No one is forced to fast and of course the choices one makes after fasting determine their long-term success. No one is suggesting that fasting alone will allow one to maintain an amazing level of health. It most certainly will not.
My clients aren't just sane, they're generally far more intelligent than average.
Unfortunately for the average person, sanity alone doesn't allow one to make the best choices. One must be sane and must also have the best information.
And frequently in nature, one-size does indeed fit all. One of the few things that every animal species has in common is their propensity to fast when either sick-enough or badly-enough injured. Fasting provides the body -- every body -- with the optimal conditions to cleanse and heal and I don't know of a single time when this isn't beneficial or necessary.
And while cannabis oil may kill the cancer, the cancer is Not the problem but rather just a symptom of the problem. Every body develops cancer cells every day. Healthy-enough bodies destroy those cancer cells as they form. A tumor is simply evidence that the body is severely toxic and out-of-balance.
Killing or removing the cancer cells whether via radiation, chemo, surgery, or CBD oil in no way changes the underlying conditions of the body, except with the first three, to make the body weaker and more incapable of defending itself. Whether or not CBD oil shares this issue or not I don't know.
But I Do know that eliminating the tumor does Not mean that the body is healthy, and it is foolish to pretend or assume otherwise.
So whether one chooses to eliminate the tumor using any of the above methods or not, they would be well-served to actually give the body the chance to truly cleanse and heal itself to eliminate the underlying issue of toxicity and imbalance.
Failure to do means that the cancer is likely to return...which is why this is exactly what happens so often.
about Herbert Shelton and tc fry by john rose
<<<1. How long does he recommend doing a fast for?>>>
Shelton always said that the biggest mistake people made when it came to fasting was not fasting long enough or till completion, but no one, including Shelton who supervised over 50,000 Fasts, can give a blanket statement as it depends on each person’s individual circumstances.
Here are some of my notes regarding how long we should fast according to Herbert Shelton:
"I rarely tell anybody that he needs a long fast. I tell him instead that we will be guided by developments." p. 128 "Fasting For Renewal of life"
"Let developments determine the length of the fast. p. 53 "Fasting Can Save Your Life"
"There are a thousand reasons for ending the fast short of its natural termination. In many instances the results of these short fasts are disappointing. In some instances the premature breaking is the difference between complete success and partial failure.
A job only half done is not done at all. Certainly health is worth a little added effort. Missing a few more meals is a small price to pay for the results that can accrue to the individual willing to make the effort required." p. 64 "Fasting Can Save Your Life"
"How long should the underweight individual fast to secure improvement in his nutritional processes? There is no absolute undeviating answer. Each case is different as the condition of each patient is different. In some cases a fast of ten days to two weeks will prove adequate. In others much longer fasts may be called for. A short fast is rarely enough to secure the correction of the defects of the nutritional processes needed to enable the chronically underweight person to gain weight. Here, as elsewhere, the fast should be taken under competent supervision and the judgment of the supervisor respected." p. 80 "Fasting Can Save Your Life"
"It is possible to carry a fast too far. It is possible to break it prematurely. In the first case the patient is damaged, in the second he fails to receive the legitimately expected results." p. 230 "The Science and Fine Art of Fasting"
"Thousands of sufferers attempt to do with a fast of two to four days or more. 'I tried fasting and it did not help me,' they say. Playing around with short fasts and semi-fasts will seldom give satisfactory results. Fast for results or forget it...this is my advice." p. 237 "The Science and Fine Art of Fasting"
<<< 2. How often does he recommend doing a fast?>>>
Shelton’s Logical Rule was to “Fast when there is a need for it.”
3. What does he recommend in the way of what to ingest? Water only? Juice and water only??
NEVER combine a Juice Fast with a Water Fast and remember, Water Fasting is no longer safe to do with all of the Chemicals in our Environment, which end up in us, unless we are free of those Chemicals.
<<< "By 1972, at the age of 77, he was completely bedridden from a degenerative neuro-muscular disease believed to be Parkinson's disease.[2] He died thirteen years later, unable to improve his own health despite many attempts. His contemporaries were shocked to see him unable to walk, speak normally, or write.">>>
Yes, Shelton understood the Science of Healing, but like most Natural Hygienists, he failed to understand the Art of Healing. The Science of Healing works without the Art in about 90% of the cases, which explains why some people do NOT get well when they just Remove the Primary Causes. I explain this a little more in my response to BJ below.
<<< That's why you shouldn't believe everything you read in books or on the internet about health, or when people give you simplistic solutions to complex physical problems.>>>
There really is a very SIMPLE Solution to about 90% what some people think are COMPLEX Problems, but the other 10% can be very Complicated!!! To illustrate my point and to follow up on Shelton’s Health Problems, here is an exchange between me and some guy named Tim on the Comments section from a Dr. Mercola Article.
The philosophy of Natural Hygiene seems to purport that adhering to its principles will transform one into a perfect specimen of health. But that wasn't the case with its most ardent proponents. I saw some pictures of Herbert Shelton in his later years and his teeth were in terrible shape. Furthermore, as I mentioned in another comment on this article, Shelton suffered from a very debilitating neuromuscular disease for the last 13 years of his life. T.C. Fry, another proponent of Natural Hygiene, also suffered with serious health problems before dying at age 70. Fry was very extreme in his views in that he practiced and advocated fruitarianism--eating nothing but fruit! Fry's autopsy report stated that he died of a coronary embolism and that he had atherosclerotic plaques in his legs.
TimM, most if not all Natural Hygienists do NOT understand the Ripple Effect and do NOT make allowances for any Temporary Impairment or Permanent Damage that we might have. Natural Hygienists do, however, understand the Law of Cause & Effect and do so much better than everyone else, but they don’t know that there is a way to screw up the Law of Cause & Effect and that is to not consider the Ripple Effect.
So Shelton and Fry suffered and died primarily because they did NOT understand the Ripple Effect and did NOT make any allowances for their DHA and B12 deficiencies, respectively. And then, just about everyone else doesn’t understand that we have 2 Groups of Needs that we must Satisfy - one is based on the Law of Cause & Effect and the other is based on the Ripple Effect and many of us use our Needs based on the Ripple Effect to discount the importance of our Needs based on the Law of Cause & Effect. In other words, we don’t think that our Needs based on the Law of Cause & Effect are True because they don’t Satisfy our Needs based on the Ripple Effect.
Shelton and Fry also overworked and failed to get enough sleep, which everyone knows is 1 of our most important Essential Needs and neither of them were raised on this diet nor were they able to adhere 100% to it. Shelton was also kicked in the mouth in 1945 by his stallion, which was why his teeth were bad and Fry was shot in the head, so there are lots of other factors that contributed to their longevity or lack of.
The point here is to NOT be Dogmatic like most Natural Hygienists and be open to Modifying the Diet that we are Biologically Adapted to Eat (based on the Law of Cause & Effect) with the inclusion of Supplements or Animal Products if needed (based on the Ripple Effect).
Martix, you nailed it - there is more confusion and ignorance regarding what to eat than any other subject!
Peace and Love..........John
<<<1. How long does he recommend doing a fast for?>>>
Shelton always said that the biggest mistake people made when it came to fasting was not fasting long enough or till completion, but no one, including Shelton who supervised over 50,000 Fasts, can give a blanket statement as it depends on each person’s individual circumstances.
Here are some of my notes regarding how long we should fast according to Herbert Shelton:
"I rarely tell anybody that he needs a long fast. I tell him instead that we will be guided by developments." p. 128 "Fasting For Renewal of life"
"Let developments determine the length of the fast. p. 53 "Fasting Can Save Your Life"
"There are a thousand reasons for ending the fast short of its natural termination. In many instances the results of these short fasts are disappointing. In some instances the premature breaking is the difference between complete success and partial failure.
A job only half done is not done at all. Certainly health is worth a little added effort. Missing a few more meals is a small price to pay for the results that can accrue to the individual willing to make the effort required." p. 64 "Fasting Can Save Your Life"
"How long should the underweight individual fast to secure improvement in his nutritional processes? There is no absolute undeviating answer. Each case is different as the condition of each patient is different. In some cases a fast of ten days to two weeks will prove adequate. In others much longer fasts may be called for. A short fast is rarely enough to secure the correction of the defects of the nutritional processes needed to enable the chronically underweight person to gain weight. Here, as elsewhere, the fast should be taken under competent supervision and the judgment of the supervisor respected." p. 80 "Fasting Can Save Your Life"
"It is possible to carry a fast too far. It is possible to break it prematurely. In the first case the patient is damaged, in the second he fails to receive the legitimately expected results." p. 230 "The Science and Fine Art of Fasting"
"Thousands of sufferers attempt to do with a fast of two to four days or more. 'I tried fasting and it did not help me,' they say. Playing around with short fasts and semi-fasts will seldom give satisfactory results. Fast for results or forget it...this is my advice." p. 237 "The Science and Fine Art of Fasting"
<<< 2. How often does he recommend doing a fast?>>>
Shelton’s Logical Rule was to “Fast when there is a need for it.”
3. What does he recommend in the way of what to ingest? Water only? Juice and water only??
NEVER combine a Juice Fast with a Water Fast and remember, Water Fasting is no longer safe to do with all of the Chemicals in our Environment, which end up in us, unless we are free of those Chemicals.
<<< "By 1972, at the age of 77, he was completely bedridden from a degenerative neuro-muscular disease believed to be Parkinson's disease.[2] He died thirteen years later, unable to improve his own health despite many attempts. His contemporaries were shocked to see him unable to walk, speak normally, or write.">>>
Yes, Shelton understood the Science of Healing, but like most Natural Hygienists, he failed to understand the Art of Healing. The Science of Healing works without the Art in about 90% of the cases, which explains why some people do NOT get well when they just Remove the Primary Causes. I explain this a little more in my response to BJ below.
<<< That's why you shouldn't believe everything you read in books or on the internet about health, or when people give you simplistic solutions to complex physical problems.>>>
There really is a very SIMPLE Solution to about 90% what some people think are COMPLEX Problems, but the other 10% can be very Complicated!!! To illustrate my point and to follow up on Shelton’s Health Problems, here is an exchange between me and some guy named Tim on the Comments section from a Dr. Mercola Article.
The philosophy of Natural Hygiene seems to purport that adhering to its principles will transform one into a perfect specimen of health. But that wasn't the case with its most ardent proponents. I saw some pictures of Herbert Shelton in his later years and his teeth were in terrible shape. Furthermore, as I mentioned in another comment on this article, Shelton suffered from a very debilitating neuromuscular disease for the last 13 years of his life. T.C. Fry, another proponent of Natural Hygiene, also suffered with serious health problems before dying at age 70. Fry was very extreme in his views in that he practiced and advocated fruitarianism--eating nothing but fruit! Fry's autopsy report stated that he died of a coronary embolism and that he had atherosclerotic plaques in his legs.
TimM, most if not all Natural Hygienists do NOT understand the Ripple Effect and do NOT make allowances for any Temporary Impairment or Permanent Damage that we might have. Natural Hygienists do, however, understand the Law of Cause & Effect and do so much better than everyone else, but they don’t know that there is a way to screw up the Law of Cause & Effect and that is to not consider the Ripple Effect.
So Shelton and Fry suffered and died primarily because they did NOT understand the Ripple Effect and did NOT make any allowances for their DHA and B12 deficiencies, respectively. And then, just about everyone else doesn’t understand that we have 2 Groups of Needs that we must Satisfy - one is based on the Law of Cause & Effect and the other is based on the Ripple Effect and many of us use our Needs based on the Ripple Effect to discount the importance of our Needs based on the Law of Cause & Effect. In other words, we don’t think that our Needs based on the Law of Cause & Effect are True because they don’t Satisfy our Needs based on the Ripple Effect.
Shelton and Fry also overworked and failed to get enough sleep, which everyone knows is 1 of our most important Essential Needs and neither of them were raised on this diet nor were they able to adhere 100% to it. Shelton was also kicked in the mouth in 1945 by his stallion, which was why his teeth were bad and Fry was shot in the head, so there are lots of other factors that contributed to their longevity or lack of.
The point here is to NOT be Dogmatic like most Natural Hygienists and be open to Modifying the Diet that we are Biologically Adapted to Eat (based on the Law of Cause & Effect) with the inclusion of Supplements or Animal Products if needed (based on the Ripple Effect).
Martix, you nailed it - there is more confusion and ignorance regarding what to eat than any other subject!
Peace and Love..........John
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an omega-3 fatty acid that is a primary structural component of the human brain, cerebral cortex, skin, and retina. It can be synthesized from alpha-linolenic acid or obtained directly from maternal milk (breast milk), fish oil, or algae oil.
When he was developing his Parkinsonian tremors, I ordered blood tests and was shocked to see his blood results showing almost a zero DHA level on his fatty acid test, in spite of adequate ALA consumption from nuts and seeds eaten daily. I had never seen a DHA level that low before. Since that time I have drawn DHA blood levels on other patients with Parkinson's and also found very low DHA levels.
Was it a coincidence, that these leaders in the natural food, vegetarian movement, who ate a very healthy vegan diet and no junk food would both develop Parkinson's? I thought to myself--could it be that deficiencies in DHA predispose one to Parkinson's? Do men have worse ability to convert short chain omega-3 into long chain DHA? Is that why Parkinson's affects more men than women? Is there evidence to suggest that DHA deficiencies lead to later life neurologic problems? Are there primate studies to show DHA deficiencies in monkeys leads to Parkinson's? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding, yes.
Another conclusion drawn from this finding is that a brain containing a lot of omega-6 fatty acids may create a fertile ground for developing Parkinson's disease. These fatty acids, are abundant in foods rich in either vegetable oil or animal fat, which we already know contribute negatively to our health.
TC Fry (1926 – 1996)- another long-term Natural Hygienist, raw foodest, vegetarian-fruitarian, advocated you did not need supplements as food contained all that we need. He died of an atherosclerotic-related embolism at the age of 70. I saw his hospital record at his death and reviewed his blood work drawn immediately prior to his death. It was quite revealing. He had severe B12, deficiency, so long-standing that his B12 levels were almost undetectable and the lowest I have ever seen. It is kind of interesting reading internet interpretations of why he died, such as "did not practice what he preached," "cheated on his diet," "too much sex," "ozone treatments for his vascular disease". He died prematurely simply because long-standing B12 deficiency leads to extremely high homocysteine levels, which can cause intra-vascular inflammation and cardiovascular disease.
<<<that sounds like a chronic disease. While I think fasting can help in many cases, it is not a cure-all tool that makes people live forever. I myself don't practice it but I am sure it helps somehow>>>
Panchito, Shelton's condition had to do with a DHA Deficiency and Fasting is NOT a Solution for this type of Deficiency.
Leaders of the Vegan Movement Develop Parkinson's:
Case Studies
Herbert Shelton (1895 – 1985) a naturopath and chiropractor and the influential founder of the American Natural Hygiene Society and Nature Cure movement in America and prolific health writer advocated a natural food vegetarian diet of mostly raw fruits, vegetables and nuts. I read all of his highly motivating books, newsletters and writings in my teens. He lived in Texas, was physically fit, grew lots of his own food and ate carefully and fasted periodically. Of course he did not get cancer, he did not get heart disease, but he died of Parkinson's disease and was so severely affected by the age of 78 that even walking was difficult. In 1973 when I met him he was already severely hunched over and had a difficult time walking and caring for himself. Though he lived many years with this significant disability, the quality of his later years was extremely poor.
Prominent Vegetarian and Health Advocate (1921-2008) – this leader in the natural health movement and a personal friend to me also suffered from and eventually died from a fall related to his Parkinson's disease. During his young adult life he embarked on the path of healthy living and vegetarianism. A follower of Shelton's works, he operated a large health food store, one of the first to sell organic fruits and vegetables in America; he became a leader in the health food industry. Of course he was not at risk of cancer or heart disease with his excellent diet, but he developed Parkinson's which limited the quality of his later years.
When he was developing his Parkinsonian tremors, I ordered blood tests and was shocked to see his blood results showing almost a zero DHA level on his fatty acid test, in spite of adequate ALA consumption from nuts and seeds eaten daily. I had never seen a DHA level that low before. Since that time I have drawn DHA blood levels on other patients with Parkinson's and also found very low DHA levels.
Was it a coincidence, that these leaders in the natural food, vegetarian movement, who ate a very healthy vegan diet and no junk food would both develop Parkinson's? I thought to myself--could it be that deficiencies in DHA predispose one to Parkinson's? Do men have worse ability to convert short chain omega-3 into long chain DHA? Is that why Parkinson's affects more men than women? Is there evidence to suggest that DHA deficiencies lead to later life neurologic problems? Are there primate studies to show DHA deficiencies in monkeys leads to Parkinson's? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding, yes.
More than 1 million Americans suffer from Parkinson's Disease (PD), a neurodegenerative disease that is clinically characterized by resting tremor, muscular rigidity, gait problems and impaired ability to initiate movements. Recent scientific findings show diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids, in particular DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), have a protective effect on this type of neurodegenerative disease. Studies in animals clearly show that supplementation of DHA can alter brain DHA concentrations and thereby modify brain functions leading to reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.1
A recent study examined mice which were exposed to two diets; one group was fed a diet with DHA and other omega-3 fatty acids; while the other group was given ordinary food, lacking DHA. After a period of time they were given a dose of a chemical that causes the same damage to the brain as Parkinson's disease. The mice on the DHA diet seemed to be immune to the effects of the chemical, whereas the mice that ate ordinary food developed symptoms of the disease.
According to the researchers, among the mice that had been given omega-3 supplementation - in particular DHA - omega-3 fatty acids replaced the omega-6 fatty acids in their brains. Due to the fact that concentrations of other omega-3s (LNA and EPA) had maintained levels in both groups of mice, the researchers suggested that the protective effect against Parkinson's indeed came from DHA.2
Another conclusion drawn from this finding is that a brain containing a lot of omega-6 fatty acids may create a fertile ground for developing Parkinson's disease. These fatty acids, are abundant in foods rich in either vegetable oil or animal fat, which we already know contribute negatively to our health.
Another study observed the effect of DHA on monkeys treated with MPTP, a drug that induces Parkinson's like symptoms, and the results suggested that DHA can reduce the severity of, or delay the development of these drug-induced symptoms and therefore can offer therapeutic benefits in the treatment of Parkinson's. 3
Overall, this research provides evidence that DHA deficiencies can leave us vulnerable to developing diseases like Parkinson's and Alheizmer's. If you are a nutritarian, flexitarain, vegan, or vegetarian and you are not taking DHA or confirming your levels are adequate with blood work you are being negligent, and potentially increasing your risk of such a disease in later life. All the good efforts on proper nutrition can be undone with one deficiency such as Vitamin D, B12, or DHA. I see this every week in my practice.
History Repeats Itself
Some authors, doctors and leaders of the vegan movement today are heavily biased towards the idea of not needing these supplements. They simply give inadequate nutritional advice and in spite of all the science they still pooh-pooh taking long-chain omega-3 DHA. They are risking the quality of their own lives and that of their followers.
Likewise, I have seen so many vegan-promoting doctors and authors negate the need for taking B12, as well as dismiss the need to take vitamin D, stating minimal sunshine is enough. They also deny the need for omega-3 supplementation. There is so much scientific literature available today pointing to the contrary, however, this irresponsible information keeps radiating from the podium of lecture halls.
It reminds me of all the statements in the past, that the need for B12 was exaggerated and that the small amount of bacteria on organic produce or in seaweed was sufficient.
TC Fry (1926 – 1996)- another long-term Natural Hygienist, raw foodest, vegetarian-fruitarian, advocated you did not need supplements as food contained all that we need. He died of an atherosclerotic-related embolism at the age of 70. I saw his hospital record at his death and reviewed his blood work drawn immediately prior to his death. It was quite revealing. He had severe B12, deficiency, so long-standing that his B12 levels were almost undetectable and the lowest I have ever seen. It is kind of interesting reading internet interpretations of why he died, such as "did not practice what he preached," "cheated on his diet," "too much sex," "ozone treatments for his vascular disease". He died prematurely simply because long-standing B12 deficiency leads to extremely high homocysteine levels, which can cause intra-vascular inflammation and cardiovascular disease.
I have seen this over and over again in vegans not supplementing with B12. I even had a patient with extremely severe hyper-homocysteinemia and vascular disease who flew in to see me from Scandinavia. When I diagnosed the problem and discussed how to solve it, she still refused to take the B12 supplements, stating that Dr. Shelton and Dr. Vetrano said that nature provided us with all that we need in natural plant foods. She flew home angry that I disagreed. She died soon after.
Don't be fooled into thinking that by merely eating right you are doing all you can do to protect your health. People must be made aware that by neglecting to take the supplements that are essential to assuring nutritional excellence, they are putting themselves in harm's way. Specifically, not taking DHA, B12 and vitamin D can be potentially dangerous and even life threatening.
Peace and Love..........John
Panchito, Shelton's condition had to do with a DHA Deficiency and Fasting is NOT a Solution for this type of Deficiency.
Leaders of the Vegan Movement Develop Parkinson's:
Case Studies
Herbert Shelton (1895 – 1985) a naturopath and chiropractor and the influential founder of the American Natural Hygiene Society and Nature Cure movement in America and prolific health writer advocated a natural food vegetarian diet of mostly raw fruits, vegetables and nuts. I read all of his highly motivating books, newsletters and writings in my teens. He lived in Texas, was physically fit, grew lots of his own food and ate carefully and fasted periodically. Of course he did not get cancer, he did not get heart disease, but he died of Parkinson's disease and was so severely affected by the age of 78 that even walking was difficult. In 1973 when I met him he was already severely hunched over and had a difficult time walking and caring for himself. Though he lived many years with this significant disability, the quality of his later years was extremely poor.
Prominent Vegetarian and Health Advocate (1921-2008) – this leader in the natural health movement and a personal friend to me also suffered from and eventually died from a fall related to his Parkinson's disease. During his young adult life he embarked on the path of healthy living and vegetarianism. A follower of Shelton's works, he operated a large health food store, one of the first to sell organic fruits and vegetables in America; he became a leader in the health food industry. Of course he was not at risk of cancer or heart disease with his excellent diet, but he developed Parkinson's which limited the quality of his later years.
When he was developing his Parkinsonian tremors, I ordered blood tests and was shocked to see his blood results showing almost a zero DHA level on his fatty acid test, in spite of adequate ALA consumption from nuts and seeds eaten daily. I had never seen a DHA level that low before. Since that time I have drawn DHA blood levels on other patients with Parkinson's and also found very low DHA levels.
Was it a coincidence, that these leaders in the natural food, vegetarian movement, who ate a very healthy vegan diet and no junk food would both develop Parkinson's? I thought to myself--could it be that deficiencies in DHA predispose one to Parkinson's? Do men have worse ability to convert short chain omega-3 into long chain DHA? Is that why Parkinson's affects more men than women? Is there evidence to suggest that DHA deficiencies lead to later life neurologic problems? Are there primate studies to show DHA deficiencies in monkeys leads to Parkinson's? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding, yes.
More than 1 million Americans suffer from Parkinson's Disease (PD), a neurodegenerative disease that is clinically characterized by resting tremor, muscular rigidity, gait problems and impaired ability to initiate movements. Recent scientific findings show diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids, in particular DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), have a protective effect on this type of neurodegenerative disease. Studies in animals clearly show that supplementation of DHA can alter brain DHA concentrations and thereby modify brain functions leading to reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.1
A recent study examined mice which were exposed to two diets; one group was fed a diet with DHA and other omega-3 fatty acids; while the other group was given ordinary food, lacking DHA. After a period of time they were given a dose of a chemical that causes the same damage to the brain as Parkinson's disease. The mice on the DHA diet seemed to be immune to the effects of the chemical, whereas the mice that ate ordinary food developed symptoms of the disease.
According to the researchers, among the mice that had been given omega-3 supplementation - in particular DHA - omega-3 fatty acids replaced the omega-6 fatty acids in their brains. Due to the fact that concentrations of other omega-3s (LNA and EPA) had maintained levels in both groups of mice, the researchers suggested that the protective effect against Parkinson's indeed came from DHA.2
Another conclusion drawn from this finding is that a brain containing a lot of omega-6 fatty acids may create a fertile ground for developing Parkinson's disease. These fatty acids, are abundant in foods rich in either vegetable oil or animal fat, which we already know contribute negatively to our health.
Another study observed the effect of DHA on monkeys treated with MPTP, a drug that induces Parkinson's like symptoms, and the results suggested that DHA can reduce the severity of, or delay the development of these drug-induced symptoms and therefore can offer therapeutic benefits in the treatment of Parkinson's. 3
Overall, this research provides evidence that DHA deficiencies can leave us vulnerable to developing diseases like Parkinson's and Alheizmer's. If you are a nutritarian, flexitarain, vegan, or vegetarian and you are not taking DHA or confirming your levels are adequate with blood work you are being negligent, and potentially increasing your risk of such a disease in later life. All the good efforts on proper nutrition can be undone with one deficiency such as Vitamin D, B12, or DHA. I see this every week in my practice.
History Repeats Itself
Some authors, doctors and leaders of the vegan movement today are heavily biased towards the idea of not needing these supplements. They simply give inadequate nutritional advice and in spite of all the science they still pooh-pooh taking long-chain omega-3 DHA. They are risking the quality of their own lives and that of their followers.
Likewise, I have seen so many vegan-promoting doctors and authors negate the need for taking B12, as well as dismiss the need to take vitamin D, stating minimal sunshine is enough. They also deny the need for omega-3 supplementation. There is so much scientific literature available today pointing to the contrary, however, this irresponsible information keeps radiating from the podium of lecture halls.
It reminds me of all the statements in the past, that the need for B12 was exaggerated and that the small amount of bacteria on organic produce or in seaweed was sufficient.
TC Fry (1926 – 1996)- another long-term Natural Hygienist, raw foodest, vegetarian-fruitarian, advocated you did not need supplements as food contained all that we need. He died of an atherosclerotic-related embolism at the age of 70. I saw his hospital record at his death and reviewed his blood work drawn immediately prior to his death. It was quite revealing. He had severe B12, deficiency, so long-standing that his B12 levels were almost undetectable and the lowest I have ever seen. It is kind of interesting reading internet interpretations of why he died, such as "did not practice what he preached," "cheated on his diet," "too much sex," "ozone treatments for his vascular disease". He died prematurely simply because long-standing B12 deficiency leads to extremely high homocysteine levels, which can cause intra-vascular inflammation and cardiovascular disease.
I have seen this over and over again in vegans not supplementing with B12. I even had a patient with extremely severe hyper-homocysteinemia and vascular disease who flew in to see me from Scandinavia. When I diagnosed the problem and discussed how to solve it, she still refused to take the B12 supplements, stating that Dr. Shelton and Dr. Vetrano said that nature provided us with all that we need in natural plant foods. She flew home angry that I disagreed. She died soon after.
Don't be fooled into thinking that by merely eating right you are doing all you can do to protect your health. People must be made aware that by neglecting to take the supplements that are essential to assuring nutritional excellence, they are putting themselves in harm's way. Specifically, not taking DHA, B12 and vitamin D can be potentially dangerous and even life threatening.
Peace and Love..........John