya in the bath, where become of our exo - and endotoxins. During the life of any living organism is constantly exposed to adverse factors - both external and internal. The result is intoxication Poisoning the body with harmful substances, coming as from the outside, and the power inside the body. Toxins from the outside coming into our body through breathing, skin, together with food and water. Inside the toxins produced by as a byproduct of any life processes: cell divided, the old die, and if they do not show, will poison the organism, at any physical activity is destroyed muscle fibers, and any stress, and any normal work mind and imagination start in the body complex biochemical processes during the flow of waste material which is also turns into toxins that must be withdrawn from organism. Nature has endowed all living creatures remarkable mechanism, reported that the body needs to be cleaned of toxins.
With the accumulation of toxins in the body of human (and any living creature) includes drowsiness, fatigue sets in, and body signals that he needs sleep
. It was during sleep carried the main detoxification of the body - exemption of toxins which have accumulated over time or enrolled in an organism,
For example, the reception of food poisoning or alcoholic beverages, after which the dream can literally knock you. The same can occur after taking certain medications that cause drowsiness, or sleeping pills that cause is not harmless sleep, and actually harass you, and a very sophisticated manner. You have to understand that if after eating you feel very sleepy, it means your food was unfit for consumption. Correct Food should not cause drowsiness, but on the contrary, should bring awake and energized. Sleep - is primarily small to date dry starvation. After all, we sleep and drink, and do not eat. at this time released in the body vital energy, which makes their healing work.
Our bodies are very wise, a perfect system, while passing dry hunger, it includes a more powerful reserves and disposal system than in the wet starvation.
Whatever paradoxical as it may seem, but dry fasting transferred significantly easier than the wet, and at the same time give much greater effect
On subjective assessments of experienced golodalschikov, the effect of dry fasting is approximately three times the effect of the wet the same duration...pg 153
And because the processes of nutrition and purification are carried out alternately, then dry starvation and lack of water inflow from outside the cell are engaged only in self-cleaning, without spending time and energy for anything else
In the dry starvation, the body also burns far more active inside slag and toxins - in fact you did not "extinguish" his inner "fire" water. in humans during the passage of the SG up inside temperature, there is a fever.
This causes acceleration of the flow metabolism and is a great advantage to the organism.
More specifically, the rise in temperature accelerates the flow biochemical reactions, accelerates the decomposition and oxidation of toxins and slag, increases the bactericidal action of blood 10 times. Hence, it becomes 10 times more dangerous for any harmful microorganisms.
Decrease in the viability of microbes has been demonstrated. As the temperature increases is accelerating detoxification of the body, that is, removal, elimination of toxins, poisonous substances. Chills and temperature - an amazing depth and cleaning effect process that included on the deep stages of cleaning. High temperature shows - break out not only the disease physical body, but also a subtle body, and eddy currents cleaned, so-called energy shells, in which going to negative information.
In the dry starvation in the shortest time achieved a more high concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immunocompetent cells and immunoglobulins in fluids organism. One of the mechanisms of destruction in the body endotoxins during starvation is the enzyme activity special cells - macrophages
Even at 24-36-hour dry starvation the activity of phagocytes can be increased threefold
In addition, their activity varies throughout the year. Most activity of phagocytes in May and June, and the least - in November and February. They perform phagocytic (from the Greek words "eater cells") function. as a result of this process, the decay of unhealthy and damaged tissue - autolysis.
With the help of autolysis are absorbed and removed those substances are least needed to carry out vital functions organism. Autolysis under dry starvation begins to run from 2-3 day of hunger, but reaches its peak with the 8 th to 10 th day.
I already wrote what has toxic properties, our tap water.
When the body does not enter the food and "dead" poisoned water, then in fact our body gets the full
during the dry fasting is not no enema needed, since the absorption of toxins from the gut is absent for due to lack of water.
Therefore, when this kind of fasting is not such intoxication, what happens in other types of fasting. Accordingly, a dry hunger physically moved so much easier.
The third myth.
In the dry fasting can cause problems in the kidneys, since they bear a great burden. One of the most dangerous methods of cleaning - dry starvation. When a person is on diet or undergoing a course of fasting, the number of liquid, by contrast, is increased. After all, the water output from body excess salt, toxins (toxins). Waiver of water - a dangerous stupidity.
Comes dehydration and intoxication decay products, rather than cleansing.
Ordinary water from - the tap in the modern city brings catastrophic damage due to inadequate cleaning industrial waste. In addition, it is usually chlorinated. From such water is rapidly released free chlorine, chlorine dioxide and other compounds, oxidizing in the body much that oxidize does not need it. In addition, chlorine kills the beneficial bacteria synthesizing essential vitamins.
When boiling destroys bacteria, coagulated colloid particles of dirt, water softens evaporate volatile organic substances and of free chlorine. But the increase in the concentration of salts, heavy metals and pesticides. Chlorine is associated with organic matter, with heated, turns into a terrible poison - a powerful carcinogen dioxin. Dioxins are more toxic than cyanide - to 68 times.
We drink boiled water, but it is slowly killing us
On standing water for at least three hours, reduced concentration free chlorine, but in practice does not remove iron ions, salt heavy metals, carcinogenic organochlorine compounds, radionuclides. Distilled water (vapor passed state) is unsuitable for permanent use, because it does not contains the trace elements necessary for an organism. Permanent its use leads to impaired immune system, heart rate, the process of digestion. Filtering Water also can not give the desired effect. To know what filter to buy (carbon, membrane, bactericidal, complex), we first need to have information about the composition of the water. Also requires regular replacement of filters, because after a certain time he begins to give back to the water accumulated pollution and breeding in their microflora.
In the dry starvation the body does not need to recycle water to the extent to which this was done when eating and drinking during normal operation.
Obviously, the kidney and liver under dry starvation almost complete rest, which is not the fasting with water.
When dry starvation of their recovery is much faster. Therefore, the effectiveness disappears by itself, but there is still a a concept as feasible. For example, some people can not afford dry fasting for many reasons, and starvation on water can sustain.
Having a 14-day fasting on water, I successfully went from starvation and began to eat normally. Then he felt the weight of in the kidney area.
Besides, before I even knew they were there with me or no. and there is nothing surprising about the last 10 days of fasting I'm just starved for water, and the kidneys had to work hard.
But other organs of the body is successfully carried out maintenance work.
When leaving after seven days of dry discomfort not observed. Try it yourself. After the dry fasting body more viable, more quickly restored, the better the results. Average time of dry fasting can stand it, but it is necessary careful preparation and training.
Talking about the dangers of kidney dry fasting means not to understand processes that occur during fasting. Correct to would ask, but do not cause a modern drinks and our water from - Tap water harm the kidneys? kidneys in our body are one of the main organs of selection. And they can be called direct excretory organs - they filter the blood, display excess water, waste materials generated as a result of exchange processes in the cells of the body, unused material, resulting from digestion of food, medicines, etc. All this diluted with water, filtered from the blood plasma. Must remember that almost all the liquid entering the body, gets into our blood stream, goes through a series of transformations in the body (Purified, structured, is heated or cooled), which is spent a lot of energy, and only after that transformed into the urine. Therefore, the quality of drinking water is very strongly affects our health. But our kidneys - is not a a separate body, living an independent life, they are part of our body. and it is strong enough body. To damage the kidney with a dry fasting, it is necessary to try very hard. Their injury - most often a consequence failure of other organs and systems, respectively, and the need to treat the whole body. To cure kidney disease need to clean up the activity of the organism as a whole. One of the ways to restore lost health - dry starvation. It allows the body to self-correct all violations in its activities. It affects not only at a certain organ or system, and provides recreation impact directly on all organs and systems of our body. In most renal diseases, dry fasting makes significant positive effect. If under normal medical treatments load on the kidneys does not decrease, but Conversely, increases due to the selection through their products
the collapse of drugs, the fasting load kidney is significantly reduced. So, if in the first days of fasting there are significant changes in urine even in healthy people at the exit from fasting observed persistent normalization of urine. Urine is a sick person comes quickly to normal state - disappears protein, erythrocytes, leukocytes, decreases amount of salts that are bred in the urine. Thus, the treatment glomerulonephritis in order to remove the aggravation, which is usually manifested higher amounts of protein, red blood cells, swelling, need long-term treatment of a variety of drugs. When application of fasting at 3-day 4 the patient decreases edema, normalization of output of fluid. At the exit from starvation of the urine is completely normal in a few days and then remained normal.
Very effectively dry starvation in inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. The effect occurs regardless of the causative agent. Thus, even in the old days dry fasting has been used successfully for treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. When pyelonephritis starvation quickly reduces inflammation, reduces violations urination (frequent or rare, painful), decrease and disappear back pain, lower abdomen, normal analysis urine (disappear leukocytes, increased protein, bacteria and salt). It must be remembered that the kidneys are very closely related to the liver. Most often, kidney disease - is a consequence of liver failure properly perform its function. Therefore, it is particularly important hold cleaning procedures prior to starvation and diet after. In most cases, properly conducted dry starvation gives good results in most renal diseases.
Myth Four.
Fasting - a very great stress to the body.
Throughout a person's life is accompanied by stress. Stress - a special state body, which is characterized by enhanced "combat readiness" and increased resistance to all without exception damaging environmental factors. All of our modern life - continuous stress, and how great stress for the organism is an operation, especially for young women, but most importantly - after such stress is the cause disease. Yes, hunger - a stress for the organism. Just like the cold. But stress is not necessarily mean harm. It's one thing when people go hungry because he has nothing to and gets a real threat of starvation. under such conditions can be seriously ill two days later. Something similar happens when persons lost or in separate experiments over itself in the form of compliance with trendy diets. It is quite another thing dry limotherapy when a person abstains from taking food and water under the supervision of physicians, receive assistance psychological support when he creates comfortable conditions, a large number of treatments. Very, very important for any form of starvation - the emotional mental attitude and preparation. One must not force yourself otmuchitsya few days without your favorite treats, and positively configure itself, but in this case is guaranteed success. in this If the brain does not recognize the danger and sends hunger signals, does not produce stress hormones. About the third day of fasting begins active hormone serotonin, and with it there is a feeling of inner peace and contentment. Abstinence from food (though voluntary) is for the living organism stress that mobilizes the body's defenses to overcome difficult situations by using, in the absence of exogenous supply its endogenous reserves. In this case, "according to the law of hierarchy" used (processed), all equally important to ensure life - the products of inflammation, adipose tissue, etc. When the body is experiencing physiological stress, ie a natural tension, in addition to other mechanisms of enhanced More activity of endocrine glands, autonomic alive nervous system. A man unwittingly enters the state increased activity: it is necessary to seek food and water. Changes psychological background, removed the relevance of secondary problems. Triggers the mechanism of biochemical purification: stimulated decomposition of fat, liver glycogen, changes blood composition. An experienced doctor adjusts the process managed stress.
Myth Five.
Many nutritionists say that fasting is vitamin deficiency, the body does not get the protein in time, in addition to fat uses structural proteins own tissues, primarily muscles. With regard to avitaminosis, they do not happen when medical starvation. Belief in the opposite appeared in the study various defective pretentious diets (rice, glasses, Japan, the Kremlin, etc.) in print. But at the same time with the points kefir and other diets criticize, and complete abstinence from food and water (called the zero-diet). It is here that dietitians start talking about the possibility of vitamin deficiency in long-term starvation. And it is assumed as a result of a simple analogy: if, say, a diet with a lack of sufficient minerals micronutrients, vitamins, vitamin deficiency causes, the starvation in order more should lead to it. However, in reality turns out otherwise. As shown Numerous studies in limotherapy body does not waste energy on digestion, assimilation, separation. At the same time significantly reduced the need for minerals, and their cash reserves of the body uses much more economical. Therefore, if avitaminosis and observed very often in mono-diet, when used refined, denatured foods, then fasting they arise. Renowned American scholar de Vries wrote: "Can much longer to live on water alone, than on water and white flour, simply because the consumption of white flour increases the need for other substances that the body could digest digest and metabolize the meal. " Our respected nutritionists say: "Not getting the protein into fasting, the body fat in addition to spending structural squirrel's own tissues, primarily muscle. For acquisitions of evolution, raising the chances of animals survival in the absence of food, domestic food supply concerns. This high-calorie lipids, dissolved in body fluids liver glycogen and muscle and the specialized cells - fatty tissue. Cells in this tissue, adipocytes, rich in fat and are living energy. during the growth period, when "well-fed life of their the number is increasing. during the period of starvation, they become internal power source. Living cells store - this is excellent solution of the food program! Think about how to try to keep food warm, long, full, and that does not cost much to! during fasting adipocytes not only provide the body with energy. They supply almost all the necessary components for life. have properly hungry there are no diseases of malnutrition. One kilogram adipose tissue is sufficient for 5-day nutrition! Even people with ideal weight by 25% consist of adipose tissue. Dry fasting, starvation or absolute (without water) has two very large positive momentum. Lost less muscle tissue relative to fat. During water fasting loss muscle and adipose tissue is almost equal proportions. When dry fasting adipose tissue breaks 3-4 times faster muscle, because fat tissue for more than 90% of water and muscle tissue remained relatively intact. One hundred years ago on the basis of long-depth research academician VV Pashutin found that during fasting of fabric pathological changes. It is the release of the organism from old, sick, dead, weak, flabby, disintegrating cells and tissues is determined by the powerful therapeutic effect in most various diseases. After all, healthy tissue is not only do not suffer, but as it updated, and this effect is called rejuvenation, which is celebrated by all investigators - as ancient, and modern. All the vital organs - heart, CNS, brain, the endocrine glands - in the process of healing starvation, no matter how long it may be, remain
status quo or even significantly improve its function. It is these factors explain such phenomena in limotherapy as the rise of creative abilities of employees intellectuals - writers, musicians, inventors, artists. they have immeasurably enhanced performance, clearer mind, improved quality of thinking: it becomes deeper, significantly expands the range of associations, memory improves long-term and short-term, etc. To criticize the method of fasting, reject it, we must first of all to be competent in this area. The main argument: starvation - it's a natural instinct stuffy nature in living matter that is required to improve it.
Myth of the sixth.
Our bodies can himself constantly updated, so to use any kind of fasting is not necessary. Yes, our bodies - is a unique biological system, which able to rebuild and renew its own structure, as says on track. We continually build your own body again, adapting to changing external conditions, ie are constant process of adaptation. Studies in recent years have confirmed that the cells and cellular systems have an amazing ability - they can find a worn and pathologically modified biostructures and replace them with new, functionally full. Scientists refer them to the mechanisms of autoregulation internal self-regulation of the state structures of the body. When I am told that this mechanism works in all conditions - and unhealthy diet, and in a terrible environment, I ever, questions arise. Why do we get sick, old, die if our body can help autoregulation continuously update its own structures? Why are our mechanisms of autoregulation of the cellular composition is not operating at full Power? Why is the system responsible for their constructive self-renewal tissues are damaged, why the effectiveness of their falls? Why reduced adaptability of the body? Why these mechanisms remain untapped in full their capabilities? mainly on this, nobody is responsible. Our organism is oversaturated with poisons of modern civilization as a result of malnutrition and impaired environment, his whole life energy is spent on the removal of these toxins and maintain at would be minimal activity. Modern research show that the accumulation in the body of exo-and endotoxins reduces the possibility of its adaptation and autoregulation even in a healthy state. in such a situation it is not before the upgrade. by modern medical philosophy, we never learn control the forces of self-renewal. But with the help of one of the most natural, natural way - fasting - It is possible. Cleansing the body of toxins stimulates
internal reserves of health improvement and support system self-renewal. Practice shows that it is in the process of dry therapeutic fasting renewal and rejuvenation of the body significantly amplified. When for some strictly calculated time stop the continuous flow of plastic material an opportunity to more effectively withdraw from the tissues dead cells, recycle obsolete, diseased tissue, clean system and organs of accumulated toxins, toxins. Fasting can be called a temporary stop of the conveyor to preventive maintenance of the systems and mechanisms that can not be repaired until the pipeline is in a constant movement. in such preventive maintenance is absolutely needed all the machines so they can work effectively for a long time, without disruption. It is an axiom. Axiom can be considered and that the patient's body Rights can not be called a well oiled production. and obesity for a patient is especially dangerous. But that's the strength of fasting, it was shown in most diseases, arising from poor nutrition and overeating. I accidentally found on the Internet is a very interesting and compelling story of one Girls of rejuvenation and renewal of the body after dry fasting. These fast she did slowly and correctly. "Any educated person is aware that modern world has been living in stressful conditions, environmental failure on our planet. Air, water, food products, electromagnetic, radiation and other donated civilization harmful effects on the human body has long exceeded the permissible limits. Add to this the lack of basic ability to communicate with nature, due to lack of time, distance from places of rest, lack of money and sometimes their own physical strength. Nothing surprising that life expectancy, especially in metropolitan areas, drastically reduced, although the human the body can easily recover himself. Paradox? For me Yes. Subject's own potential is always interested me. Are the same processes of regeneration in places abrasions, cuts, burns, hence, if desired, you can not only save what you were given by nature, but also to return, seemingly lost forever. A few years ago in my training program involved a girl who organize and conduct the so-called rate Beauty on the basis of dry fasting. Within 4 days of the course offered or lose weight or to strengthen failing health, or simply clean up your body, getting rid of toxins, or a rejuvenating effect. Since the health and weight I everything was in order, the information I had almost missed the past themselves. But the word "rejuvenation" I was hooked, because in fact, if look at the people of the same year of birth, which is not the first, yes
and the second decade meet new spring, then guess the age in appearance is not easy. Some people obviously look older than their years, others look at his age, but some - younger, and significantly younger. I do not take into account the difference obtained by plastic surgery. This result is good, but artificial. How do some manage to keep a youth? If something new in my life has attracted considerable interest, I try quickly pass it through itself to possess information not hearsay. in this case I also decided not to think long and took the very first invitation to join the group who wish to attend 4-day hunger strike. Let me explain: dry fasting - fasting is without the ingestion of food and water. Frankly, it was scary, because there is a belief that a person dies without water on the third day. But here already Four days without a single gulp! Imagine, I liked the process. I will say more: I am so imbued with this idea, which became one of the co-host, and six months later, when caught all the subtleties, was dry with a 7-day's rest, and in the "vow of silence." What good is fasting? The results are impressive. In other words - a game worth the candle. What have I got? Firstly, this stop my biological clock. There are age passport, have a biological age: my biological age is less than age of the passport. and if earlier it was only at the level sensations, but now, after 6 years, and this is confirmed visually. Secondly, I have ceased to be merzlyachkoy and loved to swim in the hole (she did not expect from myself). Third, it seemed to me that I his former nervous system simply thrown into landfill, and instead got a brand new, strong and unwavering. Further, I forgot What is chronic fatigue syndrome. Efficiency together with the creative activity is simple, go up, and the body, to recover after a hard day's work, rather 3-4 hours sleep. Such an effect (increased efficiency) I lasts 5-6 months after the fasting program of purification, all yet thoroughly technocratic society puts pressure on your system life. and yet - it's amazing, but I can easily without diets to lose 2-3 kilograms of weight if they podnakopit after any holidays. This I have done many times. One has only to frighten her body: or start a hunger strike, or to the Treaty ... a good day - two kilograms and was gone, and I do its most spectacular dress. They say that there is no prophet in his own country. I have the same situation reversed. My experience in supporting and restoring their own health system using dry fasting adopted closest to my heart people: my younger sister, mother and husband. Each of them put their purpose and, accordingly, received his own result. The human body is really easy repair itself, but he needs help to remember how it done. and then in your arsenal will always remain the first personal perpetual motion machine - your own body. "
pg 161
Myth of the seventh.
Fasting is ineffective for weight loss, during the course of starvation extra pounds quickly go, but just as quickly returned to during the transition to habitual diet. Of course, what the - the doctors - dietitians are right. The thing that after fasting in the body with the large reconstruction processes. Cells actively absorb nutrients, and if at this time do not limit yourself to eating, your weight quickly reaches the same standards, and is likely to exceed it by several kilos. Therefore, if the goal is only losing weight, but not complete behavioral change that brought you to obesity, Fasting will not help you, rather it will increase your weight by a few pounds from the original. When I worked at the sanatorium on Lake Baikal, we were visited by Professor YS Nikolaev. Together with our the doctors asked him about the treatment of patients with excessive hunger body weight, he told an interesting story from his experience and even showed slides. "Once at the entrance to the clinic nurse met me and said:" There you fat men waiting, two brothers and her father arrived. I thought - three overweight. But when I entered the lobby, he saw two young men incredible size but for their very broad backs - small, skinny man. "Well, well - I thought - means that obesity is not hereditary, not genetically determined. " But, alas, a third fat man was after all. "Mother they have very thick, so people freak" - told little man, looking at their elephantine children with some fear. As it turned out, there was a fourth round one - my grandmother. More should be lost. T. Brothers were really phenomenal thickness: Senior, 22 years old, weighed 211 pounds, junior, 16 years - 174 kilos. To weigh them, had to use a granary scales health would not stand such a load. Both brothers because obesity had a disability group II. We are engaged in them for long. Spent nine courses of fastingdietary fractional therapy. as a result of older brother dropped 86 pounds, and junior - 70. On admission, both were in a depressed state: they had all the growing apathy, lethargy, dullness, headache pain, sometimes appearing spleen. After treatment, all these symptoms disappeared, the young men were hilarious, moving, sociable. Currently, the brothers observe dietary regimen and not gain weight. In these cases, we apply the so-called
Myth of the seventh.
Fasting is ineffective for weight loss, during the course of starvation extra pounds quickly go, but just as quickly returned to during the transition to habitual diet. Of course, what the - the doctors - dietitians are right. The thing that after fasting in the body with the large reconstruction processes. Cells actively absorb nutrients, and if at this time do not limit yourself to eating, your weight quickly reaches the same standards, and is likely to exceed it by several kilos. Therefore, if the goal is only losing weight, but not complete behavioral change that brought you to obesity, Fasting will not help you, rather it will increase your weight by a few pounds from the original. When I worked at the sanatorium on Lake Baikal, we were visited by Professor YS Nikolaev. Together with our the doctors asked him about the treatment of patients with excessive hunger body weight, he told an interesting story from his experience and even showed slides. "Once at the entrance to the clinic nurse met me and said:" There you fat men waiting, two brothers and her father arrived. I thought - three overweight. But when I entered the lobby, he saw two young men incredible size but for their very broad backs - small, skinny man. "Well, well - I thought - means that obesity is not hereditary, not genetically determined. " But, alas, a third fat man was after all. "Mother they have very thick, so people freak" - told little man, looking at their elephantine children with some fear. As it turned out, there was a fourth round one - my grandmother. More should be lost. T. Brothers were really phenomenal thickness: Senior, 22 years old, weighed 211 pounds, junior, 16 years - 174 kilos. To weigh them, had to use a granary scales health would not stand such a load. Both brothers because obesity had a disability group II. We are engaged in them for long. Spent nine courses of fastingdietary fractional therapy. as a result of older brother dropped 86 pounds, and junior - 70. On admission, both were in a depressed state: they had all the growing apathy, lethargy, dullness, headache pain, sometimes appearing spleen. After treatment, all these symptoms disappeared, the young men were hilarious, moving, sociable. Currently, the brothers observe dietary regimen and not gain weight. In these cases, we apply the so-called
"Fractional" method of fasting-diet therapy: after first fasting (10 - 15 days) begins the restoration of such same duration. Then the second fasting 10 - 30 days and the same duration of recovery, then a third course of holo-Denmark, etc. on up to 10 - 12 of alternations of hunger and nutrition, with a break of 3 - 4 months after 6 - 8 factional courses. The duration of each course is individual and varies depending on the state health, weight, age and other indicators of the patient. This pendular cycle of fasting allows lower weight body for 80 - 100 pounds! While reducing weight gain in patients who were treatment, significantly improved cardiovascular activity, Blood pressure drops to normal, shortness of breath disappeared, arrhythmia, heart tones became sonorous. Women restore the correct menstrual cycle, men potency. patients with mental disorders fully disappeared psychopathology. Follow-up care for patients up to 15 years showed that in case of compliance with recommended treatment nutrition weight patients stable at the level received as a result of treatment.
Even wet starvation when properly used and compliance all the recommendations gives excellent results, but dry fasting on many orders of magnitude more efficient.
It is known that adipose tissue readily deposited by water, but it difficult lipolysis. Application of the technique of dry hunger has antiexsudorific effect and thereby accelerate lipolysis. For people overweight dry starvation - the most effective way weight loss. This is the best fat burner. Weight after him, although again and increases, but does not return to its previous level. in contrast of numerous tools for losing weight, it does not cost anything and most importantly - is harmless. Transferred more easily than many debilitating starvation diets that do not bring anything, except harm. Nutrition own stocks perfectly balanced. The body takes from the reserves only that at the moment it needed rather than what he was artificially imposed from the outside. what is the advantage over other methods of fasting, directed to reduce weight: - During fasting there is a fast and safe loss weight; - Man is much easier to tolerate starvation, as there is no constant feeling of hunger; - If weight loss is not observed neither sagged nor flabby skin and tissues. - Weight loss during fasting is accompanied by a rehabilitation the body and improving overall health (becoming free breathing, increases ease of movement, disappears
Even wet starvation when properly used and compliance all the recommendations gives excellent results, but dry fasting on many orders of magnitude more efficient.
It is known that adipose tissue readily deposited by water, but it difficult lipolysis. Application of the technique of dry hunger has antiexsudorific effect and thereby accelerate lipolysis. For people overweight dry starvation - the most effective way weight loss. This is the best fat burner. Weight after him, although again and increases, but does not return to its previous level. in contrast of numerous tools for losing weight, it does not cost anything and most importantly - is harmless. Transferred more easily than many debilitating starvation diets that do not bring anything, except harm. Nutrition own stocks perfectly balanced. The body takes from the reserves only that at the moment it needed rather than what he was artificially imposed from the outside. what is the advantage over other methods of fasting, directed to reduce weight: - During fasting there is a fast and safe loss weight; - Man is much easier to tolerate starvation, as there is no constant feeling of hunger; - If weight loss is not observed neither sagged nor flabby skin and tissues. - Weight loss during fasting is accompanied by a rehabilitation the body and improving overall health (becoming free breathing, increases ease of movement, disappears
constant fatigue, decreased sense of fullness in the abdominal cavity and symptoms of indigestion, lowers blood pressure and total load on the heart). - Fasting helps fight eating habits. and this, perhaps, its main merit For the treatment of obesity we are basically a combination starvation, Dry plus wet fasting, several rates of hunger in a row. To achieve a stable outcome must be sustainable adhere to certain recommendations: lacto-vegetarian diet, thorough chewing method, weekly handling days, etc. (for details, and treatment of diseases of the head). But even a stable application of dry fasting weekly in combination with diet can work wonders. A story about how I got rid of excess weight ... At one time I had very serious problems with being overweight. I am overweight, sat on various short-term diet, sometimes making some progress, but then again and again gained weight. But when my weight exceeded 100 kg, I said myself: "Enough!" I decided to approach the matter sensibly. Day by day I methodically studied Various books on weight loss, considered the most effective diet, consulted with nutritionists. I have gathered a huge number of methods and materials to reduce weight. Many of them clearly did not act - such, I immediately discarded. Constantly sought information on the Internet. How - that reading the information about medical fasting, got on a site about dry fasting. Called Sergei Ivanovich, he advised me four things: a method of careful chewing, fasting days, cleanse the liver and intestine and lacto-vegetarian diet. I became fanatical obstinacy implement all recommendations. Sometimes I called Sergei Ivanovich and consulted. And finally, I went on right track - My weight started to decline. And, remembering about my previous experience, this time My body began to systematically get rid of excess weight is not short term, but forever. It has been five months since the beginning of my systematic work on weight loss, and that the scales have begun to show not 102 kg, as before, and 80. And my body has not been exhausted "Fast" diets that allow you to quickly lose 10 15 kg, but just as fast then dial the same weight. No, I felt great, there was no hint of danger again gain the same weight. Less than a year, and I became a completely different man. My friends with whom I had not seen for a long time, and who then met in the street, they did not recognize me! I ascend on top of success! I started my new life ... But this I was little. Now I knew I could weigh it
as much as I need, I can lose weight almost to each plate. My ultimate goal was a mark of 60 kilograms. Now, when I knew exactly what to do to effectively weight loss, lose 20 more pounds proved to be much easier than ever before. It took another four months, and I reached my goal! Today my weight - 58 pounds, I could easily support him and I feel wonderful. Now I live exactly the life that we dream about - life beautiful and confident woman!
Myth of the eighth.
Many people believe that dry fasting can cure any incurable diseases and even cancer, the fourth stage. Dry fasting is very effective treatment can cure a variety of disease, especially in the initial stages. But even this method has its indications, contraindications, and limit their opportunities. Particularly well to this method in inflammatory processes. Short dry fasting can be successfully used not only in the treatment of colds, but also in all when there is inflammation of any internal organ (And outside too). Dry hunger successfully treats boils on skin, inner ear inflammation, inflammation of the periosteum, with injuries, bruises, fractures, concussions, suppuration, colds, infections. Starvation can not heal broken bones, but the swelling and inflammation of water scarcity will be held as quickly as possible. After a concussion should be mandatory preventive dry starvation. After a concussion is a brain edema tissue - from him and all the trouble. The quicker stops swelling, the faster the recovery will come. Prolonged dry Hunger is very effective in such severe diseases as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthrosis deformans and many others. It is well absorbed ovarian cysts disappear benign tumors. The most annoying that this method of appeal, when all modern methods of treatment have been exhausted. During his grasp, as drowning man a straw. The organism is fully poisoned chemistry, hormones and radiation. All natural defenses body completely overwhelmed and paralyzed and the sick person sense of hopelessness is beginning to pass the maximum period of fasting without prior purification and training of the body. That such cases necessarily be serious complications and death outcomes. Me in my practice had to deal with such cases. Yes, I have been cured of cancer cases in the initial stage, but these people took a few courses of dry fasting, left cities to live in nature and completely change your lifestyle, here they have good results. All other patients with an oncologist who went chemotherapy, radiation, which starve yourself at home, could only prolong life and its quality. All needs to be done on time. Of course, during fasting may die, but not from starvation, but from the fact that our body is overfed to failure scored all sorts of filth, and they begin to move. During fasting may die terminally ill man, but he will die not from starvation, but from his illness. Similarly, he could die after a meal that is so hearty meal after tens of thousands die patients with heart disease. You can die from their own stupidity, if not to observe fasting method (a little bit, but still is there) and, especially when exiting from fasting (if horrible). But what is here then self-starvation? Starvation - that's life! But our stupidity and limited guaranteed to lead us to death.
Myth of the ninth.
Many people write that during the dry fasting should be done enema of salt water and rinse your mouth with water, it helps passage of dry starvation. During a total (wet), fasting the body is completely reconstructed on endogenous food, and if it's time to start drink juice, eat an apple, etc., then this unique mechanism completely broken, the same thing happens with dry fasting. During dry fasting the cells of our bodies begin to develop its own high-quality water from its own internal reserves, and in contact with water in the mouth or intestine, these mechanisms are broken.
All of my patients who tried rinse your mouth with water, they say that first becomes so well but then increased dryness several times, and go through starvation virtually impossible.
As well as an enema of salt, the effect no purification, but the thirst is provoked, and pass the full dry limotherapy virtually impossible. That swim and pour cold water at the end of fasting is sometimes possible. But if hunger is tolerable and evenly, then it is better not do.
Health - it is work, work - is patience, patience - this suffering, suffering - the cleansing and purification - it's great! "
as much as I need, I can lose weight almost to each plate. My ultimate goal was a mark of 60 kilograms. Now, when I knew exactly what to do to effectively weight loss, lose 20 more pounds proved to be much easier than ever before. It took another four months, and I reached my goal! Today my weight - 58 pounds, I could easily support him and I feel wonderful. Now I live exactly the life that we dream about - life beautiful and confident woman!
Myth of the eighth.
Many people believe that dry fasting can cure any incurable diseases and even cancer, the fourth stage. Dry fasting is very effective treatment can cure a variety of disease, especially in the initial stages. But even this method has its indications, contraindications, and limit their opportunities. Particularly well to this method in inflammatory processes. Short dry fasting can be successfully used not only in the treatment of colds, but also in all when there is inflammation of any internal organ (And outside too). Dry hunger successfully treats boils on skin, inner ear inflammation, inflammation of the periosteum, with injuries, bruises, fractures, concussions, suppuration, colds, infections. Starvation can not heal broken bones, but the swelling and inflammation of water scarcity will be held as quickly as possible. After a concussion should be mandatory preventive dry starvation. After a concussion is a brain edema tissue - from him and all the trouble. The quicker stops swelling, the faster the recovery will come. Prolonged dry Hunger is very effective in such severe diseases as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthrosis deformans and many others. It is well absorbed ovarian cysts disappear benign tumors. The most annoying that this method of appeal, when all modern methods of treatment have been exhausted. During his grasp, as drowning man a straw. The organism is fully poisoned chemistry, hormones and radiation. All natural defenses body completely overwhelmed and paralyzed and the sick person sense of hopelessness is beginning to pass the maximum period of fasting without prior purification and training of the body. That such cases necessarily be serious complications and death outcomes. Me in my practice had to deal with such cases. Yes, I have been cured of cancer cases in the initial stage, but these people took a few courses of dry fasting, left cities to live in nature and completely change your lifestyle, here they have good results. All other patients with an oncologist who went chemotherapy, radiation, which starve yourself at home, could only prolong life and its quality. All needs to be done on time. Of course, during fasting may die, but not from starvation, but from the fact that our body is overfed to failure scored all sorts of filth, and they begin to move. During fasting may die terminally ill man, but he will die not from starvation, but from his illness. Similarly, he could die after a meal that is so hearty meal after tens of thousands die patients with heart disease. You can die from their own stupidity, if not to observe fasting method (a little bit, but still is there) and, especially when exiting from fasting (if horrible). But what is here then self-starvation? Starvation - that's life! But our stupidity and limited guaranteed to lead us to death.
Myth of the ninth.
Many people write that during the dry fasting should be done enema of salt water and rinse your mouth with water, it helps passage of dry starvation. During a total (wet), fasting the body is completely reconstructed on endogenous food, and if it's time to start drink juice, eat an apple, etc., then this unique mechanism completely broken, the same thing happens with dry fasting. During dry fasting the cells of our bodies begin to develop its own high-quality water from its own internal reserves, and in contact with water in the mouth or intestine, these mechanisms are broken.
All of my patients who tried rinse your mouth with water, they say that first becomes so well but then increased dryness several times, and go through starvation virtually impossible.
As well as an enema of salt, the effect no purification, but the thirst is provoked, and pass the full dry limotherapy virtually impossible. That swim and pour cold water at the end of fasting is sometimes possible. But if hunger is tolerable and evenly, then it is better not do.
Health - it is work, work - is patience, patience - this suffering, suffering - the cleansing and purification - it's great! "
abt kidneys pg 161 around
pg 183
can completely clear the body of accumulated toxins. Toxins that have accumulated over many years can not be removed immediately a few days or weeks.
condition for such persistence is a repetition of preventive course of starvation every year, and if necessary, and a series of fasting (Fractional) for several consecutive years to achieve final healing
There are many striking examples of how, seemingly doomed to death patients who persevere repeated prolonged courses of fasting, after a few years become healthy individuals.
pg 213
Sclerosis in literal translation means "seal."
pg 183
can completely clear the body of accumulated toxins. Toxins that have accumulated over many years can not be removed immediately a few days or weeks.
condition for such persistence is a repetition of preventive course of starvation every year, and if necessary, and a series of fasting (Fractional) for several consecutive years to achieve final healing
There are many striking examples of how, seemingly doomed to death patients who persevere repeated prolonged courses of fasting, after a few years become healthy individuals.
pg 213
Sclerosis in literal translation means "seal."
Atherosclerosis - it is a violation of exchange at which the blood content increases fat-like substance - cholesterol.
Also increases the formation of the compound - lipoprotein (Fat + protein), penetrating the wall of the arteries. In this case, it accumulated cholesterol, followed by either liming plaques, or ulceration of them. Risk and development atherosclerosis increases with age.
pg 247
Many remember the famous yogs motto: "Liquid food eat solid food - drink. " This means that even liquid foods (juices, broths, milk, etc.) should be chewed in the mouth, mixing with saliva. A solid food should be chewed longer than usual, making it into the liquid. Yoga chew each piece 100-200 times, and for good reason: experienced yogi might well be satisfied with a banana or a crust bread.
pg 255
Apricots there most honorable fruit. tribe is even a saying: "Your wife will not follow you there, where no apricot fruit. " It is curious that diet in this tribe erected a cult and is strictly enforced. There should be less. It is in the enviable power is the secret of Hunza health
pg 269
According to scientists, chronic bowel disease one of the reasons of pathology of internal organs and systems can be associated with malabsorption of important components of food. This may be caused by loss of nutrients as a result of diarrhea, and excessive growth of bacteria, and changes in permeability bowel wall.
Also increases the formation of the compound - lipoprotein (Fat + protein), penetrating the wall of the arteries. In this case, it accumulated cholesterol, followed by either liming plaques, or ulceration of them. Risk and development atherosclerosis increases with age.
pg 247
Many remember the famous yogs motto: "Liquid food eat solid food - drink. " This means that even liquid foods (juices, broths, milk, etc.) should be chewed in the mouth, mixing with saliva. A solid food should be chewed longer than usual, making it into the liquid. Yoga chew each piece 100-200 times, and for good reason: experienced yogi might well be satisfied with a banana or a crust bread.
pg 255
Apricots there most honorable fruit. tribe is even a saying: "Your wife will not follow you there, where no apricot fruit. " It is curious that diet in this tribe erected a cult and is strictly enforced. There should be less. It is in the enviable power is the secret of Hunza health
pg 269
According to scientists, chronic bowel disease one of the reasons of pathology of internal organs and systems can be associated with malabsorption of important components of food. This may be caused by loss of nutrients as a result of diarrhea, and excessive growth of bacteria, and changes in permeability bowel wall.
pg 278
Everyone says that we must purge the liver ... "Why should I cleanse the liver, if I have it not hurt? You say that I will feel after the program "Cleaning the liver is better, and I now I feel great, without any cleansing "- to answer you. We approach the problem from the other side. Nobody puts doubt that the oil filter in your car (your favorite Zhiguli Ford, Mazda, Porsche) should be changed. In general, it would be nice clean the engine and injection system. And why? Why? Wherefore, then, if you do not, then the engine fails / etc, or injector, or both. A renovation of all this costs more money. If we draw an analogy, the liver is our filter.
And since it can not be replaced, it remains to be cleaned. and is already quite understand that if you do not, then your personal system will failure and repair it will be extremely difficult. It is known that the function liver - one of the most important in the body. Toxins are stored in the body everywhere, especially in fatty tissues. Especially a lot of them in the liver, that is sweeping the factory of our body. According to medical statistics, the human body every year comes only from food, drinks (including alcohol) 4-5 kg chemicals. All this goes to the liver and remains there. People who do not pay attention to cleansing the liver, sooner or later prove to be a hospital bed. Intoxicated liver able to remove toxins, resulting in you hold in your the body of a bomb packed with several kilos of poison. Who needs a liver cleansing? This question can not answer uniquely. In my opinion, everybody needs cleaning, but pick up the system cleansing and to their implementation should be individually.
pg 284
Cleansing with a one-day fasting is mainly through the kidneys, so the day is recommended to drink not less than 2 liters, and in the heat - not less than 3 liters. with the acquisition of the practice of enough fluid is judged by the urine. If the urine yellow, concentrated, and with a pungent smell, drink, be more. If a white, frequent urination, it means that water can be limit. In general, the appearance of sharp yellow or turbid urine afternoon (at one-day fasting) says begun purifying. If not, then the body "Swinging" slowly, or a person well-cleaned - a long time walking, drinking lots of water, did some exercises. Well cleansed people with extensive experience of fasting, No special training is conducted.
However, sometimes (especially when cold) is carried out and dry-day starvation - without water and without enemas. in this case acts in the basic elements of fire, the body heats up and the disease literally burned. Sometimes, though, is that during normal do not dry fasting water "is not, and people are literally forced to a drink. Healthy people can be equally easy to drink long hours or do not drink, but if the body is running, it does not violate stands, choking water is not necessary, but should drink as much as pleasure.
Short fasting for 1-3 days also called cosmetic. Indeed, it does not overhaul and cleaning of the body, and, so to speak, redecoration. Removed some of the slag, restores immune forces, get a breather digestive organs, tones the nervous system, clean energy channels
pg 301 symptoms of hunger..headaches means bad blood etc.
Many say that there is literally unstoppable need for their purification. However, do not be so as in starvation alters the composition of saliva, which becomes ability to dissolve the enamel. Teeth, however, normally covered by plaque, protects them from damage. However, with a strong desire to again a week, teeth can be cleaned. If this is done too often, Teeth can be lost.
There are also special mudra, fully removes a heart attack. In the East it is called "Mudra, saving lives. " To perform the index finger to bend and touch to the palm as low as possible. Thumb to put on top, pressing of the index. Connect together pads large, medium and ring finger, little finger is rectified. Same thing to do with your other hand. Mudra to hold for 2-3 minutes or more. Heart pain usually starts to go at the first minute. Mudra, of course, apply not only hunger, but in any time and for any attacks. If a person is unconscious state, the fingers puts aid. and wise completely justifies its name - "saving lives". When I so many times taken out of the serious human attacks and bluish, greenish face in a few minutes took on normal form, the pain went away and the body function more or less restored.
pg 305
DRY FRACTIONAL Starvation Once you have cleaned the intestines and liver, do wet starvation, you can start dry fasting. One very important moments for a good passage of dry fasting is to starvation consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids. in preparation for the summer and winter hibernation important feature animals is the increased consumption of fatty acids, which increase the body's resistance to a prolonged dry starvation.
Omega-3 play an important role in the production the body of the hemoglobin molecule, which is responsible for transporting oxygen in red blood cells and are involved in controlling nutrient elements that pass through the cell membrane, reduce harmful effects on the body of dangerous fats
The main thing - not to think about water, we must continually switch.
Good morning, walking barefoot, it tones the body and is diuretic. At night, if possible, better to sleep outdoors. During the day it is better not to sleep. - Periodically, ventilate the room, which are, night to leave the window open, window or balcony door. - Very useful during the passage of the SG to make hypoxic training.
pg 311
They do so: a calm breath, exhale, breath holding, as you can. Gradually, you should increase the delay. This is a very useful for the organism during the SG. When the cells live in a comfortable environment, they become accustomed to a constant level and volume of the incoming oxygen and lose ability to effectively communicate and use oxygen for obtain the necessary energy.
Why save when the good and so lacking? Cells, as it were "too lazy" to synthesize the structure, in which there is currently no special need. Therefore, the sudden deterioration in coronary blood flow such cells are not able to move quickly, move to another type of intracellular metabolism. Number of generated energy in the cell drops, and it dies.
If, however, occasionally give dosage hypoxic stress, cells of the body, including heart muscle, will experience oxygen starvation. Rapid deterioration of the situation does not occur, because the load is strictly metered, all cells remain fully intact functionally. But artificially created new conditions require the adaptation of an organism reaction. Heart muscle cells begin to consider this factor, altered metabolism, "materialize" structures antihypoxic protection
Now a sudden uncontrolled hypoxic load will not cause damage to the structures of the myocardium, because its cells have taught, they have a machine capable of effectively binding and use the blood oxygenation, providing a full energy even in the face of repeated blood flow impairment.
The hardest thing for dry hunger - it's a dry mouth and thirst. While searching for water during the dry hunger introduced mode of its economy: - Decreased sweating; - Dry mucous membranes of the nose; - Decreases the amount of moisture in the mouth. It lasts for several minutes of talk time;
On the lips appear slime that glues her lips. There special yoga exercise that helps to reduce these manifestations
pg 312
imp......Exercise from yoga to stave off hunger and thirst ;
This exercise appears in the manuals of prana yoga under entitled "Breath through language." Pull the tongue, roll it into a tube and begin to breathe air through the formed tube. Hold your breath for breath as long as possible, but not overexert. Slowly exhale through both nostrils. Repeat this exercise 12 times. Yogi says that exercise that helps to satisfy hunger and thirst, as well as cools the body in the heat. Blood oxygen saturation, etc., and other ... In any case, focus on your breathing and helps account for the time to distract from the obsessive thoughts about food and water. Exercise perfectly simple.
If we are quite difficult, we can take into the mouth the usual stone or flavor, to start salivate - a natural structured liquid - and the thirst for calm down. But most importantly nose breathing and silent
Lack of sleep in about 80%. Bring their experience in fighting with insomnia. A person can not sleep because of the internal voltage, this causes a subconscious muscle tension, so they need to relax (relax). If you want to include relaxation in its program of action, but do not have appropriate training, the first Take some time the next exercise, which details the process developed relaxation based on the series "concentration - muscle tension - Delay of stress - stress relief - relaxation for each muscle group.
Exercise for relaxation
This exercise requires twenty minutes and a quiet room where You will not be distracting. It is more convenient to perform in a free clothes. Write down the instructions into a tape recorder or ask them to you slowly read aloud while you do not remember the sequence stages. Lie on your back on a firm surface and soak a couple of minutes of calm, focus on your breathing. Then switch attention to the hand and forearm, right hand. Clench a fist and tense muscles of the forearm. Keep them in a strained state for a few seconds, and then as soon as possible quickly "reset" voltage. Continue to remove the voltage until the muscles become completely relaxed. Relax one minute, and then move the spotlight on his right hand above elbow. Bend your right arm at the elbow and tighten your biceps. Hold In this state, then remove the stress, relax your muscles and wait one minute. Then focus on the hand and forearm left hand. Squeeze the left fist and tense muscles of the forearm. Hold the tension - pull it off and relax.
Wait a minute, then move on to his left hand above elbow. Bend your left arm at the elbow and tighten your biceps. Delay Voltage - removal - relaxation - wait a minute. Now Focus on your forehead. Raise your eyebrows as high as possible delay - the removal - relaxation - waiting. Focus on their eyes, nose and cheekbones. Zazhmurte eyes tightly and wrinkle your nose - Delay - removal - relaxation - waiting. Next, enjoy a neck and throat. Lower your chin down so that it almost touched the breast while putting pressure on them to his chest - the delay - the removal of - Relaxation - waiting. The next turn of the chest and shoulders. Keep the shoulder blades together and take a deep breath - the delay - the removal Relaxation - waiting. Now the stomach. Tighten your stomach muscles, as if for protection from shock - the delay - removal - relaxation expectation. Right thigh. Tighten the muscles of the upper portion of the right feet - the delay - removal - relaxation - waiting. The right calf. Pull your right leg and pull the sock over - delay - removal Relaxation - waiting. Right foot. Bend the fingers of his right leg and rotate the foot with the toe inward - delay - stress relief Relaxation - waiting. Left thigh. Tighten the muscles of the upper of the left foot - the delay - stress relief - relaxation expectation. The left calf. Pull the left foot and pull the sock over - Delay - stress relief - relaxation - waiting. Left stop. Bend the fingers of his left foot and swing foot toe inward delay - stress relief - relaxation - waiting. This sequence should be repeated until until you achieve full automaticity in the performance. When you reach such a stage, you can also learn a short procedures relaxation to help you relax on the go and constantly maintain good health. Their meaning is to achieve deep relaxation, having spent a minimum of time and effort. Another option - simultaneous muscle relaxation, tighten all the muscles at once, the tension is held certain time, then removed and the muscles relax. After this you should switch to the good image of nature: forests, mountains, etc. However, maybe you're not asleep, but still get a good rest, And time will pass quickly, which is important during the SG. Now describe in detail the passage of a 5-day SG Daily Day 1. It is desirable to hunger sit all day on milk products. You must configure the psychologically that everything will be fine, I'll go completely SG, in extreme cases I always, without prejudice can not get out fast. If you're good prepared for the SG and you have something to do, it's usually the first day flies by unnoticed.
pg 313
Now describe in detail the passage of a 5-day SG Daily
Day 1.
It is desirable to hunger sit all day on milk products. You must configure the psychologically that everything will be fine, I'll go completely SG, in extreme cases I always, without prejudice can not get out fast. If you're good prepared for the SG and you have something to do, it's usually the first day flies by unnoticed. Day 2. On Day 2 can usually be tempted to eat, but it has to be overcome. Do exercises to relieve hunger. Sometimes it can be dizziness, headache, sucking a spoon. These symptoms should not be afraid - it starts the process
endogenous adjustment and cleanse the body. Need more walk and be outdoors in the evening before going to sleep about it relaxation exercises. Third day. this day is usually most conductive SG begins acidosis. A very important point SG - it acidotic crisis, which occurs after the transition to endogenous nutrition. Do not be afraid of the illness in this period, for beginners it usually occurs at the 3 - day. (But for some people during the transition to endogenous nutrition within 5 days of SH may pass without the express acidotic crisis). Acidotic crisis occurs when the concentration of ketone bodies (products of incomplete breakdown of triglycerides, or fat) in the body increases, and their method of disposal was not found. during this period appears unwell, feel the typical signs intoxication. However, once the recovery begins ketone bodies, their concentration ceases to increase, and because the ketone bodies are high-energy components to them as fuel begins the synthesis of new amino acids, which can lead to tissue regeneration. The process of regeneration can occur with severe pain, and this should be ready. In the initial phases of the SG acidotic crisis can occur at 4 -, 3 - or even 2 days after the beginning of the SG. with each new fasting, he comes earlier. The faster it goes, the longer it remains to rejuvenation. For example, if acidotic crisis occurs 2-day elimination period, then the regeneration will be 3 - days. at this time can you smell of acetone breath, nausea, dizziness, lack of air weakness. Hunger weakens, the desire tolerated. Blood pressure varies depending on the characteristics of an organism. Do not be afraid of any phenomena, since due to adaptation organism to new conditions of life symptoms more acute. The best thing about this period - the calm, slow nature walks.pg 313
Now describe in detail the passage of a 5-day SG Daily
Day 1.
It is desirable to hunger sit all day on milk products. You must configure the psychologically that everything will be fine, I'll go completely SG, in extreme cases I always, without prejudice can not get out fast. If you're good prepared for the SG and you have something to do, it's usually the first day flies by unnoticed. Day 2. On Day 2 can usually be tempted to eat, but it has to be overcome. Do exercises to relieve hunger. Sometimes it can be dizziness, headache, sucking a spoon. These symptoms should not be afraid - it starts the process
4-th day. Pressure drops or is likely to rise, the body temperature may be increased. It is physiologically normal for SH. There are chills or fever, depending on the nature of the patient and symptoms of the disease, as well as by gender and age. Responding to an increase in body temperature, the organism causes slowing the growth of microorganisms. Immune system becomes easier hunt down and kill all the alien and change.
Also observed lowering the threshold of cold, the normalization of thermoregulation processes, expressed in hot flashes and requiring the use of cold water, which stabilizes the patient's condition.
All colds completely excluded. at this time can be walk barefoot in the snow or dew, pour cold ice water, walk around naked in nature. ....(so true,,,sam's experience)
Day 5. Begin to deteriorate all chronic diseases, and even those about which we do not know. The most affected
Disease bodies make themselves felt pain, and this should be ready. We must thank your body for such a good healing work. If nausea is good help Massage the abdomen and cold on the liver. If hard to walk, it is better to lie down in a quiet cool place and listen to good classical music. Due to the struggle of the organism with disabilities increased body temperature, and the person feels hot. Blood pressure may rise or fall depending on the individual.
You can take cold shower, there are more to air in lightweight clothing or even without it in any weather.....pg 315
If there is snow, you can ho dit-on it barefoot.
Can be insomnia, increased thirst, pressure can jump. mainly weight loss during the passage of the SG 1 to 2 kg, depending on the weight with which began in hunger and what was physical activity. Of course, every person in his own way unique and individual. Dry starvation can take place completely differently, but I tried to describe those manifestations I watched the majority of patients.
I watched the majority of patients. I often ask, at what time and what days is better to starve. Each season has its pluses and minuses. in May, is very effective hungry for the treatment of liver, I have many patients in May cured hepatitis. in August and September, the ideal output and fast, high quality restoration of the body. in October and November, the SG is easier to pass. Worst of all SG transferred in January and March. But, in principle, it is not plays a dominant role. The main thing - if a serious problem, the sooner the better, regardless of the time.
pg 316...while exiting fast...how to drink water...v imp instructions ..otherwise danger;
The order of output: first drinking water. Water should ideally be thawed, dew or spring
Importantly, how to drink: in the first glass Water should be added three capsules of the drug "LINEKKS" drink a glass of water for fifteen minutes. and that vital Important: Do not rush, sip by sip. So that the latter sip was somewhere in the fourteenth minute. Drink a glass before Ten minutes is very risky.
System of water consumption can not cope well if syncope lightly. and so for two hours of drinking eight glasses of water.
Then you can clean teeth. in very rare cases that the first sips of water may cause nausea. Then each sip of water necessary to keep in the mouth, mixing it with saliva and then swallow 20-30 seconds.
Drinking water can be combined with washing in the shower. After the shower oblitsya well with cold water, then take a warm (hot not) a bath with herbal infusions (not more than 8 minutes). At the same time with washing should continue to drink water up to 12 hours.
12 hours must have a warm protein broth (as you want) fish, no vegetables, well cooked, no salt and no bread.
The broth can be cooked with spices (but not the spice). After the SG should start eating small portions. This extended time out of the SG is the need to gradual feed load on the pancreas, which inactive during fasting, and now must be carefully put into operation.
At 14 o'clock to eat animal protein in the form of fermented milk
Product: kefir, whey Bolotov - much as you want, small portions. When exiting, follow these Important: water, food, eat slowly, small portions. Drank a sip and swallowed a piece, Sit down, listen to yourself.
If portions of food during chewing, you do not feel any taste or it tastes like cotton wool - It means that your stomach is not ready yet to digest this product
For you, this food - the ballast. Wait a few days and try it again.
If, during or after taking portions felt discomfort: pain in the stomach, dry mouth, domestic reluctance to use it on, then stop taking this product
This means that it is harmful, and not regret money spent on food, health is more expensive.
In the absence of discomfort, the amount of food consumed should to the size of a tea cup. Time of consumption - the same fifteen minutes.
If you feel uncomfortable at the mere sight food, immediately go to a different form
One patient of mine, having a great experience out of the hunger strikes on the water to exit from the first five-day dry hunger strike prepared raw vegetables. After Water it is the turn of vegetables. He swallowed the first piece, wait minute. Would like to continue, but then felt a sharp pain in the abdomen, as if knife stuck.
Then I realized that the pain disappears when you eat cooked vegetables.
After this long time-to-protein foods: kefir and fish broth. and had no problems.
This is necessary because after the end of the SG body for protein synthesis and new cell acute needs in construction materials, which are animal protein.
Violation of this rule can lead to negative consequences!
You can add some salt diet from the third day out, it's best use stone or sea salt. Very, very gradually, dose to the tip of a knife.
Do not forget about the method of therapeutic chewing. - Starting from the second day, you can use a little waste products of bees: honey, pollen. Food should be diverse and well saturated with vitamins and micromacrocells. during the first five days after the start of output of LFG use only fresh and clean high-quality products. You can not eat sugar and sacchariferous, canned foods. - During the exit, especially in the early days, you need to take care of oneself from drafts and cold. in the first days of release immune system reconstructed on the disposal of food and water, so the body weakened, then the body will be reconstructed and immunity will be even stronger than before fasting.
Exit from the daily fasting 8.00 - drink good quality water, in the first glass to necessarily add bifidum or lactobacterin (1 sachet per
glass of water), or now, a new drug "Linex". 11.00 - compote of dried apricots, prunes, raisins. 14.00 - yogurt, Bifidok or serum Bolotov. 18.00 - vegetable soup (cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, dill, parsley). 22.00 - stewed fruit, herbal tea, honey. The yield of the 36-hour fasting: the same is just beginning in the evening. The yield of the 48-hour fasting: 1-day, both from the daily. Second day: 8.00 - herbal tea with honey or fruit or yogurt, buckwheat groats in water, you can add a little vegetable oil (can be other cereals), always on the second day of fasting need to drink one quail egg 3 times a day (Do not worry - quail do not get sick with salmonellosis) on an empty stomach. This necessary, as quail eggs - this whole periodic table, and most importantly - natural natural stem cells, which as required by the body after the dry fasting. Women You can make masks to the face: quail eggs mixed with cedar oil, applied at night for 20 minutes. 14.00 - fish soup (the best of the rasp, salmon, pink salmon), can be a bit sunflower. Salad, any cereal. Tea, juice, yogurt, honey. 18.00 - boiled beets, cereals, tea, juice, yogurt. 22.00 - herbal tea, honey. The yield of the 3 daily fasting: the first two days are already written. The third day of the output: 8.00 - Freshly squeezed juices, salads, cereals 14.00 - soup or ear, cereals, salads, tea 18.00 - salad, fish baked in foil, juice, fresh Fourth day: 9.00 - decoction of dried fruit (raisins, apricots, prunes) - 200,0 12.00 - buckwheat groats - nincompoop - 200,0 15.00 - cabbage salad with 100.0, and fish ear, dairy Drink - 100,0 18.00 - vegetable broth - 200,0 21.00 - fermented beverage 200.0 Fifth day: 9.00 - porridge "Hercules" with dried apricots - 150,0 Green Tea - 100,0 13.00 - stewed vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage) - 150,0 Juice - 100,0 17.00 - soup (carrot, beet, cabbage, croutons of bread, or gray bran sticks), apple - 1 pc. 21.00 - sour milk drink - 200,0 Then you can proceed to the usual food, but perfect preferably 2 weeks of feeding with a predominance of fresh vegetables and fruits. After exiting the fast food must be perfect.
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The ideal diet is 50 per cent consists of raw fruits and vegetables. Cellulose and pectin, contained in most products of plant origin, called ballast substances, since they are not absorbed by the body
These substances necessary, they serve an important role in the process of digestion: adjust the
intestinal hormonal system, and through it - the whole organism, as regulators of motor function of the intestine; create a favorable microflora in the gastrointestinal tract, which is partly used by the body as a full living protein,
10 per cent is protein foods. Protein may be in the form of meat, fish, eggs, natural cheese, or growthe tangent form, such as nuts and seeds. Brewer's yeast, bread and soup made from sprouted wheat are also an important part of protein diet. Especially, they are indispensable as suppliers vitamins B, E and D.
The remaining products are divided into three parts. One third (30%) - is natural starch obtained from cereals and legumes. Another third (Not less than 5%) - natural sugar-containing in dried fruits, honey, freshly squeezed juices. Last third (no more than 5%) consists of natural fats such as sunflower, corn, olive oil, natural bacon, butter and ghee. People who are prone to obesity, should avoid eating sugar, bread, cereals. Or have them in minimum quantities, and cereals should be freshly brewed. Chew their absolutely necessary. While fast food a person consumes oatmeal 3-5 times more than you need. This leads to obesity. If to use its small quantity, chewing up the status of milk then it disappears constipation, improves intestinal peristalsis (in moment of peristalsis chewing speeds up to four times), eliminated congestion in the gastrointestinal tract.
The recovery period should be two times greater than lasted starvation
Persons who are overweight - a sauna, body massage evaporated urine. Following such a reasonable program starvation, you'll be filled with vitality, and starvation become a necessary part of your life.
Due to the fact that during starvation the body uses potassium and salt welcome food in early recovery contributes to the accumulation cells, sodium and, consequently, of water.
Data preparations contain magnesium and potassium, which are absolutely safe
Weakness, dizziness, fainting. Occur in time of departure from starvation during the first 3-5 days. They are associated with early increasing physical regime. With a seeming surge of forces You can not calculate their physical abilities, which leads to bouts of weakness, dizziness, even fainting states. For the prevention of exit from fasting to comply with more stringent regime than under the most starvation.
. More relax, not to take long walks, do not perform heavy physical work, not overwork. and just hungry experienced, well versed in the peculiarities of the organism, can lead a fairly active lifestyle. Because the motor load at the output of help quick changeover organism to conventional food.
If during the fasting you have started worsening of a disease, it is desirable to continue fasting until symptoms disappear. If this is impossible, symptoms may persist and exit. In this case it is necessary carry out the usual way and not rush to early using a heavy meal. For the treatment can be used homeopathic medicines. After a week of release, while maintaining symptoms may careful application medicines.
Never start cleansing the intestines and liver, without altering mode and power quality. - Do not start any starvation, not cleaning the intestines and liver. - Do not dry fasting, without trying wet. - In order to obtain maximum benefit from starvation, it is necessary to starvation were regular periods of fasting and increased gradually.
- Never spend at home, dry starvation more than five days. - Exit from starvation - it is 70% of therapeutic outcome, it must be hold perfectly.
The scheme is designed for three months. 1-st month: 14 days, the natural nutrition; 7 days purgation and liver; 7 days starvation on buckwheat porridge, or who can not, one day Wet starvation. 2 nd month: Week 1 - Day 1 wet fasting or 2 days for those who are not starved for buckwheat porridge; 2 - week - 2 or 3 days moist starvation 3rd week - 3 or 4 days of SH; 4 - week - 5-7 days for all the SH. Third month: Week 1 - Day 1 SU; Week 2 - 2 days SG; 3rd Week - 3 days SG; Week 4 - 4-5 days in SG. For those who have endured all kinds of fasting, you can do so - it It is more efficient: 1 day hunger - 2 days of eating; 2 days starvation - 3 days of eating; 3 days starvation - 4 days food; 4 days hunger - 5 days of eating; 5 days of hunger - the output of the SG. To fix the effect of fasting is recommended The following schemes of maintenance therapy: - Undertake cleansing the liver and intestines every quarter before changing seasons. In late February, early May (most efficient), at the end of August, in late November. - Held once a week 24-36-hour dry starvation. In this preliminary purgation is not required. But days before and after fasting should be "half-starved, with decrease in total calories. - Held once a month 3-day starvation, the training was not needed. - Once a quarter - a five-day dry hunger, preferably after bowel cleansing and liver. BOTTOM attention of CI and O TZYVY patients LLC Altai - the dry hunger in Filonov 7 +5 + (2 on the water) She feels great - the restoration was still in the Altai - On a dry hunger happens amazingly quickly. I was short story, which I address to all comers. Thus, the detailed story.
pg 331
But as they say Sergei Ivanovich, the tougher the conditions the better the result
Ray maor freee pdf
When digesting different foods, our digestive system requires a large percentage of the energy stored in the food itself just for the digestion process.
“Of all the food categories, the digestion of proteins is the most time consuming. It takes over three hours to break down and assimilate proteins. The reason for this is simple: protein molecules are long chains with wellsoldered links, and to break down their resistance requires the combination of good chewing and the simultaneous attack of various gastric, pancreatic, and biliary juices. This long process of calorie extraction taxes the system; it has been calculated that to obtain 100 calories from a protein food, the system must use 30 calories. We can say that the specific dynamic action of proteins is 30 percent, while it is only 12 percent for fats and just 7 percent for carbohydrates.” xi
My own blood tests, taken before and after the Pranic initiation process show a significant and stable health improvement for me. Other Breatharians who exit the process and undertake blood tests to compare the effects also show similar health developments. This supports the notion that as Breatharians, we no longer need
“Of all the food categories, the digestion of proteins is the most time consuming. It takes over three hours to break down and assimilate proteins. The reason for this is simple: protein molecules are long chains with wellsoldered links, and to break down their resistance requires the combination of good chewing and the simultaneous attack of various gastric, pancreatic, and biliary juices. This long process of calorie extraction taxes the system; it has been calculated that to obtain 100 calories from a protein food, the system must use 30 calories. We can say that the specific dynamic action of proteins is 30 percent, while it is only 12 percent for fats and just 7 percent for carbohydrates.” xi
My own blood tests, taken before and after the Pranic initiation process show a significant and stable health improvement for me. Other Breatharians who exit the process and undertake blood tests to compare the effects also show similar health developments. This supports the notion that as Breatharians, we no longer need
to consider the nutritional balance of our food nor do we need to supplement our diet with expensive vitamins. Instead, the body gets everything it needs from the Prana directly.
My relationship with water has also completely changed. Even though I appreciate water a lot, it has no taste to me. Before my process I used to drink the recommended two liters of water each day. I had mineral water and carried a bottle everywhere. Today I hardly drink any water. Why? I stopped believing in the two liter rule. I understand deeply that it was just a part of the illusion. During the process, especially after the fourth day of dry fasting, I kept passing urine even when I wasn’t drinking anything and the color of the urine drastically changed from dark orange to lighter. Something in the mechanism of being a Breatharian allows us to not need so much water to live.
Now I will mostly take water only if there is nothing else around for me to have. I will drink a little water to wash my mouth or if I feel that it is a warm day outside and want some refreshment. Since I no longer have any sensation of thirst, and since I did not choose to be a rare xivBreatharian that stops drinking water, I still take care of my physical body. I sometimes check my boundaries to see how little water I can take. I once walked three days in the desert and only drank one liter a day (it is recommended to drink between four to five liters a day under those circumstances). My urine was completely orange, but I felt great and did not have any difficulty or feel dehydrated.
Breathing practices Regulated by the autonomic nervous system, inhaling oxygen is an unconscious process. Fortunately it’s an unconscious praxis, otherwise we simply wouldn’t have a break, as we’d have to deal with it incessantly. The amount of oxygen that we inhale through our breathing influences the amount of energy that is released into our body cells. On a molecular level, this progresses via various chemical and physiological processes. Breathing is the easiest and most instrumental part of the autonomic nervous system to control and navigate. In fact, the way you breathe
Physiology: breathing, body and blood Breathing is the ultimate life source. Every day, we inhale and exhale on average 20.000 times to make sure we absorb sufficient oxygen. Oxygen (O2) is delivered through our lungs, whereas carbon dioxide (CO2), which is just a byproduct, (that your body nevertheless needs) flows out. Our lungs have a hierarchical branch structure and consist of two parts (the left and right lung). The respiratory system supplies oxygen so that the air can be transported via the primary bronchus to the bronchiole (the smaller respiratory tract). These bronchioles effuse into lung bubbles, where oxygen and blood cohere. During this diffusion, O2 is absorbed via the blood, whereas CO2 is dissolved. This process is a biological process known as gas exchange. After this exchange, oxygen rich blood is transported to enter the body cells.
Due to their great elasticity, lung bubbles generally have significant diffusion capacity. Hence, the so called “diffusion surface” is where the exchange between O2 and CO2 takes place. When you breathe calmly, this can stretch up to 70 m2, yet when you inhale deeply this can expand to 100 m2 (Mandigers & Van StraatenHuygen, 2004 p.290 up to p.316). The WHM breathing technique is designed as such that anyone can reach the largest surface possible. By practicing the breathing technique, you will influence the ratio between O2 en CO2 in the blood. Based on scientific research (Kox et al., 2012), Wim Hof’s blood levels indicated, after 30 minutes of implementing the breathing technique, a significantly low dose of CO2. After an hour, the CO2-levels were even lower. On top of this, the amount of O2- consumption had doubled after 45 minutes.
On oxygen and body cells
What happens with the oxygen when it enters the body cells? For starters, oxygen will convert into CO2 and H2O, which takes place in the mitochondria.
These double membrane-bound organelles are one of the organs of the cell that are responsible for releasing energy, all with the purpose for our bodies to function properly. Hence, they are the energy suppliers of a cell. The demolition of nutrients is connected to the transference of oxygen. This results in a molecule known as ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This mechanism is named aerobe dissimilation.
This atom is essential in virtually any bodily activity, from the motion of our muscles to the transfer of nutrients and waste materials in and from the cells. Furthermore, ATP is essential for the generation of electrical signals in the nervous system. without oxygen (and adequate nourishment) there simply would be no ATP. put differently: without ATP we simply wouldn’t be able to move, let alone have the capacity to think.
One of the pillars of the WHM is to increase stamina. When practicing the breathing techniques, by thoroughly inhaling and exhaling, people often become aware of just how easy it is to do a round of push-ups during the inhaling process. The efficacy of these breathing techniques can be explained down to the molecular level within the cells.
Is oxygen vital for producing ATP? No, ATP can also be produced in the absence of oxygen. For example, when we fully exert into any kind of activity, the oxygen levels in
our blood then decrease to adequately supply all cells with this atom. This process is called anaerobic dissimilation and is highly inefficient.
The relation between oxygen use, the demolition of nutrients and the production of ATP To get the most out of a glucose molecule, the metabolic route (as shown in the representation) should be progressed entirely. In the first phase, glucose is converted into pyruvate. This process is termed glycolysis and results into two ATP molecules. When there is sufficient oxygen in the cell, pyruvate is conveyed in the mitochondria, where it is further dissected into acetyl CoA to enter the citric acid cycle. This process results in one molecule of ATP. Subsequently, in the Electron Transport System, the production of ATP molecules is connected to the ingestion of products stemming from the citric acid cycle, where oxygen is simultaneously converted into CO2 and water.
When this process has been fully completed, 1 molecule of glucose has generated about 30-32 ATP molecules. Be aware: this will only occur when there is enough oxygen. When you feel out of breath during an extensive work out, this often means there is insufficient oxygen to finish this process. Thus, your muscle cells then can only make use of the first part of the route, namely the glucose, which per glucose molecule results in two ATP molecules. In doing so, this is highly inefficient. To make matters worse, the pyruvate is also altered into lactic acids, which lower the pH-values in the body, making the body more acidic.
What happens with your blood levels during breathing exercises? By thoroughly inhaling and exhaling while doing the breathing exercises, you will
consume a lot of oxygen. In addition to this, the concentration of CO2 lessens almost immediately. While doing so, a shift takes place in the CO2 and O2 ratio in the blood. By systematically and deeply breathing in and out, the pH-value in the blood increases (making the blood more alkali) whereas the acidity lessens. Normally, on average the pH-value is 7.4. By exerting the breathing techniques, this becomes significantly higher. During the E-coli experiment, values have been measured up to 7.75. As such, bodily cells can produce (via aerobic dissimilation) ATP much longer and far more efficiently, while at the same time prevent the production of lactic acids. Having said that, the values in the blood will normalize after some time.
Histogram 1: Oxygen consumption measured on Wim Hof, before, after 45 minutes and 80 minutes after the breathing exercises
Training of mindset & meditation/concentration It is generally known that a strong mindset can be an important weapon when it comes to thinking, doing and achieving. In the WHM, a strong mindset is important to realize your inner strength. Concentration/meditation is an important part of this. This concentration is required for what you wish to achieve for certain purposes. If Wim Hof would not concentrate, for example, he would feel just as cold as everyone else. Focus is thus very important.
Autonomic nervous system and concentration techniques Normally, the autonomic nervous system is independently and subconsciously regulated by the body. The autonomic nervous system regulates functions such as breathing, internal organs, digestion, the dilation and contraction of the blood vessels and the heartbeat. In accordance with current medical opinion, no influence can be exercised over the autonomic nervous system.
It has emerged from a variety of studies, however, that certain concentration/meditation techniques can result in independent, autonomic activity (Phongsuphap, Pongsupap, Chandanamattha & Lursinsap, 2008; Wu & Lo, 2008; Paul-Labrador et al., 2006).
Mindfulness-based stress reduction, for example, has resulted in a decrease in activity in the sympathetic nervous system among fibromyalgia patients (Lush, Salmon, Floyd, Studts, Weissbecker & Sephton, 2009). Proof has also been provided that Wim Hof is able to influence his autonomic nervous system by means of his technique (Pickkers et al., 2011). Researchers at Radboud University have investigated the influence of Wim Hof's concentration technique on the activity of his autonomic nervous system and the (natural) immune system. During the course of this experiment, components of E-coli bacteria where injected into Wim Hof and 112 other trial participants. The test subjects were injected with this bacteria in a previous study. Administering this substance makes the body think that it is being attacked.
Normally this would result in an over-reaction by the immune system, resulting in flu symptoms (headache, fever and muscle pain) for a number of hours. However, Hof only suffered a mild headache at the time when the flu symptoms would normally be at their strongest. The results also showed that Hof produced less than half the number of inflammatory proteins in comparison to the average of the test subjects who were injected with this bacterium. Study leader Pickkers declared that Hof was able to produce a controlled response to the bacteria administered by
means of his concentration technique. This resulted in a so-called ‘ fight or flight response’ , which ensured that the body produced more cortisol (the "stress hormone"). This increase resulted in a reduction in the immune response, thus suppressing most of the inflammatory proteins (cytokines) causing the flu symptoms.
When you think about it, it is quite outstanding that it is possible to influence your immune system by practicing a method. The question was: is Wim Hof just an extraordinary case? And can his achievements be attributed to the fact that he practiced this method for many, many years? Or can others also regulate their immune system by doing what he does? Hof is a strong believer that anyone can accomplish what he has realized. In 2013, a research team consisting of Kox en Pickkers (Kox et al.,2014) examined whether others were also capable of influencing their immune system and autonomic nervous system by practicing the Wim Hof Method. To get to the bottom of this, Hof trained 12 Dutch volunteers over the course of 10 days (4 days in Poland with Wim and 6 days at home alone). The volunteers practiced all the ins and outs of the breathing techniques, the meditation techniques (in order to gain superior focus) and were additionally gradually exposed to frosty conditions.
Back in the Netherlands, 24 volunteers –the 12 test subjects that trained with Wim Hof in Poland and a control group of 12 people- received an injection with elements of the E-coli bacteria (the same dose that Wim Hof received in previous studies).
Under normal conditions, the body can react quite strong to this, resulting in almost all cases in flu symptoms. Remarkably though, the volunteers that had practiced the WHM reported far less signs of influenza (meaning symptoms of nausea, headaches, shivers and muscle and/or back pains) than the control group. In addition to this, the body temperature of the first cohort didn’t increase as much in comparison to the control group.
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Exposure to ice meant that
no inflammatory proteins were found at all
Due to the exposure to ice, the number of inflammatory proteins had almost decreased to zero (view the histogram for the results). The reason for this is that increased levels of cortisol had been registered in the blood circulation.
Surprisingly, the results also revealed that white blood cells showed a lower production of cytokine, even after 6 days.
The next question is how it happens that Hof is resistant to long-term exposure to the cold. When exposed to extreme cold for longer periods, most people suffer socalled freeze damage . The body automatically closes down the blood supply to less vital body parts such as the legs and arms, thus preserving the vital body parts heart , lungs, liver, kidneys.
Another study conducted by the Thrombosis Research Institute (ME, CVS, Documentation Centre, 1994) showed that people who took a daily cold shower had significantly more white blood cells in comparison to people who did not. White blood cells are cells that combat diseases.
The investigators declared that, by taking a cold shower, the metabolic rate during and after such a shower is increased to keep the body warm. At the same time the immune system is activated, resulting in the release of more white blood cells. This study indicated that exposure to the cold boosts the immune system
Brown fat is a type of fat tissue that is able to release energy directly (unlike white fat, which stores energy), thus resulting in the production of heat. New-born babies have a relatively high amount of brown fat, so that they can regain any heat lost within a relatively short period. After nine months the amount of brown fat tissue has drastically decreased and continues to decrease over the years
The presence of brown fat in adults has been evidenced in a recent study, according to which brown fat is also present in young adults. It appears that brown fat tissue can also be activated by cold (van MarkenLichtenbelt et al., 2009). This fat tissue is already activated at 18°C. During this process, fatty acids are removed from the body to provide it with the heat it requires (Carpentier, 2011).
People suffering from rheumatism, for example, have an over-active immune system. This results in irregularities in the body's defense system. Under normal circumstances, the body produces defense cells to protect the body against viruses and bacteria. Everything that does belong to the body is tracked and attacked by these cells. When a person suffers from rheumatism, these defense cells erroneously produce protein bodies that cause inflammation of, for example, the joints and tendons (Reumafonds, 2012). The body thus attacks itself.
As practicing the method can result in temporary accrual of stress hormones in the blood, the WHM method could potentially have a positive effect on this.
Heart and vascular diseases Exposure to the cold has a major effect on the heart and vascular system. The Wim Hof Method (WHM) can be used to strengthen the cardiovascular system, so that the heart needs to pump less frequently, as all muscles in the blood vessels support the blood flow.
Through exposure to cold you train these little muscles within the blood vessels and by this blood will flow more fluently through your vessels.
Overweight and obesity The study has shown that exposure to the cold has a positive effect on the development of brown fat. This type of fat makes it possible to convert energy (glucose and body fat) directly into body heat. This is possible because brown fat cells contain numerous mitochondria, which act as the energy providers of a cell.
pg 140 philnov's book
- A complete abandonment of the reception of any fluid or brake
terminates processes of putrefactive fermentation in the gastro-
gastrointestinal tract;
pg 142
if first acidotic crisis resolves "stem disease, the second destroy the "root disease". During the dry cascade fasting for passage second acidotic crisis must hold a cascade five five approximately two months to a year. I know a doctor who cured his blood cancer, spending a cascade of five in five for a year. Not every modern man can find so much time, will and patience.
Under fractional fasting necessary understand a series of interrupted fasting, some of which have duration from first to second acidotic crisis, and the latter ends only upon the occurrence of hunger and purification of the language.
The second dry starvation (treatment) is the maximum, required to pass the most healing, the second acidotic crisis.
The second hunger tolerated a lot easier the first and physically, and psychologically. But sometimes, if there is a very serious illness makes the third dry hunger (final). The most important thing here that each fasting is more rapid transition on endogenous nutrition and biosynthesis of very high quality
This pendular cycle of fasting allows each starvation, more and more to improve backup body's defenses.
Due to which there is a strengthening effect in such a fractious starvation?
Obtained his kind of inclusion of the principle supercompensation after clearing starvation. Trimmed all that was to some extent missed. It turns out that every time an organism is suitable for new Positive stress with increased combat readiness. in this Fasting is one method of how to raft on the other, and healing effect is amplified. I really like this technique, it and healing, and rejuvenation effects are very pronounced, and transferred much easier, and most importantly, practically no complications. That's the main difference from the dry fasting for LA Shchennikova, which meets once dry fasting with a maximum term 9-11 days.
If the body does not enter the food and "dead", heavy water, that our blood is not getting many harmful substances, and the blood is constantly to clean our bodies, in fact one and the same blood composition will be cleaned several times through the filter elements, ie blood will be almost perfectly clean. Blood on the SG is cleared of all unnecessary, and blood plasma becomes transparent as glass, everything comes into harmony, including clotting factors. Dry starvation in this regard, cleans the blood more completely, than by dialysis or hemosorption - Hardware blood purification. Consequently, all processes in the body associated with blood will be performed almost perfectly.
This temperature can not register a thermometer, but it is felt people during the passage of dry fasting as an inner glow, "Fire" or chills
The most important thing in this state is that the temperature in itself - an important part of defensive reactions. By my own experience, we know that at all destroyed slag poisons, even cancer cells, and then fully suspend its livelihoods.
This process speeds up the recovery. Reacting increase in body temperature, the organism causes a slowdown microorganisms. Immune system becomes easier to track down and kill all the alien and change.
Organism takes from the reserves only that at the moment it is necessary, and not something that it artificially imposed from the outside.
He has also identified water stocks. in only one skin is deposited up to 2 liters of water. There are deposits water in some of the cavities of the body (serous cavities), some internal organs. The human body is able to comfort conditions (in the mountains, near waterfalls, near the river) to sustain
12-day fasting.
from a physiological point of view of the body in complete starvation does not feel substantial deficit of the liquid, because for every kilogram of a split fat mass (or glycogen) is released per day up to 1 liter endogenous (metabolic) water. Loss of body fluids (On the skin-lung perspiratsiyu and diuresis) during normal the temperature is low, ranging from 1.5 to 2 liters per day. Thus, the water deficit does not exceed 0,5-1 liters daily, which the decline in basic metabolism is quite physiologically acceptable.
Cells of adipose tissue, adipocytes, rich in fat and are living energy. during growth, with "well-fed life of their number increases.
during fasting they become an internal power source, the adipocytes not only provide the body with energy and water they supply almost all the components necessary for life.
One kilogram adipose tissue is sufficient for 2-3 days of dry fasting.
Why Dry fasting need to be spent only on nature?
Because our body during dry fasting works on suction, and moisture and the energy it needs to be taken only with environmentally friendly energy areas.
Scientific studies have shown that from the comfort of a person can not drink for 10 12 days, and in extreme conditions even more.
For example, is described the case when the 13th day after the earthquake (Mexico, 1985) 151
under the rubble found a boy who survived, despite the fact all that time spent without food and water. Yes, reserves life at all living is extremely high. A case with a dog that has fallen a blockage in an earthquake, she lived without food for one hundred and three days until it was released. All deaths from dehydration, described in the literature, mainly related to panic people or very extreme conditions.
You have to understand that if after eating you feel very sleepy, it means your food was unfit for consumption. Correct Food should not cause drowsiness, but on the contrary, should bring awake and energized. Sleep - is primarily small to date dry starvation. After all, we sleep and drink, and do not eat. at this time released in the body vital energy, which makes their healing work.
Our bodies are very wise, a perfect system, while passing dry hunger, it includes a more powerful reserves and disposal system than in the wet starvation
Whatever 152
paradoxical as it may seem, but dry fasting transferred significantly easier than the wet, and at the same time give much greater effect.
On subjective assessments of experienced golodalschikov, the effect of dry fasting is approximately three times the effect of the wet the same duration. Dry fasting deprives body cells of any kind of external power supply, because the water exactly the same nourishes the cells, as well as food. And because the processes of nutrition and purification are carried out alternately, then dry starvation and lack of water inflow from outside the cell are engaged only in self-cleaning, without spending time and energy for anything else
In the dry starvation, the body also burns far more active inside slag and toxins - in fact you did not "extinguish" his inner "fire" water. in humans during the passage of the SG up inside temperature, there is a fever
This causes acceleration of the flow metabolism and is a great advantage to the organism. If More specifically, the rise in temperature accelerates the flow biochemical reactions, accelerates the decomposition and oxidation of toxins and slag, increases the bactericidal action of blood 10 times. Hence, it becomes 10 times more dangerous for any harmful microorganisms. Decrease in the viability of microbes has been demonstrated. As the temperature increases is accelerating detoxification of the body, that is, removal, elimination of toxins, poisonous substances. Chills and temperature - an amazing depth and cleaning effect process that included on the deep stages of cleaning. High temperature shows - break out not only the disease physical body, but also a subtle body, and eddy currents cleaned, so-called energy shells, in which going to negative information. In the dry starvation in the shortest time achieved a more high concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immunocompetent cells and immunoglobulins in fluids organism. One of the mechanisms of destruction in the body endotoxins during starvation is the enzyme activity special cells - macrophages. Even at 24-36-hour dry starvation the activity of phagocytes can be increased threefold.
With the help of autolysis are absorbed and removed those substances are least needed to carry out vital functions organism.
Autolysis under dry starvation begins to run from 2-3 day of hunger,
but reaches its peak with the 8 th to 10 th day.
I already wrote what has toxic properties, our tap water. When the body does not enter the food and "dead" poisoned water, then in fact our body gets the full
holiday. during the dry fasting is not no enema needed, since the absorption of toxins from the gut is absent for due to lack of water. Therefore, when this kind of fasting is not such intoxication, what happens in other types of fasting. Accordingly, a dry hunger physically moved so much easier.
In the dry starvation the body does not need to recycle water to the extent to which this was done when eating and drinking during normal operation. Obviously, the kidney and liver under dry starvation almost complete rest, which is not the fasting with water. When dry starvation of their recovery is much faster.
. Therefore, 154
the effectiveness disappears by itself, but there is still a a concept as feasible.
For example, some people can not afford dry fasting for many reasons, and starvation on water can sustain.
Having a 14-day fasting on water, I successfully went from starvation and began to eat normally. Then he felt the weight of in the kidney area. Besides, before I even knew they were there with me or no. and there is nothing surprising about the last 10 days of fasting I'm just starved for water, and the kidneys had to work hard. But other organs of the body is successfully carried out maintenance work.
When leaving after seven days of dry discomfort not observed. Try it yourself. After the dry fasting body more viable, more quickly restored, the better the results. Average time of dry fasting can stand it, but it is necessary careful preparation and training.
To damage the kidney with a dry fasting, it is necessary to try very hard. Their injury - most often a consequence failure of other organs and systems, respectively, and the need to treat the whole body. To cure kidney disease need to clean up the activity of the organism as a whole. One of the ways to restore lost health - dry starvation.
It allows the body to self-correct all violations in its activities. It affects not only at a certain organ or system, and provides recreation impact directly on all organs and systems of our body.
In most renal diseases, dry fasting makes significant positive effect.
If under normal medical treatments load on the kidneys does not decrease, but
Conversely, increases due to the selection through their products 155
the collapse of drugs, the fasting load kidney is significantly reduced.
So, if in the first days of fasting there are significant changes in urine even in healthy people at the exit from fasting observed persistent normalization of urine. Urine is a sick person comes quickly to normal state - disappears protein, erythrocytes, leukocytes, decreases amount of salts that are bred in the urine
Thus, the treatment glomerulonephritis in order to remove the aggravation, which is usually manifested higher amounts of protein, red blood cells, swelling, need long-term treatment of a variety of drugs. When application of fasting at 3-day 4 the patient decreases edema, normalization of output of fluid. At the exit from starvation of the urine is completely normal in a few days and then remained normal.
Very effectively dry starvation in inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. The effect occurs regardless of the causative agent.
It must be remembered that the kidneys are very closely related to the liver.
Most often, kidney disease - is a consequence of liver failure properly perform its function.
Therefore, it is particularly important hold cleaning procedures prior to starvation and diet after. In most cases, properly conducted dry starvation gives good results in most renal diseases.
Myth Four. Fasting - a very great stress to the body. Throughout a person's life is accompanied by stress. Stress - a special state body, which is characterized by enhanced "combat readiness" and increased resistance to all without exception damaging environmental factors. All of our modern life - continuous stress, and how great stress for the organism is an operation, especially for young women, but most importantly - after such stress is the cause disease. Yes, hunger - a stress for the organism. Just like the cold. But stress is not necessarily mean harm. It's one thing when people go hungry because he has nothing to and gets a real threat of starvation. under such conditions can be seriously ill two days later. Something similar happens when persons lost or in separate experiments over itself in the form of compliance with trendy diets. It is quite another thing 156
dry limotherapy when a person abstains from taking food and water under the supervision of physicians, receive assistance psychological support when he creates comfortable conditions, a large number of treatments. Very, very important for any form of starvation - the emotional mental attitude and preparation. One must not force yourself otmuchitsya few days without your favorite treats, and positively configure itself, but in this case is guaranteed success. in this If the brain does not recognize the danger and sends hunger signals, does not produce stress hormones. About the third day of fasting begins active hormone serotonin, and with it there is a feeling of inner peace and contentment. Abstinence from food (though voluntary) is for the living organism stress that mobilizes the body's defenses to overcome difficult situations by using, in the absence of exogenous supply its endogenous reserves. In this case, "according to the law of hierarchy" used (processed), all equally important to ensure life - the products of inflammation, adipose tissue, etc. When the body is experiencing physiological stress, ie a natural tension, in addition to other mechanisms of enhanced More activity of endocrine glands, autonomic alive nervous system. A man unwittingly enters the state increased activity: it is necessary to seek food and water. Changes psychological background, removed the relevance of secondary problems. Triggers the mechanism of biochemical purification: stimulated decomposition of fat, liver glycogen, changes blood composition. An experienced doctor adjusts the process managed stress.
However, in reality turns out otherwise. As shown Numerous studies in limotherapy body does not waste energy on digestion, assimilation, separation. At the same time 157
significantly reduced the need for minerals, and their cash reserves of the body uses much more economical.
Therefore, if avitaminosis and observed very often in mono-diet, when used refined, denatured foods, then fasting they arise. Renowned American scholar de Vries wrote: "Can much longer to live on water alone, than on water and white flour, simply because the consumption of white flour increases the need for other substances that the body could digest digest and metabolize the meal. "
during fasting adipocytes not only provide the body with energy. They supply almost all the necessary components for life. have properly hungry there are no diseases of malnutrition. One kilogram adipose tissue is sufficient for 5-day nutrition!
Even people with ideal weight by 25% consist of adipose tissue
Even people with ideal weight by 25% consist of adipose tissue. Dry fasting, starvation or absolute (without water) has two very large positive momentum.
Lost less muscle tissue relative to fat. During water fasting loss muscle and adipose tissue is almost equal proportions.
When dry fasting adipose tissue breaks 3-4 times faster muscle, because fat tissue for more than 90% of water and muscle tissue remained relatively intact.
But with the help of one of the most natural, natural way - fasting - It is possible. Cleansing the body of toxins stimulates 159
internal reserves of health improvement and support system self-renewal.
Practice shows that it is in the process of dry therapeutic fasting renewal and rejuvenation of the body significantly amplified.
When for some strictly calculated time stop the continuous flow of plastic material an opportunity to more effectively withdraw from the tissues dead cells, recycle obsolete, diseased tissue, clean system and organs of accumulated toxins, toxins. Fasting can be called a temporary stop of the conveyor to preventive maintenance of the systems and mechanisms that can not be repaired until the pipeline is in a constant movement. in such preventive maintenance is absolutely needed all the machines so they can work effectively for a long time, without disruption. It is an axiom. Axiom can be considered and that the patient's body Rights can not be called a well oiled production
Even wet starvation when properly used and compliance all the recommendations gives excellent results, but dry fasting on many orders of magnitude more efficient.
The body takes from the reserves only that at the moment it needed rather than what he was artificially imposed from the outside. what is the advantage over other methods of fasting, directed to reduce weight:
Weight loss during fasting is accompanied by a rehabilitation the body and improving overall health (becoming free breathing, increases ease of movement, disappears
constant fatigue, decreased sense of fullness in the abdominal cavity and symptoms of indigestion, lowers blood pressure and total load on the heart).
Dry plus wet fasting, several rates of hunger in a row. To achieve a stable outcome must be sustainable adhere to certain recommendations: lacto-vegetarian diet, thorough chewing method, weekly handling days, etc. (for details, and treatment of diseases of the head). But even a stable application of dry fasting weekly in combination with diet can work wonders.
With regard to avitaminosis, they do not happen when medical starvation.
When for some strictly calculated time stop the continuous flow of plastic material an opportunity to more effectively withdraw from the tissues dead cells, recycle obsolete, diseased tissue, clean system and organs of accumulated toxins, toxins. Fasting can be called a temporary stop of the conveyor to preventive maintenance of the systems and mechanisms that can not be repaired until the pipeline is in a constant movement. in such preventive maintenance is absolutely needed all the machines so they can work effectively for a long time, without disruption. It is an axiom. Axiom can be considered and that the patient's body Rights can not be called a well oiled production
Even wet starvation when properly used and compliance all the recommendations gives excellent results, but dry fasting on many orders of magnitude more efficient.
The body takes from the reserves only that at the moment it needed rather than what he was artificially imposed from the outside. what is the advantage over other methods of fasting, directed to reduce weight:
Weight loss during fasting is accompanied by a rehabilitation the body and improving overall health (becoming free breathing, increases ease of movement, disappears
constant fatigue, decreased sense of fullness in the abdominal cavity and symptoms of indigestion, lowers blood pressure and total load on the heart).
Dry plus wet fasting, several rates of hunger in a row. To achieve a stable outcome must be sustainable adhere to certain recommendations: lacto-vegetarian diet, thorough chewing method, weekly handling days, etc. (for details, and treatment of diseases of the head). But even a stable application of dry fasting weekly in combination with diet can work wonders.
With regard to avitaminosis, they do not happen when medical starvation.
Modern research show that the accumulation in the body of exo-and endotoxins reduces the possibility of its adaptation and autoregulation even in a healthy state. in such a situation it is not before the upgrade. by modern medical philosophy, we never learn control the forces of self-renewal. But with the help of one of the most natural, natural way - fasting - It is possible.
Cleansing the body of toxins stimulates 159
internal reserves of health improvement and support system self-renewal.
Practice shows that it is in the process of dry therapeutic fasting ; that renewal and rejuvenation of the body are significantly amplified.
160 repeat
Fasting can be called a temporary stop of the conveyor to preventive maintenance of the systems and mechanisms that can not be repaired until the pipeline is in a constant movement. in such preventive maintenance is absolutely needed all the machines so they can work effectively for a long time, without disruption. It is an axiom. Axiom can be considered and that the patient's body Rights can not be called a well oiled production.
Even wet starvation when properly used and compliance all the recommendations gives excellent results, but dry fasting on many orders of magnitude more efficient.
Prolonged dry Hunger is very effective in such severe diseases as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthrosis deformans and many others
The most annoying that this method of appeal, when all modern methods of treatment have been exhausted. During his grasp, as drowning man a straw. The organism is fully poisoned chemistry, hormones and radiation. All natural defenses body completely overwhelmed and paralyzed and the sick person sense of hopelessness is beginning to pass the maximum period of fasting without prior purification and training of the body. That such cases necessarily be serious complications and death outcomes.
Of course, during fasting may die, but not from starvation, but from the fact that our body is overfed to failure scored all sorts of filth, and they begin to move
During fasting may die terminally ill man, but he will die not from starvation, but from his illness.
You can die from their own stupidity, if not to observe fasting method (a little bit, but still is there) and, especially when exiting from fasting (if horrible). But what is here then self-starvation? Starvation - that's life! But our stupidity and limited guaranteed to lead us to death.
myth no. 9
Many people write that during the dry fasting should be done enema of salt water and rinse your mouth with water, it helps passage of dry starvation.
During dry fasting the cells of our bodies begin to develop its own high-quality water from its own internal reserves, and in contact with water in the mouth or intestine, these mechanisms are broken.
All of my patients who tried rinse your mouth with water, they say that first becomes so well but then increased dryness several times, and go through starvation virtually impossible.
As well as an enema of salt, the effect no purification, but the thirst is provoked, and pass the full dry limotherapy virtually impossible. That swim and pour cold water at the end of fasting is sometimes possible. But if hunger is tolerable and evenly, then it is better not do. Health - it is work, work - is patience, patience - this suffering, suffering - the cleansing and purification - it's great! "
Disease - this is the way in which nature shows that your body is full of toxic substances and the internal poisons.
As a result of dry fasting is an active cleansing organism from its own internal waste - an organism like feeds on itself. Fasting - a universal and comprehensive method, that it has almost nothing to add. During the absolute fasting self-dissolution (autolysis) of dead cells and protein mass increases sharply, and in this case there is no need for assistance microbes and viruses. Therefore, they are removed by the body, which includes the mechanisms of immune protection.
Do not think that fasting should only be used under severe disease that can continue to eat as long as it remains still ability to digest food. Conversely, to skip a few meals at the beginning of the disease is often enough to prevent serious illness. If the functional violations still weak, as indicated by the coated tongue, headache, malaise, and others like them are not important symptoms, short of starvation is sufficient to that the organism eliminated intoxication before the develop serious illness.
State of discomfort for a person less pain less temperature does not rise high, the complications of the disease rare, weight loss is less, duration of illness significantly reduced than that of the same person who continues there is a diseased state. Only one conclusion - as soon as you have symptoms of acute disease: lack of appetite and fever - once begin to starve, and you will quickly and without complications recover.
The effectiveness of dry fasting is extremely high. Any inflammatory disease is 2-3 times faster than conventional, water fasting. All The fact that inflammation can exist without water. Any sore place swells (swells with water). Just enough aquatic environment can breed microorganisms: bacteria and viruses. Water scarcity is extremely damaging to the inflammation. Organism person is able to withstand the 10 - day of water deprivation (low locomotor activity and high temperature). Microbes without water are killed instantly.
Oddly enough, the body itself able to synthesize water.
Oxygen, it takes from the air and hydrogen from adipose tissue.
Therefore, during dry fasting weight loss can reach 3 kg per day, but only at the expense of water.
I must say that the body has also identified water stocks. in only one skin is deposited up to 2 liters of water
There are deposits water in some of the cavities of the body (serous cavities), some internal organs.
Somehow, but even with the active motor mode, the body is always last for 5 days
As I have said, effectiveness of treatment using dry fasting is 2-3 times 169
higher than that of water.
higher than that of water.
Of course, subjective dry starvation tolerated rather difficult and is accompanied by weakness. However, I have met people who have it during the dry fasting weakness was completely absent, and even appeared mild euphoria.
Short-term therapeutic fasting, as wet and dry can be successfully used not only in the treatment of colds diseases but also in all those cases where there is inflammation any internal organ (and outside too).
Starvation with the same successfully treats boils on the skin and liver inflammation (hepatitis) inflammation of the inner ear and periostitis.
Malfunction - is by and large not the most head injury, which brings us cold. on average 25 years of life rob us of nothing but cold. Most frequent complication of influenza is pneumonia, and, as Typically, a secondary bacterial infection
More rarely meets the combined infection (viral and bacterial pneumonia). Primary viral pneumonia - a rare complication characterized by high mortality. It arises in the case if the flu is caused by a virus the highest virulence. At the same time develop fulminant fatal hemorrhagic pneumonia last no longer than 3-4 days. True primary influenza Pneumonia may occur particularly in patients with chronic heart or lung disease, accompanied by stagnant in the lungs.
If you suddenly feel unwell, sore throat and nose, then fasting should begin immediately, without delay even for an hour. Viruses - a very tricky matter. Once they had cellular structure, but then during the evolution of acquired structure is simpler than a cell. Virus - it's just a chain of DNA (there are also RNA-containing viruses), surrounded by a shell. So it is much easier to live. The virus allocates special enzymes that dissolve the nasal mucosa, and enters into the mucosa. Penetrated into the mucosa, the virus integrates its DNA into the DNA of the mucous obolochkoi. as a result of the previously normal cell instead of its own DNA begins to synthesize DNA virus (no more, no less!) and as a result dies, and viruses a huge amount of ejected out and invade other cells. Avalanche-like reaction develops very quickly. Therefore, to start treatment should not hesitate even for an hour, rather than something that day.
Dead cells secrete biologically active substances or abbreviated as BAS. Together with viral toxins cause BAS inflammation, which loosens the cell membrane and promotes Further more rapid spread of viruses. Following lesion of the nasal cavity, the development of such unpleasant phenomena as a runny nose and sneezing, affected the trachea and bronchi with the development of symptoms such as cough, chest pain, etc. Initially, inflammation is viral in nature, but then in the inflamed tissue begin breed bacteria, which under normal conditions are unable to to parasitism within the body and are therefore called conditionally pathogens, in this case, being a weakened virus tissue, they, like viruses, growing at a rapid livelihoods.
Microbial inflammation at some point starts dominate the virus and continues long after the virus has disappeared from the body.
Best option - Start fast at the first sign of disease. If you feel even the slightest signs of discomfort, immediately abstain from food and water. Under this option to get rid of disease lacking fasting period 1-3 days. But in practice is few people who could so closely relate to their organism. Therefore more likely to be hungry when deployed manifestations of respiratory infections. and is so short terms is not enough. Have to starve for at least 5-7 days ie, to starvation before the crisis. Better not to overwork, not use water treatments, enemas, do not take drugs drugs. The best option - bed rest with gradual extension with the improvement of health.
If we refuse food, the body tends to fight the disease
"If a person walking on their feet, yet fell ill from exhaustion, he always has stock in 40 days of fasting "- so says the expert treatment of starvation Alex Suvorin who wrote several volumes on Nutrition and starvation. Starved himself many times and long periods of time, up to 63 days. Knew the details of this method. How then can daily fear of abstinence from food? On the third day of starting to drink water. At the 4-day temperature is normal. You can gently begin to eat. Beware - it's small portions, very carefully chew each spoonful of food, eat less animal proteins, to avoid a hodge-podge. "
I'm not TB prophylactic center went because there is no need ... CONCLUSION: The lung inflammation is also cured ... Enough for 3 days of dry fasting, and within 2 weeks, all become the norm ... I'm happy ... "
At one time, when I just started to do a dry starvation while fishing on Lake Baikal, I fell through the ice. Frost was a degree thirty, I had to go on the bike about twenty kilometers. After such a bath, I began the hellish pain in the forehead. After the shots, it was clear that I have acute sinusitis. I winced with pain even could not drop his head down, the temperature was 38 degrees. Clearly, appetite that I did not have, but I understand that water - it is always swelling and inflammation, and refused water. After the third day temperature returned to normal, by the fifth day the pain disappeared completely in the forehead, on the sixth day I went out fast.
After this my front more does not bother me, but for any flu or ARI, I always spent dry starvation.
I have ten years is not sick or flu or cold. Previously, when I was sick once sat on a dry starvation, two or three days, until, until all the symptoms will disease, but usually these deadlines missed. Perhaps the immune system so trained, that if any epidemic, I do not get ill. As well as and my patients, who have passed, the rate of dry fasting do not suffer from colds. Very effectively dry fasting during exacerbation of peptic stomach and duodenum, chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, etc.
What caused this therapeutic effect? -
Inflammation can not exist without water.
Any inflammation place swollen (swollen with water). Only enough water environment can breed microorganisms: bacteria and viruses. Deficit Water is very damaging to the inflammation. It may be recalled that, in current data, the cause of ulcers - infectious.
Naturally, the biggest holiday during starvation gets gastro-intestinal tract.
As they say, no food no problem. No need to allocate the digestive juices do not need to push food for all divisions of the intestine, there is no need to spend enormous amount of energy on dragging, turning, neutralization and elimination of substances that act us with food. Now all the forces can be directed to your own recovery, including the restoration of organs, involved in digestion.
During fasting there is a normalization and rehabilitation gastric and 12 duodenal ulcer. This is manifested reduction and complete disappearance of pain, nausea, heartburn, vomiting. Scarring occurs fresh ulcers and resorption scarring the walls of the stomach and duodenum 12. As mentioned above, experts from the Institute of Gastroenterology Moscow found that patients as a result of they have 28 days RTD in the stomach, new cells with light protoplasm, which, after completion of the course gradually RTD converted for 20-30 days in additional cells. These cells secrete mucus, a substance designed to protect the stomach from damage. After repeated courses of RTD even gastroenterological stomachs of patients are "tinned", the ability to digest any food.
Fasting improves the excellent work of the liver
I have ten years is not sick or flu or cold. Previously, when I was sick once sat on a dry starvation, two or three days, until, until all the symptoms will disease, but usually these deadlines missed. Perhaps the immune system so trained, that if any epidemic, I do not get ill. As well as and my patients, who have passed, the rate of dry fasting do not suffer from colds. Very effectively dry fasting during exacerbation of peptic stomach and duodenum, chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, etc.
What caused this therapeutic effect? -
Inflammation can not exist without water.
Any inflammation place swollen (swollen with water). Only enough water environment can breed microorganisms: bacteria and viruses. Deficit Water is very damaging to the inflammation. It may be recalled that, in current data, the cause of ulcers - infectious.
Naturally, the biggest holiday during starvation gets gastro-intestinal tract.
As they say, no food no problem. No need to allocate the digestive juices do not need to push food for all divisions of the intestine, there is no need to spend enormous amount of energy on dragging, turning, neutralization and elimination of substances that act us with food. Now all the forces can be directed to your own recovery, including the restoration of organs, involved in digestion.
During fasting there is a normalization and rehabilitation gastric and 12 duodenal ulcer. This is manifested reduction and complete disappearance of pain, nausea, heartburn, vomiting. Scarring occurs fresh ulcers and resorption scarring the walls of the stomach and duodenum 12. As mentioned above, experts from the Institute of Gastroenterology Moscow found that patients as a result of they have 28 days RTD in the stomach, new cells with light protoplasm, which, after completion of the course gradually RTD converted for 20-30 days in additional cells. These cells secrete mucus, a substance designed to protect the stomach from damage. After repeated courses of RTD even gastroenterological stomachs of patients are "tinned", the ability to digest any food.
Fasting improves the excellent work of the liver
It causes mild cholagogic effect, restores the liver cells.
Sick cholelithiasis instinctively resorting to starvation, which removes pain and normalizes liver function and gall bladder.
There is a natural cleansing of the liver removal of waste products, the dissolution of stones
"In the clinic it. Spasokukotsky headed by Academician AN Bakulev treated with starvation 275 patients with acute pancreatitis. All of them were discharged in satisfactory condition.
To get a good therapeutic effect is usually 10-15 days is enough Wet fasting or 4-5 days dry.
There is a natural cleansing of the liver removal of waste products, the dissolution of stones
"In the clinic it. Spasokukotsky headed by Academician AN Bakulev treated with starvation 275 patients with acute pancreatitis. All of them were discharged in satisfactory condition.
To get a good therapeutic effect is usually 10-15 days is enough Wet fasting or 4-5 days dry.
The basic principle of treatment with pancreatitis - a painful withdrawal syndrome, the elimination of shock collapse, ensuring a functional resting pancreatic gland, the removal of intoxication. "
In starvation there is no single method, under which complete no load on the digestive organs. Therefore, and no wonder he is so effective at various disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract. One can only wonder our ignorance of Medicine, 175
which, instead of an effective, quick, cheap treatments uses expensive drugs, long-term survey surgery, which not only lead to cure the patient, but also make him chronicle of living inadequate life and forever tied to the services of physicians.
which, instead of an effective, quick, cheap treatments uses expensive drugs, long-term survey surgery, which not only lead to cure the patient, but also make him chronicle of living inadequate life and forever tied to the services of physicians.
Therefore take responsibility for their health into their own hand, begin to starve, and you return a lost appetite excellent and good digestion, regular chair.
In my practice, of course, there were few patients with diabetes diabetes because diabetes is the second type helps good wet starvation. Here, he writes about this one Luminaries fasting Dr. GA Voitovich: "Because diabetes - a disease of the nervous and endocrine nature, treatment dosed fasting, of course, be here to give positive results - that was our conclusion. In addition, we knew from foreign sources, that the doctors in the West, Japan and especially in India have long included diabetes in the number of diseases, shown to the treatment of starvation.
However, in practice, our department, we rarely meet with this disease. Only after the All-Union Symposium on the RTD when doctors from Armenia, Odessa and other places reported on the successful cure even severe forms of diabetes-dose fasting we have become more closely examine the issue. We are particularly interested in the technique, in Yerevan, where patients with severe form of diabetes, with more overweight, with a gangrenous ulcers on the legs were treated quite successfully by several courses RTD for 11 days while maintaining hormonal preparations, but reducing the number of 5-10. In the first stage we had only a few people, mild diabetic patients who did not use insulin. in treatment dose fasting blood sugar they have decreased, and during the recovery period, it again increased, but did not go far beyond the norm
General condition patients get better: were weakness, itching, thirst, increased appetite disappeared. One patient initial diabetes completely cured, relapse is not observed here for over 25 years. Physician G. Sargsyan from the clinic of endocrine diseases in Yerevan spent two-and three-time courses for 10-11 days of fasting for ill. One patient threatened to amputation of the leg in connection with gangrene of the foot.
After two courses of 11 days, all diabetic indicators (the sugar in the urine, blood, etc.) have improved dramatically, gangrenous inflammation ceased completely, the need for amputation of his leg has disappeared, the patient was free to go. " Examples from practice:
177..stomach ulcer disappeared
Damages the gland and the alcohol itself, and especially its breakdown product of acetaldehyde, coming to her with blood. Develops acute alcoholic pancreatitis. His concern intense pain in the upper abdomen, radiating to the back, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal distention. To the nearest hospital 150 km, but there was a blizzard and it was impossible to pass. I Nothing to do but advise him to dry starvation and cold on the abdomen. Only by the fifth day all the symptoms of the disease disappeared. Exit I advised him to sparse cereals. It has been two , the pancreas does not disturb.
For any inflammation is always there is edema, which is the main source of pain,
plus Pancreas got a good rest, which is why very effectively in such cases, dry starvation.
If the vital force is not enough to fully the return of the body to its previous (healthy) stable state, the body stabilizes their work in some intermediate state between illness and health. This is intermediate state is called smoldering or chronic disease. A chronic disease characterized by that the pathogenic origin, remains in the body, seeks consolidate and develop it, and the body, in turn, tends back to the original - a healthy state
One of the causes of many chronic diseases is endogenous intoxication of the body, resulting in violations normal operation of the digestive tract and liver. Common source of toxins gastro-intestinal tract. Due to either over-eating, or maldigestion food decomposes in the stomach and intestines, and part of the resulting toxins absorbed into the bloodstream. under normal conditions, the liver breaks down these toxins, and gut and the kidneys remove them. But if the functions of these bodies violated, then the toxins enter the blood in such quantities that overload these organs and the body is forced to seek some other way and method getting rid of them.
You wonder why blood from the gastrointestinal tract must first pass through the liver, and only then spread throughout the body?
Why not just suck in the blood of food substances are spread throughout the body? And because they are alien the body and immediately cause an allergic reaction
in liver going to "remake" of others in their "own". Only in this case the body can use nutrients.
Naturally, the it requires an energy of the body. Therefore, any violations gastrointestinal and liver diseases, even if occurring hidden inevitably to some extent will affect the efficiency barrier function of the gastrointestinal tract.
It is clear that these changes will lead to increased delivery of toxins from the gut
thereby enhancing endogenous intoxication. Accordingly, each person has a weak link in the body, so the entire flow endotoxin will rush it there. There and start all pathological processes that cause the disease. Let us examine this with an example atherosclerosis and hypertension.
You wonder why blood from the gastrointestinal tract must first pass through the liver, and only then spread throughout the body?
Why not just suck in the blood of food substances are spread throughout the body? And because they are alien the body and immediately cause an allergic reaction
in liver going to "remake" of others in their "own". Only in this case the body can use nutrients.
Naturally, the it requires an energy of the body. Therefore, any violations gastrointestinal and liver diseases, even if occurring hidden inevitably to some extent will affect the efficiency barrier function of the gastrointestinal tract.
It is clear that these changes will lead to increased delivery of toxins from the gut
thereby enhancing endogenous intoxication. Accordingly, each person has a weak link in the body, so the entire flow endotoxin will rush it there. There and start all pathological processes that cause the disease. Let us examine this with an example atherosclerosis and hypertension.
Lipoproteins are able to carry a variety of fat-soluble toxins to the liver, where S THE Ongoing their "processing" and "disposal". Lipoproteins "capture" and is dissolved in itself Current Sina - so they link them and make safe for the body.
But the amount of toxins that can metabolize the liver, not infinite.
When the organic nism appears powerful and permanent hotbed of endotoxemia (and exactly what happens if a violation barrier function of the intestine), liver longer cope with their problems - it just does not have time to process all that needed. due to changes in lipoproteins, "stuffed" toxins that circulate in the blood until they penetrate the artery wall. It starts with the formation of atherosclerotic plaque
Why is deposited in the arterial wall, and the veins never hurts? Why does the body do not increase detoxification process, rather than go through this impasse? In general, studying certain processes in living organisms, we again and again confronted with the immediate nyatnoy while for us to logic adaptation and adaptation of organs and body systems to order or other circumstances, apparently reaching his or her detriment.
Generally, water is the main component of our liquid transport media (plasma, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, tissue fluid). Water-soluble endotoxins in the first place will be removed kidney
Indeed, what is easier to transport them here in free or bound form, and after filtration through specialized kidney membranes to remove the urine. Apparently, so is in a healthy body
This mechanism of elimination of various endotoxins confirm Clinical observations on recent years. Increasing the number of middle molecules in the urine of patients with mild or moderate endogenous intoxication against various diseases prevents or reduces the processes of their accumulation in the blood
However, it was noted that a significant increase in the number of endotoxins in the blood leads to the fact that the intensity of their excretion by the kidneys in the urine is reduced
Initially, these data cause of some perplexity.
Why does the body refuses to from such an effective means of detoxification?
Further experiments and observations have allowed some shed light on the sequence of emerging events. Permanent or a sharp increase in education in the body various endotoxins leads to their on-accumulation in the structures secretory apparatus of the kidneys. and the authority to toxins, he becomes their target. Toxins have a devastating effect in the kidneys start failures reduced the intensity of excretion of toxins. One manifestation of violation of detoxification function of the kidneys, the In our opinion, may be a rise in blood pressure. We explain the situation.
As a specialized organ of detoxification of the body, kidney structure with an increase in endogenous intoxication intensify the process of trapping the toxins that may be partially collected as a filtration membrane, and accumulate in the epithelium of the tubules. Membrane filtration kidney is working almost the principle of a simple filter. One of the important conditions for effective of the renal filter is the presence on its surface negative charge. This charge is partly "discouraged" from seepage through the filter of a molecule of blood plasma as carrier negative charge. to these molecules belong to the first relatively low molecular weight blood proteins, such as albumin. This prevents unnecessary loss of protein organism in the mechanism of formation of urine. It is interesting that in the normal state of the molecule necessary human blood in the main are presented negatively charged 181
particles. When a large number of endotoksi-new, especially the average molecular weight substances, which are positive charge, filters, portable radio begins to increase. However, as the number of output toxins positively charged particles are all in larger quantities to meet on the surface of filter-ration of the membrane, thereby reducing filtration efficiency. Another mechanism for removing toxins through the kidneys is a secretory mechanism based on the active trapping toxins surface cells (Epithelium), kidney tubules and their subsequent transfer of the in flowing through the tubules of ultrafiltrate. As in the first mechanism of renal elimination pathway of toxins, and in second election at-accumulation of toxins in the cellular structures filtration and renal secretory apparatus inevitably leads to kidney damage. Kidney simply can not cope with their problems - there is a relative renal insufficiency. The appearance of lesions usually requires serious medical care. Noted that when effective treatment of patients with different pathologies start improvement in their state accompanied by an increase of endotoxin in urine that evidence of rehabilitation detoxification function kidneys. But what is this blood pressure, you may ask. All The fact that the decrease in efficiency of detoxifying kidneys causes the body to search for additional reserves. After the need to remove the toxins is not reduced, but on the contrary, grows. and then, apparently, include a mechanism to increase the filtration pressure.
Filtration pressure - a pressure difference between intravascular space and the cavity, where the filtered primary urine. Depends on this difference including the level of blood pressure.
Thus, in order to somehow compensate for the renal failure on a background of continuing to endogenous intoxication, the body increases blood pressure.
But the amount of toxins that can metabolize the liver, not infinite.
When the organic nism appears powerful and permanent hotbed of endotoxemia (and exactly what happens if a violation barrier function of the intestine), liver longer cope with their problems - it just does not have time to process all that needed. due to changes in lipoproteins, "stuffed" toxins that circulate in the blood until they penetrate the artery wall. It starts with the formation of atherosclerotic plaque
Why is deposited in the arterial wall, and the veins never hurts? Why does the body do not increase detoxification process, rather than go through this impasse? In general, studying certain processes in living organisms, we again and again confronted with the immediate nyatnoy while for us to logic adaptation and adaptation of organs and body systems to order or other circumstances, apparently reaching his or her detriment.
Generally, water is the main component of our liquid transport media (plasma, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, tissue fluid). Water-soluble endotoxins in the first place will be removed kidney
Indeed, what is easier to transport them here in free or bound form, and after filtration through specialized kidney membranes to remove the urine. Apparently, so is in a healthy body
This mechanism of elimination of various endotoxins confirm Clinical observations on recent years. Increasing the number of middle molecules in the urine of patients with mild or moderate endogenous intoxication against various diseases prevents or reduces the processes of their accumulation in the blood
However, it was noted that a significant increase in the number of endotoxins in the blood leads to the fact that the intensity of their excretion by the kidneys in the urine is reduced
Initially, these data cause of some perplexity.
Why does the body refuses to from such an effective means of detoxification?
Further experiments and observations have allowed some shed light on the sequence of emerging events. Permanent or a sharp increase in education in the body various endotoxins leads to their on-accumulation in the structures secretory apparatus of the kidneys. and the authority to toxins, he becomes their target. Toxins have a devastating effect in the kidneys start failures reduced the intensity of excretion of toxins. One manifestation of violation of detoxification function of the kidneys, the In our opinion, may be a rise in blood pressure. We explain the situation.
As a specialized organ of detoxification of the body, kidney structure with an increase in endogenous intoxication intensify the process of trapping the toxins that may be partially collected as a filtration membrane, and accumulate in the epithelium of the tubules. Membrane filtration kidney is working almost the principle of a simple filter. One of the important conditions for effective of the renal filter is the presence on its surface negative charge. This charge is partly "discouraged" from seepage through the filter of a molecule of blood plasma as carrier negative charge. to these molecules belong to the first relatively low molecular weight blood proteins, such as albumin. This prevents unnecessary loss of protein organism in the mechanism of formation of urine. It is interesting that in the normal state of the molecule necessary human blood in the main are presented negatively charged 181
particles. When a large number of endotoksi-new, especially the average molecular weight substances, which are positive charge, filters, portable radio begins to increase. However, as the number of output toxins positively charged particles are all in larger quantities to meet on the surface of filter-ration of the membrane, thereby reducing filtration efficiency. Another mechanism for removing toxins through the kidneys is a secretory mechanism based on the active trapping toxins surface cells (Epithelium), kidney tubules and their subsequent transfer of the in flowing through the tubules of ultrafiltrate. As in the first mechanism of renal elimination pathway of toxins, and in second election at-accumulation of toxins in the cellular structures filtration and renal secretory apparatus inevitably leads to kidney damage. Kidney simply can not cope with their problems - there is a relative renal insufficiency. The appearance of lesions usually requires serious medical care. Noted that when effective treatment of patients with different pathologies start improvement in their state accompanied by an increase of endotoxin in urine that evidence of rehabilitation detoxification function kidneys. But what is this blood pressure, you may ask. All The fact that the decrease in efficiency of detoxifying kidneys causes the body to search for additional reserves. After the need to remove the toxins is not reduced, but on the contrary, grows. and then, apparently, include a mechanism to increase the filtration pressure.
Filtration pressure - a pressure difference between intravascular space and the cavity, where the filtered primary urine. Depends on this difference including the level of blood pressure.
Thus, in order to somehow compensate for the renal failure on a background of continuing to endogenous intoxication, the body increases blood pressure.
There is hyper-Purton. If in such cases does not hold diligence, and focus only on basic symptoms, you can put an incorrect diagnosis - hypertension disease. Indeed, increased blood pressure in this case - only a consequence and cause of the other - in an ongoing endogenous intoxication. Lowering blood pressure only vasodilating necessary medication will be address symptoms rather than causes of the disease.
Why dry fasting helps in the fight against chronic Disease - Naturally, the biggest holiday during starvation gets Gastrointestinal tract. Now all the powers of the body sends to restore
Why dry fasting helps in the fight against chronic Disease - Naturally, the biggest holiday during starvation gets Gastrointestinal tract. Now all the powers of the body sends to restore
protective and neutralizing the function of liver and gastrointestinal tract
Fasting improves the excellent work of the liver. It causes mild cholagogic effect, restores the liver cells.
The dry fasting the body does not do any water or food. During dry fasting is replacing the old "dead water" on the water of life, synthesized by the body. If the body does not enter the food and "dead" heavy water, then in fact our blood does not get many harmful substances, Blood is constantly clean our bodies, that is actually the same composition of the blood will be cleaned several times through filter elements, that is, blood will be almost perfectly net.
....(similar to urine therapy...Sam's note)
Consequently, all processes in our body-related with blood, will be performed almost perfectly
Simple as that, therefore, our immune system gets a good holiday.
As we already know, during the dry fasting is incineration toxins, we can say in his own firing - each cell in the absence of water, runs inside a fusion reaction.
This process speeds up the recovery. Reacting increase in body temperature, the organism causes a slowdown microorganisms. Immune system becomes easier to track down and kill all the alien and change.
When the SG achieved higher concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immune cells and immunoglobulins in body fluids. I have repeatedly wrote that any infection is very difficult to adapt to live without water.
Second acidotic crisis - and autolysis occurs more deadlines
If at the beginning of starvation autolysis tissues was the sole source of nutrition, during the second acidotic crisis autolysis longer performs the function of Natural surgeon.
Extreme conditions can not stand diseased cells, degenerate, weak. They die and decompose. So way, fasting helps reject unwanted, weak, painful and harmful.
The most important feature of starvation in chronic diseases is the rapid elimination of waste, the rapid relieve the body of accumulated toxins - cause disease, and further correct way of life helps to bring energy and health.
Mistakenly assume that one fasting, even for a long, can completely clear the body of accumulated toxins. Toxins that have accumulated over many years can not be removed immediately a few days or weeks
In chronic diseases required to spend three or more courses of fasting in order to achieve measurable improvements in every case individually
It all depends from the neglect of the process, and more - from the very obstinacy patient in achieving stable therapeutic effect.
Binding 183
condition for such persistence is a repetition of preventive course of starvation every year, and if necessary, and a series of fasting (Fractional) for several consecutive years to achieve final healing.
There are many striking examples of how, seemingly doomed to death patients who persevere repeated prolonged courses of fasting, after a few years become healthy individuals.
and stumbled upon a site Sergei Ivanovich about dry fasting, I really liked the saying: "The most effective dry fasting for cystic tumors in the body, here the body operates better any surgeon, and eliminating the cause and effect. "
I switched on lacto-vegetarian diet, completely abandoned meat, cleaned the liver, intestines. Then he made a seven-day Wet starvation on Arakelyan, began to train the body to dry starvation at home.
First day after week two, week three. Even what I did, gave I huge improvement, I have earned a good gut, ceased to disturb the stomach, there was a lot of energy. But when examination, the gynecologist, my cyst is unchanged
In June I came to the Altai. Went dry fractional fasting, the first 184
starvation for five days (bore too heavy), the second-nine days (Took a lot easier). On the eighth day I had a huge fever, body pains and was sick underbelly.
Sergei Ivanovich told me it is a real classical second acidotic crisis.
On morning of the ninth day, I felt a strong relief. After the arrival of Altai, I immediately became pregnant
chronic foci of infection and sources of intoxication. Not less than 90% of all cases of such diseases are chronic colitis. As a rule, colitis no cures, but they - the reason disruption in the work of all organs and systems. Somewhat less cause is thyroid problems.
I like the method of fasting so that cures all hunger organism, and most important - and eliminates the cause and effect disease. During fasting the body directs its efforts for a cure on the principle of priority. It heals on its wise laws, contrary to our logic, all the forces of the body directed to the most important organs and functions. I have been many occasions when I come to treat asthma or psoriasis, with these illnesses get better, but women got rid of infertility.
ut here he writes about it, Herbert Shelton: "The most striking case of this kind in my practice occurred to women who have had 28 involuntary abortionmiscarriages. After a 10-day period of fasting and improved and normalized power, she became pregnant and gave birth to the term healthy baby boy. The birth went fine. "
An important aspect that determines the sine qua non development of chronic diseases, is the so-called failure immune barrier
Expressed in this breakdown is mainly the loss of body's ability to fully and timely correction the immune system to destroy all non-standard unusual for this particular person.
That is in the human body loses focus on preservation physiological cells and destroy abnormal tissue or improper for him to protein structures.
Inadequate and non-redeemable immune response in this case become pathological, harmful to the body. as a result of healthy cells of various organs and systems are destroyed and eventually to premature destruction. at the same time pathological tissue can survive, propagate and prosper.
Dosed fasting qualitatively and quantitatively restores immunogenetic apparatus, strengthens barriers of cells, organs and systems, simply put, remove immunodeficiency state of the body, and revives the depot, improves the function of the hypothalamus (a control panel of the endocrine and nervous systems, directly connected with the work immunogenetic unit), providing long-term health preventive effect on the body.
Due to renovation genetic apparatus of cells during starvation formation of new stem cells, and in some organs appear extensions. of removing old, damaged cells and the appearance of New stem tissues and organs of the body become much 192
Man, as it undergoes major repair, each body, every molecule, every atom of the body become more strong and harmonious.
Intoxicated woman is not suitable for the birth of a new life. Toxins, arrested and deposited in her body, are poisons in their composition and must be removed. This requires a radical cleansing process, and it can be implemented a temporary cessation of food intake. Stomach and the body of poisoned women protesting, they reject the food, the liver increases its excretory function. Much bile spewed into the stomach and removed through vomiting. May even develop a physical aversion to food - such requirement of the body to carry out cleaning.
At first glance, the requirement - to stop eating, because it the only way the process of cleansing the body of accumulated toxins. The ignorant will continue to have, despite the obvious requirement of the body not to eat, but nature will take its, in the end it just throws all the way through vomiting. Whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner - all undesirable.
Once a pregnant woman feels weak approximation nausea and vomiting, she should immediately voluntarily terminate there. Of course, dry starvation in such cases, the conduct in no way If you can not. It is best done on wet starvation Arakelyan, preferably for a period of 3-7 days, with taking anti-stress, choleretic herbs
It will not hurt her or the baby. Long fasting can be harmful, a few days of abstinence in the early pregnancy (which is especially recommended for women with morning malaise) necessarily pomozhut.
Experience shows: fasting from 3 to 7 days is enough to cause organism in order and save a woman from nausea and vomiting on rest during pregnancy.
After fasting for several days should eat fruits and raw vegetables, and only then move on to normal nutrition
My girlfriend went to the Altai, with almost the same problems, was dry fasting, and she has excellent results. I immediately telephoned Sergei Ivanovich, and never doubting went to the Altai. Preparing for fasting is ideal, fully switched to raw food, cleaned the intestines, liver, hungry for dry up to three days at home. Took two courses dry starvation, the first five days, the second nine
Hunger bore relatively easy, though, during the second starvation greatly suffered from the sacrum and was very intense heat throughout the body
At the exit of starvation was hirudotherapy and cutting grass Altai
In hard extreme conditions without food and water to survive only the most healthy, strong cells and tissues with a perfect mechanism for adaptation. It is clear that any pathological structure of the mechanisms of adaptation to harsh conditions than perfect, and several orders of magnitude weaker. - Destruction of the pathological rather than healthy cells when therapeutic dry fasting is also associated with release limfoepitelialnyh cells of the digestive tract. Several days refusing to take food and water creates the conditions for removal with advanced gastrointestinal positions are very powerful Army B-lymphocytes. They pulled together from all lymph collectors, and sites of the extended digestive track. But especially a lot of them come from the small intestine. Passed over the reserve army of B-lymphocytes used for its intended purpose. They kill and suppress all the pathological tissue and cells. The immune system gets stronger in a few times. - One of the main mechanisms for the dispersal of benign tumors - is autolysis (samoperevarivanie). I have already described in chapter "Therapeutic mechanisms", this remarkable process. I will try once more briefly and simply tell them about it. When I describe about the mechanism for their patients, I give the simplest and a vivid example of nature, an ordinary bow
this site is in russian
When we clearly understand which medical processes and mechanisms are triggered during fasting, our consciousness begins to interfere with the restructuring processes that take place in the body, thereby opening up huge reserves that were previously in a dormant state. Our nervous system begins to exert a regulatory influence on them. And this means that it is possible to design a future restructuring of the organism with the formation and synthesis of new biostructures that have useful properties, that is, in fact, it is a conscious regulation of processes occurring in the body, a conscious
Fasting improves the excellent work of the liver. It causes mild cholagogic effect, restores the liver cells.
The dry fasting the body does not do any water or food. During dry fasting is replacing the old "dead water" on the water of life, synthesized by the body. If the body does not enter the food and "dead" heavy water, then in fact our blood does not get many harmful substances, Blood is constantly clean our bodies, that is actually the same composition of the blood will be cleaned several times through filter elements, that is, blood will be almost perfectly net.
....(similar to urine therapy...Sam's note)
Consequently, all processes in our body-related with blood, will be performed almost perfectly
Simple as that, therefore, our immune system gets a good holiday.
As we already know, during the dry fasting is incineration toxins, we can say in his own firing - each cell in the absence of water, runs inside a fusion reaction.
This process speeds up the recovery. Reacting increase in body temperature, the organism causes a slowdown microorganisms. Immune system becomes easier to track down and kill all the alien and change.
When the SG achieved higher concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immune cells and immunoglobulins in body fluids. I have repeatedly wrote that any infection is very difficult to adapt to live without water.
Second acidotic crisis - and autolysis occurs more deadlines
If at the beginning of starvation autolysis tissues was the sole source of nutrition, during the second acidotic crisis autolysis longer performs the function of Natural surgeon.
Extreme conditions can not stand diseased cells, degenerate, weak. They die and decompose. So way, fasting helps reject unwanted, weak, painful and harmful.
The most important feature of starvation in chronic diseases is the rapid elimination of waste, the rapid relieve the body of accumulated toxins - cause disease, and further correct way of life helps to bring energy and health.
Mistakenly assume that one fasting, even for a long, can completely clear the body of accumulated toxins. Toxins that have accumulated over many years can not be removed immediately a few days or weeks
In chronic diseases required to spend three or more courses of fasting in order to achieve measurable improvements in every case individually
It all depends from the neglect of the process, and more - from the very obstinacy patient in achieving stable therapeutic effect.
Binding 183
condition for such persistence is a repetition of preventive course of starvation every year, and if necessary, and a series of fasting (Fractional) for several consecutive years to achieve final healing.
There are many striking examples of how, seemingly doomed to death patients who persevere repeated prolonged courses of fasting, after a few years become healthy individuals.
and stumbled upon a site Sergei Ivanovich about dry fasting, I really liked the saying: "The most effective dry fasting for cystic tumors in the body, here the body operates better any surgeon, and eliminating the cause and effect. "
I switched on lacto-vegetarian diet, completely abandoned meat, cleaned the liver, intestines. Then he made a seven-day Wet starvation on Arakelyan, began to train the body to dry starvation at home.
First day after week two, week three. Even what I did, gave I huge improvement, I have earned a good gut, ceased to disturb the stomach, there was a lot of energy. But when examination, the gynecologist, my cyst is unchanged
In June I came to the Altai. Went dry fractional fasting, the first 184
starvation for five days (bore too heavy), the second-nine days (Took a lot easier). On the eighth day I had a huge fever, body pains and was sick underbelly.
Sergei Ivanovich told me it is a real classical second acidotic crisis.
On morning of the ninth day, I felt a strong relief. After the arrival of Altai, I immediately became pregnant
chronic foci of infection and sources of intoxication. Not less than 90% of all cases of such diseases are chronic colitis. As a rule, colitis no cures, but they - the reason disruption in the work of all organs and systems. Somewhat less cause is thyroid problems.
I like the method of fasting so that cures all hunger organism, and most important - and eliminates the cause and effect disease. During fasting the body directs its efforts for a cure on the principle of priority. It heals on its wise laws, contrary to our logic, all the forces of the body directed to the most important organs and functions. I have been many occasions when I come to treat asthma or psoriasis, with these illnesses get better, but women got rid of infertility.
ut here he writes about it, Herbert Shelton: "The most striking case of this kind in my practice occurred to women who have had 28 involuntary abortionmiscarriages. After a 10-day period of fasting and improved and normalized power, she became pregnant and gave birth to the term healthy baby boy. The birth went fine. "
An important aspect that determines the sine qua non development of chronic diseases, is the so-called failure immune barrier
Expressed in this breakdown is mainly the loss of body's ability to fully and timely correction the immune system to destroy all non-standard unusual for this particular person.
That is in the human body loses focus on preservation physiological cells and destroy abnormal tissue or improper for him to protein structures.
Inadequate and non-redeemable immune response in this case become pathological, harmful to the body. as a result of healthy cells of various organs and systems are destroyed and eventually to premature destruction. at the same time pathological tissue can survive, propagate and prosper.
Dosed fasting qualitatively and quantitatively restores immunogenetic apparatus, strengthens barriers of cells, organs and systems, simply put, remove immunodeficiency state of the body, and revives the depot, improves the function of the hypothalamus (a control panel of the endocrine and nervous systems, directly connected with the work immunogenetic unit), providing long-term health preventive effect on the body.
Due to renovation genetic apparatus of cells during starvation formation of new stem cells, and in some organs appear extensions. of removing old, damaged cells and the appearance of New stem tissues and organs of the body become much 192
Man, as it undergoes major repair, each body, every molecule, every atom of the body become more strong and harmonious.
Intoxicated woman is not suitable for the birth of a new life. Toxins, arrested and deposited in her body, are poisons in their composition and must be removed. This requires a radical cleansing process, and it can be implemented a temporary cessation of food intake. Stomach and the body of poisoned women protesting, they reject the food, the liver increases its excretory function. Much bile spewed into the stomach and removed through vomiting. May even develop a physical aversion to food - such requirement of the body to carry out cleaning.
At first glance, the requirement - to stop eating, because it the only way the process of cleansing the body of accumulated toxins. The ignorant will continue to have, despite the obvious requirement of the body not to eat, but nature will take its, in the end it just throws all the way through vomiting. Whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner - all undesirable.
Once a pregnant woman feels weak approximation nausea and vomiting, she should immediately voluntarily terminate there. Of course, dry starvation in such cases, the conduct in no way If you can not. It is best done on wet starvation Arakelyan, preferably for a period of 3-7 days, with taking anti-stress, choleretic herbs
It will not hurt her or the baby. Long fasting can be harmful, a few days of abstinence in the early pregnancy (which is especially recommended for women with morning malaise) necessarily pomozhut.
Experience shows: fasting from 3 to 7 days is enough to cause organism in order and save a woman from nausea and vomiting on rest during pregnancy.
After fasting for several days should eat fruits and raw vegetables, and only then move on to normal nutrition
My girlfriend went to the Altai, with almost the same problems, was dry fasting, and she has excellent results. I immediately telephoned Sergei Ivanovich, and never doubting went to the Altai. Preparing for fasting is ideal, fully switched to raw food, cleaned the intestines, liver, hungry for dry up to three days at home. Took two courses dry starvation, the first five days, the second nine
Hunger bore relatively easy, though, during the second starvation greatly suffered from the sacrum and was very intense heat throughout the body
At the exit of starvation was hirudotherapy and cutting grass Altai
In hard extreme conditions without food and water to survive only the most healthy, strong cells and tissues with a perfect mechanism for adaptation. It is clear that any pathological structure of the mechanisms of adaptation to harsh conditions than perfect, and several orders of magnitude weaker. - Destruction of the pathological rather than healthy cells when therapeutic dry fasting is also associated with release limfoepitelialnyh cells of the digestive tract. Several days refusing to take food and water creates the conditions for removal with advanced gastrointestinal positions are very powerful Army B-lymphocytes. They pulled together from all lymph collectors, and sites of the extended digestive track. But especially a lot of them come from the small intestine. Passed over the reserve army of B-lymphocytes used for its intended purpose. They kill and suppress all the pathological tissue and cells. The immune system gets stronger in a few times. - One of the main mechanisms for the dispersal of benign tumors - is autolysis (samoperevarivanie). I have already described in chapter "Therapeutic mechanisms", this remarkable process. I will try once more briefly and simply tell them about it. When I describe about the mechanism for their patients, I give the simplest and a vivid example of nature, an ordinary bow
this site is in russian
When we clearly understand which medical processes and mechanisms are triggered during fasting, our consciousness begins to interfere with the restructuring processes that take place in the body, thereby opening up huge reserves that were previously in a dormant state. Our nervous system begins to exert a regulatory influence on them. And this means that it is possible to design a future restructuring of the organism with the formation and synthesis of new biostructures that have useful properties, that is, in fact, it is a conscious regulation of processes occurring in the body, a conscious
improvement of one's body. All this speaks for one thing. Our body in a state of complete comfort and peace is weakening, losing its adaptive powers. But in conditions of a changing environment, which is affected by strong negative stimuli, unknown abilities are awakened, mechanisms of self-
regulation are included. Now we begin to understand health in a new way.
regulation are included. Now we begin to understand health in a new way.
A healthy organism is not one that maintains normal indicators but one that can succeesfully adaptto changing conditions which is very important for our unfavourable environmental conditions
There are no incurable diseases - there are incurable people. " Tibetan folk wisdom.
Why are many diseases called "incurable"? Maybe because they do not need to be treated, but we need to find the cause that caused the appearance of these diseases in the human body, to find, understand and remove it. The causes of "disease" were violations of human relationships either with the surrounding world, or with them, or with people. There were violated the principles by which the whole surrounding world lives and develops, and they are generally known and the same for all people, regardless of their faith. This must be understood and understood, because it is on these relations
In the human body, all cells are connected with each other and with the body as a whole, this is the same world and develops according to the same laws. When a person becomes an egoist, then at first some one cell becomes selfish, and if this happens, then the organism does not, does not destroy this cell, but, on the contrary, seeks to help it, to re-educate. Therefore, immunity does not work, because she is his own cell. Therefore, early detection of cancer is almost impossible. The degenerated cell ceases to perform the functions assigned to it by the body, it leaves the general movement - development, i.e. moves back, and so moves cancer. It is not by chance that the
organism, it comes out of the general movement - development, i.e. moves back, and so moves cancer. It is no accident and the name of the disease. And further, if a person remains an egoist, other cells can follow her example, and this is metastasis and the degeneration of the entire organ, and then the body and the sad outcome. All this is accompanied by pain. Pain is a signal, a warning that the path chosen by man, his relations with the world, violate the harmony of this world.
There are a lot of treatment methods. And many of them are effective. The main thing is not to rush from the means to the means, from method to method, for this does not lead to good. The main thing is to endlessly believe in the possibility of recovery. This is the most important thing. I know how people recover, how they get rid of the most seemingly hopeless diseases. There are many such people, much more than they usually think. What is the problem of treatment for severe diseases in most people? Yes, that people rush, losing their heads. It would seem that everything is clear, a terrible disease, often perceived as a sentence (although this is not at all) and how not to understand it.
filonov.net google translation in English
In today's highly toxic environment, an average person by the age of 40 is an internally sick person who, at least one third of his weight, consists of toxins, that is, salts of poisons that are dropped by a wise organism into the inert tissues of his body, mainly into fatty tissues
The human body is an amazing mechanism that protects from toxins its most important organs - the brain and the heart. How?
. The main way in which the body gets rid of poisonous products - toxins, is neutralizing them in the liver and excretion by the kidneys.
Water-soluble poisons are excreted from the body by the kidneys, and fat-soluble with bile (with the substance bilirubin) into the intestine and then outward with feces
. For other substances, the mechanisms of excretion from the body are light (CO2) and skin plays an important role. . However, the amount of toxins in the environment in modern civilization exceeds all permissible standards by hundreds and thousands of indicators.
. The main way in which the body gets rid of poisonous products - toxins, is neutralizing them in the liver and excretion by the kidneys.
Water-soluble poisons are excreted from the body by the kidneys, and fat-soluble with bile (with the substance bilirubin) into the intestine and then outward with feces
. For other substances, the mechanisms of excretion from the body are light (CO2) and skin plays an important role. . However, the amount of toxins in the environment in modern civilization exceeds all permissible standards by hundreds and thousands of indicators.
The most radical and, accordingly, the most effective way of purification from chronic toxins is medical starvation, a natural way of purifying the body of accumulating harmful substances
Fasting and meditation are two essential components of any renewal. Если этого нет — то неизбежно следует смерть, как отдельного индивидуума, так и целого народа. If this is not - then inevitably follows the death of both an individual and an entire people.
Almost all ancient peoples rejection of food and water was considered the best way to cleanse the body.
From the physiological point of view, the body does not experience a significant fluid deficit in the process of complete starvation, because for every kilogram of fissile fat mass (or glycogen) is released daily up to 1 liter of endogenous (metabolic) water.
. Loss of fluid by the body (for skin-pulmonary perspiration and diuresis) under normal temperature conditions is small and amounts to 1.5 to 2 liters per day.
Thus, the water deficit does not exceed 0.5-1 L every 24 hours, which is quite physiologically acceptable in conditions of reduced basal metabolism.
. If the absolute absence of food and water does not exceed 3-4 days, the dehydration of the organism does not go beyond the limits of an easy degree.
(Workers of hot shops lose 5 liters of sweat per shift, the same happens in a steam bath).
Dry fasting gives a greater healing effect than complete starvation (with water), because
on the third day of absolute fasting, acidosis sets in, after which the patient's state of health improves significantly, and the greatest therapeutic effect for the organism is observed.
When starving with water, the crisis comes only after 7-16 days.
. Dry starvation until 3-4 days does not lead to severe dehydration of the body, (the body releases about 1 liter of endogenous water daily, with the breakdown of fats) and is relatively easy to bear. .
Conducting a 3-day dry fasting is equivalent to 7-9 days of fasting with water.
Стадия «пищевого возбуждения» продолжается несколько часов (очень индивидуально), стадия «нарастающего кетоацидоза» от 1-х до 3-х суток.
The stage of "food arousal" lasts several hours (very individually), the stage of "increasing ketoacidosis" from 1 to 3 days.
Already on the third day of absolute fasting, a "ketoacidotic crisis" begins, after which the patients feel better (the stage of compensated ketoacidosis).
Contrary to the well-established opinion that dry fasting is subjectively transferred more heavily than the wet one, an inverse relationship is observed rather.
Feelings of thirst in patients do not arise (with the exception of a slight dryness in the mouth), hunger and poor health caused by ketoacidosis, stop quickly.
With the use of dry starvation, an earlier onset and more complete cleavage of the deposited fats is observed.
After 24 hours in the blood, the content of triglycerides and cholesterol increases.
The proportion of fat in the energy supply of the body increases by the beginning of the 2-day absolute starvation from 15 to 31%.
Reduction of excess body weight is from 2 to 3 kg per day, 40% of the lost mass is water, 30-40% - due to the splitting of adipose tissue, 15-20% - due to the decrease in lean body mass, mainly liver glycogen and skeletal muscles (Khoroshilov IE, 1994).
VA Zakirov (1989) shows a higher efficacy of dry 3-d daily fasting, compared with the 3-d daily wet - in the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma . Можно считать, что трое суток. We can assume that three days. абсолютного голодания соответствуют 7-9 сут. absolute fasting correspond to 7-9 days. полного голодания без ограничения воды. complete fasting without water restriction. По-видимому, весьма рациональной является рекомендация амбулаторного еженедельного 24-36-часового сухого голодания (Иванов П.К.). Apparently, it is very rational to recommend an outpatient weekly 24-36-hour dry fasting (Ivanov PK).
clinical experiment conducted in the mid-1990s on the basis of the Ivanovo Medical Academy showed that absolute curative starvation (without food and water) has a serious prospect in terms of treating tumors and severe immunodeficiencies.
With dry fasting, higher concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immunocompetent cells and immunoglobulins in body fluids are achieved, which gives a powerful immunostimulating effect
This technique is used for very strict indications, when the life force of an oncological patient is sufficiently preserved, and it is desirable to use it in the initial stages of the disease, because in addition to detoxifying the body, it is necessary to have reserves for its recovery. Иначе чрезмерный стресс для организма – голодание может подорвать оставшуюся энергетику организма и ускорить печальный финал, особенно после химиотерапии, облучения или наличии сопутствующих заболеваний!
Иначе чрезмерный стресс для организма – голодание может подорвать оставшуюся энергетику организма и ускорить печальный финал, особенно после химиотерапии, облучения или наличии сопутствующих заболеваний! Otherwise, excessive stress for the body - starvation can undermine the remaining energy of the body and accelerate the sad finale, especially after chemotherapy, irradiation or the presence of concomitant diseases!
When dry starvation destroys mucus, which is stored in our body, respectively, it ceases to be a nutrient medium for various pathological microorganisms. Жизнеспособность каждой клеточки тела очень быстро и значительно возрастает. The viability of each cell of the body very quickly and significantly increases.
Клизмы при сухом голоде противопоказаны. Enemas in dry fasting are contraindicated. Даже если кишечник не работает, он быстро и сразу восстанавливается при выходе из голодания. Even if the intestine does not work, it quickly and immediately recovers when exiting from starvation. Допустимо сделать небольшую серию клизм перед голоданием, особенно, если вы ощущаете засорённость, зашлакованность тела, если у вас склонность к головным болям.
Let's return to two kinds of dry hunger.
Первый способ состоит в полном отказе от контакта с водой, как изнутри, так и снаружи. The first way is to completely avoid contact with water, both from the inside and outside. Организм ставится в максимально жёсткие критические условия и активизирует для своего выживания скрытые внутренние резервы. The organism is put in the most severe critical conditions and activates for its survival hidden internal reserves. Тело начинает очень медленно усыхать. The body begins to dry very slowly
On the basis of this state there is another combined type of starvation: dry + water. Голодание день или несколько — насухо, а затем выход из сухого, и ещё голодание на воде. Fasting a day or several - dry, and then exit from the dry, and even starvation on the water. Голодать на воде после сухого голода легко и приятно. Starving on the water after dry hunger is easy and pleasant. Акцентирую на том, что водное голодание идёт после сухого, а не наоборот. I emphasize that water starvation is after dry, and not vice versa. Такой вид голодания позволяет напитать клетки влагой, продлевая эффекты очищения. This kind of starvation allows you to nourish the cells with moisture, prolonging the effects of purification. Это экзотический способ, и я рекомендую его лишь тем людям, которые полностью освоили голодание на воде и сухое, имеют многолетний опыт этих практик. This is an exotic way, and I recommend it only to those people who have fully mastered starvation on the water and dry, have many years of experience of these practices.
Dry fasting is limited in duration. В книге рекордов Гиннеса записан рекорд – 18 суток сухого голодания. In the Guinness book of records a record was recorded - 18 days of dry fasting
Первый способ состоит в полном отказе от контакта с водой, как изнутри, так и снаружи. The first way is to completely avoid contact with water, both from the inside and outside. Организм ставится в максимально жёсткие критические условия и активизирует для своего выживания скрытые внутренние резервы. The organism is put in the most severe critical conditions and activates for its survival hidden internal reserves. Тело начинает очень медленно усыхать. The body begins to dry very slowly
On the basis of this state there is another combined type of starvation: dry + water. Голодание день или несколько — насухо, а затем выход из сухого, и ещё голодание на воде. Fasting a day or several - dry, and then exit from the dry, and even starvation on the water. Голодать на воде после сухого голода легко и приятно. Starving on the water after dry hunger is easy and pleasant. Акцентирую на том, что водное голодание идёт после сухого, а не наоборот. I emphasize that water starvation is after dry, and not vice versa. Такой вид голодания позволяет напитать клетки влагой, продлевая эффекты очищения. This kind of starvation allows you to nourish the cells with moisture, prolonging the effects of purification. Это экзотический способ, и я рекомендую его лишь тем людям, которые полностью освоили голодание на воде и сухое, имеют многолетний опыт этих практик. This is an exotic way, and I recommend it only to those people who have fully mastered starvation on the water and dry, have many years of experience of these practices.
Dry fasting is limited in duration. В книге рекордов Гиннеса записан рекорд – 18 суток сухого голодания. In the Guinness book of records a record was recorded - 18 days of dry fasting
The curative term of dry hunger is 11 days.
Pass such a famine immediately, very, very hard both physically and psychologically
In modern people, the body is so full of poisons and toxins that they can die not from hunger, but from powerful intoxication of the body
Органы выделения не успевают обезвреживать и выводить яды и шлаки из организма. The organs of excretion do not have time to disinfect and remove poisons and toxins from the body
Возникает «блокада», организм не приспосабливается к голоданию. There is a "blockade", the body does not adapt to starvation.
Usually this happens on the 5th - 10th day. Голодающий перестаёт терять вес, нарастает слабость, появляется тошнота, головная боль, возникает сердечная слабость и аритмия.
The starving person ceases to lose weight, weakness grows, nausea, headache, cardiac weakness and arrhythmia
These are the main signs of a "blockade" (severe intoxication). В таких случаях приходится прерывать голодание , посидеть на соках, растительной диете , потом снова повторить голодание. In such cases, you have to interrupt starvation, sit on the juice, vegetable diet, then again repeat the fast. Учитывая, все эти факторы мы решили проводить сухое голодание циклами (фракциями). Considering all these factors, we decided to perform dry fasting with cycles (fractions).
The first part of the famine - "cleansing" - passes as much as the patient can withstand, at this time it is allowed to swim under a waterfall and in mountain rivers, for the best purification of the body . Во время первого голода происходит первый ацидотический криз , очень хорошее очищение организма и человек понимает, что это такое. During the first famine, the first acidotic crisis occurs, a very good cleansing of the body and a person understands what it is. Потом проходит выход по специальной программе с приёмом Алтайских трав обладающих хорошей энергетической зарядкой организма. Then there is an exit under the special program with reception of the Altai grasses possessing a good energy gymnastics of an organism.
The second dry fasting - the therapeutic goes to the maximum, that would necessarily pass the most curative - the second acidotic crisis.
Второй голод идёт намного легче первого и физически и психологически.
The second famine is much easier than the first, both physically and psychologically.
Но иногда, при очень серьёзных заболеваниях делается третий сухой голод (завершающий) самое главное здесь, что с каждым голоданием происходит более быстрый переход на эндогенное питания и очень качественный биосинтез.
But sometimes, with very serious diseases, the third dry hunger is done (the final one),
the most important thing here is that with each fasting there is a faster transition to endogenous nutrition and a very high quality biosynthesis.
This "pendulum" - the cycle of starvation makes it possible, with each fasting, to improve more and more the reserve defenses of the body and the purification system.
Due to what is the effect of this fractional fasting? Дополнительное преимущество такого метода в том, что после первого этапа чистки мы дали возможность клетке сделать уборку, восстановили функциональность и объем памяти, энергетический потенциал клетки, а затем вторым сроком голодания мы даем возможность завершить начатый процесс — дочистить, дошлифовать упущенные моменты. An additional advantage of this method is that after the first stage of cleaning we allowed the cell to make cleaning, restored the functionality and memory capacity, the energy potential of the cell, and then the second fasting period, we give the opportunity to complete the process begun - to clean and polish the missed moments. Получается своего рода включение принципа суперкомпенсации при очищении голоданием. It turns out a kind of inclusion of the principle of supercompensation in the purification of starvation. Дочищается все то, что было в некоторой степени упущено. All that has been partially missed is being cleared up. Получается, что организм каждый раз подходит к новым положительным стрессам с повышенной «боевой готовностью. It turns out that the body every time comes to new positive stresses with increased "combat readiness. В этой методике одно голодание как бы наслаивается на другое и лечебный эффект потенцируется. In this technique, one starvation, as it were, is layered on another and the therapeutic effect is potentiated. Вот главное отличие от сухого голодания поЩенникову Л. А . Here is the main difference from dry fasting to P.Shchennikov . , он проводит сразу сухое голодание с максимальным сроком 9 — 10, 11 дней. , he spends immediately dry fasting with a maximum period of 9 - 10, 11 days.
There is a replacement of the old dead water, the high-quality living water synthesized by the body itself, and all the negative information that is entered into our organism from the outside is erased.
Having spent a very long starvation without water, we force the organism to process the water that it contains in itself, and thus we are, as it were, updated with information. Therefore, at the end of the hunger, information is pure and pure and represents an information matrix on which nothing negative is recorded by the environment. Этот феномен – одно из главнейших достоинств такого вида голодания и также можно сказать, – один из главных лечебных механизмов сухого голодания. This phenomenon - one of the main advantages of this type of fasting and also can be said - one of the main therapeutic mechanisms of dry fasting. Таких механизмов не существует ни в одном из видов лечебного голодания, существующих в природе. Such mechanisms do not exist in any of the types of curative fasting that exist in nature.
Many people say that dry fasting is physically tolerated more easily by starvation on the water, primarily due to the absence of a feeling of hunger and less intoxication of the body.
This, in general, is not surprising. Дело в том, что вода вне организма и вода усвоенная – это, две большие разницы. The fact is that water outside the body and water are digested - these are two big differences. Молекулы поступающей воды организм перерабатывает, очищает от ненужной информации, структурирует и превращает в «свои», обладающие свойствами данного организма. Molecules of incoming water the body processes, clears from unnecessary information, structures and turns into "their own", possessing the properties of the given organism. Для этого ему так же, как и для усвоения пищи, необходимо затратить определённое количество энергии и времени. To do this, he needs to spend a certain amount of energy and time, just as for the assimilation of food. Поэтому абсолютное голодание более полноценно, так как предоставляет полный покой. Therefore, absolute starvation is more complete, since it provides complete peace. Если в организм не поступает пища и мёртвая, тяжёлая вода, то фактически наша кровь не получает многих вредных веществ. If the body does not receive food and dead, heavy water, then in fact our blood does not receive many harmful substances. Поэтому кровь постоянно чистится нашим организмом, то— есть фактически один и тот же состав крови многократно будет очищаться через фильтрующие элементы. Therefore, the blood is constantly cleaned by our body, that is, in fact, the same blood composition will be repeatedly purified through filter elements. то есть кровь будет, чуть ли не идеально чистой. that is, the blood will be, almost perfectly clean. На сухом голодании, не происходит всасывания эндотоксинов, как это бывает при других видах голодания, поэтому физически оно переносится легче. On dry starvation, there is no absorption of endotoxins, as is the case with other types of fasting, so it is physically tolerated more easily.
The anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect of dry fasting is several times more powerful than with wet starvation.
Many people say that dry fasting is physically tolerated more easily by starvation on the water, primarily due to the absence of a feeling of hunger and less intoxication of the body.
This, in general, is not surprising. Дело в том, что вода вне организма и вода усвоенная – это, две большие разницы. The fact is that water outside the body and water are digested - these are two big differences. Молекулы поступающей воды организм перерабатывает, очищает от ненужной информации, структурирует и превращает в «свои», обладающие свойствами данного организма. Molecules of incoming water the body processes, clears from unnecessary information, structures and turns into "their own", possessing the properties of the given organism. Для этого ему так же, как и для усвоения пищи, необходимо затратить определённое количество энергии и времени. To do this, he needs to spend a certain amount of energy and time, just as for the assimilation of food. Поэтому абсолютное голодание более полноценно, так как предоставляет полный покой. Therefore, absolute starvation is more complete, since it provides complete peace. Если в организм не поступает пища и мёртвая, тяжёлая вода, то фактически наша кровь не получает многих вредных веществ. If the body does not receive food and dead, heavy water, then in fact our blood does not receive many harmful substances. Поэтому кровь постоянно чистится нашим организмом, то— есть фактически один и тот же состав крови многократно будет очищаться через фильтрующие элементы. Therefore, the blood is constantly cleaned by our body, that is, in fact, the same blood composition will be repeatedly purified through filter elements. то есть кровь будет, чуть ли не идеально чистой. that is, the blood will be, almost perfectly clean. На сухом голодании, не происходит всасывания эндотоксинов, как это бывает при других видах голодания, поэтому физически оно переносится легче. On dry starvation, there is no absorption of endotoxins, as is the case with other types of fasting, so it is physically tolerated more easily.
The anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect of dry fasting is several times more powerful than with wet starvation.
Поэтому при этом виде голодания нет такой интоксикации, какая бывает при других видах голодания. Therefore at this type of fasting there is no such intoxication, what happens with other types of fasting. Соответственно физически сухой голод переносится намного легче. Accordingly, physically dry hunger is much easier to tolerate.
When we clearly understand which medical processes and mechanisms are triggered during fasting, our consciousness begins to interfere with the restructuring processes that take place in the body, thereby opening up huge reserves that were previously in a dormant state.
And this means that it is possible to design a future restructuring of the organism with the formation and synthesis of new biostructures that have useful properties, that is, in fact, it is a conscious regulation of the processes occurring in the body, the conscious improvement of one's body. Всё это говорит об одном. All this speaks for one thing. Наш организм в состоянии полного комфорта и покоя слабеет, теряет свои адаптивные силы. Our body in a state of complete comfort and peace is weakening, losing its adaptive powers. Но в условиях изменяющейся среды, воздействующей сильными отрицательными стимулами, пробуждаются неведомые доселе способности, включаются механизмы саморегуляции. But in conditions of a changing environment, which is affected by strong negative stimuli, unknown abilities are awakened, mechanisms of self-regulation are included. Теперь мы начинаем понимать здоровье по-новому. Now we begin to understand health in a new way. Здоровый организм — не тот, который сохраняет нормальные показатели, а тот, который способен успешно адаптироваться к изменяющимся условиям, что очень актуально для наших неблагоприятных экологических условий. A healthy organism is not one that maintains normal indicators, but one that can successfully adapt to changing conditions, which is very important for our unfavorable environmental conditions.
Training with oxygen starvation and heart attack What is an infarct, know, probably, everything. «Сердце не выдержало», -говорят обычные люди, не имеющие медицинского образования. "The heart could not stand it," says ordinary people who do not have medical education. Но что это значит? But what does it mean? Какие физиологические процессы приводят к инфаркту? What physiological processes lead to a heart attack? Инфаркт миокарда (сердечной мышцы) возникает в результате гибели части клеток сердечной мышцы при недостаточном поступлении к ним кислорода. Myocardial infarction (cardiac muscle) occurs as a result of death of a part of the cells of the heart muscle with insufficient intake of oxygen to them. Сжимается сосуд сердца на фоне эмоционального всплеска -сердечная мышца получает меньше крови, а значит, меньше кислорода, сердечные клетки не выдерживают, они гибнут. The heart vessel contracts against the background of an emotional surge-the cardiac muscle receives less blood, which means less oxygen, the heart cells can not stand, they die. Сердце уже не может нормально работать — у человека сердечный приступ. The heart can no longer function normally - a person has a heart attack.
The absence of glucose leads to the accumulation of ketones in the blood, which in an increased concentration begin to play the role of endogenous toxins. Таким образом, ситуация для клеток продолжает ухудшаться и появляется перспектива их гибели. Thus, the situation for the cells continues to worsen and the prospect of their death appears.
When cells live in comfortable conditions, they get used to the constant level and volume of incoming oxygen and lose the ability to effectively bind and use oxygen to obtain the necessary energy. Зачем экономить, когда добра и так хватает? Why save when good enough? Клетки как бы «ленятся» синтезировать структуры, в которых на данный момент нет особой необходимости. Cells seem to be "lazy" to synthesize structures, in which at the moment there is no special need. Поэтому при внезапном ухудшении коронарного кровообращения такие клетки не в состоянии быстро перестроиться, перейти на другой тип внутриклеточного обмена. Therefore, with a sudden deterioration of the coronary circulation, such cells are not able to quickly rearrange themselves, to switch to another type of intracellular metabolism. Количество вырабатываемой энергии в клетке резко падает, и она гибнет. The amount of energy produced in the cell drops sharply, and it dies.
После развития заболевания животные проходили гипоксическую тренировку. After the development of the disease, animals underwent hypoxic training. в результате у них не только улучшались показатели крови, но и, что еще более удивительно, частично восстанавливалась утраченная ткань поджелудочной железы. as a result, they not only improved their blood counts, but, even more surprisingly, the lost tissue of the pancreas was partially restored.
But even more powerful options for dosed training of the entire body is dry fasting. Как только прекращается поступление пищи и воды в желудочно-кишечный тракт, для организма создаются принципиально новые условия существования. As soon as the supply of food and water to the gastrointestinal tract stops, fundamentally new conditions of existence are created for the organism. Нарушается координация различных видов обмена веществ, тогда как организм адаптирован к регулярному и систематическому поступлению питательных веществ.
And here is the transition of the body to the so-called endogenous nutrition (2-5th day.). Организм начинает восполнять недостаток питательных веществ за счет разрушения биомолекул и за счет частичного распада органов и тканей.
During a wet starvation, the body receives exogenous water, that is, water from outside. И именно она является главным очистительным фактором. And it is she who is the main purifying factor. По закону биологической целесообразности клетка в этом случае тратит минимум своей собственной энергии – и так всё идет нормально: все токсины, яды, шлаки растворяются и, образно говоря, происходит вымывание токсинов из клетки, из межклеточного пространства. According to the law of biological expediency, the cell in this case spends minimum of its own energy - and so everything goes fine: all toxins, poisons, slags are dissolved and, figuratively speaking, toxins are washed out of the cell, from the intercellular space.
А во время сухого голодания происходит сжигание токсинов, можно сказать, в собственной топке — каждая клетка в отсутствие воды запускает внутреннюю термоядерную реакцию. And during dry fasting there is burning of toxins, it can be said, in its own furnace - every cell in the absence of water triggers an internal thermonuclear reaction. Каждая клетка на время превращается в мини — топку, мини — реактор. Each cell for a time turns into a mini - furnace, mini - reactor.
During dry fasting, the old, "dead water" is replaced with super-quality "living water" synthesized by the body itself, and all negative information that is introduced into our organism from the outside is erased
Having spent a very long starvation without water, we force the organism to process the water it contains, and thus we are, as it were, updated informationally. Therefore, at the end of the famine, information is pure and pure and represents an information matrix on which nothing negative is recorded by the environment
There is an increase in the internal temperature of the body.
Эту температуру можно и не зарегистрировать термометром, но она ощущается людьми во время прохождения сухого голодания как внутренний жар, «огонь» или озноб. This temperature can not be registered with a thermometer, but it is felt by people during the passage of dry fasting as internal heat, "fire" or chills.
the lymphocyte effects increase.
All these processes accelerate recovery. Реагируя повышением температуры тела, организм вызывает замедление роста микроорганизмов. Reacting with an increase in body temperature, the body causes a slowdown in the growth of microorganisms. Иммунной системе становится легче выследить и убить всё чужеродное и изменённое. It becomes easier for the immune system to hunt down and kill everything foreign and changed. Если в организм не поступает пища и мёртвая, тяжёлая вода, то фактически наша кровь не получает многих вредных веществ, а кровь постоянно чистится нашим организмом, то есть фактически один и тот же состав крови многократно будет очищаться через фильтрующие элементы, то есть кровь будет чуть ли не идеально чистой. If the body does not receive food and dead, heavy water, then in fact our blood does not receive many harmful substances, and the blood is constantly cleaned by our body, that is, actually the same blood composition will be repeatedly purified through filter elements, that is, the blood will be slightly whether not perfectly clean. Кровь при СГ очищается от всего ненужного, и плазма крови становится прозрачной как стёклышко, всё приходит в гармонию, в том числе и факторы свёртывания.Сухое голодание в этом плане осуществляет очистку крови более совершенно, чем путём гемодиализа или гемосорбции — аппаратной очистки крови. Blood is purified from all unnecessary blood, and blood plasma becomes transparent as a glass, everything comes in harmony, including factors of coagulation. Dry fasting in this plan carries out blood purification more completely than by hemodialysis or hemosorption - hardware purification of blood.
The multi-day refusal to eat food and water creates the conditions for withdrawing from the advanced gastrointestinal positions of a very powerful army of B-lymphocytes. Они стягиваются из всех лимфатических коллекторов и узлов протяженного пищеварительного пути. They are pulled together from all the lymphatic collectors and nodes of the long digestive tract. Но особенно много их поступает из тонкого кишечника. But especially a lot of them come from the small intestine. Перешедшая в резерв армия В-лимфоцитов используется по своему прямому назначению. The army of B-lymphocytes transferred to the reserve is used for its intended purpose. Она подавляет и обезвреживает все имеющиеся болезнетворные и чужеродные элементы. It suppresses and neutralizes all existing pathogenic and alien elements. Инфекция, паразиты которые, находится в закапсулированном (дремлющем) состоянии, и практически не поддастся современной антибактериальной терапии (лечением антибиотиками, сульфаниламидами и другими лекарствами). Infection, parasites that are in the encapsulated (dormant) state, and practically will not give in to modern antibiotic therapy (treatment with antibiotics, sulfonamides and other drugs). Наоборот, в этот период жизни микроорганизмы, находясь в защитных оболочках, становятся более устойчивыми к этим медикаментам и другим лекарственным средствам. On the contrary, during this period of life microorganisms, being in protective shells, become more resistant to these medicines and other medicines. При сухом голодании эти оболочки уничтожаются активированными ацидозом фагоцитами и ферментами, чем объясняется хороший лечебный эффект при лечении простатита . With dry starvation, these membranes are destroyed by activated acidosis by phagocytes and enzymes, which explains the good therapeutic effect in the treatment of prostatitis .
Более половины «электронной» энергетики, получаемой за счет дыхания, при голодании становится свободной, так как не тратится на переработку пищи. More than half of the "electronic" energy, obtained by breathing, becomes free when fasting, as it is not spent on processing food
During a wet starvation, the body receives exogenous water, that is, water from outside. И именно она является главным очистительным фактором. And it is she who is the main purifying factor. По закону биологической целесообразности клетка в этом случае тратит минимум своей собственной энергии – и так всё идет нормально: все токсины, яды, шлаки растворяются и, образно говоря, происходит вымывание токсинов из клетки, из межклеточного пространства. According to the law of biological expediency, the cell in this case spends minimum of its own energy - and so everything goes fine: all toxins, poisons, slags are dissolved and, figuratively speaking, toxins are washed out of the cell, from the intercellular space.
А во время сухого голодания происходит сжигание токсинов, можно сказать, в собственной топке — каждая клетка в отсутствие воды запускает внутреннюю термоядерную реакцию. And during dry fasting there is burning of toxins, it can be said, in its own furnace - every cell in the absence of water triggers an internal thermonuclear reaction. Каждая клетка на время превращается в мини — топку, мини — реактор. Each cell for a time turns into a mini - furnace, mini - reactor.
During dry fasting, the old, "dead water" is replaced with super-quality "living water" synthesized by the body itself, and all negative information that is introduced into our organism from the outside is erased
Having spent a very long starvation without water, we force the organism to process the water it contains, and thus we are, as it were, updated informationally. Therefore, at the end of the famine, information is pure and pure and represents an information matrix on which nothing negative is recorded by the environment
There is an increase in the internal temperature of the body.
Эту температуру можно и не зарегистрировать термометром, но она ощущается людьми во время прохождения сухого голодания как внутренний жар, «огонь» или озноб. This temperature can not be registered with a thermometer, but it is felt by people during the passage of dry fasting as internal heat, "fire" or chills.
the lymphocyte effects increase.
All these processes accelerate recovery. Реагируя повышением температуры тела, организм вызывает замедление роста микроорганизмов. Reacting with an increase in body temperature, the body causes a slowdown in the growth of microorganisms. Иммунной системе становится легче выследить и убить всё чужеродное и изменённое. It becomes easier for the immune system to hunt down and kill everything foreign and changed. Если в организм не поступает пища и мёртвая, тяжёлая вода, то фактически наша кровь не получает многих вредных веществ, а кровь постоянно чистится нашим организмом, то есть фактически один и тот же состав крови многократно будет очищаться через фильтрующие элементы, то есть кровь будет чуть ли не идеально чистой. If the body does not receive food and dead, heavy water, then in fact our blood does not receive many harmful substances, and the blood is constantly cleaned by our body, that is, actually the same blood composition will be repeatedly purified through filter elements, that is, the blood will be slightly whether not perfectly clean. Кровь при СГ очищается от всего ненужного, и плазма крови становится прозрачной как стёклышко, всё приходит в гармонию, в том числе и факторы свёртывания.Сухое голодание в этом плане осуществляет очистку крови более совершенно, чем путём гемодиализа или гемосорбции — аппаратной очистки крови. Blood is purified from all unnecessary blood, and blood plasma becomes transparent as a glass, everything comes in harmony, including factors of coagulation. Dry fasting in this plan carries out blood purification more completely than by hemodialysis or hemosorption - hardware purification of blood.
The multi-day refusal to eat food and water creates the conditions for withdrawing from the advanced gastrointestinal positions of a very powerful army of B-lymphocytes. Они стягиваются из всех лимфатических коллекторов и узлов протяженного пищеварительного пути. They are pulled together from all the lymphatic collectors and nodes of the long digestive tract. Но особенно много их поступает из тонкого кишечника. But especially a lot of them come from the small intestine. Перешедшая в резерв армия В-лимфоцитов используется по своему прямому назначению. The army of B-lymphocytes transferred to the reserve is used for its intended purpose. Она подавляет и обезвреживает все имеющиеся болезнетворные и чужеродные элементы. It suppresses and neutralizes all existing pathogenic and alien elements. Инфекция, паразиты которые, находится в закапсулированном (дремлющем) состоянии, и практически не поддастся современной антибактериальной терапии (лечением антибиотиками, сульфаниламидами и другими лекарствами). Infection, parasites that are in the encapsulated (dormant) state, and practically will not give in to modern antibiotic therapy (treatment with antibiotics, sulfonamides and other drugs). Наоборот, в этот период жизни микроорганизмы, находясь в защитных оболочках, становятся более устойчивыми к этим медикаментам и другим лекарственным средствам. On the contrary, during this period of life microorganisms, being in protective shells, become more resistant to these medicines and other medicines. При сухом голодании эти оболочки уничтожаются активированными ацидозом фагоцитами и ферментами, чем объясняется хороший лечебный эффект при лечении простатита . With dry starvation, these membranes are destroyed by activated acidosis by phagocytes and enzymes, which explains the good therapeutic effect in the treatment of prostatitis .
Более половины «электронной» энергетики, получаемой за счет дыхания, при голодании становится свободной, так как не тратится на переработку пищи. More than half of the "electronic" energy, obtained by breathing, becomes free when fasting, as it is not spent on processing food
This energy is spent on increasing the energy of tissues and, above all, the cells of the immune system. Получив дополнительную энергию, клетки могут поработать «на себя», обеспечивая восстановление, реабилитацию и очищение тканей.
Acidosis - acidification of the internal environment of the body.
Он активизирует гормон поджелудочной железы глюкаген, который усиливает расщепление гликогена в печени, что обеспечивает организм питанием. It activates the pancreatic hormone glucagon, which enhances the cleavage of glycogen in the liver, which provides the body with nutrition.
2 nd stage : increasing acidosis. Обычно эта стадия на сухом голодании длится от 2 до 4 дней. Usually this stage on dry fasting lasts from 2 to 4 days. Как только человек полностью отказался от пищи и воды, в его организме начинается потребление запасенных резервов и второстепенных тканей. Once a person has completely abandoned food and water, his body starts consuming reserve reserves and secondary tissues. Расщепление питательных веществ и тканей в процессе голодания приводит к накоплению продуктов их распада внутри организма. The splitting of nutrients and tissues in the process of starvation leads to the accumulation of products of their decay inside the body. В результате этого быстро происходит сдвиг показателя рН организма в кислую сторону (ацидоз), но при этом величины закисления не выходят за физиологические нормы. As a result, the pH of the organism shifts rapidly to the acidic side (acidosis), but the values of acidification do not go beyond physiological norms. Ацидоз при голодании является первым и наиболее важным физиологическим механизмом, вызывающим включение цепочки других целительных механизмов, которые на обычном пищевом режиме находятся в неактивном состоянии. Acidosis in fasting is the first and most important physiological mechanism that causes the inclusion of a chain of other healing mechanisms that are in an inactive state on the normal diet. Закисление внутренней среды организма приводит к запуску процессов растворения тканей — аутолизу . Acidification of the internal environment of the body leads to the launch of processes of dissolution of tissues - autolysis . Оказывается, в кислой среде активизируются фагоциты и некоторые энзимы, функция которых сводится к разрушению ослабленной собственной ткани и всего чужеродного в организме. It turns out that in an acidic environment phagocytes and some enzymes are activated, the function of which is to destroy the weakened own tissue and the whole alien in the body. В свою очередь процессы аутолиза запускают механизм очищения организма от шлаков, ослабленной и патологически изменённой ткани. In turn, the processes of autolysis trigger the mechanism of cleansing the body of slags, a weakened and pathologically altered tissue. За счет расщепления ткани заключенные в ней шлаки освобождаются и выводятся из организма, а видоизмененная ткань уничтожается. Due to the cleavage of the tissue, the slags in it are freed and released from the body, and the modified tissue is destroyed. Контроль над расщеплением тканей организма осуществляется особой функцией, которую мы назвали принцип приоритета. Control over the cleavage of body tissues is carried out by a special function, which we called the principle of priority. Как раз эта функция следит за тем, чтобы вначале было расщеплено все лишнее, патологически изменённое, а затем наступает очередь здоровых тканей — по принципу важности для жизнедеятельности организма. Just this function makes sure that in the beginning all unnecessary, pathologically changed, and then comes the turn of healthy tissues - according to the principle of importance for the vital activity of the organism. Закисление организма и повышение фагоцитарной активности приводят к нормализации микрофлоры организма. Acidification of the body and increased phagocytic activity lead to normalization of the microflora of the body.
Acidosis includes a mechanism for the body's absorption of carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air
Acidosis includes a mechanism for the body's absorption of carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air
Acidosis includes a mechanism for the body's absorption of carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air. Он-то и способствует фиксации растворимого в крови углекислого газа по принципу фотосинтеза, т. е. путем самого идеального синтеза в нашем мире. It helps to fix carbon dioxide soluble in the blood on the principle of photosynthesis, that is, by the most ideal synthesis in our world. Атмосферный воздух, которым мы дышим, становится питательной средой. The atmospheric air that we breathe becomes a nutrient medium. Иначе говоря, при повышенном усвоении клетками СО в сочетании с повышенным потреблением азота из воздуха создаются наиболее благоприятные условия для качественного построения нуклеиновых кислот, белков и других биологически активных веществ, необходимых для полноценной жизнедеятельности человека. In other words, with increased assimilation by CO cells in combination with increased nitrogen intake from air, the most favorable conditions are created for the qualitative construction of nucleic acids, proteins and other biologically active substances necessary for human life. Другими словами, на сухом голоде мы потребляем углекислый газ и азот из воздуха и создаем из них необходимые нашему телу белки. In other words, on dry famine we consume carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air and create from them the proteins necessary for our body. Но возникает вопрос: за счет чего? But the question arises: due to what?
Usually the maximum of acidification is observed on the 2nd - 3rd day of fasting.
After we described that it starts the process of acidification (acidosis) of the internal environment during fasting, we will return to the very acidosis. Процесс закисления внутренней среды организма нарастает быстро. The process of acidification of the internal environment of the body increases rapidly. Обычно максимум закисления наблюдается на 2 — 3-й день голодания. Usually the maximum of acidification is observed on the 2nd - 3rd day of fasting. А происходит это так. And it happens so. В самом начале голодания, когда в организме еще есть запасы животного сахара — гликогена, организм использует его. At the very beginning of fasting, when the body still has stocks of animal sugar - glycogen, the body uses it. Но как только запасы гликогена иссякают (а это происходит обычно в первый день голодания), в крови начинают накапливаться кислые продукты неполного расщепления жира (масляные кислоты, ацетон), щелочные резервы ее снижаются, и это отражается на самочувствии: у голодающего могут появиться головная боль, тошнота, чувство слабости, общее недомогание. But as soon as the reserves of glycogen dry up (and this usually occurs on the first day of fasting), acidic products of incomplete fat degradation (oily acids, acetone) begin to accumulate in the blood, its alkaline reserves decrease, and this affects the well-being: a hungry person may have a headache , nausea, a feeling of weakness, a general malaise. Нарастает белый налёт на языке, сухость языка и губ, слизь на зубах, запах ацетона изо рта, сухость и бледность кожных покровов, чувство голода намного понижается, тогда как жажда в это время повышается. A white plaque builds up on the tongue, the dryness of the tongue and lips, mucus on the teeth, the smell of acetone from the mouth, the dryness and pallor of the skin, the feeling of hunger is much lower, while thirst at this time rises. Плохое самочувствие — результат накопления в крови вредных продуктов. Poor health is the result of accumulation of harmful products in the blood. В это время у человека на сухом голодании может появиться внутренний жар, это организм начинает включать механизмы обезвреживания вредных веществ. At this time a person on dry starvation may experience internal heat, this organism starts to include mechanisms for neutralizing harmful substances. Вот описание этого механизма, из дневника пациента — «Пятый день сухого голода. Here is a description of this mechanism, from the diary of the patient - "The fifth day of dry hunger. Наступила 5-я ночь. It was the 5th night. Где то в 21— 22 часа ночи почувствовал жар. Somewhere in the 21-22 hours of the night I felt a fever. И хоть было прохладно (сидел в свитере), разделся до трусов, но прохладнее не стало. And although it was cool (sitting in a sweater), stripped to the cowards, but it was no cooler. Чтоб охладиться босиком в трусах пошёл к горной реке. To cool down barefoot in his pants went to the mountain river. На улице было тепло, а возле реки свежо и прохладно, но жар усиливался. It was warm outside, and near the river it was fresh and cool, but the heat intensified. Постоял пока не замерзли стопы ног. He stood until his feet were frozen. К утру жар прошёл, прошла слабость, появилась энергия. By morning, the heat passed, weakness passed, energy appeared. Ощущения были великолепные: комфортный жар, бодрость и энергичность. Sensations were magnificent: comfortable heat, vivacity and energy. После прохождения сухого голодания у меня полностью исчезла аденома простаты ". After undergoing dry fasting, my prostate adenoma completely disappeared. "
However, once the utilization of ketone bodies begins, their concentration ceases to increase and, since ketone bodies are high-energy components, synthesis of new amino acids begins on them, as fuel, which can lead to tissue regeneration.
The process of regeneration can occur with severe pain, and this should be prepared.
At the initial stages of hypertension, an acidotic crisis can occur on the 3rd - 5th day, in the future - on the 3rd, or even on the 2nd day after the onset of the SG.
. The earlier the acidotic crisis occurs, the faster it passes, the more time remains to renew the organism.
. For example, if the acidotic crisis occurs on the 2nd day, then there will be more time for regeneration.
The first acidotic crisis and its importance in improving the body. Постепенное закисление внутренней среды организма на голодании приводит к вытеснению большинства хронических заболеваний, которые развиваются и прогрессируют в организме человека. Gradual acidification of the internal environment of the body on starvation leads to the displacement of most chronic diseases that develop and progress in the human body.
The most severe acidification of the body occurs during the acidotic crisis, and therefore at this time chronic diseases worsen
The most severe acidification of the body occurs during the acidotic crisis, and therefore at this time chronic diseases worsen
By the degree of exacerbation, one can judge how successfully the hunger caught this or that disease and "uproots" it from the body
If the exacerbation is pronounced, then you should expect a complete cure.
If it is weak, it means that hunger solves other more important problems in the body.
After a while, repeat the fast, and then he will take up the remaining illnesses.
Thus, E. Shenk and H. Mayer, who conducted research on the reaction of the organism to various bacilli, indicate that the processes of self-defense and enhancement of protective forces against microbes begin only after the acidotic crisis
Hence follows the conclusion: while the body of a starving person has not passed the first acidotic crisis, one can not expect a cure for chronic diseases and a sharp increase in the body's defenses.
The third stage is called the stage of compensation, or adaptation.
The duration of this stage is individual for each.
On average, it begins 5 days of dry fasting and ends on the 9th day. In this stage, you can improve your health, reduce your weakness, all unpleasant sensations will disappear.
Pass this improvement can wavy.
The feeling of hunger completely disappears, the thirst can intensify.
...(however..this was not my experience....never had hunger..6th day thirst disappeared but dryness stayed constant)
Its duration depends on the amount of fat in the body.
. This stage ends with a second acidotic crisis, which runs from the 8th to the 11th day.
From the moment of passage of the first acidotic crisis to the onset of the second, the organism accumulates vital forces
During the acidotic crisis in some people their basic disease becomes aggravated, the state of health worsens sharply, there is a loss of strength, the sleep disappears completely, the temperature can greatly increase.
These symptoms indicate that hunger has begun to "turn out" the disease.
If in the first two stages of starvation autolysis of body tissues was the only source of nutrition, then during the second acidosis, autolysis more fulfills the function of a natural surgeon.
Therefore, for a complete therapeutic effect, it is necessary to pass this crisis. У меня была пациентка с доброкачественной опухолью матки, на девятый день резко ухудшилось самочувствие, появился озноб и очень сильный внутренний жар. I had a patient with a benign uterine tumor, on the ninth day my state of health deteriorated sharply, a chill and a very intense internal fever. Она хотела выйти из голодания. She wanted to get out of starvation. Я ей спокойно объяснил суть происходящего, что если сейчас она до конца не пройдёт этот кризис, то она не сможет полностью вылечиться. I calmly explained to her the essence of what is happening, that if she does not go through this crisis to the end, she will not be fully cured. Утром никаких симптомов у неё не было, самочувствие было хорошее. In the morning she had no symptoms, she was feeling well. Когда приехала домой она сделала УЗИ, то оно показало полное отсутствие миомы и мастопатии . When she came home she did ultrasound, it showed a complete absence of fibroids and mastopathy .
Самое главное при всех видах голодания пройти второй ацидотический криз, при котором происходит более сильная активизация всех защитных сил организма, что способствует излечению многих неизлечимых болезней. The most important thing for all types of fasting is to undergo a second acidotic crisis, in which there is a stronger activation of all the defenses of the body, which contributes to the cure of many incurable diseases. Если проще сказать об очень большом значении этих кризов, то если первый ацидотический криз устраняет «стебель болезни», то второй уничтожает«корень болезни». If it is easier to say about the very high value of these crises, then if the first acidotic crisis eliminates the "stalk of disease", then the second one destroys the "root of the disease".
During the acidotic crisis in some people their basic disease becomes aggravated, the state of health worsens sharply, there is a loss of strength, the sleep disappears completely, the temperature can greatly increase.
These symptoms indicate that hunger has begun to "turn out" the disease.
If in the first two stages of starvation autolysis of body tissues was the only source of nutrition, then during the second acidosis, autolysis more fulfills the function of a natural surgeon.
Therefore, for a complete therapeutic effect, it is necessary to pass this crisis. У меня была пациентка с доброкачественной опухолью матки, на девятый день резко ухудшилось самочувствие, появился озноб и очень сильный внутренний жар. I had a patient with a benign uterine tumor, on the ninth day my state of health deteriorated sharply, a chill and a very intense internal fever. Она хотела выйти из голодания. She wanted to get out of starvation. Я ей спокойно объяснил суть происходящего, что если сейчас она до конца не пройдёт этот кризис, то она не сможет полностью вылечиться. I calmly explained to her the essence of what is happening, that if she does not go through this crisis to the end, she will not be fully cured. Утром никаких симптомов у неё не было, самочувствие было хорошее. In the morning she had no symptoms, she was feeling well. Когда приехала домой она сделала УЗИ, то оно показало полное отсутствие миомы и мастопатии . When she came home she did ultrasound, it showed a complete absence of fibroids and mastopathy .
Самое главное при всех видах голодания пройти второй ацидотический криз, при котором происходит более сильная активизация всех защитных сил организма, что способствует излечению многих неизлечимых болезней. The most important thing for all types of fasting is to undergo a second acidotic crisis, in which there is a stronger activation of all the defenses of the body, which contributes to the cure of many incurable diseases. Если проще сказать об очень большом значении этих кризов, то если первый ацидотический криз устраняет «стебель болезни», то второй уничтожает«корень болезни». If it is easier to say about the very high value of these crises, then if the first acidotic crisis eliminates the "stalk of disease", then the second one destroys the "root of the disease".
The word autolysis is of Greek origin and literally means "self-digestion."
Usually, the liver loses by weight more compared to other parts of the body, especially in the initial period, due to loss of glycogen and fat. Легкие почти ничего не теряют, еще меньше — мозг и нервная система. The lungs lose almost nothing, even less - the brain and the nervous system.
Usually, the liver loses by weight more compared to other parts of the body, especially in the initial period, due to loss of glycogen and fat. Легкие почти ничего не теряют, еще меньше — мозг и нервная система. The lungs lose almost nothing, even less - the brain and the nervous system.
Vital organs feed on accumulated reserves and less important tissues, so that abstinence from food can only harm after expending the body's reserves.
At elevated temperature, we often observe rapid autolysis in many tissues of the body and its great healing work. Но мы не можем вызвать лихорадку по своему желанию. But we can not cause a fever at will.
Why does the body become rejuvenated with dry starvation? При сухом голодании происходит более мощное омолаживание организма, чем при других видах голодания, так как экстремальных, жёстких условий не выдерживают больные клетки, переродившиеся, слабые. With dry starvation, a more powerful rejuvenation of the body occurs than with other types of fasting, as extreme, hard conditions can not withstand sick cells, degenerated, weak. Они погибают и распадаются. They perish and disintegrate. Какие остаются? Which remain? Те, которые имеют хорошую организацию, работоспособную и мудрую генную инженерию. Those who have a good organization, workable and wise genetic engineering. Те, которые не запаниковали, выстояли и сохранили дееспособность. Those who did not panic, survived and maintained their legal capacity. Таким образом, голодание помогает отбраковывать никудышное, слабое, больное и вредное, происходит очищение организма от них. Thus, fasting helps to cull useless, weak, sick and harmful, the body cleanses from them. Это клетки-паразиты. These are parasitic cells. Они не выполняют своих функций, работы, обязанностей. They do not perform their functions, work, duties. И лучше, если от них избавляться вовремя, не позволять им погибать естественной смертью. And it's better if they get rid of them in time, do not let them die by natural death. Потому что в этом случае они успевают создать себе подобное потомство — таких же дохлых и неработоспособных развалюх. Because in this case they have time to create a similar offspring - the same dead and inefficient wreckers. Размножаясь, клетки делятся. Breeding, the cells divide. Потомство не может превзойти в качестве. Progeny can not surpass in quality. Яблоко от яблони недалеко катится. The apple is not far from the apple tree. Но остаются после голодания клетки сильные, они-то при делении и дадут улучшение в качестве . But the cells remain strong after starvation, they are strong in the division, and they will give an improvement in quality . Их потомство будет обладать свойствами материнских клеток. Their offspring will have the properties of the mother cells. Когда клетки живут в комфортных условиях они привыкают к постоянному уровню и объему поступающего питания и воды. When cells live in comfortable conditions, they get used to the constant level and volume of incoming food and water. Они теряют способность эффективно обновляться и восстанавливаться. They lose the ability to effectively update and
recover. Клетки как бы ленятся запускать механизмы самообновления тканей. Cells seem to be lazy to run mechanisms of self-renewal of tissues.
As soon as the supply of food and water to the gastrointestinal tract stops, fundamentally new conditions of existence are created for the organism.
. But at the same time new cells are synthesized, capable of survival under changed conditions, this mechanism explains
that after passing dry fasting the stomach is able to digest even "nails".
Это программированная клеточная гибель, энергетически зависимый, генетически контролируемый процесс, который запускается специфическими сигналами и избавляет организм от ослабленных, ненужных или повреждённых клеток. This is a programmed cell death, an energetically dependent, genetically controlled process that is triggered by specific signals and relieves the body of weakened, unnecessary or damaged cells.
Without the function of self-purification of cellular populations, the life of the organism is impossible
По нашим наблюдениям, активация процесса пищевого апоптоза происходит через 20 часов сухого голодания (при соблюдении правильной техники голодания). According to our observations, the activation of the process of food apoptosis occurs after 20 hours of dry fasting (with proper starvation technique).
"Savings technologies" save lives during starvation, but they kill it with constant satiety. "
With a continuous diet, "caloric garbage" becomes a problem number one. Он становится причиной болезней и преждевременного старения человека. It causes diseases and premature aging of a person. Поэтому сухое голодание сухое голодание, является одним из перспективных методов продления качества жизни Therefore, dry fasting dry fasting, is one of the promising methods of prolonging the quality of life
For a long time after dry hunger the highest protective potential is maintained, with periodic fasting the person becomes practically invulnerable, for nitrates, phenols, sulfur dioxide and nuclear power plants.
During the passage of dry fasting, I am renewing the energy of the body.
Вода, – один из лучших энергоинформационных носителей. Water is one of the best energy-information carriers. Это достигается за счет уникального молекулярного строения воды и вариабельности ее кластерной структуры. This is achieved due to the unique molecular structure of water and the variability of its cluster structure. Также учеными было доказано, что в организме человека еще задолго до появления симптомов болезней образуются локальные участки «тяжелой» воды, воды с неправильной структурой – патологические зоны. Also, scientists have proved that in the human body long before the onset of symptoms of disease, local areas of "heavy" water, water with irregular structure - pathological zones are formed. Любой сглаз, порча, или просто людская зависть, короче вся негативная энергетика находится в этих патологических зонах. Any evil eye, corruption, or just human envy, in short all negative energy is in these pathological zones. Во время проведения сухого голодания происходит замена старой «мёртвой» воды на высококачественную, энергетически обновлённую, «живую» воду, синтезируемую самим организмом. During the dry fasting, the old "dead" water is replaced with high-quality, energetically renewed, "living" water, synthesized by the body itself.
Being deprived of food organic, the body strenuously begins to absorb subtle energy from space and the environment
After all, thanks to the hunger, chakras and energy channels are cleaned, on which many abilities depend
This wonderful condition persists for a long time if you adhere to a healthy diet, do exercises, be in the air and the sun.
During the famine, sweating practically ceases
recover. Клетки как бы ленятся запускать механизмы самообновления тканей. Cells seem to be lazy to run mechanisms of self-renewal of tissues.
As soon as the supply of food and water to the gastrointestinal tract stops, fundamentally new conditions of existence are created for the organism.
. But at the same time new cells are synthesized, capable of survival under changed conditions, this mechanism explains
that after passing dry fasting the stomach is able to digest even "nails".
Это программированная клеточная гибель, энергетически зависимый, генетически контролируемый процесс, который запускается специфическими сигналами и избавляет организм от ослабленных, ненужных или повреждённых клеток. This is a programmed cell death, an energetically dependent, genetically controlled process that is triggered by specific signals and relieves the body of weakened, unnecessary or damaged cells.
Without the function of self-purification of cellular populations, the life of the organism is impossible
По нашим наблюдениям, активация процесса пищевого апоптоза происходит через 20 часов сухого голодания (при соблюдении правильной техники голодания). According to our observations, the activation of the process of food apoptosis occurs after 20 hours of dry fasting (with proper starvation technique).
"Savings technologies" save lives during starvation, but they kill it with constant satiety. "
With a continuous diet, "caloric garbage" becomes a problem number one. Он становится причиной болезней и преждевременного старения человека. It causes diseases and premature aging of a person. Поэтому сухое голодание сухое голодание, является одним из перспективных методов продления качества жизни Therefore, dry fasting dry fasting, is one of the promising methods of prolonging the quality of life
For a long time after dry hunger the highest protective potential is maintained, with periodic fasting the person becomes practically invulnerable, for nitrates, phenols, sulfur dioxide and nuclear power plants.
During the passage of dry fasting, I am renewing the energy of the body.
Вода, – один из лучших энергоинформационных носителей. Water is one of the best energy-information carriers. Это достигается за счет уникального молекулярного строения воды и вариабельности ее кластерной структуры. This is achieved due to the unique molecular structure of water and the variability of its cluster structure. Также учеными было доказано, что в организме человека еще задолго до появления симптомов болезней образуются локальные участки «тяжелой» воды, воды с неправильной структурой – патологические зоны. Also, scientists have proved that in the human body long before the onset of symptoms of disease, local areas of "heavy" water, water with irregular structure - pathological zones are formed. Любой сглаз, порча, или просто людская зависть, короче вся негативная энергетика находится в этих патологических зонах. Any evil eye, corruption, or just human envy, in short all negative energy is in these pathological zones. Во время проведения сухого голодания происходит замена старой «мёртвой» воды на высококачественную, энергетически обновлённую, «живую» воду, синтезируемую самим организмом. During the dry fasting, the old "dead" water is replaced with high-quality, energetically renewed, "living" water, synthesized by the body itself.
Being deprived of food organic, the body strenuously begins to absorb subtle energy from space and the environment
After all, thanks to the hunger, chakras and energy channels are cleaned, on which many abilities depend
This wonderful condition persists for a long time if you adhere to a healthy diet, do exercises, be in the air and the sun.
During the famine, sweating practically ceases
Of course, many of the curative effects listed here exist for all types of fasting, but with dry fasting they occur more efficiently and in a shorter time.
The multi-day refusal to take food and water creates conditions for removing from the advanced gastrointestinal positions of a very powerful army of B-lymphocytes.
With dry fasting, higher concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immunocompetent cells and immunoglobulins in body fluids are achieved.
With dry fasting, higher concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immunocompetent cells and immunoglobulins in body fluids are achieved.
It turns out that by starving, stimulating the growth of stem cells, you can earn 15-25 years of life !
In the process of prolonged starvation, the organism is actively cleared, that is, it gets rid of all the "out-of-date" ones, those cells that have not survived long enough
Dry fasting is sometimes called the term "absolute starvation."
It can be said with certainty that dry fasting is a further direction in the development of unloading and dietary therapy. Метод сухого голодания научно обоснован Ленинградским НИИ пульмонологии, который выпустил методические рекомендации по лечению этим видом голодания легочных заболеваний. The method of dry fasting is scientifically justified by the Leningrad Research Institute of Pulmonology, which issued methodological recommendations for the treatment of this type of fasting of pulmonary diseases. Сухое голодание раскрывает новые резервные возможности организма данный ему самой природой. Dry fasting reveals new reserve capabilities of the organism given to it by nature itself. Это естественный, универсальный и эффективный способ очищения, оздоровления и омоложения всей живой материи. It is a natural, universal and effective way of purifying, healing and rejuvenating all living matter.
With dry starvation, blood, gastrointestinal tract and other organs are effectively cleared of infection and parasites, tissues of all organs are regenerated, metabolism in the whole organism is activated. Очищение организма происходит на клеточном уровне. Purification of the body occurs at the cellular level. И весь оздоровительный процесс проходит по естественным законам природы. And the whole health process passes through the natural laws of nature.
During absolute starvation self-dissolution (autolysis) of dead cells and protein mass sharply increases, and in this case, the need for the help of microbes and viruses is no longer needed.
Accordingly, in severe conditions of dry fasting , water can not be obtained from the water, so the introduction mechanism stops.
The human body is able to withstand 10-day water deprivation (with low motor activity and high air temperature).
Strange as it may seem, the body itself is able to synthesize water.
He takes oxygen from the air, and hydrogen from adipose tissue.
Therefore, during dry fasting, weight loss can reach 3 kg per day, but solely at the expense of water.
I must say that the body also has certain water reserves.
In one skin only 2 liters of water are deposited.
There are water reserves in some body cavities (serous cavities), some internal organs.
It's a pity, but even with an active motor regime, the body will always last 5 days.
Of course, subjectively dry fasting is carried quite heavily and is accompanied by weakness. Однако мне приходилось встречать людей, у которых именно при проведении сухого голодания слабость полностью отсутствовала и даже появлялась легкая эйфория. However, I had to meet people who had no weakness at all during dry fasting and even a slight euphoria appeared. Иногда мы поставлены в такие условия, когда времени для обычного лечения и даже обычного голодания почти не осталось. Sometimes we are put in such conditions, when time for usual treatment and even usual starvation almost does not remain. При перелетах или переездах с пересадками, в осложненных условиях, когда нет возможности даже очистить кишечник, можно предпринять попытку сухого голодания без очищения кишечника. When traveling or moving with transplants, in complicated conditions, when there is no way even to clear the intestine, you can try to dry fast without cleaning the intestines. Субъективно такое голодание будет переноситься намного хуже, но противовоспалительный результат будет точно таким же, а поскольку само лечение в силу высокой эффективности займет очень мало времени, то и восстановительный период тоже будет небольшим. Subjectively, such fasting will be much worse, but the anti-inflammatory result will be exactly the same, and since the treatment itself will take very little time due to high efficiency, the recovery period will also be small. Кратковременное сухое голодание, с успехом может быть использовано не только при лечении простудных заболеваний, но также во всех тех случаях, когда имеет место воспаление любого внутреннего органа (и внешнего тоже). Short-term dry fasting, with success can be used not only in the treatment of colds, but also in all cases where there is inflammation of any internal organ (and external, too). Голодание с одинаковым успехом лечит фурункулы на коже и воспаление печени (гепатит), воспаление внутреннего уха и воспаление надкостницы. Fasting with equal success heals furuncles on the skin and inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), inflammation of the inner ear and inflammation of the periosteum. Независимо от места нахождения воспаления эффект всегда очень хороший. Regardless of the location of the inflammation, the effect is always very good.
Very effective dry fasting with exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, etc.
During dry fasting , exo - and endotoxins burn , one can say, in their own furnace - each cell in the absence of water, triggers an internal thermonuclear reaction. Такой процесс ускоряет очищение организма. This process speeds up the cleansing of the body. Это снимает нагрузку с печени и улучшает её работу, голодание вызывает мягкий желчегонный эффект, восстанавливает клетки печени и ЖКТ. This removes the load from the liver and improves its work, fasting causes a mild choleretic effect, restores liver cells and the gastrointestinal tract. Больные желчнокаменной болезнью инстинктивно прибегают к голоданию, которое снимает болевой синдром и нормализует работу печени и желчного пузыря. Patients with cholelithiasis instinctively resort to starvation, which relieves pain and normalizes the work of the liver and gallbladder. Происходит естественное очищение печени – удаление ненужных продуктов, растворение камней. There is a natural cleansing of the liver - removing unnecessary products, dissolving stones.
Good results are also noted in the treatment of such a formidable disease as acute pancreatitis
Для получения хорошего терапевтического эффекта обычно бывает достаточно 10-15 дней влажного голодания или 4—5 дней сухого. To get a good therapeutic effect, it usually takes 10-15 days of wet fasting or 4-5 days of dryness. Основной принцип лечения при панкреатите — снятие болезненного синдрома, ликвидация шока, коллапса, обеспечение функционального покоя поджелудочной железе, устранение интоксикации.
In the course of treatment with dosed starvation, the blood sugar content in them decreased; во время восстановительного периода оно снова повышалось, но не переходило далеко за норму. During the recovery period, it again increased, but did not go far beyond the norm. Общее состояние пациентов становилось лучше: проходили слабость, зуд, жажда, исчезал повышенный аппетит.
Doctor Sargsyan from the Yerevan Endocrine Clinic conducted two- and three-fold fasting courses for 10-11 days for seriously ill patients. Одному больному грозила ампутация ноги в связи с гангреной стопы. One patient was threatened with leg amputation due to gangrene of the foot. После двух курсов по 11 дней все диабетические показатели (сахар в моче, в крови и др.) резко улучшились, гангренозное воспаление полностью прекратилось, необходимость ампутации ноги отпала, больной стал свободно ходить». After two courses of 11 days, all diabetic indicators (sugar in the urine, in the blood, etc.) improved dramatically, the gangrenous inflammation completely ceased, the need for amputation of the leg disappeared, the patient began to walk freely. "
Cleansing the body and preparing for starvation
Чтобы получить очень хороший, качественный лечебный эффект от сухого голодания к нему нужно идеально подготовится. To get a very good, high-quality therapeutic effect from dry fasting to it you need to prepare perfectly. Нужно провести хорошее качественное очищение организма, которое проводится за 2-3 месяца до начала голодания и призвано освободить организм человека от экзо— и эндотоксинов . It is necessary to conduct a good qualitative cleansing of the body, which is carried out 2-3 months before the onset of fasting and is designed to release the human body from exo- and endotoxins .
Заключается оно в проведении различных очистительных процедур и изменении питания. It consists in carrying out various cleaning procedures and changing food. Хорошее качественное питание позволит запасти организму необходимую во время голодания жизненную энергию, создать условия для полноценного качественного очищения желудочно — кишечного тракта . Good quality nutrition will allow the body to store the vital energy needed during fasting, create conditions for a full-fledged qualitative purification of the gastrointestinal tract . Изменив режим питания, нужно почистить кишечник и печень . Changing the diet, you need to clean the intestines and liver . Если этого не сделать, то во время голода в неочищенном толстом кишечнике, в результате ферментативных процессов разложения фекалий, образуется масса ядовитых газов (индол, скатол, сероводород и другие), которые, всасываясь в кровь, проходят по всему организму, вызывая сильнейшую интоксикацию, а затем в виде неприятного дыхания и запаха выводятся через легкие и кожу. If this is not done, then during the famine in the unclean colon, as a result of enzymatic decomposition of feces, a mass of poisonous gases (indole, scatol, hydrogen sulphide and others) are formed, which, absorbed into the blood, pass through the body, causing severe intoxication, and then in the form of unpleasant breath and odor are excreted through the lungs and skin. Выделение эндотоксинов через кожу — вот основная причина нейродермита и экземы . Isolation of endotoxins through the skin is the main cause of neurodermatitis and eczema . Проводя такой голод, человек испытывает только мучения и слабость. By carrying out such a famine, a person experiences only torment and weakness. Никакого улучшения самочувствия во время голода не наблюдается. There is no improvement in health during the famine. После предварительной подготовки выход эндотоксинов на голоде будет не таким мощным, и вы легко сможете провести несколько влажных тренировочных голоданий. After a preliminary preparation, the endotoxin output on hunger will not be so powerful, and you will easily be able to conduct several moist training fasting. А уж потом можно проводить сухое голодание. And then you can do dry fasting.
- Никогда не начинайте очищение кишечника и печени, не изменив режим и качество питания. Never start cleaning the intestines and liver without changing the regime and quality of nutrition.
- Не начинайте любое голодание, не почистив кишечник и печень. Do not start any fasting without cleaning the intestines and liver.
- Не проводите сухое голодание, не попробовав влажное. Do not dry fast without trying wet.
- Для того, чтобы получить максимальную пользу от голодания, надо чтобы голодания были регулярными, и сроки голодания увеличивать постепенно. In order to get the maximum benefit from starvation, it is necessary that fasting was regular, and the timing of fasting to increase gradually.
- Выход из голодания — это 70% лечебного результата, его нужно проводить особенно тщательно и аккуратно. Exit from fasting is 70% of the therapeutic result, it must be done especially carefully and carefully.
- 14 дней естественное правильное питание. 14 days of natural nutrition.
- 7 дней очищение кишечника и печени. 7 days purification of the intestine and liver.
- 7 дней голодание на гречневой каше или, кто не сможет, один день влажного голодания. 7 days fasting on buckwheat porridge or, who can not, one day of wet fasting.
- 1-я неделя — 1 день влажного голодания 1st week - 1 day of wet fasting
- 2-я неделя — 2 дня влажного голодания 2nd week - 2 days of wet fasting
- 3-я неделя — 3 дня ВГ 3rd week - 3 days of SH
- 4-я неделя — 5 — 7 дней ВГ для всех. 4-th week - 5 - 7 days SH for all.
- 1-я неделя — 1 день СГ. 1st week - 1 day SG.
- 2-я неделя — 2 дня СГ. 2nd week - 2 days SG.
- 3-я неделя — 3 дня СГ. 3rd week - 3 days SG.
- 4-я неделя — 4-5 дней СГ. 4 th week - 4-5 days SG.
Для тех, кто переносил все виды голодания можно сделать так, – это гораздо эффективней For those who suffered all kinds of starvation you can do so - it is much more effective - 1 сутки голод — 2 суток выход. 1 day hunger - 2 days out.
- 2 суток голод — 3 суток выход. 2 days hunger - 3 days out.
- 3 суток голод — 4 суток выход. 3 days hunger - 4 days out.
- 4 суток голод — 5 суток выход. 4 days hunger - 5 days out.
- 5 суток голод — выход из СГ. 5 days of hunger - exit from the SG.
With the help of bran can not only clean the intestines, but also lose weight without actually doing anything more,
Dietary fiber, contained in bran, is a nutrient medium for normal intestinal microflora, therefore bran is used in the complex treatment of intestinal dysbiosis. Кроме того, кишечные бактерии, употребляя клетчатку, выделяют незаменимые витамины группы В. Набухая под действием воды, пищевая клетчатка формирует большой объем каловых масс — более рыхлых, что облегчает опорожнение кишечника и избавляет от запоров. In addition, intestinal bacteria, using fiber, secrete the essential vitamins of group B. Nabuhaya under the action of water, dietary fiber forms a large volume of feces - more friable, which facilitates the emptying of the intestine and relieves constipation.
BRAN imp
Scheme of therapeutic chewing
- Первая неделя — каждая ложка пищи, положенная в рот (завтрак, обед, ужин), The first week - every spoon of food put in the mouth (breakfast, lunch, dinner),
жуется ОДНУ минуту. chewed ONE minute. - Вторая неделя — ДВЕ минуты. The second week is TWO MINUTES.
- Третья неделя — ТРИ минуты. The third week is three minutes.
- Четвертая — ДВЕ минуты. The fourth is TWO MINUTES.
- Пятая — ОДНУ минуту. The fifth is ONE minute.
It is ideal to chew: one chewing on each tooth and three for each missing tooth. В результате формируется условный рефлекс на длительное пережевывание пищи (30–40секунд). As a result, a conditioned reflex is formed for a long chewing of food (30-40 seconds). Как показывает опыт, длительное лечебное жевание лечит практически все болезни, поскольку во время жевания в этот процесс включаются все системы организма: пищеварительная, нервная, эндокринная и другие. Experience shows that prolonged medical chewing treats almost all diseases, since during chewing this process includes all the body systems: digestive, nervous, endocrine and others. В первую очередь лечатся болезни желудочно-кишечного тракта: язва желудка, гастрит, дуоденит, панкреатит и даже диабет. First of all, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated: gastric ulcer, gastritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis and even diabetes. Нормализуется работа пищевода (устраняются его дивертикулы) и толстого кишечника. The work of the esophagus is normalized (its diverticula is eliminated) and the colon. Чистится печень, лечатся нервные болезни и заболевания щитовидной железы, аппендицит. The liver is cleaned, nervous diseases and diseases of the thyroid gland, appendicitis are treated. При этом происходит процесс нормализации веса: за пять недель лишний вес снижается на 5-10 кг, а недостаточный вес приходит в норму. Thus there is a process of normalization of weight: for five weeks the excess weight is reduced by 5-10 kg, and underweight comes back to normal. Нормализуется обмен веществ. The metabolism is normalized.
Consider two examples of food intake.
Первый. First.
Быстрая еда, внимание на процесс приема пищи отсутствует, и тому подобные обстоятельства. Fast food, attention to the process of eating is absent, and similar circumstances. Пища, не задерживаясь во рту, быстро попадает в желудок, где в верхней части вырабатывается соляная кислота. Food, not staying in the mouth, quickly falls into the stomach, where hydrochloric acid is produced in the upper part. Ее воздействие на смесь белков, жиров и углеводов вызывает брожение и образование браги, выделение спирта. Its effect on a mixture of proteins, fats and carbohydrates causes fermentation and the formation of brags, the liberation of alcohol. Из этой смеси можно гнать самогон. From this mixture you can drive moonshine. Далее пища должна ощелачиваться и идти в двенадцатиперстную кишку, но ее не пускает привратник (клапан из желудка в двенадцатиперстную кишку), пока РН (показатель химического состава пищи) не будет равен 7,8 (такова величина РН в двенадцатиперстной кишке). Next, the food should be alkalized and go to the duodenum, but the pylorus (valve from the stomach to the duodenum) will not let it go until pH is 7.8 (this is the pH value in the duodenum). Здоровый привратник ждет, пока РН не достигнет такой величины. A healthy gatekeeper waits until the pH reaches this value. На это организм расходует энергию и ресурсы. The organism spends energy and resources on this. Но так бывает в молодости. But it happens in youth.
С годами из-за снижения энергетических возможностей организма при быстрой еде происходит анемия привратника, и он перестает работать. Over the years, due to a decrease in the body's energy capacity, fast food causes an anemia of the gatekeeper, and he stops working. В результате непереваренная пища идет в двенадцатиперстную кишку, а та либо из-за несоответствия РН поступившей пищи тому РН, который заложено природой в программу ее работы, возвращает ее обратно в желудок, либо в тонкий кишечник, который, если здоров (имеет необходимые ферменты и витамины за счет наличия нужных бактерий), может это содержимое переварить. As a result, undigested food goes to the duodenum, and either because of the disagreement of the food delivered to the pH, which is inherent in the nature of the program of its work, returns it back to the stomach, or to the small intestine, which, if healthy (has the necessary enzymes and vitamins due to the presence of the right bacteria), can digest this content.
А если дисбактериоз, то пища попадает в толстый кишечник, где она налипает на стенки, а необходимые организму питательные вещества высасываются из этой смеси. And if the dysbacteriosis, the food gets into the large intestine, where it sticks to the walls, and nutrients necessary for the body are sucked from this mixture. Тогда как должно было это произойти в двенадцатиперстной кишке. Then how it should have happened in the duodenum. В итоге не стенках толстого кишечника образуются наслоения в виде камней, освободиться от которых очень трудно или невозможно. As a result, no layers of the large intestine are formed layers in the form of stones, to free themselves from which is very difficult or impossible. Вот вам и источник всех болезней. This is the source of all diseases.
A significant decrease in consumed food (by 2-4 times) prevents the appearance of excess weight after the course of therapeutic chewing, reduces food costs, reduces the amount of toxins produced in the body, facilitating the work of separation systems, contributing to their recovery.
I will try to tell you about dry fasting for up to five days, more at home is not recommended.
Наиболее идеально проводить его по таким схемам: It is most ideal to conduct it according to such schemes:
During the fasting all your diseases can become aggravated, this need not be feared - any natural treatment goes through exacerbation, the more fasting can always be interrupted without damage to health
Breathe only with the nose.
Верблюд, который чемпион по сухому голоданию , дышит только носом. The camel, who is the champion of dry starvation , breathes only with his nose. Чем опасно голодание без воды для тех, кто дышит ртом: в это время идёт процесс ускоренного обезвоживания организма из-за постоянно высушиваемой ротовой полости! What is dangerous is fasting without water for those who breathe with their mouths: at this time there is a process of accelerated dehydration of the body due to the constantly dried oral cavity! И ещё есть много причин, по которым нельзя использовать голодание без воды при ротовом дыхании. And there are many reasons why you can not use fasting without water with mouth breathing. Научитесь дышать носом, и тогда использование голодания без воды будет очень эффективным. Learn to breathe through your nose, and then using fasting without water will be very effective.
Try not to talk.
Лучше всего обет молчания, т. е. тщательно экономить энергию, любой оратор теряет за два часа своих выступлений до трёх литров жидкости, помните про это. The best vow of silence, that is, carefully saving energy, any speaker loses for two hours of his speeches to three liters of fluid, remember this. Строго держать закрытым рот. Strictly keep your mouth shut. Желательно воздерживаться от полоскания рта и чистки зубов. It is advisable to refrain from rinsing your mouth and brushing your teeth.
Обязательно гулять на природе. Must walk in nature.
It is noted that if you spend all day at home on hunger, your health worsens, weakness and chilliness increase. Напротив, после прогулок или работы на свежем воздухе, хотя и может ощущаться физическая усталость, настроение и самочувствие обычно хорошие, человек бодр и весел. On the contrary, after walking or working in the open air, although physical fatigue can be felt, the mood and well-being are usually good, the person is cheerful and cheerful. Но как я всегда говорю своим пациентам, гулять надо, как кошки. But as I always tell my patients, I have to walk like cats. Движения должны быть мягкими, плавными, спокойными. Movements should be soft, smooth, calm. Не делать резких подъемов, исключить излишние физические нагрузки, усилия. Do not make sudden climbs, exclude unnecessary physical activity, effort.
Conducting short-term SG can use a cool shower (holding the mouth closed). Если чувствуете себя нормально, то это можно не делать, лечебный эффект будет сильнее. If you feel fine, you can not do it, the therapeutic effect will be stronger.
Shave on hunger, even with an electric razor, do not. На СГ происходит перераспределение ресурсов жизнеобеспечения. At the SG is a redistribution of life support resources. Все, без чего может обойтись организм, обеспечивается по минимуму. All that the body can do without is provided at a minimum. Борода начинает расти медленнее, да и ногти тоже. The beard begins to grow slower, and the nails also.
During the passage of the SG wear light, simple, "breathing" clothing, the best linen, categorically prohibited synthetics.
In the morning it is good to walk barefoot, which tones well the body and is a diuretic. Ночью, если есть такая возможность, лучше спать на свежем воздухе. At night, if there is such an opportunity, it is better to sleep in the fresh air. Днём лучше не спать. In the daytime, it is better not to sleep.
Периодически проветривать помещение, в котором находитесь, ночью оставлять открытой форточку, окно или балконную дверь. Periodically ventilate the room in which you are, at night leave an open window, window or balcony door.
Очень полезно во время прохождения СГ делать гипоксические тренировки. It is very useful during the passage of SG to do hypoxic training.
They are done this way: calm breath, exhale, hold your breath as long as you can. Постепенно надо увеличивать задержку. Gradually, you need to increase the delay. Это очень полезно для организма во время СГ. This is very useful for the body during the SG. Когда клетки живут в комфортных условиях, они привыкают к постоянному уровню и объему поступающего кислорода и теряют способность эффективно связывать и использовать кислород для получения необходимой энергии. When cells live in comfortable conditions, they get used to the constant level and volume of incoming oxygen and lose the ability to effectively bind and use oxygen to obtain the necessary energy. Зачем экономить, когда добра и так хватает? Why save when good enough? Клетки как бы «ленятся» синтезировать структуры, в которых на данный момент нет особой необходимости. Cells seem to be "lazy" to synthesize structures, in which at the moment there is no special need. Поэтому при внезапном ухудшении коронарного кровообращения такие клетки не в состоянии быстро «перестроиться», перейти на другой тип внутриклеточного обмена. Therefore, with a sudden deterioration of the coronary circulation such cells are not in a position to quickly "reorganize", to switch to another type of intracellular metabolism. Количество вырабатываемой энергии в клетке резко падает и она гибнет. The amount of energy produced in the cell drops sharply and it dies. Если же периодически давать дозируемую гипоксическую нагрузку, клетки организма, и в том числе сердечная мышца, будут испытывать кислородный голод. If you periodically give a dosed hypoxic load, the cells of the body, including the heart muscle, will experience oxygen hunger. Резкого ухудшения ситуации не происходит, потому что нагрузки строго дозированы, все клетки остаются полностью сохранными в функциональном отношении. A sharp deterioration of the situation does not occur, because the loads are strictly dosed, all the cells remain fully functional. Но искусственно созданные новые условия потребуют от организма адаптационной реакции. But artificially created new conditions will require an adaptive reaction from the body. Клетки сердечной мышцы начинают «учитывать» этот фактор, изменяются обменные процессы, «материализуются» структуры антигипоксической защиты. Cells of the heart muscle begin to "take into account" this factor, the metabolic processes change, the structures of antihypoxic protection "materialize". Теперь внезапная, неконтролируемая, гипоксическая нагрузка не вызовет повреждения структур миокарда, ведь его клетки уже «научены», они имеют аппарат, способный эффективно связывать и использовать кислород крови, полностью обеспечивая себя энергией даже в условиях многократного ухудшения кровотока. Now a sudden, uncontrolled, hypoxic load will not cause damage to the structures of the myocardium, as its cells are already "taught", they have an apparatus capable of effectively binding and using blood oxygen, fully providing itself with energy even in conditions of multiple deterioration of blood flow.
It is advisable to sit before the famine all day on lactic acid foods....kefir,fermented
2 nd day
На 2-й день обычно может появится желание поесть, но его надо преодолеть. On the second day there may usually be a desire to eat, but it must be overcome. Поделать упражнение для снятия чувства голода. Do an exercise to relieve the feeling of hunger. Иногда может быть головокружение, головная боль, сосание под ложечкой. Sometimes there may be dizziness, headache, sucking in the pit of the stomach. Этих симптомов не надо бояться — это начинается процесс эндогенной перестройки и очищения организма. These symptoms do not need to be afraid - it starts the process of endogenous restructuring and purification of the body. Надо побольше гулять и находится на свежем воздухе вечером перед сном поделать упражнения на расслабление. It is necessary to walk more and is on the fresh air in the evening before going to bed doing relaxation exercises.
The third day.
В этот день обычно у большинства проводящих СГ начинается Ацидоз. At this day, usually the majority of conducting SG begins Acidosis. Очень важный момент СГ — это ацидотический криз, который наступает после перехода на эндогенное питание. A very important point of the SG is an acidotic crisis that occurs after switching to endogenous nutrition. Не пугайтесь плохого самочувствия в этот период, для начинающих он обычно наступает на 3-и сутки. Do not be afraid of poor health in this period, for beginners, it usually comes on the third day. (Но для некоторых людей период перехода на эндогенное питание в течение 5— дневного суточного СГ может проходить без выраженного ацидотического криза). (But for some people the period of transition to endogenous nutrition during a 5-day diurnal SG can take place without a pronounced acidotic crisis). Ацидотический криз наступает тогда, когда концентрация кетоновых тел (продуктов неполного распада триглицеридов или жиров) в организме нарастает, а способ утилизации их не найден. The acidic crisis occurs when the concentration of ketone bodies (products of incomplete decomposition of triglycerides or fats) in the body increases, and the method of utilization is not found. В этот период проявляется плохое самочувствие, ощущаются типичные признаки интоксикации. During this period, poor health appears, typical symptoms of intoxication are felt. Однако, как только начинается утилизация кетоновых тел, концентрация их перестает нарастать и, поскольку кетоновые тела являются высокоэнергетичными компонентами, на них, как на топливе, начинается синтез новых аминокислот, что может приводить к регенерации тканей. However, as soon as the utilization of ketone bodies begins, their concentration ceases to increase and, since ketone bodies are high-energy components, synthesis of new amino acids starts on them, as fuel, which can lead to tissue regeneration. Процесс регенерации может происходить с сильными болями, и к этому следует быть готовым. The process of regeneration can occur with severe pain, and this should be prepared. На начальных этапах СГ ацидотический криз может произойти на 4-е, 3-и или даже на 2-е сутки после начала СГ. At the initial stages of hypertension, an acidotic crisis can occur on the 4th, 3rd or even the 2nd day after the onset of hypertension. С каждым новым голоданием он наступает раньше. With each new starvation, he comes earlier. Чем быстрее он проходит, тем больше времени остается для обновления организма. The faster it passes, the more time it takes to update the body. Например, если ацидотический криз наступит на 2-е сутки, то на регенерацию останется 3-е суток. For example, if the acidotic crisis occurs on the 2nd day, then the regeneration will remain for 3 days. В это время может появится запах ацетона изо рта, тошнота, головокружение, нехватка воздуха, слабость. At this time, there may be a smell of acetone from the mouth, nausea, dizziness, lack of air, weakness. Чувство голода ослабевает, жажда терпима. The feeling of hunger is weakening, the thirst is tolerable. Кровяное давление колеблется в зависимости от особенностей организма. Blood pressure varies depending on the characteristics of the body. Не надо пугаться никаких явлений, так как из-за приспособления организма к новым условиям жизнедеятельности симптоматика несколько обостряется. Do not be frightened of any phenomena, because due to the adaptation of the organism to the new conditions of life, the symptoms are somewhat exacerbated. Самое лучшее в этот период спокойные, медленные прогулки на природе. The best in this period are quiet, slow walks in nature.
th day.
Давление падает или может подняться, температура тела может повышаться. Pressure drops or can rise, body temperature can rise. Это физиологически нормальное явление при СГ. This is a physiologically normal phenomenon with SG. Возможен озноб или жар в зависимости от характера пациента и симптоматики заболевания, а также от пола и возраста. Chills or fever may occur depending on the nature of the patient and the symptoms of the disease, as well as on the sex and age. Как мы уже знаем во время сухого голодания происходит сжигание токсинов, можно сказать, в собственной топке – каждая клетка в отсутствие воды, запускает внутреннюю термоядерную реакцию. As we already know during dry fasting , toxins are burned, you can say in your own furnace - every cell in the absence of water, triggers an internal thermonuclear reaction. Получается своеобразный экстремальный экспресс метод уничтожения внутри клетки всего лишнего, тяжелого, болезненного. It turns out a kind of extreme express method of destroying everything superfluous, heavy, painful inside the cell. Каждая клетка на время превращается в мини топку, мини реактор. Each cell for a time turns into a mini furnace, a mini reactor. Происходит, как – бы повышение внутренней температуры организма. It occurs, as an increase in the internal temperature of the body. Эту температуру можно и не зарегистрировать термометром, но она ощущается людьми во время прохождения сухого голодания , как внутренний жар, или « огонь». This temperature can not be registered with a thermometer, but it is felt by people during the passage of dry fasting , like internal heat, or "fire". Самым важным моментом в этом состоянии является то, что температура сама по себе — важная часть защитных реакций. The most important point in this state is that the temperature itself is an important part of protective reactions. По своему опыту мы знаем, что при температуре уничтожаются все шлаки, яды, даже раковые клетки и то полностью приостанавливают свою жизнедеятельность. In our experience, we know that at a temperature all slags, poisons, even cancer cells are destroyed, and then completely suspend their vital activity. Такой процесс ускоряет выздоровление. This process speeds up recovery. Реагируя повышением температуры тела, организм вызывает замедление роста микроорганизмов. Reacting with an increase in body temperature, the body causes a slowdown in the growth of microorganisms. Иммунной системе становится легче выследить и убить всё чужеродное и изменённоё. It becomes easier for the immune system to hunt down and kill all the alien and changed. Также наблюдается снижение порога холода, нормализация терморегуляционных процессов, выражающихся в приливах жара и требующих применение холодной воды, которая стабилизирует состояние пациента. Also, there is a decrease in the cold threshold, normalization of thermoregulation processes, expressed in hot flashes and requiring the use of cold water, which stabilizes the patient's condition. Все простудные заболевания совершенно исключены. All catarrhal diseases are completely excluded. В это время можно ходить босиком по снегу или росе, обливаться холодной ледяной водой, гулять обнажённым на природе. At this time you can walk barefoot in the snow or dew, pour cold ice water, walk naked in nature.
The 5th day.
Начинают обостряться все хронические заболевания и даже те, про которые мы и не знали. All chronic diseases begin to worsen, and even those that we did not even know about. Наиболее пораженные болезнями органы дают о себе знать болями, и к этому надо быть готовым. The most affected organs are painful, and you need to be prepared for this. Надо поблагодарить свой организм за такую хорошую целительную работу. I must thank my body for such a good healing work. Если появляется тошнота, то хорошо помогает массаж живота и холод на область печени. If there is nausea, then massage of the abdomen and cold on the liver region helps. Если тяжело гулять, то лучше полежать в спокойном прохладном месте и послушать хорошую классическую музыку. If it's hard to walk, then it's better to lie in a cool cool place and listen to good classical music. Вследствие борьбы организма с недугами повышается температура тела, и человек чувствует жар. Due to the body struggling with illnesses, the body temperature rises, and the person feels the heat. Кровяное давление может повыситься или понизиться в зависимости от индивидуальных особенностей организма. Blood pressure may increase or decrease depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Можно принять холодный душ, бывать чаще на воздухе в облегченной одежде или даже без нее при любой погоде, несмотря на погоду . You can take a cold shower, often in the air in light clothing or even without it in any weather, despite the weather. Если есть снег, можно ходить по нему босиком. If there is snow, you can walk on it barefoot. Может быть бессонница, усиливается жажда, давление может прыгать. There may be insomnia, thirst increasing, pressure can jump. В основном потеря веса во время прохождения СГ, от 1 до 2 кг, в зависимости от того с каким весом вошёл в голод и какая была двигательная активность. Mostly weight loss during the passage of the SG, from 1 to 2 kg, depending on how much weight went into hunger and what was the motor activity. Конечно, каждый человек по своему уникален и индивидуален, У него сухое голодание может проходить совершенно по другому, но я старался описать те проявления, которые я наблюдал у большинства пациентов. Of course, each person is unique and individual by nature, his dry fasting can go completely different, but I tried to describe the manifestations that I observed in most patients.
At 12 o'clock you should eat warm protein broth
This is necessary because after the end of the SG organism for the synthesis of proteins and new cells desperately needs "building material", which is an animal protein. Нарушение этого правила может привести к отрицательным последствиям! Violation of this rule can lead to negative consequences!
Первый. First.
Быстрая еда, внимание на процесс приема пищи отсутствует, и тому подобные обстоятельства. Fast food, attention to the process of eating is absent, and similar circumstances. Пища, не задерживаясь во рту, быстро попадает в желудок, где в верхней части вырабатывается соляная кислота. Food, not staying in the mouth, quickly falls into the stomach, where hydrochloric acid is produced in the upper part. Ее воздействие на смесь белков, жиров и углеводов вызывает брожение и образование браги, выделение спирта. Its effect on a mixture of proteins, fats and carbohydrates causes fermentation and the formation of brags, the liberation of alcohol. Из этой смеси можно гнать самогон. From this mixture you can drive moonshine. Далее пища должна ощелачиваться и идти в двенадцатиперстную кишку, но ее не пускает привратник (клапан из желудка в двенадцатиперстную кишку), пока РН (показатель химического состава пищи) не будет равен 7,8 (такова величина РН в двенадцатиперстной кишке). Next, the food should be alkalized and go to the duodenum, but the pylorus (valve from the stomach to the duodenum) will not let it go until pH is 7.8 (this is the pH value in the duodenum). Здоровый привратник ждет, пока РН не достигнет такой величины. A healthy gatekeeper waits until the pH reaches this value. На это организм расходует энергию и ресурсы. The organism spends energy and resources on this. Но так бывает в молодости. But it happens in youth.
С годами из-за снижения энергетических возможностей организма при быстрой еде происходит анемия привратника, и он перестает работать. Over the years, due to a decrease in the body's energy capacity, fast food causes an anemia of the gatekeeper, and he stops working. В результате непереваренная пища идет в двенадцатиперстную кишку, а та либо из-за несоответствия РН поступившей пищи тому РН, который заложено природой в программу ее работы, возвращает ее обратно в желудок, либо в тонкий кишечник, который, если здоров (имеет необходимые ферменты и витамины за счет наличия нужных бактерий), может это содержимое переварить. As a result, undigested food goes to the duodenum, and either because of the disagreement of the food delivered to the pH, which is inherent in the nature of the program of its work, returns it back to the stomach, or to the small intestine, which, if healthy (has the necessary enzymes and vitamins due to the presence of the right bacteria), can digest this content.
А если дисбактериоз, то пища попадает в толстый кишечник, где она налипает на стенки, а необходимые организму питательные вещества высасываются из этой смеси. And if the dysbacteriosis, the food gets into the large intestine, where it sticks to the walls, and nutrients necessary for the body are sucked from this mixture. Тогда как должно было это произойти в двенадцатиперстной кишке. Then how it should have happened in the duodenum. В итоге не стенках толстого кишечника образуются наслоения в виде камней, освободиться от которых очень трудно или невозможно. As a result, no layers of the large intestine are formed layers in the form of stones, to free themselves from which is very difficult or impossible. Вот вам и источник всех болезней. This is the source of all diseases.
A significant decrease in consumed food (by 2-4 times) prevents the appearance of excess weight after the course of therapeutic chewing, reduces food costs, reduces the amount of toxins produced in the body, facilitating the work of separation systems, contributing to their recovery.
I will try to tell you about dry fasting for up to five days, more at home is not recommended.
Наиболее идеально проводить его по таким схемам: It is most ideal to conduct it according to such schemes:
During the fasting all your diseases can become aggravated, this need not be feared - any natural treatment goes through exacerbation, the more fasting can always be interrupted without damage to health
Breathe only with the nose.
Верблюд, который чемпион по сухому голоданию , дышит только носом. The camel, who is the champion of dry starvation , breathes only with his nose. Чем опасно голодание без воды для тех, кто дышит ртом: в это время идёт процесс ускоренного обезвоживания организма из-за постоянно высушиваемой ротовой полости! What is dangerous is fasting without water for those who breathe with their mouths: at this time there is a process of accelerated dehydration of the body due to the constantly dried oral cavity! И ещё есть много причин, по которым нельзя использовать голодание без воды при ротовом дыхании. And there are many reasons why you can not use fasting without water with mouth breathing. Научитесь дышать носом, и тогда использование голодания без воды будет очень эффективным. Learn to breathe through your nose, and then using fasting without water will be very effective.
Try not to talk.
Лучше всего обет молчания, т. е. тщательно экономить энергию, любой оратор теряет за два часа своих выступлений до трёх литров жидкости, помните про это. The best vow of silence, that is, carefully saving energy, any speaker loses for two hours of his speeches to three liters of fluid, remember this. Строго держать закрытым рот. Strictly keep your mouth shut. Желательно воздерживаться от полоскания рта и чистки зубов. It is advisable to refrain from rinsing your mouth and brushing your teeth.
Обязательно гулять на природе. Must walk in nature.
It is noted that if you spend all day at home on hunger, your health worsens, weakness and chilliness increase. Напротив, после прогулок или работы на свежем воздухе, хотя и может ощущаться физическая усталость, настроение и самочувствие обычно хорошие, человек бодр и весел. On the contrary, after walking or working in the open air, although physical fatigue can be felt, the mood and well-being are usually good, the person is cheerful and cheerful. Но как я всегда говорю своим пациентам, гулять надо, как кошки. But as I always tell my patients, I have to walk like cats. Движения должны быть мягкими, плавными, спокойными. Movements should be soft, smooth, calm. Не делать резких подъемов, исключить излишние физические нагрузки, усилия. Do not make sudden climbs, exclude unnecessary physical activity, effort.
Conducting short-term SG can use a cool shower (holding the mouth closed). Если чувствуете себя нормально, то это можно не делать, лечебный эффект будет сильнее. If you feel fine, you can not do it, the therapeutic effect will be stronger.
Shave on hunger, even with an electric razor, do not. На СГ происходит перераспределение ресурсов жизнеобеспечения. At the SG is a redistribution of life support resources. Все, без чего может обойтись организм, обеспечивается по минимуму. All that the body can do without is provided at a minimum. Борода начинает расти медленнее, да и ногти тоже. The beard begins to grow slower, and the nails also.
During the passage of the SG wear light, simple, "breathing" clothing, the best linen, categorically prohibited synthetics.
In the morning it is good to walk barefoot, which tones well the body and is a diuretic. Ночью, если есть такая возможность, лучше спать на свежем воздухе. At night, if there is such an opportunity, it is better to sleep in the fresh air. Днём лучше не спать. In the daytime, it is better not to sleep.
Периодически проветривать помещение, в котором находитесь, ночью оставлять открытой форточку, окно или балконную дверь. Periodically ventilate the room in which you are, at night leave an open window, window or balcony door.
Очень полезно во время прохождения СГ делать гипоксические тренировки. It is very useful during the passage of SG to do hypoxic training.
They are done this way: calm breath, exhale, hold your breath as long as you can. Постепенно надо увеличивать задержку. Gradually, you need to increase the delay. Это очень полезно для организма во время СГ. This is very useful for the body during the SG. Когда клетки живут в комфортных условиях, они привыкают к постоянному уровню и объему поступающего кислорода и теряют способность эффективно связывать и использовать кислород для получения необходимой энергии. When cells live in comfortable conditions, they get used to the constant level and volume of incoming oxygen and lose the ability to effectively bind and use oxygen to obtain the necessary energy. Зачем экономить, когда добра и так хватает? Why save when good enough? Клетки как бы «ленятся» синтезировать структуры, в которых на данный момент нет особой необходимости. Cells seem to be "lazy" to synthesize structures, in which at the moment there is no special need. Поэтому при внезапном ухудшении коронарного кровообращения такие клетки не в состоянии быстро «перестроиться», перейти на другой тип внутриклеточного обмена. Therefore, with a sudden deterioration of the coronary circulation such cells are not in a position to quickly "reorganize", to switch to another type of intracellular metabolism. Количество вырабатываемой энергии в клетке резко падает и она гибнет. The amount of energy produced in the cell drops sharply and it dies. Если же периодически давать дозируемую гипоксическую нагрузку, клетки организма, и в том числе сердечная мышца, будут испытывать кислородный голод. If you periodically give a dosed hypoxic load, the cells of the body, including the heart muscle, will experience oxygen hunger. Резкого ухудшения ситуации не происходит, потому что нагрузки строго дозированы, все клетки остаются полностью сохранными в функциональном отношении. A sharp deterioration of the situation does not occur, because the loads are strictly dosed, all the cells remain fully functional. Но искусственно созданные новые условия потребуют от организма адаптационной реакции. But artificially created new conditions will require an adaptive reaction from the body. Клетки сердечной мышцы начинают «учитывать» этот фактор, изменяются обменные процессы, «материализуются» структуры антигипоксической защиты. Cells of the heart muscle begin to "take into account" this factor, the metabolic processes change, the structures of antihypoxic protection "materialize". Теперь внезапная, неконтролируемая, гипоксическая нагрузка не вызовет повреждения структур миокарда, ведь его клетки уже «научены», они имеют аппарат, способный эффективно связывать и использовать кислород крови, полностью обеспечивая себя энергией даже в условиях многократного ухудшения кровотока. Now a sudden, uncontrolled, hypoxic load will not cause damage to the structures of the myocardium, as its cells are already "taught", they have an apparatus capable of effectively binding and using blood oxygen, fully providing itself with energy even in conditions of multiple deterioration of blood flow.
It is advisable to sit before the famine all day on lactic acid foods....kefir,fermented
2 nd day
На 2-й день обычно может появится желание поесть, но его надо преодолеть. On the second day there may usually be a desire to eat, but it must be overcome. Поделать упражнение для снятия чувства голода. Do an exercise to relieve the feeling of hunger. Иногда может быть головокружение, головная боль, сосание под ложечкой. Sometimes there may be dizziness, headache, sucking in the pit of the stomach. Этих симптомов не надо бояться — это начинается процесс эндогенной перестройки и очищения организма. These symptoms do not need to be afraid - it starts the process of endogenous restructuring and purification of the body. Надо побольше гулять и находится на свежем воздухе вечером перед сном поделать упражнения на расслабление. It is necessary to walk more and is on the fresh air in the evening before going to bed doing relaxation exercises.
The third day.
В этот день обычно у большинства проводящих СГ начинается Ацидоз. At this day, usually the majority of conducting SG begins Acidosis. Очень важный момент СГ — это ацидотический криз, который наступает после перехода на эндогенное питание. A very important point of the SG is an acidotic crisis that occurs after switching to endogenous nutrition. Не пугайтесь плохого самочувствия в этот период, для начинающих он обычно наступает на 3-и сутки. Do not be afraid of poor health in this period, for beginners, it usually comes on the third day. (Но для некоторых людей период перехода на эндогенное питание в течение 5— дневного суточного СГ может проходить без выраженного ацидотического криза). (But for some people the period of transition to endogenous nutrition during a 5-day diurnal SG can take place without a pronounced acidotic crisis). Ацидотический криз наступает тогда, когда концентрация кетоновых тел (продуктов неполного распада триглицеридов или жиров) в организме нарастает, а способ утилизации их не найден. The acidic crisis occurs when the concentration of ketone bodies (products of incomplete decomposition of triglycerides or fats) in the body increases, and the method of utilization is not found. В этот период проявляется плохое самочувствие, ощущаются типичные признаки интоксикации. During this period, poor health appears, typical symptoms of intoxication are felt. Однако, как только начинается утилизация кетоновых тел, концентрация их перестает нарастать и, поскольку кетоновые тела являются высокоэнергетичными компонентами, на них, как на топливе, начинается синтез новых аминокислот, что может приводить к регенерации тканей. However, as soon as the utilization of ketone bodies begins, their concentration ceases to increase and, since ketone bodies are high-energy components, synthesis of new amino acids starts on them, as fuel, which can lead to tissue regeneration. Процесс регенерации может происходить с сильными болями, и к этому следует быть готовым. The process of regeneration can occur with severe pain, and this should be prepared. На начальных этапах СГ ацидотический криз может произойти на 4-е, 3-и или даже на 2-е сутки после начала СГ. At the initial stages of hypertension, an acidotic crisis can occur on the 4th, 3rd or even the 2nd day after the onset of hypertension. С каждым новым голоданием он наступает раньше. With each new starvation, he comes earlier. Чем быстрее он проходит, тем больше времени остается для обновления организма. The faster it passes, the more time it takes to update the body. Например, если ацидотический криз наступит на 2-е сутки, то на регенерацию останется 3-е суток. For example, if the acidotic crisis occurs on the 2nd day, then the regeneration will remain for 3 days. В это время может появится запах ацетона изо рта, тошнота, головокружение, нехватка воздуха, слабость. At this time, there may be a smell of acetone from the mouth, nausea, dizziness, lack of air, weakness. Чувство голода ослабевает, жажда терпима. The feeling of hunger is weakening, the thirst is tolerable. Кровяное давление колеблется в зависимости от особенностей организма. Blood pressure varies depending on the characteristics of the body. Не надо пугаться никаких явлений, так как из-за приспособления организма к новым условиям жизнедеятельности симптоматика несколько обостряется. Do not be frightened of any phenomena, because due to the adaptation of the organism to the new conditions of life, the symptoms are somewhat exacerbated. Самое лучшее в этот период спокойные, медленные прогулки на природе. The best in this period are quiet, slow walks in nature.
th day.
Давление падает или может подняться, температура тела может повышаться. Pressure drops or can rise, body temperature can rise. Это физиологически нормальное явление при СГ. This is a physiologically normal phenomenon with SG. Возможен озноб или жар в зависимости от характера пациента и симптоматики заболевания, а также от пола и возраста. Chills or fever may occur depending on the nature of the patient and the symptoms of the disease, as well as on the sex and age. Как мы уже знаем во время сухого голодания происходит сжигание токсинов, можно сказать, в собственной топке – каждая клетка в отсутствие воды, запускает внутреннюю термоядерную реакцию. As we already know during dry fasting , toxins are burned, you can say in your own furnace - every cell in the absence of water, triggers an internal thermonuclear reaction. Получается своеобразный экстремальный экспресс метод уничтожения внутри клетки всего лишнего, тяжелого, болезненного. It turns out a kind of extreme express method of destroying everything superfluous, heavy, painful inside the cell. Каждая клетка на время превращается в мини топку, мини реактор. Each cell for a time turns into a mini furnace, a mini reactor. Происходит, как – бы повышение внутренней температуры организма. It occurs, as an increase in the internal temperature of the body. Эту температуру можно и не зарегистрировать термометром, но она ощущается людьми во время прохождения сухого голодания , как внутренний жар, или « огонь». This temperature can not be registered with a thermometer, but it is felt by people during the passage of dry fasting , like internal heat, or "fire". Самым важным моментом в этом состоянии является то, что температура сама по себе — важная часть защитных реакций. The most important point in this state is that the temperature itself is an important part of protective reactions. По своему опыту мы знаем, что при температуре уничтожаются все шлаки, яды, даже раковые клетки и то полностью приостанавливают свою жизнедеятельность. In our experience, we know that at a temperature all slags, poisons, even cancer cells are destroyed, and then completely suspend their vital activity. Такой процесс ускоряет выздоровление. This process speeds up recovery. Реагируя повышением температуры тела, организм вызывает замедление роста микроорганизмов. Reacting with an increase in body temperature, the body causes a slowdown in the growth of microorganisms. Иммунной системе становится легче выследить и убить всё чужеродное и изменённоё. It becomes easier for the immune system to hunt down and kill all the alien and changed. Также наблюдается снижение порога холода, нормализация терморегуляционных процессов, выражающихся в приливах жара и требующих применение холодной воды, которая стабилизирует состояние пациента. Also, there is a decrease in the cold threshold, normalization of thermoregulation processes, expressed in hot flashes and requiring the use of cold water, which stabilizes the patient's condition. Все простудные заболевания совершенно исключены. All catarrhal diseases are completely excluded. В это время можно ходить босиком по снегу или росе, обливаться холодной ледяной водой, гулять обнажённым на природе. At this time you can walk barefoot in the snow or dew, pour cold ice water, walk naked in nature.
The 5th day.
Начинают обостряться все хронические заболевания и даже те, про которые мы и не знали. All chronic diseases begin to worsen, and even those that we did not even know about. Наиболее пораженные болезнями органы дают о себе знать болями, и к этому надо быть готовым. The most affected organs are painful, and you need to be prepared for this. Надо поблагодарить свой организм за такую хорошую целительную работу. I must thank my body for such a good healing work. Если появляется тошнота, то хорошо помогает массаж живота и холод на область печени. If there is nausea, then massage of the abdomen and cold on the liver region helps. Если тяжело гулять, то лучше полежать в спокойном прохладном месте и послушать хорошую классическую музыку. If it's hard to walk, then it's better to lie in a cool cool place and listen to good classical music. Вследствие борьбы организма с недугами повышается температура тела, и человек чувствует жар. Due to the body struggling with illnesses, the body temperature rises, and the person feels the heat. Кровяное давление может повыситься или понизиться в зависимости от индивидуальных особенностей организма. Blood pressure may increase or decrease depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Можно принять холодный душ, бывать чаще на воздухе в облегченной одежде или даже без нее при любой погоде, несмотря на погоду . You can take a cold shower, often in the air in light clothing or even without it in any weather, despite the weather. Если есть снег, можно ходить по нему босиком. If there is snow, you can walk on it barefoot. Может быть бессонница, усиливается жажда, давление может прыгать. There may be insomnia, thirst increasing, pressure can jump. В основном потеря веса во время прохождения СГ, от 1 до 2 кг, в зависимости от того с каким весом вошёл в голод и какая была двигательная активность. Mostly weight loss during the passage of the SG, from 1 to 2 kg, depending on how much weight went into hunger and what was the motor activity. Конечно, каждый человек по своему уникален и индивидуален, У него сухое голодание может проходить совершенно по другому, но я старался описать те проявления, которые я наблюдал у большинства пациентов. Of course, each person is unique and individual by nature, his dry fasting can go completely different, but I tried to describe the manifestations that I observed in most patients.
At 12 o'clock you should eat warm protein broth
This is necessary because after the end of the SG organism for the synthesis of proteins and new cells desperately needs "building material", which is an animal protein. Нарушение этого правила может привести к отрицательным последствиям! Violation of this rule can lead to negative consequences!
Complications at the exit from fasting.:
При выходе из сухих краткосрочных голоданий обычно серьёзных осложнений не наблюдаются, но всё равно про них надо знать. When you exit from dry short-term fasting, there are usually no serious complications, but you still need to know about them.
Осложнения чаще всего случаются с людьми безрассудными, которые не отдают себе отчета в своих поступках. Complications most often happen to people who are reckless, who do not realize themselves in their actions. К любому делу нужно относиться серьезно, а к вопросам связанным с личным здоровьем – вдвойне. Any case should be taken seriously, and to issues related to personal health - doubly. Поэтому если вы решили самостоятельно практиковать голодание – отнеситесь к этому со вниманием. Therefore, if you decide to independently practice fasting - take this into consideration. Осваивайте метод постепенно, изучайте литературу, опыт других и, главное, наблюдайте за собой. Learn the method gradually, study the literature, the experience of others and, most importantly, watch yourself. Если после кратковременных голоданий у вас начинается «жор» и вы не можете контролировать свое поведение, ни в коем случае не предпринимайте длительные голодания. If, after a short-term starvation, you start "zhor" and you can not control your behavior, in no case do long-term starvation.
О сновные осложнения: О Basic complications:
Переедание в первые дни после голодания. Overeating in the first days after fasting.
Если все же такое случилось после голодания и вы «набили» желудок, необходимо вызвать рвоту и промыть желудок. If all this happened after fasting and you "stuffed" the stomach, you must induce vomiting and rinse the stomach. После чего возобновить выход по обычной схеме. Then resume the output according to the usual scheme. Если вы переели в более поздние сроки, проголодайте один день, после чего продолжите выход нужными продуктами. If you overeat at a later date, starve one day, then continue to exit the desired products.
Отеки, задержка мочи. Edema, retention of urine.
Довольно частое осложнение. Quite a frequent complication. Связано с тем, что во время голодания организм расходует калий и прием соленой пищи на ранних сроках восстановления способствует накоплению клетками натрия и, как следствие, воды. It is connected with the fact that during the fasting the organism consumes potassium and the intake of salty food in the early periods of recovery contributes to the accumulation of sodium and, as a consequence, water. Хотя может отмечаться и при правильном выходе из голодания после длительных сроков и у начинающих. Although it can be noted and with the correct exit from fasting after long periods and beginners. Обычно, это проявляется быстрым набором веса. Usually, this is manifested by rapid weight gain. При этом уменьшается количество мочи, может появиться отечность лица и отеки на ногах. This reduces the amount of urine, there may be swelling of the face and swelling on the legs. В случае появления таких симптомов следует исключить соленую пищу и продукты содержащие её. In case of such symptoms, it is necessary to exclude salty foods and products containing it. Постараться в этот день ничего не есть, принять сорбенты по 3 стол. Try not to eat on this day, take sorbents on the 3 table. ложки на один стакан с водой, 4 раза в день через каждые три часа, потом принять 40 г. магнезии разведённой в одном стакане воды и потом поголодать на воде два дня. spoons for one glass of water, 4 times a day every three hours, then take 40 g of magnesium diluted in one glass of water and then starve on the water for two days. Желательно в дни голодания принять баню, сауну или горячую ванну – с потом выделяются излишки натрия и вода. It is advisable in the days of fasting to take a bath, sauna or hot bath - with then excess sodium and water are released. Очень хорошо помогают препараты калия – панангин или аспаркам, которые следует принимать по 1таблетке 2-3 раза в день в теч. Very good drugs help potassium - panangin or asparks, which should be taken 1 tablet 2-3 times a day in tech. 2-5 дней. 2-5 days. Данные препараты содержат магний и калий, которые абсолютно безопасны. These drugs contain magnesium and potassium, which are absolutely safe.
Запор. Constipation.
Довольно часто встречается, особенно у начинающих. Quite often it occurs, especially for beginners. При отсутствии самостоятельного стула более 2-3 дней следует сделать клизму. In the absence of an independent chair for more than 2-3 days should be an enema. Начинающему рекомендуется в любом случае сделать клизму на второй и третий день выхода из голодания, чтобы избавиться от не переваренных остатков пищи и улучшения самочувствия. The beginner is advised in any case to make an enema on the second and third day of getting out of starvation in order to get rid of the uneaten food remnants and improve one's health. Можно принять слабительный сбор. You can take a laxative collection. Состав: курага, инжир, чернослив, изюм – всех по 100 грамм. Ingredients: dried apricots, figs, prunes, raisins - all of 100 grams. Всё это промыть, прокрутить, добавить 100 грамм мёда, 2 столовые ложки растительного масла. All this is washed, scrolled, add 100 grams of honey, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Принимать по 2 столовых ложки перед сном в течение 4-х дней. Take 2 tablespoons before bedtime for 4 days. Также хорошо помогают отруби. Bran is also helpful.
Метеоризм, вздутие кишечника. Flatulence, swelling of the intestine.
Основная причина – раннее начало употребления тяжелой пищи, недостаточное пережевывание ее, большой объем съеденного, недостаточное очищение кишечника во время голодания и до голодания. The main reason is the early onset of heavy food intake, insufficient chewing on it, a large amount of eaten, insufficient intestinal cleansing during fasting and before fasting. Рекомендуется сдержанный выход из голодания, клизмы, раннее употребление чеснока, достаточная двигательная активность на выходе. A discreet way out of starvation, enema, early garlic intake, sufficient motor activity at the outlet is recommended. Кроме этого, данные симптомы очень часто отмечаются при голодании в зимнее и весеннее время. In addition, these symptoms are very often observed during fasting in winter and spring. Восстановление только растительной пищей в этот период не соответствует сезону и «охлаждает» организм. Restoration only plant food in this period does not correspond to the season and "cool" the body. Чтобы избежать этого, следует увеличить долю каш, применять специи, растительное и сливочное масло /не ранее 3-го дня/. To avoid this, you should increase the share of cereals, apply spices, vegetable and butter (not earlier than the 3rd day). Помните – зимой организму нужна более густая, «теплая пища», а летом осенью вполне можно долгое время жить на овощах. Remember - in winter the body needs a thicker, "warm food", and in the autumn it is quite possible to live on vegetables for a long time.
Weakness, dizziness, fainting.
Случаются во время выхода из голодания в первые 3-5 дней. Happen during the exit from fasting in the first 3-5 days. Связаны они с ранним расширением двигательного режима. They are related to the early expansion of the motor regime. При кажущемся приливе сил, можно не рассчитать свои физические возможности, что приводить к приступам слабости, головокружения, вплоть до обморочных состояний. With an apparent surge of energy, one can not calculate their physical capabilities, which leads to attacks of weakness, dizziness, even to fainting states. Для профилактики, при выходе из голодания необходимо соблюдать боле строгий режим, чем при самом голодании. For prevention, when you quit fasting, you must follow a more strict regime than with fasting itself. Больше отдыхать, не предпринимать длительных прогулок, не выполнять тяжелую физическую работу, не переутомляться. More rest, do not take long walks, do not perform heavy physical work, do not overwork. И только голодающие со стажем, хорошо разбирающиеся в особенностях своего организма, могут вести довольно активный образ жизни. And only those who are hungry with experience, well versed in the characteristics of their body, can lead a fairly active lifestyle. Ведь двигательные нагрузки при выходе, способствуют быстрейшему переключению организма на обычное питание. After all, the motor loads at the exit, contribute to the fastest switching of the body to normal nutrition.
An exacerbation of the underlying disease.
Если во время голодания у вас началось обострение какого-то заболевания, желательно продолжить голодание до исчезновения симптомов. If during the fasting you have started exacerbation of some disease, it is desirable to continue fasting until the symptoms disappear. Если это невозможно, симптомы могут сохраняться и при выходе. If this is not possible, symptoms can persist even when exiting. В этом случае нужно осуществить выход по обычной схеме, и не торопиться с ранним применением тяжелой пищи. In this case, it is necessary to make an exit according to the usual scheme, and not to hurry with the early application of heavy food. Для лечения можно использовать гомеопатические препараты. Homeopathic remedies can be used for treatment. После недели выхода, при сохранении симптомов заболевания возможно осторожное применение медикаментов. After a week of withdrawal, while preserving the symptoms of the disease, careful use of medications is possible. Здесь описаны основные неприятности, с которыми вы можете встретиться на выходе из голодания. Here you will find the main troubles with which you can meet at the exit from starvation. Чем больше у вас будет собственного опыта в проведении голодания, тем меньше у вас будет неприятных симптомов. The more you will have your own experience in conducting fasting, the less you will have unpleasant symptoms
Every person needs to know himself well and then everything will be the way you want. Главное, не торопиться, но постоянно наращивать собственный опыт. The main thing is not to rush, but constantly build up your own experience.
And scientists perfectly know what happens to the body with a long absence of food. Сначала тело использует карбогидраты. First, the body uses carbohydrates. Потом в моче появляются кетоны. Then ketones appear in the urine. Сжигаются протеины. The proteins are burned. Организм извлекает из всех своих запасников жиры, поедая и их. The body extracts fats from all its stores, eating them. Но еще до этого человек становится мрачным, раздражительным, его логика и трезвость мышления сдают. But even before that, a person becomes gloomy, irritable, his logic and sobriety of thinking are handed over. Все жизненные параметры снижаются, и через 8-10 недель уже возникает угроза физическому существованию. All vital parameters are reduced, and in 8-10 weeks there is already a threat to physical existence.
При выходе из сухих краткосрочных голоданий обычно серьёзных осложнений не наблюдаются, но всё равно про них надо знать. When you exit from dry short-term fasting, there are usually no serious complications, but you still need to know about them.
Осложнения чаще всего случаются с людьми безрассудными, которые не отдают себе отчета в своих поступках. Complications most often happen to people who are reckless, who do not realize themselves in their actions. К любому делу нужно относиться серьезно, а к вопросам связанным с личным здоровьем – вдвойне. Any case should be taken seriously, and to issues related to personal health - doubly. Поэтому если вы решили самостоятельно практиковать голодание – отнеситесь к этому со вниманием. Therefore, if you decide to independently practice fasting - take this into consideration. Осваивайте метод постепенно, изучайте литературу, опыт других и, главное, наблюдайте за собой. Learn the method gradually, study the literature, the experience of others and, most importantly, watch yourself. Если после кратковременных голоданий у вас начинается «жор» и вы не можете контролировать свое поведение, ни в коем случае не предпринимайте длительные голодания. If, after a short-term starvation, you start "zhor" and you can not control your behavior, in no case do long-term starvation.
О сновные осложнения: О Basic complications:
Переедание в первые дни после голодания. Overeating in the first days after fasting.
Если все же такое случилось после голодания и вы «набили» желудок, необходимо вызвать рвоту и промыть желудок. If all this happened after fasting and you "stuffed" the stomach, you must induce vomiting and rinse the stomach. После чего возобновить выход по обычной схеме. Then resume the output according to the usual scheme. Если вы переели в более поздние сроки, проголодайте один день, после чего продолжите выход нужными продуктами. If you overeat at a later date, starve one day, then continue to exit the desired products.
Отеки, задержка мочи. Edema, retention of urine.
Довольно частое осложнение. Quite a frequent complication. Связано с тем, что во время голодания организм расходует калий и прием соленой пищи на ранних сроках восстановления способствует накоплению клетками натрия и, как следствие, воды. It is connected with the fact that during the fasting the organism consumes potassium and the intake of salty food in the early periods of recovery contributes to the accumulation of sodium and, as a consequence, water. Хотя может отмечаться и при правильном выходе из голодания после длительных сроков и у начинающих. Although it can be noted and with the correct exit from fasting after long periods and beginners. Обычно, это проявляется быстрым набором веса. Usually, this is manifested by rapid weight gain. При этом уменьшается количество мочи, может появиться отечность лица и отеки на ногах. This reduces the amount of urine, there may be swelling of the face and swelling on the legs. В случае появления таких симптомов следует исключить соленую пищу и продукты содержащие её. In case of such symptoms, it is necessary to exclude salty foods and products containing it. Постараться в этот день ничего не есть, принять сорбенты по 3 стол. Try not to eat on this day, take sorbents on the 3 table. ложки на один стакан с водой, 4 раза в день через каждые три часа, потом принять 40 г. магнезии разведённой в одном стакане воды и потом поголодать на воде два дня. spoons for one glass of water, 4 times a day every three hours, then take 40 g of magnesium diluted in one glass of water and then starve on the water for two days. Желательно в дни голодания принять баню, сауну или горячую ванну – с потом выделяются излишки натрия и вода. It is advisable in the days of fasting to take a bath, sauna or hot bath - with then excess sodium and water are released. Очень хорошо помогают препараты калия – панангин или аспаркам, которые следует принимать по 1таблетке 2-3 раза в день в теч. Very good drugs help potassium - panangin or asparks, which should be taken 1 tablet 2-3 times a day in tech. 2-5 дней. 2-5 days. Данные препараты содержат магний и калий, которые абсолютно безопасны. These drugs contain magnesium and potassium, which are absolutely safe.
Запор. Constipation.
Довольно часто встречается, особенно у начинающих. Quite often it occurs, especially for beginners. При отсутствии самостоятельного стула более 2-3 дней следует сделать клизму. In the absence of an independent chair for more than 2-3 days should be an enema. Начинающему рекомендуется в любом случае сделать клизму на второй и третий день выхода из голодания, чтобы избавиться от не переваренных остатков пищи и улучшения самочувствия. The beginner is advised in any case to make an enema on the second and third day of getting out of starvation in order to get rid of the uneaten food remnants and improve one's health. Можно принять слабительный сбор. You can take a laxative collection. Состав: курага, инжир, чернослив, изюм – всех по 100 грамм. Ingredients: dried apricots, figs, prunes, raisins - all of 100 grams. Всё это промыть, прокрутить, добавить 100 грамм мёда, 2 столовые ложки растительного масла. All this is washed, scrolled, add 100 grams of honey, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Принимать по 2 столовых ложки перед сном в течение 4-х дней. Take 2 tablespoons before bedtime for 4 days. Также хорошо помогают отруби. Bran is also helpful.
Метеоризм, вздутие кишечника. Flatulence, swelling of the intestine.
Основная причина – раннее начало употребления тяжелой пищи, недостаточное пережевывание ее, большой объем съеденного, недостаточное очищение кишечника во время голодания и до голодания. The main reason is the early onset of heavy food intake, insufficient chewing on it, a large amount of eaten, insufficient intestinal cleansing during fasting and before fasting. Рекомендуется сдержанный выход из голодания, клизмы, раннее употребление чеснока, достаточная двигательная активность на выходе. A discreet way out of starvation, enema, early garlic intake, sufficient motor activity at the outlet is recommended. Кроме этого, данные симптомы очень часто отмечаются при голодании в зимнее и весеннее время. In addition, these symptoms are very often observed during fasting in winter and spring. Восстановление только растительной пищей в этот период не соответствует сезону и «охлаждает» организм. Restoration only plant food in this period does not correspond to the season and "cool" the body. Чтобы избежать этого, следует увеличить долю каш, применять специи, растительное и сливочное масло /не ранее 3-го дня/. To avoid this, you should increase the share of cereals, apply spices, vegetable and butter (not earlier than the 3rd day). Помните – зимой организму нужна более густая, «теплая пища», а летом осенью вполне можно долгое время жить на овощах. Remember - in winter the body needs a thicker, "warm food", and in the autumn it is quite possible to live on vegetables for a long time.
Weakness, dizziness, fainting.
Случаются во время выхода из голодания в первые 3-5 дней. Happen during the exit from fasting in the first 3-5 days. Связаны они с ранним расширением двигательного режима. They are related to the early expansion of the motor regime. При кажущемся приливе сил, можно не рассчитать свои физические возможности, что приводить к приступам слабости, головокружения, вплоть до обморочных состояний. With an apparent surge of energy, one can not calculate their physical capabilities, which leads to attacks of weakness, dizziness, even to fainting states. Для профилактики, при выходе из голодания необходимо соблюдать боле строгий режим, чем при самом голодании. For prevention, when you quit fasting, you must follow a more strict regime than with fasting itself. Больше отдыхать, не предпринимать длительных прогулок, не выполнять тяжелую физическую работу, не переутомляться. More rest, do not take long walks, do not perform heavy physical work, do not overwork. И только голодающие со стажем, хорошо разбирающиеся в особенностях своего организма, могут вести довольно активный образ жизни. And only those who are hungry with experience, well versed in the characteristics of their body, can lead a fairly active lifestyle. Ведь двигательные нагрузки при выходе, способствуют быстрейшему переключению организма на обычное питание. After all, the motor loads at the exit, contribute to the fastest switching of the body to normal nutrition.
An exacerbation of the underlying disease.
Если во время голодания у вас началось обострение какого-то заболевания, желательно продолжить голодание до исчезновения симптомов. If during the fasting you have started exacerbation of some disease, it is desirable to continue fasting until the symptoms disappear. Если это невозможно, симптомы могут сохраняться и при выходе. If this is not possible, symptoms can persist even when exiting. В этом случае нужно осуществить выход по обычной схеме, и не торопиться с ранним применением тяжелой пищи. In this case, it is necessary to make an exit according to the usual scheme, and not to hurry with the early application of heavy food. Для лечения можно использовать гомеопатические препараты. Homeopathic remedies can be used for treatment. После недели выхода, при сохранении симптомов заболевания возможно осторожное применение медикаментов. After a week of withdrawal, while preserving the symptoms of the disease, careful use of medications is possible. Здесь описаны основные неприятности, с которыми вы можете встретиться на выходе из голодания. Here you will find the main troubles with which you can meet at the exit from starvation. Чем больше у вас будет собственного опыта в проведении голодания, тем меньше у вас будет неприятных симптомов. The more you will have your own experience in conducting fasting, the less you will have unpleasant symptoms
Every person needs to know himself well and then everything will be the way you want. Главное, не торопиться, но постоянно наращивать собственный опыт. The main thing is not to rush, but constantly build up your own experience.
And scientists perfectly know what happens to the body with a long absence of food. Сначала тело использует карбогидраты. First, the body uses carbohydrates. Потом в моче появляются кетоны. Then ketones appear in the urine. Сжигаются протеины. The proteins are burned. Организм извлекает из всех своих запасников жиры, поедая и их. The body extracts fats from all its stores, eating them. Но еще до этого человек становится мрачным, раздражительным, его логика и трезвость мышления сдают. But even before that, a person becomes gloomy, irritable, his logic and sobriety of thinking are handed over. Все жизненные параметры снижаются, и через 8-10 недель уже возникает угроза физическому существованию. All vital parameters are reduced, and in 8-10 weeks there is already a threat to physical existence.
But still something interesting is already known. При так называемой хронической адаптации к голоду (примерно после 16-30 суток) метаболизм и в самом деле существенно замедляется. With the so-called chronic adaptation to hunger (after about 16-30 days), metabolism indeed slows down significantly. Клетки организма получают лишь кислород и воду. The cells of the body receive only oxygen and water. В мозге центры голода подавляются, зато активизируются центры сытости, насыщения. In the brain, the centers of hunger are suppressed, but the satiety and saturation centers are activated. Человек приспосабливается и может вести нормальную деятельность, расходуя лишь 500-600 калорий. A person adapts and can lead a normal activity, spending only 500-600 calories.
I was able to hold out for 11 days. Филонов сразу говорил – или 30 дней мокрого голодания или дней 12-14 сухого. Filonov immediately said - or 30 days of wet fasting or days 12-14 dry. Я не знаю, это было сказано так специально, чтобы я нацелился на большее, а смог поголодать столько сколько смог.
One of the conditions for combating helminths is depriving them of food, that is, excluding meat and milk from the ration. На аргументы читателей, считающих молоко главным поставщиком кальция, могу ответить, что полезнее с этой целью употреблять кисломолочные продукты, бактерии которых перерабатывают казеин в удобную для переваривания форму. On the arguments of readers who regard milk as the main supplier of calcium, I can answer that it is more useful to use sour-milk products for this purpose, the bacteria of which process casein into a form convenient for digestion. Основу диеты должны составлять растительные продукты, причем без тепловой обработки (для сохранения всех полезных веществ) — непременно сырые овощи, фрукты, орехи, зелень.Они содержат живые ферменты, поставляющие энергию природы, витамины,микроэлементы и другие необходимые организму вещества. The basis of the diet should be vegetable products, and without heat treatment (to preserve all useful substances) - necessarily raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, greens. They contain live enzymes that supply energy to nature, vitamins, trace elements and other substances necessary for the body.
The next aspect in the fight against parasites is an increase in the body's immune defenses. This means that support is needed for those organs that play a special role here. Прежде всего это селезенка. First of all, it's the spleen. Еще совсем недавно, в силу дремучего врачебного невежества, рожденного технократическим подходом к лечению,ее порой вырезали «за ненадобностью». More recently, due to the dense medical ignorance, born of a technocratic approach to treatment, it was sometimes cut out "as unnecessary." Так человек лишался органа,который принимает и обновляет старую кровь, участвует в работе воспроизводящей системы, вырабатывает лимфоциты, участвующие в противораковой защите. So a person was deprived of an organ that receives and renews old blood, participates in the reproductive system, produces lymphocytes involved in anticancer protection.
The same with the appendix. В нем вырабатываются все витамины группы В. Это место очень любят аскариды и острицы — заползая туда «за витаминами», они разрушают ткани,способствуя их воспалению. It produces all the vitamins of group B. This place is very fond of ascarids and pinworms - creeping in there "for vitamins", they destroy tissues, contributing to their inflammation. Так возникает аппендицит. So there is appendicitis. Человеку удаляют«ненужный атавизм», причинивший хлопоты, а у него вскоре нарушается механизм выработки жизненно необходимых витаминов, что порождает массу болезней. The person is removed "unnecessary atavism", causing trouble, and he soon disrupted the mechanism of producing vitally important vitamins, which generates a lot of diseases. Но возвращусь к селезенке. But I will return to the spleen. Помимо крови и лимфоцитов, она вырабатывает особую микрофлору, губительно действующую на паразитов.Это как бы паразиты паразитов. In addition to blood and lymphocytes, it produces a special microflora, which has a harmful effect on parasites. It is parasites of parasites. Селезенку необходимо поддерживать горечами, которые способствуют очищению крови и увеличению ее выработки, стимулируют иммунную систему. The spleen must be maintained by bitterness, which contribute to the purification of blood and increase its production, stimulate the immune system. Горечи нужны и для формирования полноценного секрета желчи, которая также участвует в противопаразитарной защите. Bitterness is also needed to form a full secret of bile, which also participates in antiparasitic protection.
The next aspect in the fight against parasites is an increase in the body's immune defenses. This means that support is needed for those organs that play a special role here. Прежде всего это селезенка. First of all, it's the spleen. Еще совсем недавно, в силу дремучего врачебного невежества, рожденного технократическим подходом к лечению,ее порой вырезали «за ненадобностью». More recently, due to the dense medical ignorance, born of a technocratic approach to treatment, it was sometimes cut out "as unnecessary." Так человек лишался органа,который принимает и обновляет старую кровь, участвует в работе воспроизводящей системы, вырабатывает лимфоциты, участвующие в противораковой защите. So a person was deprived of an organ that receives and renews old blood, participates in the reproductive system, produces lymphocytes involved in anticancer protection.
The same with the appendix. В нем вырабатываются все витамины группы В. Это место очень любят аскариды и острицы — заползая туда «за витаминами», они разрушают ткани,способствуя их воспалению. It produces all the vitamins of group B. This place is very fond of ascarids and pinworms - creeping in there "for vitamins", they destroy tissues, contributing to their inflammation. Так возникает аппендицит. So there is appendicitis. Человеку удаляют«ненужный атавизм», причинивший хлопоты, а у него вскоре нарушается механизм выработки жизненно необходимых витаминов, что порождает массу болезней. The person is removed "unnecessary atavism", causing trouble, and he soon disrupted the mechanism of producing vitally important vitamins, which generates a lot of diseases. Но возвращусь к селезенке. But I will return to the spleen. Помимо крови и лимфоцитов, она вырабатывает особую микрофлору, губительно действующую на паразитов.Это как бы паразиты паразитов. In addition to blood and lymphocytes, it produces a special microflora, which has a harmful effect on parasites. It is parasites of parasites. Селезенку необходимо поддерживать горечами, которые способствуют очищению крови и увеличению ее выработки, стимулируют иммунную систему. The spleen must be maintained by bitterness, which contribute to the purification of blood and increase its production, stimulate the immune system. Горечи нужны и для формирования полноценного секрета желчи, которая также участвует в противопаразитарной защите. Bitterness is also needed to form a full secret of bile, which also participates in antiparasitic protection.
Further benefits of dry fasting compared to water fasting:
1. Shown to increase intensity of ketosis compared to water fast
2. Increased stem cell production compared to water fast
3. Increase SRT1 gene transcription (anti aging gene)
4. Increased eGFR (kidney filtration rate) of the blood long term (contradicting evidences short term)
5. Increase nitric oxide production (ie better delivery of oxygen to cells and brain)
6. Trancription of HIF1 genes associated with hypoxic acclimatisation which results in increased blood volume, better cardiovascular function, increased stroke volume, better cardio output, reduced heart rate, increased red blood cells and haemetocrit (all this occurs after rehydration)
7. Increased autophagy
8. Increase brain mass after rehydration
9. Increased amino acid production after rehydration
10. Viruses and bacteria are killed as they require water for reproduction
11. Cells which are more hypoxic tolerant survive (ie indirectly killing cancer cell; a common treatment by doctors to kill liver tumors by destroying their blood supply aka radioembolization)
12. Increase oxytocin (love neurotransmitter)
13. Mice handle water restriction better then calorie restriction
14. Reduced inflammation as water is needed for inflammation
15. Less hunger and binging afterwards
16. Increases concentration of minerals providing better access to cells
17. Cleans the lymphatic system better
18. Further increase in mitochondria biomass thus more efficient energy production
19. Water contains MANY TOXINS (look at your local water quality report)
20. Temporarily increased heart rate strengthens heart like exercising does
21. Conservation of minerals, vitamins, electrolytes, creatinine (important for energy production), urea (important for fighting bacteria),
22. Animals refuse food AND WATER when sick
23. Allows the digestive system to fully contract and tighten
24. No changes in perfusion for kidneys and other core organs
All of these thing mentioned above is compared to water fast
Consult your doctor if you are healthy enough to go on a short fast. Certain conditions such as hypotension, diabetes, malignant tumors or blood conditions (ex thrombophlebitis and thrombosis), hematological malignancies, Pyo-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory and abdominal cavity, tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism and other endocrine diseases, cirrhosis of the liver, heart arrhythmia, circulatory failure degrees II & III, underweight, pregnancy and lactation, being younger than 14 or older than 70 years of age or heart defect/disease (ex angina) might not allow you to undergo fasts longer then 16 hrs dry
Kidney Failure:
Kidney failure has to do with liver issues. Liver needs to balance
and produce blood components to allow kidneys to do their job ex recycling red blood cells for oxygen. In short during a dry fast your liver works better due to
less resources spent on digestion. This allows kidneys to work better. Also the
lack of blood production (low plasma) is a sign of dehydration. However this is
not the case of kidney failure and is a common myth. It is the lack of red
blood cells being renewed by the liver and produced by the microbiota in the
gut which reduces oxygen supply to the kidneys resulting in kidney ischemia. A
good way to get optimal liver function and gut microbiota is through short dry
fasts followed by proper hydration via fruits. This is because dry fasting
not only gives the body rest but also the increased autophagy and stem cells
help renew the liver cells and kidney cells. Also new stem cells can become red
blood cells thus actually healing the kidneys and giving it more oxygen. The
best way to mineralise and hydrate the blood is through fruits (structured
water) so the kidneys can do their job properly. Most people can jump straight
into a 10 day dry fast without any consequences but is not recommended. Kidney
failure can be linked bad water sources (ex treated tap water which stresses kidneys), lack of electrolytes and bad diet full of phosphate, calcium or protein among other factors as I will get into later on. Therefore kidney failure is due to diet and not acute
dehydration. Another myth is that kidneys can fail within 3 days of dehydration
which is not the case. If you are not on non-steroid anti inflammatory drugs,
you can easily exceed this amount. Also it must be known that food is what
dehydrates a person. So someone eating food but not drinking will get more
dehydrated then someone who neither drinks or eats (Dry fast). It is commonly
known in evolutionary physiology humans can go 1-3 week without food or water.
High blood pressure can also cause kidney problems and infact is the most common cause of renal diseases, however during a dry fast
the blood pressure drops and can be beneficial (too low blood pressure will
inhibit infiltration, so don’t over do it, however is managed by hormones).
Thickening of kidney walls can cause kidney problems (as seen in elderly
patients), however with dry fasting autophagy can help reverse this and allow
good kidney function. It is known that diuretics and vaso dilation can help
kidney function. During dry fasting inflammation is reduced (no water = reduced inflammation) thus having a diuretic effect and nitros oxide is produced having a similar vaso dilation effect. Many people are worried about decrease in perfusion which can be problematic for kidneys. However dry fasting will not change perfusion.
When you are not eating anything (water fast) or are on a lowand produce blood components to allow kidneys to do their job ex recycling red blood cells for oxygen. In short during a dry fast your liver works better due to
less resources spent on digestion. This allows kidneys to work better. Also the
lack of blood production (low plasma) is a sign of dehydration. However this is
not the case of kidney failure and is a common myth. It is the lack of red
blood cells being renewed by the liver and produced by the microbiota in the
gut which reduces oxygen supply to the kidneys resulting in kidney ischemia. A
good way to get optimal liver function and gut microbiota is through short dry
fasts followed by proper hydration via fruits. This is because dry fasting
not only gives the body rest but also the increased autophagy and stem cells
help renew the liver cells and kidney cells. Also new stem cells can become red
blood cells thus actually healing the kidneys and giving it more oxygen. The
best way to mineralise and hydrate the blood is through fruits (structured
water) so the kidneys can do their job properly. Most people can jump straight
into a 10 day dry fast without any consequences but is not recommended. Kidney
failure can be linked bad water sources (ex treated tap water which stresses kidneys), lack of electrolytes and bad diet full of phosphate, calcium or protein among other factors as I will get into later on. Therefore kidney failure is due to diet and not acute
dehydration. Another myth is that kidneys can fail within 3 days of dehydration
which is not the case. If you are not on non-steroid anti inflammatory drugs,
you can easily exceed this amount. Also it must be known that food is what
dehydrates a person. So someone eating food but not drinking will get more
dehydrated then someone who neither drinks or eats (Dry fast). It is commonly
known in evolutionary physiology humans can go 1-3 week without food or water.
High blood pressure can also cause kidney problems and infact is the most common cause of renal diseases, however during a dry fast
the blood pressure drops and can be beneficial (too low blood pressure will
inhibit infiltration, so don’t over do it, however is managed by hormones).
Thickening of kidney walls can cause kidney problems (as seen in elderly
patients), however with dry fasting autophagy can help reverse this and allow
good kidney function. It is known that diuretics and vaso dilation can help
kidney function. During dry fasting inflammation is reduced (no water = reduced inflammation) thus having a diuretic effect and nitros oxide is produced having a similar vaso dilation effect. Many people are worried about decrease in perfusion which can be problematic for kidneys. However dry fasting will not change perfusion.
calories diet research has shown the urea concentration will decrease in the
blood to unhealthy low concentration. Dry fasting will increase CONCENTRATION
of urea thus compensating for this by conserving urea and reducing its
excretion through kidneys by not excreting as much urea so it can retain water.
Optimal urea concentration can help hydrate the cells of the body as well as
help absorption of nutrients from the blood. Urea is a non-toxic compound. It
is antibacterial, anti fungal, antiviral, anti parasitic, anti-inflammatory,
moisturiser, diuretic and anticancerous. It can help dissolve deposits (clots)
in the blood vessels and organs, It can help fight viruses, help toning of
blood vessels, remove wastes, increase albumin (super transporter through
thyroid and transports vitamins, minerals, hormones, calcium, etc), draw excess
sugar from the cells (helpful if you are hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic),
removes excess inflammatory water, as well as allow smoother blood
flow. So what is the cause of uremia? High urea comes from a diet high in
protein. Thus if you are eating a high protein diet and or not drinking water
to excrete it, it can build up as the kidneys slowly fail through such a diet. [This also shows that its the high protein diet which stresses kidneys and not necessarily the lack of water. Research has linked high protein diet to renal diseases] But during a calorie restriction or fast you want to conserve urea to healthy levels as you will not be getting any from food. This conservation happens when you stop drinking water. Urea is used in medicines, beauty products and eyedrops. The conservation of urea helps reduce water loss from the kidneys.
Also because half of the creatine in our blood is produced by diet indirectly
through amino acid or directly through animal products, and because during a
fast you will not be consuming such things your creatine levels will drop. But
during a dry fast creatinine concentration increases as the body conserves the
creatinine thus compensating for this as well. Creatinine is a better molecule
then creatine and is better at producing ATP (energy). During dry fasting there
will be a slight increase in body temperature which will further help fight
viruses as occurs when body initiates a fever. You will notice you will feel
warmer during dry fast and will love the cool wind.
through amino acid or directly through animal products, and because during a
fast you will not be consuming such things your creatine levels will drop. But
during a dry fast creatinine concentration increases as the body conserves the
creatinine thus compensating for this as well. Creatinine is a better molecule
then creatine and is better at producing ATP (energy). During dry fasting there
will be a slight increase in body temperature which will further help fight
viruses as occurs when body initiates a fever. You will notice you will feel
warmer during dry fast and will love the cool wind.
If you have proteinuria ( a form of kidney disorder where albumen
and other proteins are lost), vaso dilation, reduced blood pressure to reduce
hydrostatic pressure can help your kidneys. Such changes occur when you dryfast
as thus is beneficial in such renal disease. Water fast long term can in some cases increase blood pressure so can be dangerous in such conditions.
and other proteins are lost), vaso dilation, reduced blood pressure to reduce
hydrostatic pressure can help your kidneys. Such changes occur when you dryfast
as thus is beneficial in such renal disease. Water fast long term can in some cases increase blood pressure so can be dangerous in such conditions.
Oedema is also a common concern by medical practitioners. Oedema
is fluid retention, and the body WILL retain fluid in cases of injury. It is a
healing symptoms and will also occur if you water fast and will go away once
the problem is healed. It can take a while for the body to heal the root
problem. This is a healing response as occurs with injury in any area of the
body which results in inflammation and swelling. It is normal and will occur
whether your dry fast or water fast. Dry fasting just speeds it up and thus
heals it more quickly compared to water fast. Thus oedema on water fast will
not be as bad but will also take longer to heal.
is fluid retention, and the body WILL retain fluid in cases of injury. It is a
healing symptoms and will also occur if you water fast and will go away once
the problem is healed. It can take a while for the body to heal the root
problem. This is a healing response as occurs with injury in any area of the
body which results in inflammation and swelling. It is normal and will occur
whether your dry fast or water fast. Dry fasting just speeds it up and thus
heals it more quickly compared to water fast. Thus oedema on water fast will
not be as bad but will also take longer to heal.
Acute renal failure can be caused by perfusion problems, or
vascular, or filtration problem. As I have stated during dry fast these
problems are reversed and perfusion remains as research has shown.
vascular, or filtration problem. As I have stated during dry fast these
problems are reversed and perfusion remains as research has shown.
Chronic renal failure; such as renal osteodystrophy can retain
phosphate and for such problems a diet high in calcium to low phosphate ratio
will help such conditions. This includes fruits. Anything else other than
fruits is high in phosphate to calcium and should be reduced to increase
calcitriol and prevent kidney problems. Studies have shown this, decrease in phosphorus in diet resulted in normalisation of parathyroid hormone and helped heal the kidneys. Again this tells you it is the diet which play a role in kidney failure. Eating food but not drinking water is not recommended and can cause problems and severe dehydration. So when you are eating you should be drinking water. The only time water should be abstain from is when food is abstained from aka absolute fast (dry fast). Infact when you abstain from food your
thirst also decreases because it is food that DEHYDRATES the body as it needs
to be processed. Hypertension is also another symptom of chronic kidney failure
as well as the cause. Dry fasting will reduce blood pressure thus help such
conditions as well as reverse renal scarring due to increase stem cells and
reverse ischemia due to better liver function over time (to recycle red blood
cells and oxygenate renal cells) as dry fasting helps heal the liver more
than water fasting. Infact i’ve known many people who have healed kidney
problems from dry fasting. Hypertension causes glomerular damage and dry
fasting can help reverse this by combining both lower blood pressure and stem
cell production. This can help anaemia as well. Anaemia can be from the
inadequate renal production of EPO.
phosphate and for such problems a diet high in calcium to low phosphate ratio
will help such conditions. This includes fruits. Anything else other than
fruits is high in phosphate to calcium and should be reduced to increase
calcitriol and prevent kidney problems. Studies have shown this, decrease in phosphorus in diet resulted in normalisation of parathyroid hormone and helped heal the kidneys. Again this tells you it is the diet which play a role in kidney failure. Eating food but not drinking water is not recommended and can cause problems and severe dehydration. So when you are eating you should be drinking water. The only time water should be abstain from is when food is abstained from aka absolute fast (dry fast). Infact when you abstain from food your
thirst also decreases because it is food that DEHYDRATES the body as it needs
to be processed. Hypertension is also another symptom of chronic kidney failure
as well as the cause. Dry fasting will reduce blood pressure thus help such
conditions as well as reverse renal scarring due to increase stem cells and
reverse ischemia due to better liver function over time (to recycle red blood
cells and oxygenate renal cells) as dry fasting helps heal the liver more
than water fasting. Infact i’ve known many people who have healed kidney
problems from dry fasting. Hypertension causes glomerular damage and dry
fasting can help reverse this by combining both lower blood pressure and stem
cell production. This can help anaemia as well. Anaemia can be from the
inadequate renal production of EPO.
The body increases its metabolic water production during dry fast. This water is the cleanest form of water in the universe and can aid in kidney healing. It can be theorized that during dry fast there is less blood volume to be filtered thus can be easier on the kidneys (provided you are not eating food and bringing poisons in and not loading them with urea and creatinine aka doing only absolute fasting). Research has shown dry fasting increases oxytocin, increases brain mass after rehydration as well as increases amino acid production and stem cells and autophagy compared to water fast. It will also reduce your binging afterwards The mild increase in heart rate temporally strengthens the heart as exercise does.
It is also worth pointing out that people do not carry around ‘extra’ protein stores held in reserve doing nothing — just waiting to fill in for the day we don’t eat enough dietary protein. All protein in the human body has a real-time function, be it muscle, connective tissue, red blood cells, brain, or antibodies. So whenever the body loses protein, it loses some of its functional reserve. How much functional reserve each of us has (i.e., how much protein we can lose before it threatens survival) is quite variable. For example, some very obese people build some extra muscle to be able to carry their weight. But on average, once someone loses one-third of their initial LBM, they are functionally debilitated; and when they reach 50% of normal LBM, any further loss of protein is imminently fatal.
A breakdown in electrolyte homoeostasis is one of the first medically recorded problems of water fasting [1].
Then there’s cardiac arrhythmias, urate nephrolithiasis, and gout [2].
Furthermore, we have severe orthostatic hypotension, severe normocytic, normochromic anemia, and gouty arthritis [3].
Out of all these complications, I’ve only seen “orthostatic hypotension” discussed ofOrthostatic hypotension is that temporary feeling of lightheadedness or dizziness that can surprise you if you stand up too quickly during a water fast. It’s caused by a drop in blood pressure and usually only lasts a couple of seconds.ten in the water fasting community.
Instead of pure water fasting, I now do something called muscle sparing fasting (scientists also call this protein-sparing modified fasting
This basically means, I eat a small amount of protein during my fast (usually in liquid form).
I get in between 1.2-1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of my ideal body weight. That’s just enough protein to fully reverse that destruction of structural protein during a fast [9], but not enough to slow down those high fat burn rates that can only be reached in full fasting ketosis.
Muscle sparing fasting has a much better safety record, because no fatalities have been reported in over 10,000 medically recorded cases [10] (but that’s only true when high-quality protein sources are used, when fasting is limited to 3 months or less and done under medical supervision).http://www.bulletmaker.com/Health/Dryfast.html
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ReplyDeleteDRONIHASPELL@YAHOO.COM or call him on +2347089275769
I suffer from the problem of ovarian cysts, poor ovulation and late pregnancy, how do I do wet or dry fasting to treat this problem
ReplyDeleteAm henry from vegas, I am testifying about a great hebal man that cured my wife of fibroid and painful menstruation, his name is Dr osaze. My wife was diagnose of fibroid two years ago, i almost spent all i had then, until i saw dr Osaze's recommendation online, and i call him, then he told me how to get the herb.within a month and a week, the herbs shrink the fibroid, You can call him on +2347089275769 or email him at drosaze39@gmail.com