Sunday, 17 December 2017

why sugar level goes up while fasting?/ cortisol resistance

Short answer= cortisol

High levels of cortisol put a strain on your body's health. It is normal for cortisol levels to rise during times of acute stress, but it is abnormal for these levels to remain high. Prolonged elevated levels of this steroid hormone affect immune function, metabolic pathways for use of energy and chronic disease risk. Blood glucose is particularly affected by elevated cortisol levels.

Stressful Conditions

In stressful situations, cortisol's role is to provide glucose to the body through utilization of protein stores.

This quick delivery of glucose prepares your body for the fight or flight mechanism.

When the body is in a persistent stressful state, cortisol is constantly obtaining glucose.

This constant flow of glucose leads to high blood sugar levels.

Effect of Cortisol
Cortisol obtains quick glucose for the body to use in times of stress.

At the same time, cortisol also reduces the effects of insulin.

Therefore, not only are blood glucose levels high, insulin is unable to perform its regular function of maintaining normal glucose levels, according to "Today's Dietitian." The pancreas continues to release insulin, but the cells are resistant to insulin. However, the pancreas continues to secrete insulin in response to high glucose levels, which puts extra stress on the pancreas.

Cortisol is the so-called stress hormone.   It mediates the ‘flight or fight response’ with help from the sympathetic nervous system. Cortisol is part of a class of steroid hormones called glucocorticoids (glucose + cortex + steroid) produced in the adrenal cortex. Cortisol is produced in response to stress. In Paleolithic times, this was often a physical stress, such a being chased by a predator. The release of cortisol was essential in preparing our bodies for action – to fight or flee. Cortisol increases alertness and decreases the need for sleep.

Glucose availability is substantially enhanced. This provides energy for muscles that are needed to avoid being eaten. Non-essential metabolic activities are curtailed. All available energy is directed towards surviving the coming stressful period. Growth, digestion and other long-term issues are temporarily restricted. Proteins are broken down and converted to glucose (gluconeogenesis). In the fasted state, cortisol has several mechanisms to increase glucose in the body.

Significance of Cortisol

Cushing syndrome is a hormonal disorder of the adrenal glands. It happens when the adrenal glands produce too much cortisol. Under normal circumstances, cortisol stimulates the body to produce sugar. When the adrenal glands produce too much cortisol, as is the case in Cushing syndrome, blood sugar levels can get high, and this could lead to diabetes.

Adrenal Tumors

The adrenal gland is divided into two sections--the adrenal cortex and medulla. The adrenal cortex secretes cortisol and other hormones. Tumors in the adrenal cortex can cause the adrenal gland to produce high amounts of cortisol, and this leads to Cushing syndrome.

General anatomy

adrenal glandsThe adrenal glands are located on top of each kidney; hence, the terms "ad renal" -- as in "added" to the renal glands. They are small glands, about 2 inches (5 cm) in length, and weighing about 5 gm each. As part of the kidneys, they are located way, way to the back of the body (as any good martial artist knows) and are abundantly supplied by three sets of blood vessels to ensure redundancy:
  • Inferior phrenic arteries off the aorta.
  • Middle suprarenal arteries off the aorta.
  • Inferior suprarenal arteries of each renal artery.
Like the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands are composed of two entirely separate sections (the cortex and the medulla), and like the pituitary gland, the two sections actually evolve during embryology from two entirely different types of tissue. The adrenal cortex evolves from fetal mesodermal cells (essentially cells that produce connective tissue). The adrenal medulla, on the other hand, evolves from the nervous system. In fact, the adrenal medulla actually consists of modified neurons (neural crest cells). In the fifth week of fetal development, neuroblast cells migrate from the neural crest to form the sympathetic chain and preaortic ganglia. The cells then migrate a second time to the adrenal medulla. Forgetting all the technical names of cells and cell sources, the key point to remember here is that the two parts of the adrenal glands form two entirely different types of cells and share little in common -- other than location.
  • adrenals cortex medullaThe adrenal cortex is the outer layer.
  • The adrenal medulla is the inner layer.
The adrenal glands, or at least the cortex of the glands, are absolutely essential for life. Then again, although it is possible to survive without the inner layer, the adrenal medulla, the quality of life would be severely compromised.
Let's now examine the adrenal cortex and medulla in more detail.

Adrenal cortex

The adrenal cortex produces three hormones in three separate zones.
Aldosterone is 96% of this group, and it controls water and electrolyte (sodium and potassium) balance in the body. Without the action of the mineralocorticoids in maintaining electrolyte homeostasis, you would die since this has a direct effect on regulating blood pressure. The action of the mineralocorticoids is on the kidneys, which under the direction of these hormones excrete sodium or potassium as required to maintain optimal balance. Adrenal adenomas (benign, actively secreting growths in the cortex) cause hyper-production of aldosterone, which may account for as much as 25% of high blood pressure patients. Treatment involves removal of the tumor, and positive results are virtually instantaneous. The trick, of course, is arriving at the correct diagnosis. Most adrenal adenomas are discovered by chance when an abdominal computed-tomography (CT) or magnetic-resonance imaging (MRI) scan is done for unrelated symptoms.
Cortisol (also called hydrocortisone) is 95% of the total, plus corticosterone, and cortisone.
  • Cortisol depresses the immune system.
  • It is an anti-inflammatory (as a result of depressing the immune system).
  • It retards allergic overreactions, but as a result slows wound repair.
  • It promotes the breakdown of protein (catabolism).
  • It promotes lipolysis, the conversion of triglycerides to stored fatty acids.
    • Many weight-loss supplements sold today theoretically address this problem by relieving stress, thereby reducing cortisol production and correspondingly eliminating excess fat storage. Although the theory is sound, how well any individual supplement works, of course, is open to debate.
  • It promotes glucose formation (gluconeogenesis).
  • It promotes resistance to stress, resulting in higher blood pressure.
Addison's disease results from acute adrenocortical insufficiency.
  • The symptoms are lethargy, low blood pressure, weight loss, anorexia, and low blood sugar.
  • Addison's disease is treated with a steroid hormone (cortisol in various forms, natural and synthetic) replacement.
  • John F. Kennedy may be history's most famous Addison's disease patient and required regular cortisone injections to deal with stress. Since one of the side effects of cortisol injections is a "tanning" of the skin, JFK looked his best (tanned and relaxed) during times of stress -- immediately after injections.
  • Full blown Addison's disease is extremely rare. However, "low level" adrenal fatigue is extremely common, and we will be discussing it in more detail later.
Cushing's syndrome, on the other hand, results from excessive adrenal cortical function. It results in spindly arms and legs, a moon-face,a buffalo hump on the back, flushed skin, hypertension, osteoporosis, and decreased resistance to infection or stress.
Androgens are masculinizing hormones that occur in insignificant amounts in the adult male. The primary and most well-known androgen is testosterone. In men, the vast majority of androgens are produced in the testes, but in women, the adrenal glands are responsible for the overwhelming quantity of androgen production. Surprisingly, for women, the masculinizing hormones produced by the adrenal glands are essential for well being. In females, androgen accounts for sexual drive, energy, and "joie de vivre." It is converted into female hormones (estrogens) after menopause.
Incidentally, old treatments for breast cancer involved removing the pituitary gland to prevent the adrenal glands from producing estrogen by stopping release of ACTH that would normally have stimulated the adrenals. Nowadays, this is accomplished with pharmaceuticals.

Adrenal medulla

Hormones in the medulla are produced in the chromaffin cells ("chromium + affinity"). They get their name from the fact that they stain readily in the presence of chromium salts. Chromaffin cells are neuroendocrine in that they are activated by neurotransmitters released by nerve cells located in the autonomic nerve fibers coming directly from the central nervous system. In response to this input, the chromaffin cells of the medulla release hormone messenger molecules into the blood. In this way, they integrate the nervous system and the endocrine system, a process known as neuroendocrine integration.
Because the chromaffin cells are directly activated by the nerve fibers from the autonomic nervous system, they respond very quickly -- as is necessary in a system that responds to emergency situations. On the other hand, chromaffin cells continue to secrete adrenal hormones "long" after nervous stimulation has passed. In fact, hormonal effects can last up to ten times longer than those of neurotransmitters. In a sense, neurotransmitters respond in the short term to emergencies, whereas the medullary hormones cover the longer term. In this way the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system and the medullary secretions function together.

So which hormones are we talking about?
The adrenal medulla releases two hormones: adrenaline (80%) and noradrenaline (20%), more commonly known among the medical establishment as epinephrine and norepinephrine. Collectively, they are called catecholamines. As I mentioned earlier, unlike the adrenocortical hormones, the medullary hormones are not essential for life -- at least when the body is in the resting state. Without stress, you don't need these hormones -- with one primary exception. Standing up from a reclining or sitting position would entail an unsustainable drop in blood pressure, as blood pooled in the feet and legs, if not for a compensating action governed by the medullary hormones. (We will talk more about this in a moment.)


Epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) increases heart rate, contracts blood vessels, dilates air passages and participates in the fight-or-flight response of the sympathetic nervous system. As a hormone, epinephrine acts on nearly all body tissues. Its actions vary by tissue type and by the differing responses of the various receptor sites scattered throughout the body. For example, epinephrine causes smooth muscle relaxation in the airways, but causes contraction of the smooth muscle that lines most arterioles.

As we mentioned earlier, one of the primary roles of cortisol is to promote the conversion of triglycerides into stored fatty acids. It also promotes glucose formation (gluconeogenesis). The bottom line is that chronically elevated cortisol levels contribute to the accumulation of abdominal fat and make it very difficult to eliminate

Cortisol resistance, leptin resistance etc

We have established that as one gets fat, Leptin levels rise. Once they get high enough (around a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 20-24), Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) rises in several tissues. This also causes a rise of NF kappa beta and IL-6 in the brain.  TNF quickly destroys normal hepatic homeostasis, which sets the stage for fatty liver disease and type two diabetes over time. This rise in TNF also biochemically changes Leptin receptor signaling and changes its quantum properties by changing its “resonance” (think of a vibration-like effect in the receptor) at the hypothalamus level. Once TNF rises, it causes the liver to make an acute phase inflammatory protein called highly sensitive CRP. HS-CRP is therefore a very early biomarker for cellular inflammation before any disease is established. We have already established in earlier blogs that inflammation causes Leptin resistance. Leptin controls all energy production in the body. Inflammation stops T4 to T3 conversion in the liver and abruptly turns off your thyroid’s ability to function properly despite normal thyroid labs. As an analogy, your car engine no longer has a gas pedal to use. Simultaneously Vitamin D production caves as well because TNF takes that out too. Immunity fails and bad things commence for the cellular terroir.

In summary, once Leptin resistance occurs centrally in the brain, the liver soon follows and then the peripheral tissues become resistant, too. This affects fecundity, bone metabolism, cardiac metabolism, the thyroid, and the immune system in that order. Are you with me?

Resultant Hormone Cascade

Leptin resistance occurs first. Then insulin resistance happens next. This eventually leads to adrenal resistance. Cortisol is the stress hormone that allows for fight or flight syndrome (life or death). This is the hormone that allows you to run away from a hungry lion fast and live. Evolution always makes sure cortisol production stays ready for action at the expense of the other hormones that also are made from the same precursors. That precursor is pregnenolone. Pregnenolone is made from cholesterol, and cholesterol is made from LDL. So anytime the body is stressed or inflamed, it up-regulates cholesterol production to make more lifesaving hormones. It requires T3 and vitamin A as cofactors to complete this step. Blocking cholesterol production will increase cellular stress. This is why biochemically, to me, no statin drugs have ever made any sense under any circumstance in medicine. Moreover, this is why there is a chronic association of cancer to low cholesterol levels in the literature. If your cholesterol levels are low, you can not proper construct a mitotic spindle to pull apart your chromosomes correctly.  This is why cancer rates have been shown to be higher in 11 studies on statins.   This has been documented in the literature and the  Great Cholesterol Con, by Anthony Colpo.  In times of infection or stress, LDL levels always need to rise to protect the cell to make more cholesterol to make hormones and improve intracellular signaling.
The high cortisol also directly affects the Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Cortisol directly blocks 5′ deiodinase enzyme that converts T4 to T3 (this occurs in the liver). Cortisol Releasing Hormone (CRH) (seen elevated in high cortisol production states) directly blocks TSH. The implication is huge because Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and T3, the active thyroid hormone, are inhibited quickly in this process. Immediately, any excess T4 is then shunted to reverse T3. Reverse T3 is a COMPETITIVE inhibitor to T3, the active thyroid hormone. This basically turns off the thyroid! (You’re welcome ladies.), This is a biological switch needed to shut metabolism off in starvation mode. This is precisely what happens in starvation or in anorexia. Once T3 is turned off, no fat burning can occur at the muscles with UCP3. Remember, UCP3 activation requires T4, T3 and Leptin to be working well. With high cortisol, it cannot. Shutting off these things could be good biologically if you’re badly starving or if you’re morbidly obese. CRH also directly inhibits TSH. This is why TSH is a horrible marker for thyroid status. If you do not know the cortisol status, you can infer zero information from a thyroid panel. This is reason number one for many thyroid misdiagnoses. The sad part is that most endocrinologists seem to have forgotten this vital biochemical fact. It is the source of most patient frustrations with their thyroid condition.

CRH directly blocks secretion of Growth Hormone secretion as well. This means you get sarcopenia and osteopenia together! Low GH levels (IGF1) increase your body fat, decrease your lean muscle mass and increase your osteopenia to a great degree. It also causes the cardiac muscle to fail and decreases the stroke volume. Sarcopenia is the result of low IGF1 or GH level, and is a harbinger of ensuing death, especially with respect to the heart. There is now excellent data to support the use of GH and testosterone for cardiac health in aging because of these effects. High cortisol comes from stress. The causes of stress in humans are: psychological, traumatic, infectious, allergic, electromagnetic (EMF), xenobiotic and geopathic, as well as Leptin resistance and dysbiosis.

Key points about cortisol

  1. Anything that causes a chronic elevation of cortisol causes chronic disease.
  2. Any chronic elevation of cortisol and insulin will lead to some kind of chronic disease and death.
  3. Signs and symptoms that you really have stress and a cortisol problem will cause most mainstream medicine docs to put you on one or more of these ten medications:
    • Statin
    • Premarin
    • Synthroid
    • Prilosec
    • Hydrocodone
    • Norvasc
    • Glucophage / Metaformin
    • Albuterol
    • Claritin
    • Prozac/sleeping pills.

The reason is simple. There is no good blood test available for serum cortisol that is accurate, and western doctors do not realize the salivary cortisol tests are deadly accurate. NASA and the FAA use salivary testing for their screening of astronauts and pilots. When I see this combo of drugs, I know from the demographic page on a patient’s medical chart that we likely have an undiagnosed cortisol problem without any test. I generally will eventually prove my clinical suspicion with a salivary cortisol assay. So they listen to the symptoms of the patients and treat the symptoms, and not the underlying cause, HYPERCORTISOLISM. By far, the number one cause in the USA is Standard American Diet loaded with too many carbs or too much PUFA’s, which drives Leptin resistance and adiposity. Both raise TNF alpha. We are now back at the top of the post. The circle of life in one post. You now are an endocrinologist. Actually, you may now know more than they do.

ashwagandha benefits

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Urine Miracle

I am the Water of Life, Out of myself I grow. The more you drink of me, The fuller I will flow.

Human beings are channels of light. Through water, the light of consciousness flows. As we have seen in the Earth society, humans can get clogged up with toxins. When there is junk in the bio-system, light cannot channel clearly, and happiness becomes a rare fantasy.
The pure distilled waters clean the body, mind, and spirit, allowing every human being to become beacons of light once again. This is how we are restoring peace and prosperity on planet Earth, echoing throughout the galaxies.
Thank you for being part of this great Now moment. Be who you came to be. Let’s light up the world together

Absolutely, not…in fact just the opposite has been found to occur in cellular research studies. It is a mistaken belief that drinking pure distilled water reduces valuable minerals from living human tissues.
There are two types of minerals, organic and inorganic. Human physiology has a biological affinity for organic minerals. Most organic minerals for our body functions come from dietary plant foods. A growing plant converts the inorganic minerals from the soils to a useful organic mineral. When an organic mineral (from a plant food) enters the stomach it must attach itself to a specific protein-molecule (chelation) in order to be absorbed, then it gains access to the tissue sites where it is needed. Once a plant mineral is divested within the body, it is utilized as a coenzyme for composing body fluids, forming blood and bone cells, and the maintaining of healthy nerve transmission. (Balch & Balch 1990)
Without a healthy organic mineral balance inside and outside the cells of muscle, blood, and bone substructures, the body will began to spasm, twitch and cramp, eventually deteriorating to a full “rigor complex”, and/or complete failure.
Tap water presents a variety of inorganic minerals which our body has difficulty absorbing. Their presence is suspect in a wide array of degenerative diseases, such as hardening of the arteries, arthritis, kidney stones, gall stones, glaucoma, cataracts, hearing loss, emphysema, diabetes, and obesity. What minerals are available, especially in “hard” tapwater, are poorly absorbed, or rejected by cellular tissue sites, and, if not evacuated, their presence may cause arterial obstruction, and internal damage. (Dennison 1993, Muehling 1994, Banik 1989)
Is it any wonder why the body prefers the richest source of mineral substrates from organic foods instead of the mineral-poor sources from tap water? Even if the human tissue suddenly developed the ability to absorb inorganic minerals from tap water, it would take an enormous amount of tapwater to supply the bare minimal mineral quantities for human life functions. If (for example) the rich inorganic mineral content of the tap water in Reno, Nevada were modified so that it would convert the daily Calcium requirement (RDA) from its inorganic calcium solutes, one would have to drink 7.4 gallons of their tap water!
Distilled Pure Water will not conduct electricity when only 2 parts inorganic minerals or less are present. Water with 5 parts inorganic content per million parts water (or more) will conduct electricity, completing a simple circuit and lighting a tester bulb! The higher the inorganic content is in a per million count, the less effectively water transmits organic minerals to tissue sites. Bottled water, tapwater, reverse-osmosis filtered water, and carbon-block filtered water (when tested) will conduct electricity, substantiating that each one is not the best carrier for the mineral-transport and mineral-absorption (Muehling 1994). Our tapwater in the USA has been shown to contain 19 “inorganic metals of concern”(1994 Safe Water Drinking Act), for which maximum contaminant levels have been set. (Tone 1994) Most American tapwater tested falls between the ranges of 350 parts per million to over 1000 parts per million total contaminants! (Colgan 1993)

"The virtues of the volatile salts of urine‐It powerfully absorbs acids and  destroys the very root of most diseases in human bodies. It opens all  obstructions of . . . . Reins. Mysentery and Womb, purifies the whole  mass of Blood and Humors cures . . . Caclexia .. . Rheumatism and  Hypochrondriac  diseases, 


"A recent discovery regarding the activity of hormones has completely  revolutionised their study‐viz.. that certain of them filter through the  kidney to pass out in the urine. Multiple hypophysical hormones, the  hormones of the adrenal and hormones of the sexual glands, have been  found in normal urine… The discovery of hormone‐urinoltogy has had  far‐reaching  consequences.  Urine  provides  a  practically  unlimited  quantity  of  basic  matter…  From  the  therapeutic  point  of  view  it  is  possible to envisage the use of these human hormones as apparently  capable of exercising great power over the human organism… "  

It contains in a pure and often undreamt  of quantity, products of the most vital nature, bearing out what Mr.  Ellis Barker maintained when he wrote that " our body distils the most  wonderful medicines and provides the most perfect serums and antibodies."  


It is not irrelevant here to mention that the late Maurice Wilson, who  made  a  magnificent,  if  abortive,  attempt  to  climb  Mount  Everest,  ascribed his immunity from ordinary ills and his astonishing stamina to  his  many  fasts  on  urine  only,  plus  external  friction  with  urine.  The  Llamas of Thibet and the yogis with whom he associated prior to his  attempt, claim to live to a great age by means of the use of urine. By  the same means they can also traverse deserts inaccessible to ordinary  mortals.

Mr. Baxter  contended that urine is the finest antiseptic that exists, and, having

made  this  discovery,  he  formed  the  daily  habit  of  drinking  three  tumblers full as a prophylactic against disease.

But what is not mentioned in the above is that  during the treatment he fasted on urine and water only

Before proceeding, it is advisable to deal with some objections which  have been, and may still be, raised. It has been argued that if man were  intended to drink his own urine he would have been born with the  instinct But one may as well argue that because man to do so. has not  been born with the instinct to do deep breathing exercises or adopt  other  measures  which  have  proved  conducive  to  health,  they  are  therefore invalid or reprehensible. Take, for instance, the yogis of India.  By dint of practising breathing exercises, strange postures, etc., they  not only arrive at a perfect state of health, but contrive to extend life  far beyond the usual three score years and ten. At 150 years of age a  proficient Hatha Yogi has not even a grey hair. (See Rajah Yoga, by  Swami Vivikananda.)

pg 22

The taste of healthy urine is not nearly as objectionable as,  say, Epsom salts. Fresh morning urine is merely somewhat bitter and  salty. But as already mentioned, the more frequently it is taken the  more innocuous does it become; and as might be expected, its taste  varies from day to day and even from hour to hour according to the  foods which have been eaten. Even the urine which is passed in some  serious diseases is not as obnoxious to taste as its appearance may  often suggest.   m

Urine on being taken into the body, is filtered; it becomes purer and  purer even in the course of one day's living upon it plus tap‐water, if  required.  First,  it  cleanses,  then  frees  from  obstruction  and  finally  rebuilds the vital organs and passages after they have been wasted by  the ravages of disease. In fact it rebuilds not only the lungs, páncreas,  liver, brain, heart. etc., but also repairs the linings of brain and bowel  and other linings, as has been demonstrated in the case of many "killing  " diseases, such as consumption of the intestines and the worst form of  colitis.

In fine, it accomplishes what fasting merely on water or fruit  juices (as some naturopaths advocate) can never achieve.


 In  spite  of  her  tribulations, however, she was a woman, of great spirit, and I had no  difficulty in persuading her to fast on all the urine she passed, and up to  six half pints a day of cold water, which she always sipped.  

Mrs.  E.  Gangrenous  feet  and  toes  following  upon  paralysis  after  vaccines had been administered, 48 days fast. Urine healed feet and  toes in the first 20 days.

Mr.  D.  Diabetic  gangrene  of  left  forearm.  Fasted  48  days  for  the  diabetes. Arm completely normal after 18 days. No scar.

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The urine of such dis-"eases" may seem totally unpalatable, yet if the patient has steeled his mind to drink it, then copious supplies of water will help to dilute the urine and make it easier to drink. If you can hold down the first flow, then the second should be more dilute and better tasting, and so on, until clear pleasant tasting urine finally comes.

Vomiting is good in that it cleans the stomach just as kunjal kriya does, Therefore, it should not cause any undue worry. After vomiting, the nausea is usually relieved and you feel better. If vomiting persists and dry retching occurs, you should seek professional help. After vomiting urine, you should rest and take some light fluids such as lemon water or some other fluid replacement. When fully rested, try amaroli again.Vomiting is good in that it cleans the stomach just as kunjal kriya does, Therefore, it should not cause any undue worry. After vomiting, the nausea is usually relieved and you feel better. If vomiting persists and dry retching occurs, you should seek professional help. After vomiting urine, you should rest and take some light fluids such as lemon water or some other fluid replacement. When fully rested, try amaroli again.

Mild fever of unexplained origin can occur as a reaction of the body, designed to burn up the toxins. It is one of the most thorough of the eliminative series and requires nothing more than complete rest and constant fluid intake. After the fever, fruit and a light diet should precede the commencement of amaroli. NOTE: regular checking of the body temperature should ensure that it does not go too high. In such a case the head should be cooled down with cold water application and the feet massaged with ghee. If the temperature still stays up after one hour, aspirin may be taken only as a last resort.
Cough and cold may appear and indicate elimination of mucus from the lungs and respiratory passages. again reduce or stop the intake of urine and start the practice of kunjal and neti kriyas once or twice a day. Neti using half water and half urine is good to relieve all discomfort and to help wash out mucus form the nasal passages and sinuses. The diet should exclude milk and milk product and all mucus producing foods such as fats and excessive starch until the cold is finished.
General debility may be felt as a result of the excess toxins, and in such a case plenty of sleep, rest and good food will help.
Fasting may be too difficult for some people, especially if they have been suffering from a chronic illness for considerable time, for example, low blood pressure, heart disease, and so on. These people should proceed very slowly and gradually. They may prefer to start with one meal a day fasts or fruit fasts before trying the more complete water and urine only fasts. This rule should be applied to all people, for the slow approach usually ends up with better and faster results than one in which we jump into the most advanced practices and, finding that we can not swim, have to stop in order to resolve the problems we have inflicted upon ourselves.
In some diseases the urine becomes dense, pungent and seemingly unpalatable. It is advised that you attempt to utilize this urine even though it may be difficult to do so. Dense and scanty urine may contain mineral salts and other body components of value. Wash it down with plenty of water.
Pregnant woman can use amaroli with the following restrictions. The first flow of the day (on arising form sleep) should be completely discarded. Then water, tea, milk, or any beverage can be consumed and the second or third flow can be used. However, the urine should have a light color and should not be too pungent or concentrated.
Each person is different, so the results of your friend's experimentation may not apply to you. Age, constitution, physique, diet and disease all lead one on a different path to the same goal, that of good health.

Different modes of amaroli
Amaroli can be divided into two main categories:
1. Internal use which spans the range of drinking one glass per day, to drinking every drop passed while fasting.
2. External uses which ranges from rubbing fresh urine on cuts and bruises, to massage or packs with specially prepared urine.
We will present here practice programs and the rules and regulations for each. These programs are merely a guideline and you may have to change them according to your body's demands. Every person is his own best judgment of what his body needs and this is the best criterion on which to judge the timing and quantity of intake.
Basic rules
Midstream urine should be used, the exception being in a fast where urine is being passed every ten to fifteen minutes. The first flow should always be midstream.
Urine should be sipped like tea and not drunk like water. This will prevent excessive problems in the form of loose stools and other eliminative processes.
The first flow of the day is the most important and the best time of the day to drink it is between three and four a.m., especially if one is doing yoga sadhana.
Drink at least one liter of water per day.
Pungent and salty food as well as excessive protein should be avoided.
Urine passed during the night before three a.m. should not be used.
The quantity used is left up to the individual.
Initial adjustment phase
Before amaroli can be fully utilized, an initial period of adjustment is usually required. During this period a few obstacles must be overcome. For some courageous and broad minded people this first step will be easily accomplished, whereas others, still opening to the potential therapeutic value of urine, may be a little slower. In either case adjustment is necessary, and the best way to commence the adjustment phase is as follows:
Prepare the mind by making a resolve to at lease attempt the process and examine your reactions, thoughts and feelings.
When you feel mentally prepared to attempt the actual practice, collect some fresh urine and start by rubbing your hands with it. Feel its texture, smell it, and see whether it can actually clean your skin as well as some people claim. After about five minutes wash it off with cold water and feel the skin to see whether the urine has had an effect. Do not use soap after amaroli.
The next phase of adjusting the body and mind to amaroli is to put one drop onto the tongue. Taste and smell play an important part in assessing its nature.
Eventually you should build up the quantity you take in until you can drink a full glass of midstream urine and feel neutral in body and mind. Then you will be ready to start one of the next programs outlined in the internal practices section.
Most people have little difficulty in accepting the external use of urine It has been part of many cultures for millennia. However, it takes time to understand and become fully competent in all the phases of aramoli.
Internal practice
This can be divided into three basic programs:
1. Once a day.
2. Three times a day.
3. Fasting.
You may wish to modify the following suggestions, for example, drinking two glasses or four glasses. However, these basic rules and suggestions which have been gained from experience should remain as your guiding light.
Once a day
Use the midstream of the first flow of urine, discarding the first and last ten milliliters. Collect the rest. The best time for this from three to four a.m..
Before drinking the urine, perform you morning ablutions such as cleansing the teeth and mouth.
The urine should be sipped like tea.
This is performed every morning so that it becomes a part of your daily routine. You may wish to try this for one or two weeks in connection with some disease, or for an indefinite period in order, as some suggest, to enjoy even better health.
There are no dietary restrictions to this program, however, a low protein, low salt diet will make your urine taste and smell a lot better. Do not commence amaroli if you're under medical treatment.
Three times a day
Midstream urine is drunk at the following times:
1. The first flow of the day (preferably from three to four a.m.).
2. At twelve noon or hone hour after the midday meal.
3. One hour after the evening meal.
Diet: this is a more potent form of amaroli and requires a low protein, low salt diet. When urine is passed one hour after eating, it is said to contain more enzymes and valuable body substances. If elimination problems of the healing crisis type start to occur, then follow the instructions given and decrease the intake to one glass per day.
Over the years, urine therapy has proved to be an effective tool for healing. Most urine therapists, some of whom have been practicing urine therapy for decades, have never sought an explanation for why it works: their own experiences were sufficient proof. You too can join the growing legions of urine drinkers. Follow the above logical rules and you will see a marked improvement in your health.
It's time for us to take personal responsibility for our own health.
Vibrant health starts from a clean bowel.
These people have discovered that. You should too.
Then experience and see for yourself just how effective auto urine therapy really can be!

Start connecting again with yourself, and with us.
Join an online guided supervised HPS cleanse soon.
Then see how strong UT can be, if you still want to do it.

Inside the organism, the urine will stimulate all the senses, included in these stimulates are the pineal glad and hipophisis, and their production of curative substances and hormones, such as adrenaline, acetyl, colina among others. Stimulates the functioning of the basso and the spinal cord  the formation of new antibodies. The fasting is a very important task since the urine intake produces acidosis in the organism that reflects a movement of the defense mechanisms that neutralize the toxins and repair the cells.

The man’s perfect time on earth is during the gestation period.
The Urotherapy is literally a gift from God, it is part of nature.
There is no human on earth that has not taken his or her own urine, we are born inside a womb and after six weeks, he or she will start urinating a few drops into the amniotic liquid, that is water and his or her own urine!
Through the umbilical cord, the baby receives from the mother special nutrients as immunoglobulin, vitamins, but most of all oxygen.
When the baby reaches the age of 5 months, they urinate from 400 to 500 ml. Each day inside the amniotic sac, and between 8 to 9 months the baby urinates 20 to 30 times every 24 hours.

Here, ten hypotheses concerning the efficacy of Auto Urine Therapy are briefly discussed.
1. Re-absorption and re-use of nutrients
2. Re-absorption of hormones
3. Re-absorption of enzymes
4. Re-absorption of urea
5. Immunological effect
6. Bactericidal and virucidal effect
7. Salt therapy
8. Diuretic effect
9. Transmutation theory
10. Psychological effect

1. Re-absorption and re-use of nutrients
Often most nutritive substances are obtained by body in sufficient quantities from the food. By drinking or massaging the urine on skin, a number of vitamins, amino acids, salts, hormones, etc. readily available in urine are possibly re-absorbed and reused as nutrients.
This is important especially during illness, when diseased body tissue enters the blood and must therefore be excreted. The filtering process in the kidneys should break down this tissue to its original materials, after which it can be re-used by the body to build up new tissue.
The composition of urine changes during illness, because certain essential substances do not reach their intended destination and are subsequently filtered out by the kidneys. A good example of this is liver blockage, which can result in hepatitis (inflammation of the liver). If a blockage develops in the liver, bile produced by the liver cannot reach the intestinal canal, instead seeps into the blood and subsequently ends up in the urine, resulting in weakness and nausea. The shortage of bile in the digestive tract restricts the digestion of fats and proteins. Therefore rest and a diet low in fats and proteins is usually prescribed.
However, the substance, which should digest these proteins and fats, can be found in the urine in precisely the correct amount. According to this theory, the application of urine therapy allows bile and other liver enzymes to be re-used instead of wasted.
This is just one example of an illness in which important substances can be re-used via urine. Research could also be conducted for other illnesses concerning the way in which important bodily substances can be saved and re-used.

2. Re -absorption of hormones:
As stated above, many hormones end up in the urine. The basis for this hypothesis is that we can re-introduce these into the body by drinking or massaging with urine.
Since the acids, pepsins and enzymes in the digestive tract harm proteins, the hormones re-absorbed into the body from urine when consumed orally, are mainly the small ones, which are not proteins (protein-complexes). The sex hormones, adrenal gland hormones and thyroid hormones are almost certainly be re-absorbed, the effects of which, need to be more closely researched. The external application of urine to the skin allows hormones to be re-absorbed by the body without being destroyed. Massaging with urine is therefore an important complementary component of urine therapy as urine is directly absorbed into the tissue. Enemas are also a good way to prevent destruction of certain hormones by gastric juices which, is why this method often helps to cure allergic disorders better. The same applies for urine injections.

Re-absorption can be vital in two ways. Firstly certain hormones have a very specific effect during a healing process. For example cortico-steroids secreted by the adrenal cortex inhibit infections and have a positive effect in the treatment of allergies such as asthma and hay fever, skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis and inflammatory illnesses such as rheumatism. Auto Urine therapy has proved to be an extremely effective aid in the treatment of all these illnesses, but it has not yet been demonstrated that these hormones play a part in the treatment.

Secondly, re-absorption can be a means for the body to generally conserve energy. Re-ingestion of hormones gives the body the chance to re-use at least a number of these, so that it is not necessary to spend energy on manufacturing new hormones.

Hormones are actually extremely powerful molecules, the production of which requires a great deal of energy. Once produced they are able to cause a complete alteration in the balance of bodily processes, the personality, the emotions and the state of mind, even if only a few molecules are released. So even the slightest re-absorption of hormones may well have a powerful effect on our state of health and level of energy.

A hormone melatonin released from pineal gland is found in urine, which has a calming effect. The concentration of this hormone is found to be more in first sample of urine in early morning. Melatonin also has a powerful anti-cancer effect and anti aging property.

3. Re-absorption of enzymes:
Urine contains many enzymes, which might explain why urine therapy is effective against arteriosclerosis, heart attack, hypertension, pulmonary embolism, etc. Based on research conducted on the enzyme Urokinase, positive results can be expected from the effects of enzymes in urine as a 'total entity'. Urokinase found in human urine causes vasodilation and resembles nitroglycerine in its ability to strengthen the bloodstream from the coronary artery to the cardiac muscle. Urokinase is extracted from urine and is available in market as life saving drug. There are many other enzymes found active in urine, but more specific information is not yet available.

4. Re-absorption of urea:
Besides water, urea is the main component of urine, which is an end product of converted proteins. A person excretes approximately an average of 25 to 30 grams of urea per day. We come in contact with urea at an early age, i.e. as a foetus in the womb. The level of urea in amniotic fluid, which consists for the most part of urine from the foetus doubles in the last two months of pregnancy. Before we are born, we drink about over half a liter per perday of this liquid. The foetus also breathes it in and this is essential for proper development of the lungs. Scars disappear after an operation on a foetus in the womb due to the healing capacities of the urea in the amniotic fluid.
Once we are born, the intestinal flora start to work, which has a special role in the conversion of urea. Scientists estimate that 25% of the urea in an adult finds its way into the intestines, where it is decomposed into ammonia by intestinal bacteria. Some of this ammonia ends up in the liver where part it is converted into urea and another part is converted into glutamine, an extremely useful amino acid. The liver converts a great deal of the ammonia, into other substances. Although ammonia is highly poisonous even in moderate amounts, this small amount is extremely important: it regulates the pH-value of the blood and has a powerful anti-viral effect.
If it were true that the urea concentration increases the more often a person drinks urine, we would except urine to become stronger or more bitter in taste. However, the opposite is true: urine becomes more watery and less bitter, which suggests that urea is converted. It is quite possible that urea is indeed converted into glutamine by ammonia. As described above, this process takes place in the intestinal canal.
Research demonstrates the vital importance of glutamine in the maintenance and construction of specialized tissue such as in the brain, the small intestine and in the growth and activity of the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal. Glutamine has a healing effect on ulcers and wounds in the intestinal canal. The most important function of glutamine, however is its ability to strengthen the immune system, and could be an important key in explaining why urine therapy is such a successful method of treatment. The body re-uses a certain part of urea; the extra supply created by applying urine therapy increases the glutamine level in the body. This consequently strengthens the immune system and specialized organs and at the same time heals damages to the digestive tract.
Urea; in so far as it is not decomposed also affects the brain and central nervous system. High doses of urea are sometimes administered during brain surgery in order to temporarily shrink the brain, which is necessary for opening the skull. Less than one tenth of such a dose is ingested when a person drinks urine. Nevertheless, this small amount also brings about a slight reduction of pressure in the brain and spinal cord.
Urea is also successfully administered in rather high doses to patients with sickle cell anaemia, an extremely painful and supposedly incurable illness. Research and experience have demonstrated that, if administered daily in four doses of approximately 40 grams, urea has a healing and preventive effect. This also indicates that the body can endure high doses of urea without displaying negative side effects.
A third noteworthy application of urea can be found in the treatment of cancer by professor Dr. Danopoulos. He experimented with injecting urea mixed with a saline solution in and around skin cancer and as a treatment for breast cancer. He also conducted research on drinking urea dissolved in water in order to fight liver cancer and reported positive results. Danopoulos then began combining urea with creatine hydrate, another component of urine and in this way successfully treated other kinds of cancer. Urea also seems to be quite effective in fighting bladder cancer. You might wonder how bladder cancer can arise if urea, constantly present in the bladder is such an effective anti-cancer remedy. However, bladder cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer and generally only found in those who work with certain poisonous chemicals perhaps the effect of urea is counteracted or cancelled out by these chemicals. Further research on this topic is necessary.
Urea also plays an extremely important role in the external application of urine, as it helps transport hormones through the skin. Many hormones are destroyed by the enzymatic action of the digestive system if urine is orally applied. Hormones can probably return to the body in their original form if urine is administered through the skin. Moreover a trans-dermal administration ensures that hormones are absorbed into the body slowly and in specific portions, which significantly increases it's effectiveness.
Urea has the capacity to moisten the skin and regulate its condition & texture, one of the reasons why it is processed in many skin creams. Some pharmaceutical companies use horse urine for the production of urea and they actually have lots of horses in their factory just for this purpose.
Urea is an oxidizing substance, which ensures that the disintegrating proteins (proteins in the area of a wound or inflammation) dissolve. It dissolves fats and other natural bodily secretions. Urea is even more effective when heated.
Due to its strong anti-bacterial nature, urine has an inhabitive effect on the growth of tuberculosis bacilli. Bacteria-inhibiting or bacteria-killing effects of urine increase with a decreasing pH. Urea and ammonia, closely related, play an important role here. When brought in contact with urea, complex polymers are transformed or decomposed into monomers, which can then be endured by the body.

5. Immunological effect:
Clearly urine is not toxic, although some end substances might be present in urine in small amounts, especially if one is ill. This small amount of end substances possibly contributes to the effectiveness of urine therapy. If these triggering substances enter the body, the body's defense mechanisms are called into action (immune system). If substances, which leave the body via the urine, are the same as those involved in the illness process, they can stimulate the defense system to attack and in this way urine therapy has proven so helpful in treating allergies.
A similar process takes place when a person is vaccinated against certain disease, in which case, a small amount of poisonous substances is injected into a healthy body. This stimulates the immune system to manufacture antibodies (and thus defend the body), and could be called a homeopathic or isopathic effect.

The practice of drinking and massaging with urine allows the antibodies, greater access to the body, which stimulates the immune system.

The possible significance of urea and glutamine for the immune system is earlier discussed.

6. Bactericidal and virucidal effect:
Although it is not yet entirely clear why urine has a germicidal and antiseptic effect, it is known that urea plays an important role here. Ammonia and salt also have a similar purifying effect. Besides killing bacteria, urine also inhibits or destroys various viruses and fungi. Scientific research

Applying urine to a fresh cut or scrape prevents infection and keeps files away (important in countries with a warm climate). Urine compresses from fresh or old urine help to combat infections and often cause them to disappear. Although urine does not entirely prevent the growth of bacteria in the urethra (infections often arise), it clearly has a powerful Antiseptic effect when externally applied.

7. Detoxification therapy:
Drinking salt water serves as an important therapeutic remedy during certain (fasting) cures. Salt water is also frequently applied in yoga to clean the body thoroughly from within and it relieve such illnesses as asthma, stomach ulcer, indigestion and constipation. Drinking urine, which is also a salt substance, has the same effect. This could be an important reason for its success as a therapeutic remedy.

Salt solutions remove old mucous embedded in the mucous membranes. If one drink a salt liquid, part of the salt goes into the body, where it dissolves the surplus of mucous in the lungs and in other organs.

According to those who work with this therapy, warm salt water, and in this sense also fresh warm urine, is particularly useful during illnesses in which the body does not generate enough heat to keep the normal bodily secretions thin and watery. Moreover, urine draws out surplus, which has become too watery due to an illness. This also explains why compresses of warm, concentrated urine externally applied are so effective.

As a salt liquid, urine also has a laxative effect and is recommended to relieve constipation. As it moves through the intestinal canal, the salt detaches waste and draws water into the intestines, as a result of which bowel movement becomes easier.

According to this theory, drinking urine, like drinking urine is like drinking salt water, accelerates the metabolism,. It removes a surplus of sugar from the blood and draws out toxic substances from cells. In this way, urine therapy is a good cleansing technique.

According to urine therapists, urine has an extra advantage above salt water because urine contains small amounts of natural cortisone. This brings us back to the possible hormonal effects of urine.

Using urine instead of salt is also more effective because urea and ammonia are organic solvents: they dissolve fats and other natural bodily secretions. These substances probably ensure that the mucous membranes and body cells are powerfully affected.
Dabbing with salt water usually helps clean wounds; urine has the same effect. Urine is more effective than salt water because it contains healing substances such as allantoin.

8. Diuretic effect:
According to this theory, urine therapy ensures that the kidneys work more quickly and that the body is stimulated to produce more urine. Metabolic products composed of proteins such as urea, nitrogen and ammonia are excreted out of the body via the urine as soon as there is a surplus in the body. Drinking urine causes more of these substances to enter the body than normal. The body reacts to this by washing them away with water and other substances

By ingesting urine, one stimulates the body not only to excrete part of these metabolic products at an accelerated rate, but also to convert another part into useful substances. A previously mentioned example of this is urea, which is converted through ammonia into glutamine.

The effects of flowing and cleansing are particularly noticeable while one is fasting. The first time one urinates while fasting, the urine is often thick and tastes strong especially if one have a fever or is otherwise sick. However, after drinking this initial amount, the second flow of urine is thinner, even if one has not drunk extra water.

The continuous re-use of urine yields a large amount of clear and not unpleasant tasting urine in a short period of time.

According to this hypothesis, this ultimately results in stimulated and cleansed kidneys, and a purified blood stream.

At the same time, the intestines, skin and exhalation process probably entirely takes over the role of excreting the unusable metabolic products.

Vitamins in urine:
Thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitaminB2), vitamin B6, 4-pyridoxic acid, nicotinic acid, vitamin B-12, biopterine, asorbic acid and others.

Hormones in urine:
Gonadotropin, corticotropin, prolactin, lactogenic hormones, oxytocin vasopressin, thyroxine cathecaolamin (adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine) insulin, erythropoietin, coricosteriods (aldosterone, corticosterone, cortisone), testosterone, progesterone, oestrogen and others

Minerals in urine purify and activate body tissues, which were not taken care of by the blood. In addition, they mobilize the toxins facilitating their excretion. Minerals also help rebuild tissues.


this site has arguments against Anhrew Norton Webber's theory of drinking distilled water and urine.

Re: Busting Andrew Norton Webber, myself and Dr Brian Clement on the myths of distilled water and it’s dangers if not used properly
Posted by: sunfooddan ()
Date: June 29, 2014 08:36AM

Well to be honest i have been drinking it for over a year and a half and around 4-6+ litres a day and my health has nothing but improved, alongside my teeth getting whiter, my brain become sharper and so on.. and i have so many friends who do this also and have done for ages and we have noticed nothing negative but fountain of youth effects that not even a raw vegan diet has managed to maintain... so i call this bs tbh

I have had the same good effects as you, but bone leaching and mineral deficiencies can take time to rear their ugly head. You can choose to ignore this information posted above, but l don't think that would be such a good idea. The key is to put protection mechanisms in place like a highly nutritious diet (not a raw fruit and vegetable diet/natural hygiene diet) and to take the distilled water in slowly to avoid vascular stress.

People have already reported negative effects from careless consumption of distilled water, and the potential problems of it increasing vascular stress are widely known in the medical community. Even Hotema reported it's bad effects on teeth after longer term use.

In one litre of urine you'll find

9.3g of urea
1.87g of chloride
1.17g of sodium
0.75g potassium
0.67g of creatinine
and various trace compounds

In terms of it's hydration, it does have a high concentration of salt. Not as bad as seawater which is 35 gallons per litre, but it still has a very high 3g/L.

Monica Shuut experiences

I want to share here some of my journey with the urine therapy… highlighting a urine fast I did of 14 days and a subsequent one of 4 days.
I started drinking my urine 17 years ago, almost every day, with on and off periods, but kept the habit, because I always got so much benefit from it. I remember my first glass of urine… (in India, back in 1997) that day I felt like I became WONDERWOMAN!

Reading the book “Water of Life” by John Armstrong was my initiation into the urine therapy and I always wanted to do a long fast, like the ones depicted in the book, but I was so emotionally dependent on food that I struggled even to finish a day without it!

After several attempts throughout all this years, I went from doing 2 day fasts to 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, and my longest was an 8 day fast, until I finally (about a year ago) did a 14 day fast! Always drinking all of my urine plus water if needed and doing 1 to 3 times each day the whole body massages with aged urine (2 to 5 years old).

This 14 day urine fast experience was truly MIND-BLOWING and much more than what I could have ever imagined!!!

There are so many marvelous things that happened during this fast that I can’t really mention them all in a short text, but I’ll try my best to touch the highlights and not extend my writing too much.


Truly! It was a real nightmare!! I had an amazing detox reaction and was constantly sneezing and coughing out mucus, had a mouth full of plaque all the time, horrible smell and taste, plus an unstoppable headache! I became also so weak I could barely speak or lift myself out of bed… but I gathered every day all the energy in me to go to the bathroom and follow my drinking and massaging routine. All I could do during that first week was pee, drink, sleep, massage, shower & REPEAT. Doing this also kept me going, I always got enough energy out of the process to be able to continue with the process and in my mind I was praying to pass the ordeal of the Detox phase as soon as possible. I tried to keep a smile all the time, as a way to induce my body into a happy state. It all works. Mental attitude is very important.
The interesting thing was that the detox happened on all levels. It was not only physical, but also emotional and spiritual. I went through traumas of my past, childhood memories that I thought were long forgotten and experienced emotional crisis or meltdowns about 5 times during that first week… it was very intense and profound, but also very short, like I was crying my soul out for 3-5 minutes and then I felt 100% liberated and free of that pain and memory… it was AMAZING!! DEEP HEALING took place on all levels of my being! I was laughing out of joy every time after those short periods of emotional crisis. Very interesting and funny to watch and go through. That first week was EXTREMELY DIFFICULT and I don’t know how I managed to keep up the strength and follow through with the fast… well, I helped mentally a lot, but I consider myself pretty coward when it comes to pain… I believe I knew deep in my soul that it was IMPORTANT. This experience was doing me so good and I just let my spirit guide me, surrendering completely to it. This turned out to be a TOTAL REBOOT of my whole being! WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL, I can only be ETERNALLY THANKFUL to God/myself/life/universe for that amazing experience and blessing!!

I lost about 11 kilos during the first week. I went from 54 kilos to 43 kilos. My face looked SCARY, like from a HORROR MOVIE, really, hahaha, I can laugh now but it wasn’t so funny then… my cheeks were gone, my eyelids were completely sunken, but something incredible happened… when I looked into my eyes… I SAW THE WHOLE UNIVERSE. My true self began to slowly reveal itself to me and all I could think was: “WOOOOOW… I AM SO BEAUTIFUL!!!”. The universe was opening itself to me… I saw the window to my soul… it was as if with each day into the fast, I was cleaning better and better the glasses of that window and being able to look much deeper into me… into the whole universe! I get now tears in my eyes when I think of it. That gave me the strength to continue… even though I was in a lot of pain, extremely weak and my overall external appearance was that of a 3 day old corpse! I could see the light at the end of the tunnel….

As for the physical healing part:

I have to say here, that I didn’t do it for health reasons, but more as an experiment and because I wanted to get rid of wrinkles on my face. I thought that after being 3 years 85- 95% raw vegan and drinking daily my urine, I was pretty much in perfect health. Well, I WAS WRONG….
A cyst I had on my upper right shoulder started coming out… (I wasn’t much aware of it, only at times, when it was itching or hurting and I kind of got used to the numbness on that area) my skin opened itself right there on that spot and liquid started pouring out. I was so happy to see this immediate sign of healing or cleansing!! This was on day 2 of the fast. Another cyst I had in my right ovaries also got dissolved (by the end of the 14 day fast) and now I no longer have any menstrual pain, which was the curse of my life for the past 25 years!! I could feel how my body was intensively working on those two areas and also on my kidneys, heart, brain and liver. My wrinkles also disappeared, but not completely, I feel that a longer fast is needed to fully regenerate the skin. It’s a process that takes a bit more time, but now continuing with the daily urine massages I can see a BIG improvement!

On the 5 day of the fast my urine also got much more “acidic”, I struggled drinking it, but nevertheless I continued. The acidic taste got worse and worse or I should better say stronger and stronger, because I totally think that it was not something bad, on the contrary, but it got to the point where it was like drinking pure squeezed lemon juice!! I tried to understand why this was happening (also happened to me before during other urine fasts… always at day 5 or 6 it starts to become like lemon water and gets more intense day by day) and got to the conclusion that this was necessary and perfect to produce a deep cleansing effect… it came to my mind the fact that lemon juice and usually all other acids are highly effective in cleansing, dissolving fats and decalcifying things. It would be interesting to analyze that acidic urine, because I also have the feeling that it is very high in VITAMIN C. It tastes almost exactly like drinking pure diluted vitamin C.
Well, I continued drinking this “acidic” urine, diluted with some water to not be so disgusted about it. It certainly wasn’t easy. I wish I would have known about the wonders of distilled water at that time, because the water to me (I was buying the “best” and most natural spring water in glass bottles) tasted so bad!!! I could barely drink water and I tried all kinds of water… it’s like I could sense the impurities, the inorganic minerals in it and I knew that they were not good for me. I almost preferred not to drink any water and only drink my urine, but I struggled with the intense taste of “lemon juice” or “vitamin C” kind of urine.

THE SECOND WEEK OF MY FAST WAS LIKE HEAVEN! I started slowly gaining back my energy and having moments of PURE JOY. They were fleeting in the beginning, like coming and going. It was like jumping between two worlds: the dark clouds of my detox and the light my true self was being revealed. I had in intervals of about 2 hours the most amazing 3D visions, especially during the night, and not only in dreams but also while being fully awake! In fact, I couldn’t sleep much at all. I slept also in intervals of 2 hours. And instead of sleeping I was more like meditating during the night and having this amazing 3D movies (actually, it was more like 4D or even 5D) being created for me, by me, that I could even see with open eyes in front of me. I love comedies and that’s mainly what I was creating and sometimes I couldn’t contain myself laughing out loud in the middle of the night! The movies were soooo funny, really hilarious, genius!!! I wish I could have somehow recorded it all, but I was still too weak to write things down or speak into a recording machine. I completely shut down all physical interaction with the external world and concentrated all my energy on my daily routine to go on with the urine fast. So, whenever I got this amazing gifts, including astral projections, or traveling with open eyes through holographic worlds being manifested in front of me, I simply enjoyed every moment of it. I also experienced wonderful interaction and communication with my cells. They were so happy to be heard and to be acknowledged by me… truly! It was one of the most wonderful experiences I had… I could feel what my cells felt, I could feel the ONENESS with them and I knew that for them having me talk to them or just focusing my attention on them was if like GOD finally had spoken to them. They were SO HAPPY and in JOY and they reacted the same way we as humans would react if GOD would manifest in front of us… they were making a BIG PARTY!!! It was crazy, I could feel every bit of me, each small particle that creates my body and coexists with me inside this beautiful body machine. I was as well so clear in my head and could think of any subject with the sharpest intelligence and insight… I was having the most deep conversations with myself, with my soul, with this higher intelligence in me, I feel like I began to activate and use the dormant part of my brain and that I was also activating the dormant DNA in me. I was consciously directing my cells into what they should do… and especially I was THANKING them for the big work they had already done and continued to be doing!! I felt so proud of them! And they were SOOO HAPPY to be acknowledged! I was constantly moved to tears of emotion with this interaction. We are SO NOT ALONE in our own bodies… we have millions of friends!!! I am so blessed, we are all so blessed, we come into this world already with A BILLION BEST FRIENDS that are here for us and will do EVERYTHING for us!! I was also speaking very fluently and eloquently, and I was giving speeches and speeches, constantly, in my mind, in every language I know and I could speak so well, all the words came so naturally to me! But only in my mind, because I was still weak to even speak out loud or with a normal voice. On day 9. I felt my whole body being almost 100% pure and free of all obstacles (toxins, impurities) and I felt such a rush of energy flowing, moving through me that I almost jumped out of my bed! I felt like singing and dancing! I started cleaning all the house, very happily, and when my husband came back from work, he could not believe what he saw… he had been quite worried witnessing me in pain all the previous days, almost lifeless laying in bed, barely being able to speak to him. I could not even explain before to him how I was feeling or what I was going through, I could only give him hand gestures to signalize that everything was OK. But on that day, the 9. day of my urine fast, there I was with a strong voice, singing, dancing and talking to him very eloquently about all I had gone through and how wonderful I was starting to feel. I was like in ecstasy and this feeling continued, it even became more and more intense! From that moment on, real “miracles” started happening… That second week I gained all the weight I had lost! And not only that, but more!! I went from being 43 kilos to 55 kilos! In just a matter of days, I put on the 11 kilos I had lost and gained an additional one!! It was really incredible for me to experience this! I could almost “watch” my body, my muscles, my tissues GROWING in front of me! It was AMAZING!! I was only drinking my urine and applying it on my skin, NOTHING ELSE!! By day 13. and 14. something very powerful happened and I was not really prepared for such a strong energy, for such a strong transformation or transmutation, ALCHEMY…. it was like the detox took a deeper road and went on a more spiritual or mental level… it got directed towards my EGO or all my external identifications, which are not truly me, but only a story or stories about me… well, everything, all those stories, started to dissolve and I felt a lot of FEAR, strangely, I never thought I would have this reaction, because I considered myself always ready to jump into a higher existence… but there I was all of a sudden faced with a deep fear… fear of the unknown, fear of letting go… of dropping the old and embracing the new… a new me, something SO MUCH BIGGER than everything I had ever imagined! It was the fear of the caterpillar just before becoming a butterfly. The fear of disappearing. I realized in that moment the MAGNITUDE of the proportion of my EGO, which until then I had not been quite aware of… it was so strong and it’s fear of dissolving and disappearing was so intense that I ended up giving in or I should say giving up! – I felt that I wasn’t quite willing to take on such a profound experience… it’s like it took me completely by surprise and I didn’t feel ready to say goodbye to my old me or my old friend… it’s funny, but it’s what it is and I decided to be more gentle with my transformation, with my “awakening” and took a break of the fast. I have to say that in that moment it got so frightening or difficult for me, because I felt so much energy running through my body, like a ball of light that was spinning and spinning so quickly and exponentially gaining in speed and it was about to crush me!! I felt like standing on the edge of the abyss and about to fall or jump into it or if I was standing in the middle of the rail tracks and a train was coming in high speed towards me and I couldn’t move… I had also the impression that I was just about to take off and start levitating or flying! IT SCARED ME!! Even though this had been a major wish in my life, to be able to fly, and I believe it’s something I can (we all can) and will do at some point in my life (very soon, I guess now), I never realized that deep inside I was SO AFRAID of it! On that day I probably experienced what people would say was a kundalini awakening or the beginning of one. I saw myself as a ball of light, the brightest light you can imagine and I sunk into it or explode and implode at the same time into it. It was a MARVELOUS feeling, but at the same time the most FRIGHTENING one. I can’t really put it in words. It lasted only the blink of an eye, because I STOPED it! I kind of forced myself to “come back into my body”. I screamed, just to “connect” back to the physical. I was afraid that I would disintegrate and disappear. My mind was not ready to completely let go. My EGO was like yelling “Don’t kill me!!” (literally, really! I think that scream was the voice of my EGO) and I decided that I wanted to take a break and postpone the experience of “enlightenment” for some time… So, I had to “ground” myself sipping on an orange juice. After that I slowly started eating some fruits and by enjoying the pleasures of the dense world I became also more and more dense… it was very powerful to experience the whole transition… pure alchemy inside of me!


About 3 months later I felt ready to take on the deeper journey into myself and started again a urine fast. Very quick I found myself back on the same level of awareness of the 14. day of my previous urine fast. Already on the 4. day of this new urine fast I had this experience again and then I let it just happen… I will share this AMAZING EXPERIENCE on my next video, I promise!!! It’s sooooooooo wide and bright, so colorful that I couldn’t really do it justice in a couple of sentences… all I can say for now is that: I WAS IN NIRVANA for about 15 hours… I MET MY TRUE SELF and I knew all there is to know about everything… I was pure consciousness… I went to visit and discovered all the worlds I could and wanted to visit an discover, I met many wonderful beings, astral, aliens, angels… I saw myself in the beginning swimming in this liquid full of tiny crystal, which I realized later was the space inside my pineal gland, it looked like a universe and I was floating in it…. it was the (liquid) medium that allowed me to move and travel between dimensions… my pineal gland obviously got activated and WOWWWW… SO MUCH TO TELLl!!! I don’t want to make it much longer here… so I really promise to soon make a video about it!!!!

You can watch the first video I made (about a year ago or more), where I try to condense in 15 minutes my experiences with the urine therapy. It’s actually a video response to two You Tubers, Dan MacDonald and Tim Van orden, who are “rawfoodists” (you probably know them as “the life regenerator” and “running raw”). I was inspired after watching the video of a conversation between the two of them and wanted to share some of my experiences with the urine therapy in regards to rejuvenation.
Check and feel free to subscribe to my channel for my future videos/testimonials on urine therapy and other things I’ve learned in life.

Much love to you all!!

Monica's response

Yes, Mark, I've done a couple complete dry fasts because I wanted to compare all the different fasting modalities and I've seen again and again that a "urine-dry fast" is the most superior kind of fast. Perhaps not the easiest, but it definitely yields the most astonishing results of them all.

I now fast on only my urine and nothing else. I drink no additional water. But I do shower after doing my whole body rubs with aged urine and I also brush my teeth with water and rinse my mouth with water.

The way I fast is by drinking all (or most of) my fresh urine and then I also do daily enemas with aged urine. As many as possible every day of my fast. And I do whole body rubs with aged urine every day of the fast as well, for as long as possible and as often as I can. It's AMAZING how much the aged urine cleanses and rejuvenates the body!! No dry fast alone does this in the same astonishingly quick and easy manner. Tons of parasites and mucus comes out!

With a dry fast alone, it takes much longer for the body to get rid of toxic blockages and it also takes much longer to rejuvenate the cells, tissues, organs, etc.... and heal any damage/signs of old age. ðŸ˜Š That's what I've observed so far. 

But I'm always open to learn more through further experimentation. I just love to discover things on my own. ðŸ˜‰

I wanna try a dry urine fast only (urine only, with absolutely no contact with water, not even showers or rinsing of the mouth. I'll use only urine to shower and rinse) and keep the urine on my skin after my whole body rubs with it. I feel like exploring that... my intuition tells me that the results will be more than

You won't get any of these symptoms (or you will get them but in a much safer way, not as bothersome and as long), if you are doing a urine fast - the RIGHT way. This is what I LOVE about the urine fast! It's not only the most cleansing and healing of all fasting modalities, but also the most SAFEST! It's amazing how much detox work the body can perform and you remain in a safe state, when you do a urine fast. But you have to pay attention to do certain things to make sure it's done right, in order to feel the least discomfort possible! And the right things are VERY SIMPLE tools and practices: first let some urine "age" for some days. Just leave it out in a container, covered with a cloth, so it can "breathe" but is protected from insects and dust, at room temperature or outside... you can put it also under the sun to get charged with direct sunlight for a couple hours each day. Wait for at least 4 days to have this more "potent" kind of urine. I suggest using a very wide open container like a salad bowl (preferably made of glass, not plastic, but if you don't have glass, then plastic is fine too), so the urine can get more oxygen. 

Prepare enough aged urine... depending on how long you wanna do the urine fast. I would say prepare half a litre for each day of your fast.

Then, during your urine fast, drink all of your fresh urine and take little sips of that aged urine every time you drink your fresh one (you can drink it straight like a tonic - taking one spoon or one little sip at a time - or you can mix it into your fresh urine... pour a little bit into your cup... or even just a couple drops under the tongue or in your cup will be highly beneficial for you!). Then use the rest of the aged urine for daily whole body rubs/massages and enemas. This is VERY IMPORTANT!! The whole body rubs are a great way to get that aged urine into your system and do a thorough cleanse. You will see A LOT of toxins being released through your skin. The aged urine opens and cleanses all your pores like nothing else and helps your body to pull out toxins from deep within your tissues!

The longer you do the body rubs, the better! To ensure a nice fasting experience, you should do at least 2-4 hours of daily whole body rubs with that aged urine. Simply rubbing it into your skin, all over your body, hair and eyes included. You should also sniff a couple drops into your sinuses, so it reaches your brain area and cleanses there as well. You will see a lot of mucus coming out!! It's amazing how much aged urine can dissolve old toxic matter and kill parasites, pull out anything that should not be in our bodies.

Same with the enemas. Do them as often as possible each day. Hold the aged urine for as long as you can inside of your intestines. It will be painful in the beginning, because most of your inner intestinal tissues are probably inflamed (if you are sick and hold toxins/parasites in your gut, which most of us do) and irritated... but continue with the urine enemas in spite of the pain... it will get easier over time... the aged urine will heal the inflammation and after some days you won't feel any pain anymore. All the toxic waste will come out and the aged urine will heal everything inside of you.


Use it as much as you can, inside and outside.
In enemas, oral ingestion, sniffing, ear drops, eye drops, etc.
And in whole body rubs!
The longer and more often you do these additional practices every day of your urine fast, the less discomfort you will experience... the more balanced it will be your healing/cleansing journey... of course you'll experience detox as well, but it will go much quicker than with any other practice and it will be much safer to go through, as well! Whenever you experience more pain or new signs of detox, new symptoms, reach to aged urine to help you cope with them. For headaches, do rubs on your head. For any aches, inflammation, pain, apply aged urine compresses or do rubs on the area. Drink some sips. Put drops under your tongue. Do enemas! 

That's it.
Very simple things to observe and you'll have a marvellous experience!

Just trust your body and trust your urine = it's your own most perfect medicine!! And aged urine is a more potent form of this medicine!