Sunday, 26 November 2017

loren lockman notes   reply by LL

1:32 longest fast he supervised 18 weeks - 126 rid of testicular cancer stage 4. 1:44

1:32 18 weeks -126 days fast 1:44 stage 4 testicular cancer disappeared. 2:40 people fasted more than 6 mths 3:39 hunger=pleasant tickling sensation in the throat

Hi Freedomfajter, As I've been fasting people for nearly 19 years and have fasted thousands, I can't swear that I remember who was the skinniest either before or after, but it could be a young man who here's with me.  He's about 5'10"(177) and arrived weighing only about 77 pounds (35 Kilos).   While he was already very, very skinny with relatively few reserves, he was dealing with a serious degenerative disease and his health had deteriorated significantly.  He fasted two weeks and is now going through what is sure to be a long recovery process.  HIs weight is still quite low, but is beginning to come back up and it appears that he is finally able to get decades worth of old material from his body which will -- hopefully -- allow his body to thrive in a way that it truly Never has before since he's been sick since birth. As it happens, we have another gentleman here who also arrived very skinny (5'11" or 179.5 and 90 pounds or just over 40 kilos) who fasted for nearly 2 weeks and is also now eliminating years and years worth of old, hard, fecal matter.  He's been able to clear lots of mucous from his lungs and looks and feels healthier and more vibrant every day. His road will also be a relatively long one to recovery as this is virtually always the case when someone depletes their reserves to this extent, but it now seems that full recovery may be possible where it seemed quite possible that he had little time left on this earth when he arrived.

We don't measure the size of people's bm's -- though it has recently occurred to me watching these two very skinny guys eliminating so much.  In most cases, it's not that any particular bowel movement is so large, but rather that when the body is finally ready to let go of this formerly hard, dried material which it's been breaking down and re-hydrating, there will often be many bowel movements in a short amount of time.  So the younger man mentioned above has had 13 or 14 large bm's in the last 3 days, and the older man has similarly been eliminated a huge amount of this stuff earlier in the re-feeding process.   In both cases, getting rid of this old stuff will almost certainly allow these guys to being gaining healthy weight where they could not before. And we did have a client a few months ago who had a single bowel movement that nearly filled the toilet bowl -- likely an award-winner is such awards existed. As for quantity, we had a client a few years ago who had more than 60 bm's while fasting 11 days.  And she was referred by her colon hydrotherapist, who is also a client.  Clearly, hydrotherapy is not as effective as some folks would have you believe. As for worms, while our virtually infinitely-intelligent bodies will generally look at anything/everything present in our body and will break it down to extract anything which may be useful, every once in a while we'll have someone passing worms.   Last year, within a few weeks of each other, I had two women who each passed a significant quantity of worms, one of them eliminating whole cupfuls at a time. I could say more but frankly, this topic stinks.

there are several possibilities here; it might be that if you weren't aware that this pleasant tickling sensation was true hunger that you wouldn't have noticed it.  It might also be that your body was indeed wanting you to rest and so was not really interested in food at that moment.  The tired organism will choose rest over food unless already starving.  For instance, the male fur seal spends roughly two months fasting during mating season each year and then sleeps before eating. Eating fruit will always provide a burst of energy because we immediately begin to absorb sugar into the blood stream, but this in no way indicates that we needed to eat.   Feeling depleted and thinking about food aren't necessarily good signals as feeling depleted usually means we need to rest and thinking about food can happen for a variety of reasons including when we seek to suppress emotions, are bored, etc.   Frankly, most people have never experienced true hunger and may not until they fast long enough to both create the need for food and learn to really listen to the body. There's no question that one can indeed rely on true hunger to function optimally in physically strenuous situations.  But the key is often getting the body clean enough to be able to both hear and trust it's messages.

+HigherPlanes Hi HP, I do indeed experience "true hunger" and apologize if I wasn't very clear on the video; while fasting, the body will not express true hunger until it actually needs calories or nutrients, which for most people is many weeks as you correctly said above.   But when not fasting, your body would rather eat food than consume it's reserves, (which it stores for occasions when food isn't available) so "hunger" messages are apparent.  Many people may never experience this because their bodies truly want the opportunity to cleanse more than to eat most of the time.

rice high in arsenic, mucous forming

I can appreciate how both cultural traditions, habits, proximity, and the scarcity of other options can make giving up the rice (or other things in other cases) difficult to do.  But there's no question that all grains are significantly sub-optimal foods for humans.  And while you'd like me to ignore the fact that cooking food creates toxins this is a fact which anyone who's been all raw almost instantly knows to be a fact when they eat any cooked food.  Given that this is the case, I'm not sure what other reasons one would need to avoid it.  But rice has other issues including a frequently very high arsenic content and the fact that it's a mucous forming food.    While your relatively small rice consumption (compared to the places where people typically eat 3-6 cups per day) means you are at lower risk of problems associated with its consumption, but if you are interested in maximizing your health, any/all cooked foods would be better avoided.  Namaste.

you need to take hormones (thyroid) if you are deficient, while fasting.

+hyylo That may be a valid formula hyylo, but I would suggest that we would be better served focusing not on alkalinity but rather on hydration and toxicity, two things that we can directly control by giving the body the chance to cleanse and heal and then by meeting it's needs as well as possible via eating correctly and making optimal lifestyle choices. Doing these things insures optimal body pH and plenty of oxygen and without getting hydrated and clean, no amount of oxygen or alkalinity will protect us.

After fasting 21 days or more (assuming it's done correctly,) most folks do not need to worry about eating citrus as they will be unlikely to still have a candida issue. Until then, lemons and limes are no different from other citrus in that they will harbor invisible food mold in the pores of the skin and so handling them without creating an issue is difficult. And yes, brazil and walnuts are fine...though like all nuts should be eaten very sparingly.

I don't recommend using anti-fungals actually. Things that kill anything are toxic and since there is no reason to use them and they are harmful to us, why go there? Give your body the chance to cleanse and heal itself and you will not need anti-fungals.

Sorry to hear that Michelle. It is entirely possible that candida comes back after fasting...same as heart disease, cancer, and every other condition. The key is to make optimal choices after the fast as what happens after the fast depends entirely on the choices one makes.

No one is forced to fast and of course the choices one makes after fasting determine their long-term success. No one is suggesting that fasting alone will allow one to maintain an amazing level of health. It most certainly will not. My clients aren't just sane, they're generally far more intelligent than average. Unfortunately for the average person, sanity alone doesn't allow one to make the best choices. One must be sane and must also have the best information. And frequently in nature, one-size does indeed fit all. One of the few things that every animal species has in common is their propensity to fast when either sick-enough or badly-enough injured. Fasting provides the body -- every body -- with the optimal conditions to cleanse and heal and I don't know of a single time when this isn't beneficial or necessary. And while cannabis oil may kill the cancer, the cancer is Not the problem but rather just a symptom of the problem. Every body develops cancer cells every day. Healthy-enough bodies destroy those cancer cells as they form. A tumor is simply evidence that the body is severely toxic and out-of-balance. Killing or removing the cancer cells whether via radiation, chemo, surgery, or CBD oil in no way changes the underlying conditions of the body, except with the first three, to make the body weaker and more incapable of defending itself. Whether or not CBD oil shares this issue or not I don't know. But I Do know that eliminating the tumor does Not mean that the body is healthy, and it is foolish to pretend or assume otherwise. So whether one chooses to eliminate the tumor using any of the above methods or not, they would be well-served to actually give the body the chance to truly cleanse and heal itself to eliminate the underlying issue of toxicity and imbalance. Failure to do means that the cancer is likely to return...which is why this is exactly what happens so often.