Make the True Guru your friend; going to His Court, you shall obtain the True Lord.
He is the Master who has made the world bloom; He makes the Universe blossom forth, fresh and green.
Those who meditate on the True Guru are satisfied and fulfilled. Those who meditate on the True Guru are not afraid of the Messenger of Death.
By Guru’s Grace, one remains blended with the True Name of the Creator.
Through the Guru’s Teachings, you shall be saved, contemplating the True Name.
The Diamond of the Guru has pierced the diamond of my mind, which is now dyed in the deep crimson color of the Name.
Remembering Him in meditation, the home of sorrow is abolished.
Remembering Him in meditation, the Messenger of Death shall not touch you.
Remembering Him in meditation, the dry branches become green again.
There is nothing beyond You; You are the One who does, sees, and knows.
Without You, there is no other; the entire Universe is the Arena of Your Play.
You are the River, All-knowing and All-seeing. I am just a fish – how can I find Your limit?
Wherever I look, You are there. Outside of You, I would burst and die.
~ Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Guru Nanak’s Tapas and meditation
Nanak practised rigorous meditation in order to realise God quickly. He was always in a deep meditative mood. He did not care for his body. The parents thought that Nanak was ailing seriously and so they sent for a physician. Nanak said to the doctor: "You have come to diagnose my ailment and prescribe medicine. You take my hand and feel the pulse. Poor ignorant doctor, you do not know that the pain is in my mind. O doctor! Go back to your house. I am under God-intoxication. Your medicine is of no use to me. Few know my disease. The Lord, who gave me this pain, will remove it. I feel the pain of separation from God. I feel the pain which death may inflict. O ignorant doctor! Do not give me any medicine. I feel the pain that my body will perish by disease. I forgot God and indulged in sensual pleasures. Then I had this pain. The wicked heart is punished. If a man repeats even a portion of the Name of the Lord, his body will become like gold and his soul will be rendered pure. All his pain and disease will be annihilated. Nanak will be saved by the true Name of the Lord. O physician! Go back to your house. Do not take my curse with you. Leave me alone now".
Nanak gave up food and drink for some days. He became wholly absorbed in divine contemplation. He observed perfect silence. He concealed himself in the forests for days together.
Then Kalu Chand told Nanak: "If you do not like trade or business, you may serve in some office". Nanak replied, "I am already a servant of God. I am endeavouring to do my duty honestly and whole-heartedly in the service of my Lord. I carry out His behests implicitly. I desire fervently to get the reward of divine grace from the Lord by serving Him untiringly and incessantly". On hearing this, the father became silent and retired from there.
"My body is a field. The mind is the ploughman. Righteousness is the cultivation. Modesty is water for irrigation. I have sown the field with the seed of the sacred Name of the Lord. Contentment is my field’s harrow. Humility is its hedge. The seeds will germinate into a good crop with love and devotion. Fortunate is the house in which such a crop is brought! O sir, mammon will not accompany us to the next world. It has infatuated the whole world, but there are few who understand its delusive nature".
"O teacher! Burn worldly love, make its ashes into ink and make the intellect into a fine paper. Now make the love of God your pen, and your heart the writer, and under the instructions of your Guru, write and meditate. Write the Name of the Lord and His praises and write, ‘He has no limit this side or the other’. O teacher! Learn to write this account".
' Man's conduct is the paper
On which, the mind's quill
Records both good and evil
As our deeds dictate, we live,
But God's Grace knows no end.' (Raga Maru)
Guru Nanak and Mardana were now headed towards the next major centre of pilgrimage , important to both Hindus and Buddhists: Gaya, in Bihar. There, on the bank of the Phalgu river, the local priests supervised large-scale ceremonies that consisted of offering funreal barley cakes to departed ancestors and lighting lamps that would light up the paths of the departed spirtits in the heavens above. The priests tried their best to make Nanak join these ceremonies but the Guru refused, saying that only man's deeds could help him in the next world.
' The Lord is my barely roll and leaf platter
The Creator's true name is my obsequy.
- Raga Asa
Chatur Das, after a lengthy discussion, realized the wisdom of what Guru Nanak had said and became his disciple. He was joined by others who were also impressed by the message of Nanak. According to the Puratan janamsakhi, it was here at Varanasi that Nanak enunciated the fifthy-four stanzas of his composition ' Dakini Onkar ' :
' Performing rituals does not release one
Without virtue one goes to the city of death
He gains neither this world , nor the one beyond
The sinner in the end regrets
He possesses neither knowledge, nor concentration,
Nor any faith, nor meditation
Without the Name he cannot be fearless
Nor understand the evil of ego
I am tired; how do I reach
The Unfathomable, the Endless!
I do not have loved friends
To whom I may appeal for help
Nanak, if I utter my beloved's name
The Uniter shall Unite me with Himself
If I love Him boundlessly
The one who separates shall unite. '
- Aamkali Dakhni Onkar, 37
.......The Guru was not distracted and remained lost in meditation. Then Shivnabh came down himself and posed several questions to Nanak. Among these, he asked him whether he followed the Muslim or the Hindu way of life.
Nanak's reply was:
' The true Guru has solved the problem of the
two paths.
He who meditates on the One God and wavers not,
shall understand.' (Raga Maru)
Even kings and emperors with heaps of wealth and vast dominion cannot compare with an ant filled with the Love of God.
Like the fragrance in a flower, like an image in a mirror, this sense of "I amness" is felt in the body. Therefore, give up your name 'Nanak' and also your identity with the body and abide in the sense of "I amness". You shall be liberated.
O Mind. What are you searching inside and outside? It is One only. Once the earthen pot bearing the name 'Nanak' is broken by getting rid of the concept that "I am the body", where then is the inside and outside? It is only 'I' prevailing everywhere.
"Ek Omkar Satnam Karta Purkh Nirbhav Nirvair, Akalmurat Ajuni Savai Bhang Gur Parsad—God is but one, His Name is true, He is the Creator, He pervades the whole universe, He is without fear, He is without enmity, He is immortal, He is birthless, He is self-born and self-existent, He is the remover of the darkness (of ignorance) and He is merciful"
“The world is a drama, staged in a dream”
― Guru Nanak, Sri Guru Granth Sahib
“What should the yogi have to fear? Trees, plants, and all that is inside and outside, is He Himself”
― Guru Nanak, Sri Guru Granth Sahib
When Nanak was a boy of seven, he was sent to Gopal Pandha to learn Hindi. The teacher told Nanak to read a book. Nanak replied, "What will it avail to know all and not have a knowledge of God?" Then the teacher wrote the Hindi alphabets for him on a wooden slate. Nanak said to the teacher, "Please tell me, sir, what books have you studied? What is the extent of your knowledge?" Gopal Pandha replied, "I know mathematics and the accounts necessary for shopkeeping". Nanak replied, "This knowledge will not in any way help you in obtaining freedom". The teacher was very much astonished at the words of the boy. He told him, "Nanak, tell me something which could help me in the attainment of salvation". Nanak said, "O teacher! Burn worldly love, make its ashes into ink and make the intellect into a fine paper. Now make the love of God your pen, and your heart the writer, and under the instructions of your Guru, write and meditate. Write the Name of the Lord and His praises and write, ‘He has no limit this side or the other’. O teacher! Learn to write this account". The teacher was struck with wonder.
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